forest developer

Chapter 10 The Cuckoo Disappears

Chapter 10 The Cuckoo Disappears
However, Ling Zikai, who had just gotten excited, would not listen to her persuasion, and still galloped on the mountain road. Gradually, only a small red dot remained in her sight.

Du Juan was angry and anxious, but helpless.Fortunately, there are few people on the mountain road, as long as the horse doesn't stumble suddenly, there won't be any serious danger.

It wasn't until the county town was approaching, when the number of pedestrians and vehicles on the road gradually increased, that Ling Zikai slowed down the bay red horse. After waiting for a while, he saw Du Juan chasing after him, and said angrily:
"You run so fast, don't die! I won't give you a horse to ride again next time!"

Ling Zikai blurted out with a smile: "Next time, I will raise a bloody BMW myself!"

Du Juan beamed when he heard the words, looked at Ling Zikai and said meaningfully: "I believe you will have a horse of your own!"

Ling Zikai was stunned for a moment, and asked himself in his heart: Will I still come?

When the car drove far away, Ling Zikai looked back and found that Du Juan was still leading the horse, standing at the same place, looking at the car, leaving a long shadow of the sun behind him, looking a little lonely.

Even the bay red horse raised its front hooves and let out a long hiss, as if it seemed to be thinking about it.

Ling Zikai had the urge to get out of the car and go back, but he finally endured it.

When he arrived in BS City, Ling Zikai didn't want to stay too long in BS City because he had something on his mind, so he called Zhang Hao, urging him to go back quickly on the pretext that the company was in a hurry.I have to wait until the next time I come to thank him for his help!

Zhang Hao didn't care whether he was grateful or not, he said that this time you came for a funeral, and the timing was wrong, so he must treat you well when you come next time.

After returning to the provincial capital, Ling Zikai called his mother and told the outcome of the matter.

My mother didn't say anything, just said that when the matter is over, don't think about it anymore.

Ling Zikai started his three-point and one-line life again, and everything seemed to be calm again.

It's just that he didn't know what was going on, Ling Zikai often felt in a trance and felt weak all over. After going to the hospital for examination, no problem was found.

He muttered secretly whether he had sequelae after absorbing the energy of the ancestor god.

A few times, he ran to the forest in the outskirts, closed his eyes for a long time, but he couldn't feel the energy of the ancestor god at all. Instead, it caused the original energy in his body to stir up, and exploded on his body, almost killing him. !
This situation lasted for more than a month, so that I made a lot of mistakes at work and was reprimanded several times by my boss.

Suddenly one day, he received a call from Wu Dashan, the mayor of Yunhai Town, saying that Du Juan was missing!
On the phone, Wu Dashan briefly introduced the situation, saying that Du Juan had gone into the old forest deep in the mountains to dig wild ginseng.

Originally, at this time, it was normal for ginseng pickers to go to the mountains to stay for ten and a half months, and some even stayed for a month.

But Du Juan entered the mountain on the fifth day after Ling Zikai left Yunhai Forest Farm. It has been more than a month now, and the dry food he brought should have been used up long ago, so there is no reason to stay in the old forest.

Moreover, the people who entered the mountain at the same time as Du Juan came back long ago. According to them, they met Du Juan half a month ago. At that time, Du Juan said that he was going down the mountain. How could he not come back now? Obviously What an accident.

Accidents in the old woods are no joke!That's life-threatening.

Wu Dashan's original intention of calling was to inform Ling Zikai. After all, he and Du Juan had a nominal sibling relationship, and he didn't expect him to be of any help.

After hanging up the phone, Ling Zikai's eyes appeared in front of Ling Zikai's eyes as the tall figure at Yunhai Station when he said goodbye, those clear and bright eyes like a pool of clear water, full of pity and expectation, And the long lonely shadow of the sun behind me.

At the same time, a soft voice kept echoing in my ears: Please don't forget your oath!Guard this mountain forever.

Ling Zikai couldn't sit still anymore, there was an urgent voice in his mind urging him to go to the sea of ​​clouds immediately, to find people in the vast forest, because this was his mission!
Because he didn't know how long it would take, he simply resigned from the company.

I called my mother again and told her that I was on a business trip and it would take a long time to come back, so that she should not come to see me for a while.

Mom didn't doubt that it was there, but she just told him to be careful outside and bring more clothes.

Ling Zikai rushed to Baiyun City overnight.He didn't call Zhang Hao this time. After all, he had to rely on himself to find someone in the old forest. Even if the old classmate's father had a lot of energy, he couldn't help much in this matter. He thought about notifying Zhang Hao when he came back. He did it all at once.

When we arrived in Yunhai County, it was just dawn, and we just caught up with the morning bus to Yunhai Town.

When the bus drove into the mountain and hovered on the mountain road, a vast and fresh mountain breath rushed in. They were like welcoming relatives who had been reunited for a long time, which made Ling Zikai's spirit soar. A shake.

At this moment, Ling Zikai felt like a fish that had been stranded for a long time returned to the sea, and his whole body felt extremely comfortable.Looking at the misty, rolling hills and lush forest outside the car, he felt like he was back home.

In a trance, he recalled the dream he had when he first arrived in the sea of ​​clouds, and remembered the words of the white-bearded ancestor god. Perhaps since that night, his soul has been integrated into this thousand-mile mountain, and he can no longer be separated.

When he arrived in Yunhai Town, Ling Zikai immediately rushed to the forest farm to find Uncle Boer.

A person like the old man who has lived in the mountains all his life must know the situation in the old forest very well, and he must have more experience in finding people than ordinary people.It is necessary to ask him for advice before setting off!

Uncle Boer was chopping firewood by the side of the bag. Seeing the dusty Ling Zikai, he was slightly taken aback, and then he showed a kind smile, threw away the ax in his hand, opened his arms, and hugged him warmly: " Kind and brave boy, I know you will come back, because there are people you can't let go of here, and this is your home."

After embracing Uncle Boer, Ling Zikai eagerly asked about Du Juan's news:
"She is a girl, why did she suddenly think of going to the old forest to release the mountains?"

Uncle Boer sighed, and said: "Although the compensation has paid off a lot of debts, it's just that little money is not enough! She wants to try her luck in the old forest, in case she can dig up a few wild ginseng plants , is also a considerable income.”

Ling Zikai felt inexplicably worried when he heard the words, with a painful look on his face.

"Child, relax your worries! Juan girl will be fine, she is the daughter of Dashan, and the great ancestor god will protect her safe and sound." Uncle Boer said comfortingly.

Ling Zikai gritted his teeth and said, "Master Boer, I want to go into the mountains to find her!"

Uncle Boer looked at Ling Zikai in surprise: "Old Linzi is not easy to enter, you are a child who has not entered the mountains before, you will lose your way!"

Of course Ling Zikai knew that after he had the inheritance of the ancestor god, as long as he locked the position, the consciousness of the ancestor god would automatically guide the direction.It can be said that after entering the mountain, the last thing I fear is getting lost.Of course, this is his secret and cannot be revealed. Presumably Du Juan did not tell the old man about becoming a shaman.

Immediately, he persisted and said: "No, I have to go into the old forest! Believe me, I will be able to bring Du Juan out safely."

Uncle Boer didn't know where Ling Zikai's confidence came from. He frowned and pondered for a while before saying, "Okay, since you insist on going, I'll let Su Guoer go with you."

Ling Zikai didn't know who Su Guoer was, but he nodded his head as he thought about how safe he would be with someone else.

At noon, I don't know how Uncle Boer contacted and notified him. The man named Su Guoer came. He was a young man in his early twenties. He was tall and burly, and his face was somewhat similar to Uncle Boer.

Sure enough, Uncle Boer introduced: "This is my grandson, a little eagle who doesn't know when he will be able to fly high in the sky."

Seeing his grandfather belittle himself, Su Guoer protested a little unconvinced: "That's because you don't want to let your young eagle fly, otherwise I would have become an eagle soaring in the blue sky!"

Uncle Boer laughed loudly: "Okay, going into the mountain this time is a test for you, as long as you find your sister Du Juan, I will let you go out."

Su Guoer was overjoyed when he heard the words, and patted his chest to promise to find sister Du Juan.

When he heard that Ling Zikai was going to enter the mountain with him, Su Guoer asked suspiciously: "Have you ever been in the old forest before? Do you know how to walk in the forest so that you don't get lost? Do you know where there may be Is there a pack of wolves? Are there wild boars and blind bears hiding in that forest?"

After seeing Ling Zikai shaking his head one after another, he said with some displeasure, "Then what else can you do when you go into the mountains?"

Then he shouted to Uncle Boer: "Grandpa, I don't want to bring a stupid spore into the mountain, it will become a burden!"

Uncle Boer was really worried about Ling Zikai going into the mountain. He looked at him and said, "Son, why don't you just wait at home and let Su Guoer go into the mountain alone?"

Ling Zikai shook his head, and said resolutely, "No, I'm going to pick Du Juan back in person!"

Su Guoer also stubbornly said: "I said I can't go, I can't go!"

"Okay!" Uncle Boer saw the two arguing, and said to Su Guoer dissatisfied: "Don't forget that you are the son of Dashan, how can you treat a distinguished guest like this! He is also the younger brother of your sister Du Juan in the distance. , My family, is there anything you can't talk about calmly!"

Seeing that his grandfather was angry, Su Guoer didn't dare to say anything, but he still looked at Ling Zikai with annoyed and disdainful eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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