The Situation of Merchant Killing

Chapter 7 Fu Has Distant Relatives in the Mountains

Chapter 7 Fu Has Distant Relatives in the Mountains

Aoling Company is a company that plans to go public. It will hold two roadshows next month, and large securities firms will form an underwriting group to be responsible for the issuance.In the case of Aoling Company, listing on the five-link board is definitely the most conservative estimate.

At this time, Zhou Jinkun might want to intervene.

"It seems that we are not the only ones who didn't stop during the holidays." As soon as Long Ming knew, Zhou Jinkun was also looking for projects non-stop these days.

"It seems so. Zhou Jinkun is still working hard at such an advanced age."

"Work harder." Long Mingyi told Mi Ming, "It's interesting to fight against such a person."

As soon as Long Ming returned to the lobby of the villa, the family members had already started making dumplings.Watching the party while making dumplings is a joy.

The Shen family is also from the north, and everyone loves to eat dumplings.Long Youfeng played with the dough, making the left part of his face white and the right part white.Shen Yiren's father rolled the leather, and the mother and daughter were in charge of wrapping.

"Brother-in-law, come and help. There are no idlers at home." Shen Yixin just likes to bicker with Long Ming.She is actually the biggest "idle person".

When Long Mingyi first met Shen Yixin, she was still a young girl (15 years old).The two bickered when they met, Shen Yixin was always driven mad by Long Ming's anger.In the blink of an eye, Shen Yixin is now Hua Xinnianhua.

"If you insist on being an idler, then someone should be looking for a job." Long Mingyi took the dumpling wrapper and squeezed out an extremely ugly dumpling.

"Forget it, you won't be able to learn it after many years." Shen Yiren asked Long Mingyi to stop quickly and stop wasting noodles and stuffing.

"Who are you talking about?" Shen Yixin shook the rolling pin, "I just took on two jobs, and after the holidays it's a shoot. One set costs two thousand. Can you do it?" Shen Yixin won an award, and her net worth also increased.

"Your income is really high." As soon as Long Ming was driven away, he had to continue watching TV with Long Youfeng.

The clock struck twelve, and Long Mingyi and his family finished eating the dumplings.Long Youfeng was so sleepy that he fell asleep in his father Long Mingyi's arms.Looking at Long Youfeng's distorted sleeping posture, Long Ming was both helpless and cute, and carried him back to the room.

After a while, Shen Yiren also returned to the room.

"Beibei." Shen Yiren asked Long Mingyi, "What kind of photo is Xinxin looking for? Is it reliable?"

"I think it's fine."

"I'm worried about her."

"Okay, I'll let people watch this shooting." Long Ming smiled and put his arms around Shen Yiren, "Xinxin has grown up, and sometimes she has to let go."

"She's grown up all these years." Shen Yiren said dissatisfiedly: "I don't have a heart at all. Oh, worry about it."

"Don't worry. It's fine."

On the first day of the new year, Long Mingyi and the others had no relatives to leave, but many relatives came to visit Long Mingyi's place.Fu has distant relatives in the mountains, not to mention the very rich Long Mingyi.

Every time Shen Yiren's father, Shen Guangyuan's younger brother, came, Shen Yixin had a smile on his face.The elder sister, Shen Yiren, advised her that we are relatives after all.

"How did he treat us as relatives? He felt that he was from a big city, so he knew how to compare his children with me. Comparing studies, and now income. It turns out that when our family conditions were average, we didn't walk around a few times a year. Come find us now during the holidays.”

Shen Yiren could only shake his head and walk away.

"Shen Guangping and the others are here again!" Shen Yixin really didn't like her second uncle, but she had to go downstairs and sit around.

"Xinxin, how is it after graduation?" The second aunt was asking Shen Yixin's current situation on the surface, but she was actually paving the way for their children.

"Xinxin does some modeling work." Shen Yiren's mother Liu Juan handed over the fruit.

"It's better to find a stable job." When the second aunt was about to start praising her child, she stopped when Long Ming came.

"My niece and son-in-law got rich again this year." The second aunt smiled very joyously.

"It's okay, it's okay." Long Mingyi actually doesn't like socializing very much, but because of the favor of his relatives, he has to exchange a few words.

Shen Guangping was not so discerning, "What's the point of being modest? We Mingyi earned more than one billion a year, it's a 'drizzle'. What's there to be happy about? You are a woman who has never seen the world."

"Only you have seen the world? My niece and son-in-law are capable, hey, my face is also bright, okay?"

At this time, Xu Chen's call "saved" Long Mingyi, who left the hall as soon as he answered the phone with an excuse.

"Happy New Year." Xu Chen called and said these four words.

"You look like you just woke up?" Long Mingyi said.

"You will never guess what I am doing?"

Both Xu Chen and Mi Ming wanted to let Long Ming guess.

"Under normal circumstances, you are absolutely staying at home. But you let me guess, you are definitely leading me to guess that you are outside. How can I let you win? So you are still at home now." Long Mingyi was very sure.

"You really..." Xu Chen was full of disappointment, "You know me too well. But you guessed half right."


"In the afternoon, fly to Coconut Island to bask in the sun."

"Hey, the class reunion in the evening of the third grade of junior high school..."

"I don't care, you found them. Bye."

Shen Yiren came over and asked strangely: "What's wrong?"

"The house girl is on vacation, I hope she has an affair."

Long Mingyi did not return to the living room, but to the study.He is going to find the information of Aolin Company, maybe there will be a breakthrough.

From the fundamental point of view, Oling Company has no problem.But financial investing is more than just fundamentals and technicals.Investment is a process in which a person or team extracts from various changing or temporarily unchanged data and information, and finally obtains a research conclusion.It is very complicated, and it is not simply a matter of buying when there is a good news, and selling when there is a bad news.

Shen Yiren and Shen Yixin also hid in, and they were both sitting on the sofa in the study.Shen Yiren reads magazines with illustrations, and Shen Yixin swipes her phone.

Brushing, Shen Yixin became angry, "Sister, brother-in-law. Shen Yihai is sitting in the yard of your house taking selfies, all of which are posted on Moments."

In the photo, Shen Guangping's son, Shen Yihai, is sitting in the small courtyard of Long Mingyi's villa, taking a selfie drinking coffee and taking it with him to the villa behind.

"Send it." Shen Yiren felt indifferent.

"He also wrote that it was his home." Shen Yixin couldn't be more angry, and commented under the picture: I can take a picture, I take a picture every year.

"Do whatever you want, as long as you don't take care of important things." Long Ming shrugged one by one.

"Brother-in-law, you still don't know this Shen Yihai? Last time he took a picture of your 911, he just walked away for more than a month. Be careful about your house this time."

"When did it happen?" Long Ming thought for a while, and it was rare that he couldn't think of one thing.

"I didn't tell you. Mom asked me." Shen Yiren sighed, "Shen Yihai said he was bragging with his friends that the car belonged to him, so he couldn't get off the stage. The second aunt asked Mom and asked to borrow it for a month."

"Their family is really wonderful." Shen Yixin said.

"Dong dong dong." Someone knocked on the door, and then Liu Juan pushed the door open and entered.

"Mom, why are you so sad?" Shen Yixin asked strangely.

"It's not because of Shen Yihai. This time, the photos of the house were posted on the Internet, and these friends asked him to hold a party here again."

"Have a swimsuit party! These grandchildren will freeze to death." Shen Yixin said viciously.

"No." Shen Yiren frowned, with an angry look on his face. "The car was scratched last time, and I didn't even say a word."

"Lend him." Long Ming said.

"Huh?" Shen Yiren and the three of them all looked at Long Mingyi, not understanding what Long Mingyi wanted to do.

"Shen Yihai won't change himself unless he is humiliated and thrown home once." Long Ming smiled, which made people feel a little flustered.

(End of this chapter)

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