wife's choice

Chapter 62 Shen Jie, where did you hide my wife?

Chapter 62 Shen Jie, where did you hide my wife?
I didn't yell or roar, I just said these words lightly.

The wife suddenly turned pale with shock!

Just as she was about to speak, I hung up and turned off the phone.

No matter what she wants to say next, I don't want to hear it, and I don't want her to wake up Zhou Yi. I just want to guard Zhou Yi quietly.

Put aside the friendship between us, and some unexplainable feelings.

Zhou Yi is now a wounded woman, her man is still flirting outside
this night.

Zhou Yi hardly fell asleep, the pain from the wound was tormenting her all the time, but she was biting the pillow tightly with her silver teeth. Even though the pillow was wet with tears, she refused to snort, and deliberately turned her back to me, not wanting me to see her hurt Cowardly side.

The cold little hand tightly grasped my hand, the pain made her hand tremble and sweat.

The nails were sunk into the palm of my hand, and there were scars one after another on the back of my hand.

I was in pain too, so I gritted my teeth and didn't groan. All I could do was to accompany her silently. If I yelled again, she wouldn't even have a way to vent her pain.
It wasn't until dawn that she slowly fell asleep in the torment of pain.

Zhou Yi cried all night!
I carefully covered her with the quilt, walked out of the ward lightly, and came to the nurse's desk. There was no one there. I was so anxious that I turned around to leave when I accidentally bumped into a nurse.

"In a panic, what happened?" the nurse said with a slight frown.

Although she is wearing a mask, I remember her eyes are very unique, the corners of the eyes are slightly upward, and there is a mole of tears, but they are very charming, and people can't help but want to stare at her eyes.

It was the nurse who called me a scumbag yesterday.

There was a trace of fatigue in her eyes.
I hurriedly told her to help me watch Zhou Yi for a while, and call me if there is anything, I went outside to buy some porridge, etc. Zhou Yi hadn't eaten for almost a day and a night.

I cried all night again last night. Although I can't eat after the operation, I'm afraid she won't be able to hold on.

When the nurse heard that I asked her to watch for her, she gave me a gloomy look with beautiful eyes, and when she learned that I was buying porridge, her face softened a little, and she agreed.

There are in the hospital cafeteria. I was afraid that I would not get enough nutrition, so I ran a long way to buy the porridge shop that my wife likes to eat on weekdays. I ate a bowl and packed a bowl to take away.

I haven't eaten for a long time. Although I have no appetite, I still take a few mouthfuls. If I collapse again, no one will be able to take care of Zhou Yi.

Looking at the time, my wife should have sent my daughter to kindergarten by this time, so I hurried home and took some of her clothes.

I know they have different bodies, but I can't go to Fan Jun's house to pack Zhou Yi's clothes, as for buying
I have almost no money on me, and besides, I am a little embarrassed to help her buy it.

I hurriedly came to the canteen and asked Sister Li to bring me two new sets of toiletries, and a few more packs of cigarettes by the way, all of which were put on the account, and I will go to check out in two days.

Seeing that I was in a hurry, Sister Li looked flustered, and asked me if my family members were hospitalized?

I nodded awkwardly and said yes.

He took his things and rushed to the hospital.

I'm afraid that Zhou Yi didn't see me the first time she woke up, thinking that even my last friend abandoned her, how uncomfortable she must be
When I arrived panting with my bags and bags, Zhou Yi hadn't woken up yet, so I breathed a sigh of relief.

Seeing that I was carrying so many things, the nurse helped me tidy up very considerately, but she scolded angrily: "If you cared so much about your wife earlier, you shouldn't have done that kind of thing. Let's make up for it now." What is the use?"

"Yes, yes, nurse, you are right. It is all my fault. I will not do this again in the future." I admitted my mistake with a smiling face.

It's also for Zhou Yi's good, so it's nothing to say a few words.

Maybe the nurse saw that I was a big man taking care of a woman, and felt that it would be inconvenient, or something she didn't understand. Before leaving, she suddenly said: "Add me on WeChat, if you have anything to ask me."

"Okay, thank you."

I'm a little confused, isn't there a nurse outside 24 hours a day?

But still added her WeChat in a daze.

The profile picture is a black and white artistic photo of herself, with curly shoulder-length hair, nodding slightly, long hair covering half of her pretty face, fingers on her red lips, and a seductive smile on the corner of her mouth.

The tear mole at the corner of the eye gives the whole photo a soul.

The name has only one word 'Qing'.

After scanning the QR code, she suddenly grabbed my hand and said, "Why did your hand hurt like this?"

I didn't explain it, but she also noticed that normal surgery would be painful after anesthesia, not to mention that Zhou Yi didn't even have anesthesia, that kind of pain is not something ordinary people can bear.

She went out for 1 minute and then entered the ward again, holding a tray in her hand, and asked me to sit down.

After I sat down obediently, she held tweezers and cotton balls in her hand to disinfect the wound on my hand, and then gently bandaged it.

It was very painful during disinfection, but I didn't even frown. She gave me a surprised look.

"It's kind of masculine."

She nodded and said, "Okay, move your hands and see."

I clenched my fist, and my hand felt much better. I smiled and said, "The bandage is very nice, thank you hiss."

There was a sharp pain in my elbow, which made me gasp involuntarily.

Nurse Dai frowned and glanced at me, rolled up my sleeves, and rolled them up to the elbow position and could no longer go up, so I had to cut off the sleeves.

Seeing that the elbow was red and swollen, the nurse snorted and mocked: "My wife ran out to fight even when she was hospitalized, and she didn't see a doctor when her hand was injured like this. I can't see that you are very stubborn."

I scratched the back of my head in embarrassment, but didn't explain that my right hand fell from my bicycle yesterday.

As for the fight with Fan Jun, I wasn't hurt too much, but my clothes were dirty, the corners of my mouth were swollen, and my face was bruised and purple.
The nurse asked me to take a picture to see if the hand was broken. She and I left. If Zhou Yi woke up, no one would take care of her.

I gritted my teeth and showed her that my hand was definitely not broken, it was just swollen.

The nurse looked at Zhou Yi on the hospital bed and understood me. She invited a doctor to diagnose me and said that it was just a swelling, and the infusion would be enough to reduce the inflammation.
I insisted on not infusing, and it was inconvenient to take care of Zhou Yi.

The nurse has been busy all morning, helping me bandage and give me small injections to reduce inflammation, and the medical expenses will be settled when I leave the hospital. It is already lunch time after the busy work.

When she left, I kept saying thank you and asking her name.

I still don't know what her name is.

Her name sounds nice, Su Qing.

After she left, I sat on the edge of the bed and wanted to close my eyes for a while. I haven't closed my eyes since last night.

"Dong dong dong."

There was a knock on the door, and I got up to open it.

Su Qing had already changed into her regular clothes, and she came here to tell me that I could call the nurse if I needed something, and the nurse would call her when she was busy.

It turned out that she was off work this morning.

I apologized and thanked her again. When I was about to close the door, there was a roar of curses in the corridor.

"Shen Jie, I'll fuck your mother, come out to me you bastard, where did you hide my wife!"

(End of this chapter)

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