forest developer

Chapter 18 Encountering Xiong Wei

Chapter 18 Encountering Xiong Wei
Terrified, Ling Zikai hastily let go of his hand.

But the body of the big black snake had already wrapped around his arm, and the powerful twisting force almost strangled his arm.At the same time, a stench rushed over, and a huge snake head hung from the tree above his head, opened its bloody mouth, and devoured it towards his head.

In a critical situation, Ling Zikai injected the energy of the ancestor god into his arm, resisting the entanglement of the big black snake, and at the same time used the consciousness of the ancestor god to invade the head of the black snake, shouting: "Beast, how dare you hurt me!"

I don't know if the energy or consciousness of the ancestor gods played a role, the black snake slightly loosened its body that was twisted around Ling Zikai's arm.Taking this opportunity, Ling Zikai hastily pulled out his arm and punched the black snake's head at the same time.

The big black snake was quite impressive, when Ling Zikai's fist hit it, it moved its head to the side.But how powerful the energy of the ancestor god is, just the strong wind that radiates out can shake the upper half of the black snake out and hit a tree trunk.

The big black snake in pain seemed to feel that the human being in front of him was not easy to mess with, and retreated, twisting its body and swimming out.

At this moment, there was a sound of piercing through the sky above the forest, and a huge black shadow descended from the sky. When passing by the big black snake, it stretched out its sharp claws, grabbed the three-meter-long snake's body in the air, and then slid With a beautiful arc, it rushed to the sky above the forest.

Due to the sudden appearance of the black shadow and the extremely fast speed, Ling Zikai couldn't see what it was, and only vaguely recognized it as a bird of prey. Its wings were more than three meters wide, and it was probably a vulture. Still vulture.

After experiencing the thrilling scene just now, Ling Zikai became more cautious in the next trip.

After traveling five or six miles, I accidentally found a pile of extinguished bonfires in a forest.

Ling Zikai stepped forward to touch the fire, and there was still a little warmth, which should be left over from the embers last night.

Could it be that the cuckoo has rested here?
Ling Zikai couldn't help but feel refreshed, and carefully checked the surrounding traces, and sure enough, he found some traces of people walking by, and headed towards the east of the mountain stream.Immediately followed the trail to catch up.

Along the way, those traces intermittently seemed to be covering up, but also seemed to show traces on purpose to guide the direction.

After walking for about an hour, the light in the mountain stream gradually dimmed.

Ling Zikai reckoned that it should be getting dark now.There is a cliff ahead, and there is a dark cave at the foot of the cliff.And the traces shown all the way to the entrance of the cave will be lost.

Could it be that the cuckoo hid in the cave?

Walked to the entrance of the cave and looked inside.It's dark inside, and I don't know how deep the cave is.

Ling Zikai released the consciousness of the ancestral god and extended it into the cave.Although it was pitch black inside, one could vaguely see that the cave was more than [-] meters deep, about two meters wide, and taller than a person. It was empty, and there was no danger at all.

Seeing that it was getting dark, Ling Zikai decided to stay overnight in this cave.

He walked more than five meters into the cave, and felt that the inside was getting more and more humid, mixed with an unidentifiable smell, so he stopped going in.In a slightly drier place near the cave wall, I sat down.

From Jiangnan Province to Yunhai and then to Laolinzi, it took two days non-stop. Although Ling Zikai was full of energy, he also felt tired.After sitting down and eating some dry food, leaning against the cave wall, he fell asleep unconsciously.

After an unknown amount of time, Ling Zikai felt something slapping his body in a daze.He opened his eyes in a daze, and felt a tall black figure standing in front of him, he couldn't help being startled, and stood up hastily.

The black figure took a step back in shock when he realized that the other party had moved suddenly, then raised a forearm, and patted Ling Zikai.

Ling Zikai hurriedly dodged to the side, his forearm slapped on the cave wall, and there was a loud "thump", which actually shattered many stones on the cave wall.

Because of the excessive force, the black figure rubbed against the cave wall, his forearm seemed to be in pain, and he let out a strange whine, and took several steps back.

Hearing the other party's strange cry, Ling Zikai immediately came to his senses, he had met a black bear, and it was an unusually majestic pet.

It seems that this cave is the old den of the black bear, and let me break into it by mistake, and I am still sleeping soundly in it.

Ling Zikai didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and tried his best to calm down his panic. He leaned against the cave wall and remained motionless. While holding his breath, he let go of the consciousness of the ancestral god, trying to see if he could control the other party.

When the consciousness entered Heineng's mind, Ling Zikai felt that his thinking was a bit simple.The consciousness of the ancestor god is not omnipotent. In other words, if you want to control the target with consciousness, it depends on the strength of the opponent.For example, it was the easiest to control the bay red horse at first, but later encountered resistance when meeting the big bad wolf. Although it succeeded in the end, it took a lot of effort.

Now meeting a black bear that is several times stronger than the big bad wolf, Ling Zikai's ancestral god consciousness just entered, and he was directly repelled.

Perhaps, when his ancestral god consciousness continues to grow to a certain level, he will be able to control beasts of the same level as black bears.But that's a matter for the future, how to escape the black bear's attack is the top priority right now.

Ling Zikai's first thought was to pretend to be dead. It was said that Xiong Xiazi would not attack dead objects, and if he lay motionless on the ground, he might be able to fool it.However, this is the old den of black bears, so don't expect it to open anytime soon.If the black bear stayed in the cave for four or five days, would he also lie on the ground for four or five days? By then, he wouldn't have to pretend, he would starve to death!
Another way is to hear that as long as a black bear hugs something, it will not let go for a while.After a while, he took off his clothes and threw it into its arms, making the black bear think that he had caught the prey, then turned around and ran away, wondering if he could get away.

If not, he can only use the energy of the ancestor gods to fight the black bear head-on. As for whether he can defeat the black bear, he has no confidence in his heart.

Just when Ling Zikai was hesitating, the black bear shook his head, stood upright, and walked towards him with his bear paw the size of a cattail leaf fan.

Fight it!Back then, Wu Song could kill a tiger with his bare hands. Could it be that he possessed the energy of the ancestor god and couldn't beat a blind bear?
Ling Zikai secretly encouraged himself in his heart.It is said that the strength of a black bear is concentrated in a pair of palms, which can easily snap off tree trunks with a bowl-thick mouth.Naturally, Ling Zikai would not fight it head-on. Before its bear's paw fell, he took a step to the left first, raised his fist to transport the energy of the ancestor god, and punched it in the chest.

With a "thump", the black bear took a punch and backed up a few steps, staggering as if it was about to fall, but finally stood firm, shook its head and rushed forward again.

Ling Zikai was taken aback. His punch with the energy of the ancestor gods could also break a tree as thick as a bowl. Now it fell on the black bear.
Damn it, I don't believe you are Xiaoqiang who can't be beaten to death.

Ling Zikai felt ruthless in his heart, instead of confronting the black bear head-on, he kept dodging around the black bear, and raised his fists to hit it from time to time.

Although the black bear had a strong body, it was not very flexible when turning. After being beaten continuously, it became extremely irritable and roared again and again.

Immediately afterwards, the same roar came from the forest outside the cave.

No, it's calling its companions!

Ling Zikai knew that he couldn't continue the fight, so he saw the opportunity and hit the black bear hard on the head.

Under this blow, the black bear finally swayed and fell to the ground.

Ling Zikai didn't care to check its life and death, so he turned around and ran out of the cave.

Just after leaving the cave, there was a noise from the forest ahead.Ling Zikai hurriedly turned around and hid in a clump of trees not far from the entrance of the cave.

I saw several black shadows of different sizes appearing in the forest, and upon closer inspection, three black bears appeared.

Ling Zikai broke out in cold sweat all over his body, and he dared not even breathe out while lying on the ground, let alone move a little bit.

Fortunately, the three black bears didn't stay outside and went straight into the cave.

Ling Zikai didn't dare to leave immediately, for fear of making a noise and attracting the black bears to chase after him.

Fortunately, I was lucky enough to break back before the gate of hell!If you still stay in the cave now, you probably don't even know how to write the word "death"!

The three black bears did not come out after entering the cave.

Ling Zikai stayed outside the cave for nearly an hour, until the sound of snoring came from the cave, and then he quietly walked out of the thicket.

I don't care about the darkness, and I don't want to distinguish the direction, as long as I can stay away from this bear cave.

Stumbling all the way, the birds in the forest would be startled from time to time, flapping their wings across the night sky, and their cries echoed in the mountains and forests.

As he was walking, Ling Zikai suddenly smelled the smell of barbecue, yes, it was still the burnt smell.

Immediately afterwards, he saw flames appearing in the forest ahead, and a bonfire was raised in an empty field.A tripod stands over the fire, and a fat game bird hangs from the stand.

And beside the bonfire, there was a beautiful figure sitting with its back to him, holding a wooden stick in his hand, constantly turning over the wild birds on the shelf, wasn't it the cuckoo that he was looking for so hard?

Maybe it was because this scene appeared too suddenly; maybe it was because there were too many expectations in his heart. When Ling Zikai saw the beautiful figure, he stood there in a daze and did not step forward.

It wasn't until he saw the other party take off a piece of barbecue and put it in his mouth to chew, his stomach let out a rumbling sound, Ling Zikai struggled to make a sound:
"Can I have a piece?"


Hearing the sound, Du Juan threw away the barbecue in his hand, stood up abruptly, pulled out a dagger in his hand, looked around, and found a figure appearing behind him, who was about to pounce on him with the dagger.But seeing the other party's face clearly under the firelight, the whole person was stunned as if struck by lightning.

(End of this chapter)

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