The Story of Qingfeng Village

Chapter 18 Qingfeng Village in Memories 2

Chapter 18: Qingfeng Village in Memories [-]

Li Ying ran into the house and took two tangerines and stuffed them into Liu Jianguo's hands.

"Eat some fruit to make you feel better. Grandpa and Dad are the same. They don't take care of you a little bit. They know that you can't drink and still serve the whole bowl."

Liu Jianguo: "They took good care of me. It's because I can't drink enough."

Li Ying: "You don't know that all these village cadres have a lot of alcohol, and each of them can drink a catty or two. Your drinking capacity is really not enough for them to see."

Liu Jianguo followed Li Ying out of the courtyard and walked towards the pond.

Liu Jianguo peeled the tangerine, gave half to Li Ying, and ate half by himself.

Li Ying: "Don't throw away the peel of the orange. You can boil it in water after drying it to relieve cough."

"Hey, you still know this."

"Rural people are reluctant to spend money to see a doctor. If they have a headache, fever, cold, cough, and minor ailments, they can solve them by picking herbs themselves. Unless it is absolutely necessary, I will ask the husband."

(The rural areas here respectfully call teachers and doctors Mr.)

"In spring, a lot of herbs will grow by the weir pond, such as Houttuynia cordata, Kemao grass, Laizi grass, Guoluhuang, dandelion, mint, perilla...

There are also many on the uphill, there are fern roots, Shouwu, prickly pears... even the roots of thatch can be used as medicine. "

Hearing Li Ying's eloquence, it is like a treasure.

Liu Jianguo praised: "You know a lot."

Li Ying: "Anyone who grew up in the countryside knows this. We know this when we cut pigweed. This is not only a herbal medicine, but also pigweed for pigs."

Talking, the two walked across the dam of the Yantang and came to the big yellow fruit tree next to the village committee.

Liu Jianguo looked up at the yellow fruit tree like a giant umbrella, and saw some red cloth strips hanging on it fluttering in the wind.

There is a small temple built of stones under the tree. In the temple there is a statue carved in stone. There is only one prototype, and it is impossible to tell which Bodhisattva it is.

There are burnt incense wax and paper ashes under the tree.

Li Ying: "This is the Earth Temple. People in the village will come here to pray for blessings and hang red flags, praying for a year of good weather, a prosperous country and a peaceful people, and everything going well for their families."

Liu Jianguo: "Is this a feudal superstition?"

Li Ying: "It shouldn't be counted."

Liu Jianguo: "I always feel that asking for God's blessing is worse than asking for myself."

Liu Jianguo is actively applying to get closer to the organization, so he feels that the awareness of the villagers is low, so he speaks like this.

Li Ying: "That's the way it is said, but there is one side of the soil and the other side of the customs. Villagers have their own ideas and sustenance, which are different from us educated people, and we can't look at it with our way of thinking."

Liu Jianguo wanted to say: "It is because they have this kind of dependent thinking that they don't know how to forge ahead and pin everything on gods and Buddhas..."

But after thinking about it, what is there to argue between the two of us, and it has nothing to do with me, so it doesn't have to spoil the atmosphere.Better go for a walk.

So he changed the subject and said, "Didn't you say there is a school on the slope? Take me to see it."

"Okay, let's go."

Along the dirt road, the two climbed up the slope.

This slope is not high, it looks like a four or five-story building, and it climbs up in a while.

Li Ying said: "Qingfeng Village has a total of six production teams sparsely distributed, and all the children come to school here to receive education.

It took a lot of trouble to build the village primary school.

At that time, there was no school, and children could not go to school to receive education, so they could only suffer from poverty, so they made up their minds to build a village primary school.Several production teams wanted to put Cun Xiaoxiu on their team so that their children could go to school.

Grandpa Li Ying was the captain of their production team at that time, so of course he had to fight for himself.

He specially wrote to Zhu Qingyu for help. They are friends who wear open crotch pants. Although Zhu Qingyu has walked out of the farm, his roots are still here. If there is anything in his hometown, Qingfeng Village, he still needs help.

Hearing that a village primary school was going to be built, he agreed with both hands, and immediately sent a sum of money back to support the education cause in his hometown, and returned it to the township. The township wrote a letter saying that as long as he can help, Never refuse.

For this reason, the grandfather of the Li family triumphantly went to the village and asked for the village school to be built in their production team. He also said that if other production teams paid more than them, he would have no objection.

The other production teams were doing well, but their money was definitely not comparable, so the village primary school fell to their production team.Later, the brigade headquarters of Qingfeng Village also moved to Poxia.

At that time it was called Qingfeng Brigade, but now it is called Qingfeng Village.

Then there is the selection of the school site. Since the place is full of slopes and ridges and there is no flat land, I chose this shorter hillside, mobilized the whole brigade of labor to dig the top of the hill, and then went to the big hillside in the next county to excavate. The bluestone slab was carried back and the school was repaired.At that time, it was all manual labor, which was not easy.My grandfather said that his greatest contribution to being a production team leader was to repair the village primary school, which is something worth boasting about for the rest of his life. "

Liu Jianguo: "Then this school is quite old."

Li Ying: "Yes. My dad's generation was the first batch of students here, and then I, my brother, and many other children came to study..."

Following Li Ying's instructions, Liu Jianguo saw a row of old houses with the words "study hard and make progress every day" written on the walls.

This small village is really simple, with a dam in the middle as a playground, and an earthen platform made of yellow mud in front of the playground, which is bare.

There are five classrooms in a row on the left side of the playground.

The two houses on the right are the principal's office and the teacher's office, and the other two are toilets.

School is already on holiday.The hillside was empty, and there was no one in sight.

The classroom windows had no glass, but nailed wooden frames covered with cobwebs.

You can see inside through the frame.

The classroom is small, with a blackboard, a podium, and twenty or thirty desks.At first glance, it looks like the kind made of wood by the rural carpenters themselves. The desks look neat, but the stools are various and there are a few benches made of bamboo strips.

Li Ying: "It's still the same, nothing has changed."

Liu Jianguo: "The conditions are very poor, very simple..."

Li Ying: "That's not too bad. Do you know what desks my dad and the first batch of people who went to school sat on?"

"What is it?"

"The desks are bluestone slabs, and the stools are dry piles of yellow mud. At that time, there were no tiles, and the roof was covered with thatch. It leaked even when it rained. It was not until later when I went to school that the whole brigade of carpenters was mobilized. , cut down the collectively planted cypress trees, made wooden desks, and then fired a kiln tile to cover them, and now it has been many years, and you can see that these wooden desks have become uneven.”

Liu Jianguo......

Li Ying: "Don't be surprised. Most village schools in rural areas are like this. This is because there are village schools and we can go to school because of universal education, and some more remote places don't have it."

Liu Jianguo was deeply touched. He didn't know what other places were like, but in this place, a small village under their city was so simple.

He didn't know that the difference between urban and rural areas was so large.

It's as big as a century.

(End of this chapter)

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