forest developer

Chapter 98 The Great White Eagle

Chapter 98 The Great White Eagle

There is a canyon between the ridge and the forest, about four miles away.The road was covered with weeds as tall as a person, walking in it, and there was no sign of people at all.

The great white eagle has been hovering in mid-air, rising and falling, as if looking for an opportunity to attack.

When he came to the edge of the forest, Ling Zikai did not rush in rashly, but let go of his consciousness to investigate the situation in the forest.

The trees in the forest are not lush, they are all artificially planted, and they are all birch forests.

However, in the east of the forest, there are more than a dozen large oak trees with a height of 40 meters.Those oak trees should be hundreds of years old, with long branches and luxuriant leaves, forming an independent forest within the forest.

Ling Zikai didn't have time to wonder how these ten hundred-year-old trees survived in this mountain forest that had been deforested by humans long ago. His consciousness focused on the two humans who appeared under the oak tree.

The two men were both in their 30s, one tall and one short. Although they were wearing camouflage uniforms, it could be judged from their demeanor that they were definitely not active-duty soldiers.

Among them, the tall man held an old-fashioned earthen double-barreled shotgun in his hand, and kept aiming at the big white eagle hovering above his head.

However, the tall man clearly understood that with the old-fashioned shotgun in his hand, he couldn't shoot down the white eagle in mid-air. The reason why he aimed the gun was to threaten the big white eagle who was waiting for an opportunity to attack him. As long as you dare to come down, I will kill you with one shot.

In addition, the short man took a bundle of rope from a bag that came with him, took a fine iron claw tied to the rope, and aimed it at a branch of the oak tree.

The short man obviously used this kind of tool frequently, whether it was eyesight, power control, or throwing skills, he had mastered it very precisely.The iron claw flew out with the rope, and just grabbed a tree branch about ten meters above the ground.

The short man pulled the rope, felt that the iron claws had firmly grasped the branch, tied the remaining two bundles of rope around his body, then grabbed the rope hanging on the branch, and began to climb up climb.

Ling Zikai looked up in the direction the short man was climbing, and suddenly found a bird's nest built on the top of the oak tree.A small white figure appeared on the edge of the nest, but it was a young eagle that was unable to fly shortly after hatching.

Ling Zikai immediately came to his senses. The two poachers probably didn't want to hunt the great white eagle. After all, it was a first-class national protected animal. If caught by the public security department, they would be sentenced to prison.

Their target should be this young eagle, and they want to capture the young eagle and buy it to those falconry enthusiasts for huge profits.

Previously, Ling Zikai had seen some reports in some news, saying that there are many kinds of people who keep pets in the society. In addition to traditional animals such as cats, dogs, and tortoises, there are also people who keep snakes, mice, crocodiles, etc. Also kept as pets.Some people even set their sights on some rare wild animals.

In some areas in the north, many people play falconry, which is also called protecting traditional cultural heritage.

To say that falconry is really a long-standing traditional cultural heritage.

As early as thousands of years ago, there were records of falconry in China, especially for those peoples who lived on hunting, and falconry was an important part of their daily life.

Ling Zikai once heard from Du Juan that they have a tradition of taming falcons in the Dulunke tribe, and carefully domesticated the captured mountain eagles to become falcons.

Because the falcon's eyesight is very strong, it can also find animals hidden on the ground while flying high in the sky. In addition, the speed of the dive is fast, and the attack power of the pair of sharp claws is powerful.Animals such as mountain rabbits, pheasants, squirrels, roe deer, and goats are difficult to escape once they are found.

When hunting, with the assistance of falcons, you can increase a lot of harvest.

Of course, domesticating falcons is not an easy task.Among the Durenke tribe, there are falconers who specialize in taming falcons.Back then, Du Juan's grandfather was a well-known falconer, and the falcons he tamed once captured more than a dozen wild wolves, causing a sensation in the entire Xing'an Mountains.

With the promulgation of the national policy of banning hunting, many hunting peoples like the Durunk have ended their traditional way of life for thousands of years, and there are no professional falconers anymore.

The current falconry craze is all about casual entertainment.As more and more people join in, the living environment of falcons is seriously threatened. Although the government has issued a decree prohibiting the capture of falcons, there will always be some people who ignore the existence of the law in order to seek excitement.

On the contrary, with the promulgation of the ban, the value of falcons has doubled. In some underground trading markets, the price of an ordinary tamed falcon is tens of thousands, and if it is of good quality, it can reach tens of thousands or even 10,000+.

The high profits have driven some people to take risks and catch falcons wantonly.Because it is very difficult to catch adult eagles, and it is difficult to domesticate them, so these people have focused on the newly hatched young eagles.

But they didn't know that in this way, the harm to the reproduction of the falcon population would be even greater!

Of course, these are not the issues that the poachers consider. What they think about is to try their best to catch the young eagles in exchange for stacks of banknotes.

Take the two poachers in front of me as an example. They obviously set their sights on the eagle's nest on the oak tree a long time ago and made full preparations. It can be seen.

The eagle's nest was built on the top of the oak tree, more than 20 meters above the ground.When the short man climbed up the branch along the rope, he was still more than [-] meters away from the Eagle's Nest.

After standing firmly on the branch, the short man took out a bundle of rope again, grabbed the iron claw tied to it, and threw it at a branch above.

After the iron claws grabbed another branch more than ten meters above his head, the short man continued to climb up the rope.

When he climbed up the branch, he was only four or five meters away from the Eagle's Nest.

The short man had no intention of continuing to climb up. After standing still, he pulled out a one-meter-long plastic pole from his back.After he held the pole and twisted it for a while, the plastic pole slowly became longer. It turned out to be refitted from a fishing pole, and the inside could be stretched freely.

In a blink of an eye, the plastic pole was stretched to a length of more than four meters, and it was already able to reach the eagle's nest.

The short man took out another mesh cover and tied it to the top of the plastic pole, apparently trying to wrap the young eagle into the net cover.

The great white eagle in mid-air obviously also realized that the danger was getting closer and closer to his child, and became a little anxious. The altitude of the hovering was getting lower and lower, and the circle was getting smaller and smaller.

Suddenly, the great white vulture uttered a sharp cry, then swooped down and rushed towards the short man standing on the branch.

No, the Great White Eagle is in danger!
Ling Zikai groaned inwardly, ignoring the gun in the opponent's hand, he rushed into the woods.

However, before Ling Zikai arrived under the oak tree, a "bang" gunshot was heard in his ears.

The tall man had been watching the movement of the big white eagle in mid-air, and when he saw it swoop down, he pulled the trigger decisively when it was about to land in the woods.

At this time, the great white eagle was only more than 50 meters above the ground. Even if the old-fashioned earthen shotgun had a poor range, it still released a lot of power at such a small distance.

Fortunately, this kind of shotgun uses some sand bombs. Although the area shot is large, the lethality is much smaller.

In addition, the speed of the great white eagle's dive was very fast, and the accuracy of the shot was somewhat off target, failing to hit the great white eagle's body head-on.

But the wings of the Great White Eagle were more than two meters wide, so it couldn't escape the flying marbles with such a large area, and its feathers were immediately beaten.

The great white eagle let out a wail. After the spread wings were folded, the body immediately lost its balance and fell from mid-air, falling into the grass outside the oak forest.

"Damn it, I've been staring at you for a long time, and now I finally beat you down!"

After the tall and thin man cursed, he was not in a hurry to check the life and death of the great white eagle, but took out a bullet from his pocket, and while loading the bullet into the gun chamber, he pointed at the short man on the tree Shouted: "Dwarf Sun, move quickly, don't wait for the other white eagle to come back, it's not over yet!"

"It'll be ready soon!"

While responding, the short man carefully covered the fluttering but unable to fly young eagle in the eagle's nest with a net, pulled it out of the eagle's nest, and slowly retracted the pole.

After grabbing the net cover with his hands, the short man patted the young eagle inside lightly, and said excitedly: "Big Liu, I've got it done! Come down immediately."

Then he hung the net around his waist, grabbed the rope and slid down, at a very fast speed, fell from a tree more than [-] meters high and fell to the ground in a blink of an eye.As soon as his feet landed, he didn't even need the rope hanging on the branch, and said, "Big Liu, let's go quickly!"

"Do you think you can escape now!"

A strange, extremely angry voice suddenly sounded behind him.

(End of this chapter)

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