Chapter 95
The tram was running along the two narrow rails "cracking" and there were not many passengers in the short and thick carriages, and everyone was drowsy.Liu Xiaonan sat on a wooden table and chair, looked out of the car window, tried her best to empty her head, and didn't think about anything.

Snowflakes fluttered on the car window like moths, and there was a layer of fog inside, and the outside of the car window was blurry, and nothing could be discerned clearly.

There are always unbearable burdens, Yue Xuelian is not Gu Yu, her inner world is too fragile and sensitive.Liu Xiaonan didn't regret categorically refusing her to stay, any ambiguous hint or hope might cause her harm.

The female conductor feebly reported the name of the station. Few people got on the train, but many got off.In the dark night of the snowy day, Liu Xiaonan secretly observed the hurried passengers.Get on and off the car, there are places to come and places to go, everyone has their own destination.

After getting off the tram, there is still a long way to go.Snowflakes like goose feathers were still flying all over the sky. Liu Xiaonan held an umbrella and stepped on the thick snow, walking unhurriedly.

When it snows, the temperature rises, and even walking at night does not feel particularly cold.The soft snowflakes splashed on the face, and they melted into water droplets in a moment, refreshing and cool.The snow under the feet is thick and soft, and it is as if there is nothing to step on, and there is no "creaking" sound like in severe winter.

When the snow melts, the weather will suddenly turn cold again, and the change of warm and cold is always inadvertent.The weight of the umbrella continued to increase, Liu Xiaonan put down the umbrella and shook it, the snow that fell turned into clouds of snow mist, and fell on his face one after another.

Back in the dormitory of the textile factory, the workers who were catching up with the night shift walked out of the dormitory building one after another.Liu Xiaonan stood on the steps in front of the dormitory building, stamping her feet vigorously, shaking off the snow from her shoes, and greeting the familiar staff.

The aunt who managed the dormitory warmly poked her head out of the small window to greet him and handed him a letter.

Familiar fonts and addresses.Liu Xiaonan excitedly went upstairs and returned to her dormitory two steps at a time.Regardless of taking off the somewhat damp coat, he just dried his hands with a towel, tore open the envelope and unfolded the letter paper, and buried his steaming face on the letter paper.

Xiaonan: Hello!
First of all congratulations on another great success.At that time, dozens of our classmates from different counties and cities were gathering to watch TV news. A cultural news made our fellow villagers in Bincheng more than a dozen proud.

I jumped up excitedly, pointed to you who was talking on TV, and announced to them loudly: He is my little brother from the countryside.

Frankly speaking, facing the media camera, you are still a little reserved, and you haven't let go completely, but fortunately you make up for this with your sincerity.The good news is that you are much more mature and stable than before, and your language is fluent, clear, organized and composed.

I have witnessed your growth step by step with my own eyes, and watched you step by step towards success. I am sincerely happy and proud of you.

I have every reason to believe that you will create one miracle after another in your future life journey.

Just one thing, I beg you, don’t be in front of the media, don’t be in front of the public, talking about the so-called little girl who gave you a dream, even though you didn’t say her name.I'm so ashamed, my heart is turbulent, I don't deserve to occupy such an important place in your heart.

That little girl is just an illusion woven by yourself, you should come out decisively, pursue your own real dream without distraction, and don't be held back by the illusion any longer.

Despite the pain and conflicts in my heart, I still want to tell you frankly: I am in love, and my relationship has a new destination.You know that man, even though you haven't seen him.He was also excellent, and out of the blue, I was caught in a passionate emotional vortex.

Perhaps, a new relationship will help you get rid of the sadness in your heart.I don't know why I walked into another relationship so quickly.

I can hear your heart.However, the decisive factor cannot be changed.That night when you sent me on the train, I burst into tears just like when I left Liuzi Street that year.

As you said, how nice it would be if you could turn back time and stay in your teenage years forever.

After all, everyone has to grow up, fall in love, get married, start a family of their own, and face many difficult practical problems.Reality controls everything about us. We have no ability to change reality, and sometimes we have to compromise and bow to reality.

Facing the cameras of the media, you said that you once loved me deeply, and having you is enough to comfort you for a lifetime.This is also the voice of my heart, and this is a manifesto with a clear conscience to the world.

I can't imagine, in the days to come, whether I can still love like this, pure like the washed sky, deep like the blue sea.

As I wrote these words, I couldn't help crying again.Sadness is unavoidable, but fortunately we are still young, and the footsteps of youth will always overcome the obstacles of pain and take strong and powerful steps.

I have my career, you have your pursuit, we have no time to wallow in grief and pain, we all need to move forward lightly.

Wipe away your tears and think about it, why should you be sad if you have loved deeply?Love will not be lost, love will not die, it will just be transformed into another form, you will always be my cute and fun little brother in the countryside.

In the future, we will work together and share each other's happiness and happiness.Hiding all the good things in your heart, wouldn't it be the same as returning to your pure youth?
I have a proposal, you write down our love story as a permanent memorial.

In the future, no one will bully you by your ears, and you will only have one more big sister who cares about you. You should be happy, right?I hope that when we meet again, I can see your calm smile.

I wish you an early realization of your dreams!

Gu Yu
The night of November [-], [-]
A string in my heart suddenly broke, and there was a roar of "Zheng".The body fell, but the heart floated upwards. Liu Xiaonan stood dumbly holding the heavy two-page letter paper, unable to tell whether it was painful or relaxed.

He carefully and slowly refolded the two pages of letter paper, stuffed it neatly into the envelope, and placed it on top of the books that Gu Yu left him back then.

In the evening of the next day, Yue Xuelian prepared the meals and served them on the table, before Liu Xiaonan walked into the house.Yue Xuelian just wanted to ask why she came so late today, but she saw Liu Xiaonan's complexion was gloomy, her eyelids were swollen, her eyes were bloodshot, her head drooped and she couldn't lift her spirits.

She asked with concern: "Brother, did you go back with the heavy snow last night and fell ill from the cold?"

Liu Xiaonan smiled bleakly: "I'm not sick, that little bit of snow won't make me sick."

Yue Xuelian checked Liu Xiaonan's expression: "You look wrong, you must be sick. I'll accompany you to the hospital for a checkup after dinner."

Liu Xiaonan sat down at the dining table, wolfed down a few mouthfuls of rice, raised her head, and said to Yue Xuelian, who was still paying attention to herself while holding a bowl of rice, "Don't worry, I'm really not sick, maybe last night Didn't sleep well."

After a pause, he put down his rice bowl and said, "Gu Yu and I are completely over, and I feel a little uncomfortable."

Yue Xuelian stood up and said, "I'm going out to buy some wine. Two sad people drink away their sorrows, so let's get drunk."

Liu Xiaonan waved his hand and said, "It's better not to drink. You can't do anything after drinking. We still have important things to do."

Yue Xuelian sat back on her seat and said with relief: "This is the senior brother in my heart. Only if you can afford it and let it go, you will show your true qualities as a man."

While eating, Liu Xiaonan talked to Yue Xuelian about his latest idea for the ending of the script.It only deals with it implicitly, and does not explicitly express whether the two juniors are in love with each other, leaving enough room for the audience to imagine and think.

Yue Xuelian read the draft at the end of the script, and finally showed a satisfied smile.He was not overwhelmed by the pain of broken love, but inspired his creative passion and ideas. The ending of the script was unexpected and reasonable.

In the next few days, the two re-examined and revised the script.After twenty days and repeated revisions three times, the script was finally completed within the agreed time limit. Liu Xiaonan decided to go to the provincial capital to deliver the script to the director.

Considering that the director will have his own considerations, and the script may have to be revised repeatedly, Liu Xiaonan will stay in the provincial capital for a while.Yue Xuelian issued a letter of introduction from the school for him, prepared a brand new dental kit, towel, soap, shampoo, and [-] catties of national food stamps.

Liu Xiaonan was going to take the night train that Gu Yu took, and the script could be handed over to the director the next morning.The night before leaving, Yue Xuelian carefully cooked four dishes and bought two bottles of beer to see Liu Xiaonan off.There is no feast without wine, but you can't be greedy, as long as you have a little meaning.

Liu Xiaonan opened the beer bottle cap with the tip of the chopsticks, using her fingers as a fulcrum and the chopsticks as a lever, pried hard, and with a bang, the beer bottle cap flew into the air.He reached out to catch the bottle cap, filled a glass for Yue Xuelian first, then filled a glass for himself, sat down and looked at the four dishes on the table, picked up the chopsticks and said: "You don't need to taste it, you will have an appetite just by looking at it. Eat these days The dishes you cook are not good to eat in the cafeteria."

Yue Xuelian picked up the wine glass and said: "It's not easy to hear your praise. Come on, brother, I wish you a smooth journey and complete success."

Clink glasses and drink it all down.Liu Xiaonan picked up the wine bottle and poured the wine again, holding the wine glass and said with emotion: "These days are too stressful, and eating is tasteless. After all, it is the first time to write a script independently. Thanks to Teacher Xiaoyue for his strong support. I don't have much to say, I'm here In the wine."

Yue Xuelian was quite dissatisfied, she put down her wine glass and said, "It was agreed a long time ago that you are my senior brother after leaving school, why do you still call me Teacher Xiaoyue?"

"Mr. Lao Yue is my mentor. I feel very kind to call you Teacher Xiaoyue. I'm afraid I won't be able to change my words." Liu Xiaonan said to him inconspicuously.

There was a burst of sadness in my heart, but it was understandable.Yue Xuelian poured wine with vegetables, and in order to cover up the embarrassment in her heart, she pretended to be relaxed and told Liu Xiaonan some rumors about him in school.

Teachers and classmates at the school are proud of him, she said.Especially the classmates in his class, talking about the hug with the female star with students in other classes, they are all proud and proud: that is our big brother.With that look and tone, they are the ones who really want to hug the female star.

Liu Xiaonan smiled and said: "You are a witness, you should come forward to prove my innocence, I did not hug that actress, I was forced."

Yue Xuelian sneered at this: "The pure is clear, and the turbid is turbid. You didn't take the initiative to hug, but being hugged by such a beautiful woman, you don't have any thoughts in your heart? What can others prove to you?"

Liu Xiaonan made a sad face: "Dou E died so unjustly and unjustly, don't you want to create unjust, false and wrong cases?"

Yue Xuelian suppressed a smile and said: "Your "Love on the Lonely Island" is still being fermented. Many students have guessed that it was written by you. Except for their big brother, who can write such a bizarre and sincere love story? Ruzhi is naturally you, but who is Miss Wu? Who is Rumeng? Some students associate me with a pair of small canine teeth, how should I answer them?"

"Rumeng is a portrait of a group. It generally refers to those little girls who pursue pure and holy feelings and are not deeply involved in the world. That's all. This is indeed my original intention, but I borrowed your pair of little canine teeth."

How to explain the sack tablets?Yue Xuelian didn't dare to delve into it: "Aside from these things, I really want to know how you came to write this novel on a whim? Was it an accident that touched you? Or was it something you thought about day and night? inevitable result of

"It's not that complicated. This spring, after finishing the script of "Congjun Ji", I went to Snake Island alone. I saw two snakes as I walked. I told you, you can't say I'm dirty, you Really want to hear it?"

Seeing Yue Xuelian nodded slightly, Liu Xiaonan said slowly: "I saw two snakes lying on the bluestone slab basking in the sun, their bodies tightly intertwined. They were bathed in the sun and blowing the sea breeze, and they didn't even care about me. This peep of a human being who thinks he is noble, minded and thoughtful, loves each other unrestrainedly. At that moment, a perfect love story suddenly popped into my mind. The school called for essays, and I wrote it in just one night .”

"I understand." Yue Xuelian said with a calm expression, "Brother is an idealist. The tragedy of idealists is that they pursue perfection in everything, and they often end up being the first to be hurt."

Liu Xiaonan picked up the wine glass and said, "I am not hurt. The love is over, but the love is still there."

Yue Xuelian touched the wine glass lightly: "Brother's broad mind is admirable."

Liu Xiaonan gulped it down: "You should step out of the ivory tower and walk into nature. Nature will endow us with magical powers. When I have a chance in the future, I will take you to experience the wonderful fun of nature."

The two drank and chatted, but they still couldn't get around the ridge.It was time to leave, Liu Xiaonan put on her backpack and went to the train station alone.Yue Xuelian wanted to see him off, but he firmly blocked her from the door.

The sound of Liu Xiaonan's footsteps disappeared in the corridor.Yue Xuelian yelled at the opposite door: "Come out. Don't think I don't know. I don't feel too tired to peep from behind the door mirror every day."

Fang Juan opened the door and walked out, hugged Yue Xuelian's shoulder and said: "I care about you, just don't appreciate it."

Yue Xuelian said: "I didn't see the scene you wanted to see, and I didn't have any new topics to report to my mother. Are you very disappointed?"

Fang Juan said: "Your student is really special. You are the first to get the moon if you are close to the water. Hold him firmly and don't let go."

Yue Xuelian said: "He won't come again."

Yes, he will not come again.In the past month, she has never been so fulfilled.Buying vegetables and cooking, wandering in the ocean of words together, living at home is the same.From living independently in high school to now, her lonely heart has a real sense of belonging for the first time.Two wounded hearts have never been so close.

However, he couldn't get out, and she couldn't get in.

(End of this chapter)

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