Chapter 84

Yunhai County is located in a long and narrow valley, the area is not too big, it is more than four miles long from north to south, and more than one mile wide.A street runs through the entire county.The houses on both sides of the street are buildings with less than four floors, with a typical northern architectural style.

Although the county is small, it is surrounded by green mountains and green forests, and the prosperity has a tranquil and far-reaching style.

Ling Zikai first drove to a logistics company designated by Professor Lin, and picked up the experimental instruments shipped from BS City.

Then I went to an electromechanical store and bought a ten-kilowatt diesel generator.

I bought [-] kilograms of diesel in plastic barrels at the gas station and filled the pickup truck to the full. Then, under the guidance of Zhang Hao, I came to the building of the Yunhai County Rural Credit Cooperative in the northern part of the county. .

After parking the car in the parking lot in front of the building, Zhang Hao pointed to a window on the east side of the third floor, and said, "The office surnamed Qian is there. Dude, what do you think we should do now?"

Ling Zikai didn't get out of the car either, and looked at the window.I saw it was broad daylight, but the window was covered tightly with thick curtains, and I didn't know what dark things were hidden inside.

As the director of the association, he is considered a figure in Yunhai County.It would definitely not work if he just broke in to trouble him.

Ling Zikai quietly let go of his consciousness, and stretched towards the window.

When he penetrated the curtain and saw the scene in the room clearly, Ling Zikai froze for a moment.

I saw that the office was divided into two parts, inside and outside.The outer room is used for office work; the inner room is used for rest, and a camp bed is placed.

At this time, there were two white bodies intertwined on the camp bed, exercising violently.

Ling Zikai quickly withdrew his consciousness and cursed bad luck secretly.

This guy surnamed Qian is really not a good guy, he actually does prostitution in the office during working hours.

Seeing Ling Zikai's strange expression, Zhang Hao asked, "What's wrong with you?"

Of course Ling Zikai would not tell him what he saw just now, he shook his head and said, "It's nothing, I'm thinking about how to teach that Qian a lesson later."

Zhang Hao suggested: "Why don't we wait for that Qian surname after get off work and follow him secretly, looking for an opportunity to hit him with a sap?"

"Let's sit in the car first and see if there is any chance to make a move."

As Ling Zikai spoke, he quickly calculated in his mind.

If the dirty scene in the room can be disclosed to the public, it will definitely be a good opportunity to discredit that Qian.

However, this person surnamed Qian was the boss of the entire building, without his permission, those subordinates would not easily enter his office unless something urgent happened.

But what urgent thing will happen for no reason?
Do you want me and Zhang Hao to break into his office and catch the adulterer on the spot?

What if after I went in, the dog and the man had already done good deeds, maybe they would be bitten back by the other party.

And that would expose your identity and make people doubt your motives.

The best way is to be able to expose this matter without anyone noticing.

Ling Zikai felt that he was in a bit of trouble. Seeing the time slowly passing by, he was afraid that before he could figure out a plan, his good deeds would have ended.

Ling Zikai looked up at the window on the third floor again.Inadvertently, when he glanced over the row of tall and straight poplar trees planted in front of the office building, he found a beehive built on one of the trees, and he couldn't help but have a flash of inspiration: "There is it!"

Ling Zikai quickly released his consciousness and went straight to the hive.

It was a colony of artificially reared bees that escaped from nowhere, and temporarily built a new home here.

The number of bee colonies is not very large, but for Ling Zikai at this time, it is enough.

His consciousness directly entered the bee colony, found the queen bee in the center, and controlled it before the queen bee could react.Then he rushed out of the hive with it and flew towards the window on the third floor.

Seeing that the queen bee left the nest suddenly, the bee colonies in the hive did not know what happened. After a commotion, they rushed out one after another, and followed closely behind the queen bee.

Ling Zikai brought the queen bee to the window, hovered for a while, and waited for the bee swarm to follow, and then slipped in through the gap in the curtain.

It's also that Qian's surname deserves to be unlucky. Although he covered the window with curtains, he didn't close the window.

The whole bee colony followed the queen bee and got in through the gap in the curtain.

At this moment in the room, the two men had finished their good work, the woman was starting to put on clothes, and the man surnamed Qian was lying on the bed panting with his bloated body naked.

Ling Zikai secretly thought that he came in time, otherwise he would have missed a good show.

Since he wanted to teach him a good lesson, Ling Zikai would naturally not be merciful, and led a swarm of bees towards Qian's body.

The woman first noticed the bees pouring in from the window, and she was stunned for a moment, but when she saw the dense swarm of bees rushing towards her with a buzzing roar, she let out a scream, and she didn't even care about the underwear she was holding. She couldn't dress anymore, and with her lower body exposed, she rushed out the door of the inner room.

The person surnamed Qian didn't know what happened, before he had time to react, he felt a pain in his back and was stung several times by bees.

When he rolled out of bed and saw countless bees rushing towards his body, he was so frightened that he got up and ran out of the room.

Fortunately, he was still somewhat awake in his mind, knowing that he was still naked, so he grabbed a sheet temporarily and wrapped himself up.

Of course Ling Zikai would not just let him go, and continued to lead the swarm to catch up.

Director Qian and the woman saw the swarm of bees chasing after them, so they didn't care about face. After running to the outside room, they opened the door again and ran out, yelling incessantly.

People in other offices in the building didn't know what happened, so they went out to check.

Seeing the woman with her lower body naked, her immediate boss running desperately in the corridor wrapped in a sheet, and a swarm of bees chasing after her, they couldn't help showing surprised expressions.

The woman felt that it was inappropriate to run away with Director Qian, so she turned around and ran to the other end of the corridor.

While running, the one surnamed Qian yelled at the people in the building: "Quick, drive these bees away, drive them away quickly!"

The people in the building looked at each other. Although the bees were small, they couldn't hold up to a huge number, and they couldn't be expelled at all.

There were also some people who looked at Qian's embarrassment, and occasionally showed their ugly bodies from under the sheets, with a faint gloating look on their faces.

Ling Zikai had no grievances with that woman, and when he saw her fleeing in another direction, he let her go and chased Qian alone.

Director Qian ran from the third floor to the second floor, and then from the second floor to the ground floor.Seeing that the bee swarm behind him still did not let him go, he couldn't help feeling hopeless that he had no way to go to the sky and nowhere to go to the ground. When he ran across a fish pond in front of the building, he finally found a way to deal with the bee swarm and jumped into the pond .

It's just that the water in the fish pond was very shallow, and he couldn't submerge himself at all. In desperation, Director Qian had no choice but to lie down, submerged in the water, with only his head exposed.

This method can be regarded as quick wit, those bee swarms chased after the pool, just hovered above, no longer attacking his body.

Ling Zikai saw that he had forced Qian to be miserable enough, and the anger in his heart was almost out, so he let it go as soon as it was good, and after controlling the queen bee to leave the pool with the swarm, he withdrew his consciousness.

Zhang Hao, who was sitting in the car, also noticed the commotion in front of the building. After a closer look, he couldn't help but wondered, "Isn't that person the Director Qian? Why did he jump into the pool?"

Ling Zikai pretended to be equally curious and said: "Who knows, you see he is still naked, maybe he was caught and raped on the bed, and he felt ashamed to see others, so he wanted to jump into the water and commit suicide!"

Zhang Hao sneered and said, "The little water in the pool is too little for bathing, and it can drown people!"

Seeing the swarm of bees dispersed, those people in the building ran to the pool one after another, and hurriedly fished Director Qian out.

Director Qian, whose skin was bruised and swollen from bee stings, was so angry and ashamed that he was so out of breath that he passed out and was carried into the building by the crowd.

Seeing that the show was over and there was no need to stay here, Ling Zikai said, "Let's go!"

Zhang Hao said: "Let's go now? Haven't taught that Qian a lesson yet!"

Ling Zikai said indifferently: "We don't need to act, someone has already vented their anger for us."

Naturally, Zhang Hao would not have thought that Ling Zikai had already made a move in secret, and said with some regret: "I didn't expect an accident today, but it was a waste of time!"

Ling Zikai didn't say much, started the car, left the association building, and drove on the road back to Yunhai Town.

(End of this chapter)

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