wife's choice

Chapter 86 Bait the Wife!

Chapter 86 Bait the Wife!
My wife didn't reply to Fan Jun for a long time, I guess it might be because I was at home.

Fan Jun sent another WeChat message to his wife.

"Honey, we haven't seen each other for a long time, why don't you just come out and let me see you, okay? It's no fun to look at photos all day long, there is no temperature at all, you are such a beautiful woman, you shouldn't put yourself Trapped in the house!"

It also has a sad expression attached.

"Not for now, Shen Jie is in the living room, I have no excuse to go out, let's talk about the problem just now, do you think he noticed something?"

"I guess he noticed it. The coffin you cheated on has only been used for less than a month. He will definitely be suspicious."

"It shouldn't be, I always secretly find old things to get money without telling him, oh yes, could it be that when I bought clothes for old things before, I also bought more than 1000 clothes, and he gave them money?" Found?"

"It's possible! So, dear, it's a bit difficult for you to cheat money from Tongtong with medical expenses now. Let's meet up and think of a new way."


The wife hesitated.

There was no reply for a long time.

When Xu Wanqiu taught me how to catch evidence, she said that when the bait is cast down, and the bait is lifted occasionally, the fish cannot be shocked, and the fish cannot know that it is bait!
Since my wife is hesitant, I will create some opportunities for her appropriately.

I put away the phone and walked into the room. When my wife heard my footsteps, she hurriedly stuffed the phone under the pillow, looked at me vigilantly, and said, "What are you doing?"

"Oh, I'm here to change clothes. I had a day off yesterday. I suddenly have money. I feel uncomfortable when I'm idle. I want to go for a ride in the evening, and I can earn a little money. It's not bad."

After I changed my clothes, I transferred [-] to my wife before going out, saying it was for this month’s household, and if it wasn’t enough, tell me.

The two thousand is to carry the bait, so that the wife, the fish, can't help but bite!

I went to the canteen to buy cigarettes from Sister Li, and I didn't stay long. I rode an electric bike and found a corner near the community, and I could still see the people entering and leaving the community.

I squatted and smoked, watching my wife chatting with Fan Jun on the phone.


Everything is just as Xu Wanqiu imagined, fish need stimulation.

Not long after I came out, my wife sent a message to Fan Jun, telling him that I was going out to drive.

I didn't say much else. When Fan Jun saw the opportunity, he stalked him in all kinds of ways. He insisted that his wife go out to meet him, and talk about how to cheat the money from me.

His wife didn't reply for a long time, and Fan Jun was so anxious that his wife suddenly sent him a photo.

It turned out that just now my wife deliberately took a shower and changed into clothes that showed her figure.

Is it
Is there a chance to catch the evidence of this dog and man today?
I can't tell what it feels like.

very excited.

At the same time, it's sad.

That's the woman I've loved deeply for five years and even gave birth to a daughter for me!

Even if I remind myself time and time again that I want to break up with her, how can it be so easy to take it back?

My eyes were flushed, I wiped my eyes, and looked towards the gate of the community. My wife and Fan Jun had made an appointment, and she was about to go out.

Five minutes later, the beautifully dressed and sexy wife came out of the community gracefully and gracefully.

That tall figure, even from a long distance, I could tell it was her at a glance!

I slammed the cigarette on the ground, stomped it out, stepped on the electric car, and hung far behind my wife's taxi
When I arrived at the place that my wife and Fan Jun had made an appointment with, I never thought that it would be a coffee shop.

They have been stared at by me for so long, don't they think about stealing?
At first, I thought it was some kind of private place, but when I saw the coffee shop, I lost interest, and I was not interested in knowing what the two of them were discussing.

However, thinking that these would be used as evidence in the future, I went to the restaurant across the street and secretly took photos of the two of them meeting with my mobile phone.

I don't know if they knew that I was secretly filming and chose a corner on purpose.

I could only photograph my wife, while Fan Jun was completely covered by the curtains. If I hadn't known it was him in advance, I wouldn't have been able to determine who the person sitting opposite my wife was!
The photos taken are not clear and the distance is too far.

Gritting my teeth, I sneaked into the coffee shop and observed them secretly, but I don't know if this coffee shop was designed on purpose. I was very careful to get close to the three seats away from my wife and the others. Not only could I not hear anything, even Neither of them can be photographed.

If you want to take a clearer picture, you have to sit across the aisle from them, but then you will be discovered.

Just when I was concentrating on thinking about how to take photos and leave evidence, a voice sounded, which shocked me a lot!

"Hello sir, what coffee do you need!"

The waiter in the coffee shop suddenly appeared in front of me.

The phone in my hand was also frightened and fell to the ground. The screen was already cracked, but now, it just turned off.

Fearing that my wife would find out, I picked up the phone and kept shaking my hands at her nervously. I lowered my voice and said urgently, "I don't need it for now."

"Uh, sir, I'm sorry, if you don't spend money, we don't allow outsiders to enter at will."

Although the waiter said with a smile, his tone was eccentric, full of contempt, and attracted the attention of the other seat.

I was furious, even if there is no compensation from my father, I can drink coffee here casually with the money I paid for the driver.

Who is this looking down on!
Suppressing my anger, I took a sneak peek at my wife's seat, just as I wanted the waiter to serve me a cup of coffee, when suddenly my wife got up.

I was so frightened that I quickly lowered my head and walked away like a thief, not daring to turn around for fear of being seen by my wife.

Xu Wanqiu said, don't startle the fish!

Otherwise, all previous efforts will be wasted!
Ignoring the waiter's contempt, I rushed across the street and secretly observed the coffee shop.

The wife didn't come out and I'm not sure if she noticed I was following her
I smoked almost half a pack of cigarettes across the street, and it was very late, and my wife hadn't come out yet, so I thought about eavesdropping again.

As soon as we left, my wife came out.

I immediately shrank back, scratched the wall, only exposed my eyes to observe, and wanted to take a picture with my mobile phone, but found that the mobile phone was completely broken.

But my wife got out of the coffee shop and took a taxi directly. I was a little confused.

What about Fan Jun?
Why doesn't he come out?
I kept staring at the coffee shop. Although it was far away and I couldn't see very clearly, I could still recognize Fan Jun's figure at a glance. I didn't see a man with a similar figure coming out, only a tall and strong man. A strong man came out two steps behind his wife, and the two did not communicate with each other.

Is it
The two of them have already made an appointment to open the house?

Before I had time to think about it, my phone was broken, and if I couldn't keep up with the taxi, I would lose my wife's position and miss the perfect opportunity to catch the rape.

I quickly got on my electric bike and chased after him.
(End of this chapter)

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