wife's choice

Chapter 47 Disguise!

Chapter 47 Disguise!

My heart trembled suddenly, and I let Xu Wanqiu hold my hand.

Feeling the heat in my throat was unbearable, I swallowed hard and struggled in my heart for a long time, then I turned my head stiffly and asked, "What did you say?"

No one can refuse her request.

Of course, this includes me too.

For a moment, I was so hot that I was afraid of doing something wrong, so I quickly pushed her hand away and turned to go out.

"help me."

These words immediately made me stiff all over, and my original firm footsteps also stopped.

"Help me remove makeup"

Can you not be so out of breath next time you speak!
I patted my chest and let out a long breath, but for some reason, I felt an unspeakable sense of loss in my heart.

Maybe I'm also looking forward to something
According to Xu Wanqiu's instructions, I entered her boudoir, without daring to take a look, I randomly picked up the things on the dressing table and left in a hurry.

Just like being a thief.

There were a lot of things, and it took me a long time to find the makeup remover and cotton pads she was talking about.

With trembling hands, I slowly reached out to her pretty face that was perfect in my eyes, and removed her makeup very gently, for fear of hurting her.

Slowly, Xu Wanqiu's pretty face without makeup appeared in front of her eyes.

Looking at her, I thought of my wife.

I used to be so gentle to help my wife remove makeup.

Feeling that I didn't make a move for a long time, Xu Wanqiu frowned slightly, and said inarticulately, "Wash my face for me."

If she hadn't vomited so darkly just now, she wouldn't be able to speak clearly now.

I simply suspected that she was awake and asked me to wash her face on purpose.I helped her up from the sofa, put one hand on my shoulder, and suddenly, a faint fragrance hit.

I stroked her small waist with trembling hands, helped her into the bathroom, and helped her wash her face.

When I stroked her pretty face with my hand, deep in my heart it was a lie to say that I had no idea, I panted heavily, I finally helped her wash her face, and was just about to help her out
"I haven't washed my feet yet"

I stared at Xu Wanqiu sharply.

That's enough.

After taking off her makeup and washing her face, now she wants me to wash her feet?

I followed her words and looked at her white and tender feet.

Even if I am not a foot control, I was attracted by her feet.

My hand tremblingly reached out to her feet, and when I was about to touch her feet, I reacted suddenly, put her back on the sofa, and left her home in a hurry.

Didn't hear what she was saying.

When I came downstairs, I took out a cigarette and put it in my mouth. My hands trembled and I didn't light it for a long time.

After lighting it, he took a deep breath, and his surging heart calmed down a little.

For a stunner like Xu Wanqiu, if I hadn't always had a bottom line in my heart, I wouldn't cross it, if I hadn't always regarded her as a benefactor.

Maybe I will.
When I got home, my wife was already asleep.

I took a shower in the bathroom outside, and washed my clothes before entering the room. Now she is making a fuss about me having a woman outside, and she will be passive when she finds out that I smell like Xu Wanqiu.

Lying beside my wife, sniffing the faint smell of her body, Xu Wanqiu's dimpled smile appeared in my mind.

That night I lost sleep again.

Before dawn, I got up to wash up, shaved my beard clean, and looked energetic.

I seem to be looking forward to going to work.

I used to go to work as much as I could, and I never got up so early.

I made her daughter her favorite breakfast, and then gently woke up my wife.

While eating breakfast, I was smiling and talking to my wife.

My wife looked back at me in a daze, and she glanced at my mother suspiciously, who also shook her head.

They couldn't figure out why I had such a sudden change.

Xu Wanqiu's words woke me up. If I want to catch evidence of my wife, I must first numb her and let her relax my vigilance before I have a chance.

If I was nagging all day long and wanted to catch the rape, my father's compensation would not be able to let my wife get away with it.

My wife mentioned the medical expenses again in front of me, and my mother said to go after eating.

"Zi Qing, how about waiting two days?" I asked.

"Why?" My wife asked with a sneer and shook her head, looking at me with such an expression.

"Tongtong's illness does not have much effect in a day or two. I will work hard and run a few more orders this month, and I will get more than before. I will complete the performance of [-] yuan, and there will be commission. I will give you all the money, and you can take it to see." I explained with a smile.

The wife's beautiful eyes lit up, and she asked coldly, "Do you not want your daughter to recover from her illness, or do you want to hang out with your coquettish vixen boss all day long?"

As for my wife repeatedly mentioning Xu Wanqiu, I don't want to ask her why she knows, anyway, I can't ask the result.

My mother was afraid that we would quarrel again, so she told me not to talk, and she took the money later.

I patted my mother's hand, signaling her to rest assured.

"Zi Qing, where did you say you are? I will work hard to give you, mother and daughter a happy life!"

"Are you serious?"


My wife looked at me hesitantly, and didn't force my mother to pay more for medical expenses, just buy enough for this month.

Before I took the bag and went out, I told my mother not to sell sweet potatoes after this month. From now on, everything in the house will be handed over to me.

As before when nothing happened, I hugged my wife tenderly and kissed her forehead. She looked at me in astonishment and smiled and waved goodbye to her daughter.

The moment the door closed, the smile on my face turned cold!
When she is caught and raped on the bed by me, I'm afraid she will be more surprised than she is now.

I don't feel any guilt in my heart, I just use the same method as hers to numb everyone!

When my neighbors accused Sang and scolded Huai again, I didn't pretend not to hear, and even smiled at them.

With a small amount of money from Sister Li, I bought a pack of red plums and a pack of Zhonghua.

Face is also very important for sales, it is a symbol of strength.

When Xu Wanqiu took me to find the middle-aged man, and when she saw me take out the Zhonghua, she nodded approvingly.

next week.

I get up early and stay late every day, actively running performances with Xu Wanqiu.

When my daughter was out of school, I went to watch her daily changes from a distance, and I didn't see the man the teacher was talking about.

Every day, I cook all kinds of breakfast for my daughter that she likes, and become more and more gentle with my wife. Every day when I go out, I will hug and kiss my forehead, and when I come home, I will say that my wife has worked hard.

He was more caring and caring for her than before.

I can't bear to let her do anything, and I will take care of everything.

Gradually, my wife let go of some doubts and told me that we will live a good life together in the future.

Our family of four has rarely become happy again.

However, the wife doesn't know why I don't want her to do it
Xu Wanqiu said that everything my wife does and says on weekdays can be evidence, and what I am doing now is to collect her evidence!
Although the progress is not much, I am very motivated when I think that I will be able to divorce soon and let my wife leave the house!

I also quietly borrowed some money from my mother, bought surveillance video, put it in our bedroom, and bought a tape recorder, put it in my wife’s pillow, and connected it to my phone.

As long as she dares to call Fan Jun home again, I guarantee [-]% that she will be caught!


After staying for more than a week, the middle-aged man who got Xu Wanqiu drunk last time finally signed the contract.

When I held my contract and watched Xu Wanqiu record it into the computer, although I was very happy, it was far less excited than when the strange number on the phone called me
(End of this chapter)

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