wife's choice

Chapter 99 Give All the Money to Xu Wanqiu!

Chapter 99 Give All the Money to Xu Wanqiu!

I trembled all over and sat up suddenly, still screaming desperately.

"Shen Jie, what's wrong with you?"

The voice next to my ear became clear, it was my wife's voice.

I opened my eyes suddenly, stared to the side, and saw that it was my wife, who was about to strike first, when my wife said, "Are you having a nightmare? I'll give you everything I keep calling, and I can't wake you up no matter what." !"


I panted wildly for a long time, and asked with trembling lips.

My wife put her hands on me, and my body trembled uncontrollably. When I saw her white and tender hands, I couldn't breathe for a while, so I pushed her hard, got up and went into the bathroom.

Ignoring his wife screaming and falling to the ground.

When I calmed down, washed up, and went to the living room to have breakfast, my wife looked at me with an unfriendly expression and rubbed my wrists.

I subconsciously felt scared, and remembered how hard she was when she strangled my neck. I didn't eat breakfast, didn't take my coat, and ran away from home.

In the elevator, my wife was gone, and my heart was a little more stable. I wanted to smoke a cigarette to calm down, but I didn't even have a cigarette on me.

The thin man next door, the director, saw this and handed me a red plum. His fat wife is not here today.

I nodded my thanks, tried to light a cigarette but it didn't work, so he lit it for me.

Taking a deep breath, I felt my heart was no longer trembling.

When we got off the elevator, the people who went in smelled a smell of cigarettes and scolded me and the director for having no sense of public morality, but I didn't bother to pay attention.

When I went to Sister Li to buy cigarettes, I was still in a daze. I didn't even hear her greet me, and I didn't even know if she gave me the money for the cigarettes.

On the way to the company by bike, I almost ran a red light and was hit by a car several times.

Fortunately, he came to the company safe and sound.

Seeing Xu Wanqiu appear, I rushed to her office in a hurry, opened the door roughly without knocking.

She looked at me suspiciously, and I felt much more at ease in my heart.

Before she could speak, I sat down and lit a cigarette with lingering fear. My hands trembled and I didn't light it for a long time. After lighting it, I didn't take a puff.

"What's the matter?" Xu Wanqiu frowned and asked.

"Manager Xu, I...I want to give you all my money!" My voice trembled.

Xu Wanqiu raised her eyebrows, but didn't pick up the words.

I stood up excitedly, leaned in front of her, stared into her eyes, and said solemnly: "I said, I will give you all my money, didn't you hear?"

"heard it."

"Then you won't answer me?"

"Too lazy to answer."


"Your little money."

The corner of Xu Wanqiu's mouth twitched into a slight smile, and said: "It's not enough for me to go shopping once, but you want to hire me with your strength? It's more practical to ask the aunt who cleans the toilet."


I was so teased that I was speechless.

I'm talking to her so seriously, but she actually thinks I'm going to take care of her?And let me take 30 to pay for the aunt who cleans the toilet?
Since when are aunts so expensive?

Xu Wanqiu leaned over to continue working, waved her hand impatiently, and said, "Close the door."

I put my hands over the paperwork she was working on.

Xu Wanqiu raised her head, looked at me with a pretty face, and said, "I don't have time to mess around with you, get out and close the door."

"I'm not fooling around with you, I'm serious, I have 30, and I want to give it all to you!"

"Yo, I didn't see it, you actually have 30?"

Xu Wanqiu folded her hands and joked, "Why did you give it to me? Are you not afraid that I will take your money and run away?"

"I'll give you the money, I'm at ease!"

I told her about my nightmare last night.

Xu Wanqiu knew about my wife and I. Although I told her about my friends, everyone knew it.

I also stopped hiding from her and told what Fan Jun and his wife did recently.

Xu Wanqiu bit her penholder with her red lips, looked at me with beautiful eyes, and said, "You should keep your money for yourself, a dream scares you like this, you are really cowardly."

"I'm not cowardly, I just don't trust them. This dream is a hint that they cheated me of money several times but failed. In case one day I suddenly can't figure it out. You are the only person I trust now. I put the money here , even if I die, my mother has money to live on!"

I tapped the table to remind me of the importance of the words.

I thought, based on my relationship with her, she should help me with this entrustment.

However, Xu Wanqiu said coldly: "Do your own thing, I won't help you raise your mother."

leave the office.

I suddenly didn't know what to do now, and I was so upset!

Pan Ya appeared in front of me again with a sweet smile, and said softly, "Master Shen, can you take me away today?"

I really don't know where Tang Gang got the good fortune to find such a good girlfriend.

I always refused before. Seeing that I was a little hesitant, Pan Ya went further and said that if I take her for a run today, she will treat me to dinner tonight.

After confirming that Xu Wanqiu will not go out today, I nodded and agreed.

Pan Ya was so excited that she couldn't control herself, she kept praising me for being a good person.

I don't care how many times I rejected her before and how much face I gave her back.

This is the first time I have left Xu Wanqiu to run business alone, I also want to try, can I do it without Xu Wanqiu's help.

After all, I learned a lot from her, and I am confident that I can do it easily by myself.

I asked Pan Ya to take me to find a client she couldn't negotiate, and planned to show my skills.

Only after meeting the client did I know how strong Xu Wanqiu is!
Although the customers that Pan Ya faced were not difficult to deal with, such orders did not even reach one-tenth of the sales.

Following Xu Wanqiu, I was used to all kinds of big orders, and I suddenly lost interest in facing this kind of clients.

Appetite increased.

But still treat it as an experience and try to hone it as much as possible.

Who knew that even such a small client whom I despise did not even make a deal.

Pan Ya was very excited, and invited me to dinner, saying that she had learned a lot from me.

The skills of chatting with customers, the pre-preparation work.

She praised even the most detailed signed pens.

I was so embarrassed for a while, and I felt more and more in my heart why Pan Ya was blind and found someone like Tang Gang
When I got home, as soon as I saw my wife, I remembered how fiercely she wanted to kill me in the dream.

Even the most basic perfunctory is difficult to do.

Lying on the bed, I kept my eyes open and dared not sleep. Once I closed my eyes, I remembered the dream of last night.

I waited for my wife to snore slightly before I fell asleep drowsily.
next week.

My wife refused to give up and raised the matter of having a second child every now and then. After being repeatedly rejected by me, she even mobilized my mother to lobby me.

Anyway, as I said, it is impossible to have a second child!

Every night, I wait for my wife to fall asleep before going to bed. My mental state is getting worse and worse. As long as my wife makes any movement, I feel that she wants to kill me and take all my money away!
Xu Wanqiu seemed to be caught up in something important and couldn't take me away, so I was bored and took Pan Ya to run around all day long.

After running for a week, there was nothing to gain, only the first day's list was completed.

I'm actually not that disgusted with Pan Ya. After getting along with her for a week, I think she's pretty good, and I want to teach her something.

After work this day, Pan Ya took me to a barbecue stand that I hadn't eaten in a long time.

"If you want to run a good list, it's actually very simple, just need to."

Before I could finish speaking, my phone rang.

I took it out and took a look. It was my wife and Fan Jun who were chatting again.

"I think Shen Jie may be determined to divorce me. During this time, no matter how I seduce and take the initiative, he refuses to have a second child with me, and he can't get any money. It's really annoying! "

"Honey, I always feel that something is wrong, as if he knows everything, let's meet and talk!"

(End of this chapter)

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