Father's Land Mother's River

Chapter 71 Status Symbol

Chapter 71 Status Symbol

Liu Xiaonan found Mr. Yue in the office of the general affairs of No. [-] Middle School.

Yue Zifan had shaved off all his white hair, his bald head was still shining with silver, his face was calm and indifferent, and he no longer spoke fiercely and cynically.He voluntarily resigned from the position of class teacher, his health was getting worse and worse, and it was difficult for him to bear the heavy teaching tasks. He was afraid that he would mislead his children, so he might as well retreat to the second line to do logistics work.

Yue Zifan was overjoyed by Liu Xiaonan's visit, and without saying a few words, he dragged him to the teaching and research room, saying that he was taking him to meet the teachers who had taught him in the past, but actually walked around the teaching and research rooms like an exhibition. lock up.

Liu Xiaonan was naturally willing to cooperate with Teacher Yue. After failing the college entrance examination, he was ashamed to step into the gate of his alma mater to meet the teacher.Today is different, he is intoxicated by the praise of teachers who are "self-taught", and the teachers will be proud of him.

Back at Yue Zifan's back office, the topic between the teacher and the student expanded infinitely.Yue Zifan asked Liu Xiaonan about some details in the process of adapting Liu Xiaonan's novel, and couldn't help but sighed, "Your generation is much luckier than our generation."

Liu Xiaonan thought of his father's warning and recalled Teacher Yue's experience. He said: "Our generation is very lucky, but my father's courage has become smaller and smaller. He forbids me to write something that criticizes the current situation. Not as brave as you."

"Your father's thinking is correct. I take back what I said to you before." Teacher Yue deeply reflected on himself: "Recently, I have thought a lot. The breakdown of the family has caused Xuelian to suffer psychological trauma that cannot be healed. In the past, she was afraid to fall in love, but now she finally mustered up the courage. Either she found fault with others, or they thought she was too indifferent, and she didn't talk about it a few times. The negotiation is successful. This is all thanks to me, and it is all my sin."

"You don't have to blame yourself too much. Junior sister Xuelian is elegant, refined and knowledgeable. In the future, there must be someone who understands her and appreciates her."

"It's a pity. Forget it, everyone has their own destiny. Judging by your energy, you must be in love, and your love career is in your bag."

"Gu Yu and I have officially confirmed our relationship. However, my father is worried that we won't be able to cross the barrier of the door, and that I will suffer for it."

"Your father's worry is not unreasonable. However, happiness is in your own hands, it depends on your own choices, it depends on how high you can stand and how far you can go. At this point, I hope you will be firm Don’t be bound by worldly concepts. Of course, I hope to see you constantly break through yourself.”

Liu Xiaonan was pleased to see that Teacher Yue was no longer angry, and became a kind and amiable elder who cared more about the emotions and future of the younger generation.He was secretly gratified in his heart, no matter what, Yue Xuelian took the first step bravely, this is a good start.

He wanted to take time to see Yue Xuelian, but after thinking about it carefully, he felt that it was inappropriate.Everyone has his own way, and he can only be a concerned bystander, not a wolf with a big tail.

Early the next morning, Liu Xiaonan took the morning coach back to Bincheng, and went directly to work in the factory.Walk into the office building of the textile factory, knock on the door of Gu Yu's office, go in and sit quietly opposite Gu Yu, waiting for the trial with a smile on his face.

The agreed vacation was delayed by one day, and he was late, knowing that Gu Yu would not have a good face, so he corrected his attitude first.

Gu Yu was very calm, didn't look at Liu Xiaonan and didn't speak, just raised his left hand, tossing and turning to admire the platinum ring on his finger alone.

After Liu Xiaonan left that night, Gu Yu immediately became the target of all her friends: Friendship belongs to friendship, talent belongs to talent, do you really want to marry a stinky farmer rotation worker?What kind of ecstasy soup did that stinky farmer rotation worker pour you into to buy you off with just a few clothes and two jewelry?Don't look down on peasant brothers in the future, in order to step on other people's shoulders to climb up, you are willing to spend a lot of money, how clever they are
Gu Yu didn't defend Liu Xiaonan too much, she knew that her friends grew up in an environment of suspicion and infighting, and interests determine everything, so she would never believe that Liu Xiaonan didn't have any ulterior motives.I thought to myself, you are using the heart of a villain to save the belly of a gentleman.

After get off work the next day, Gu Yu went straight back to her parents' house and reported Liu Xiaonan's recent developments and changes to her parents.The mother expresses appropriate satisfaction, but emphatically emphasizes that she is far from what she wants.

Gu Yu argued for Liu Xiaonan, he put a good house in the countryside on my hands and neck, what more do I want from him?My father said that he has a bit of a manly demeanor, but I think people never look at superficial flower shelves and temporary scenery.

Strike while the iron is hot, Gu Yu announces that he and Liu Xiaonan have formally confirmed their relationship.The father didn't say anything, but the mother warned her that it's okay to fall in love, but you are not allowed to talk about marriage for the time being. Whether your rural kid has a future remains to be seen.

Gu Yu took the opportunity to play hard and soft, presenting a lot of facts to make his parents admit that Liu Xiaonan is a good young man.Allowing to formally fall in love with Liu Xiaonan is already the biggest concession of the parents, as well as the initial approval of Liu Xiaonan, how can Gu Yu not add fuel to the flames?

In the past three days, Liu Xiaonan has become the focus of public opinion in the textile factory.The platinum ring necklace on Gu Yu's finger and neck is too eye-catching, but it was made by a farmer's rotation worker.

What is there to show off as a stinky farmer's rotation worker? Since he can write a movie and go back to the countryside to finish it, why bother to occupy an empty position in the Youth League Committee?If you want to ask for leave, you can ask for leave, if you don’t want to come to work, you don’t come to work, there is no organization and discipline, and the factory is not run by his family, this is too casual and free
The discussions behind the scenes kept pouring into Gu Yu's ears, and she was so angry that she couldn't openly excuse Liu Xiaonan.However, Liu Xiaonan was slow to respond to the microclimate in the office, and she was still thinking about those messy things at home in the countryside. She came back one day late for no reason, and let her bear all the pressure alone. It was inevitable that she had doubts about Liu Xiaonan's sensitivity and ability.

At this moment, Liu Xiaonan is sitting opposite to Gu Yu without much trouble, how can Gu Yu not show him some face?Brat, do you still know how to come back?Do you want to run between rural and urban areas in your life?

She admired the platinum ring on her hand alone, only as if Liu Xiaonan didn't exist, to send a silent warning, conveying another meaning: the ring on her hand can be taken off anytime, anywhere.

Faced with Gu Yu's dissatisfaction, Liu Xiaonan took the initiative to explain, but only concealed the details of his trip to Snake Island alone. He said: "The past few days after returning home, it happened to be in time to pull out the young seedlings. Thinking about my mother's hard work all her life, How can I bear to avoid farm work and not share some of the fatigue for my mother? So I came back one day late."

Gu Yu glanced at Liu Xiaonan suspiciously, but remained silent.

Liu Xiaonan stretched out her hands with her palms facing upwards: "Look, I haven't done farm work for a long time, and the old calluses on my hands have faded away. When I did some farm work suddenly, I even got a few blisters."

Indeed, a few bean-sized blisters on the palm of the hand shone impressively, round and round like a few drops of water.If it is said that when he was farming at home, he was full of boredom and hatred for farm work, but these two days he is willing to share the hard work of his parents.

In the hot sweat, in the monotonous and boring mechanical rhythm of waving a hoe, he suddenly realized that no matter how high or far he flies, the source of life will always be deeply and firmly rooted in this land.

Gu Yu stared at the blisters on Liu Xiaonan's palm.The blisters made the skin very thin, and it was even brighter than the platinum ring on my hand; the surrounding of the blisters were red and swollen, which hurt even more when I looked at it.

It seems that he really helped the family with the farm work, and didn't go around with his junior sister behind his back to show off.I wanted to forgive him, but when I thought of the doubts and pressure I had endured for him, I felt that he was not considerate of me enough and didn't understand my grievances.

Gu Yu tapped the table lightly with her fingers, her voice was low but stern: "Stand up! Absent from work for no reason and still sitting there arrogantly, without repentance."

Liu Xiaonan stood up straight and said sincerely: "It's not considered absenteeism without reason, but I can't notify the leader in advance to ask for leave. I have another major event at home. My father bought the old house of Liu Qishun's family in the upper courtyard. I successfully Persuading my father to build a new house. Two of them belong to the two of us. They have heating, bathrooms and flooring. My father designed it himself. We can move in in the fall of next year. When you come home with me, the living environment will be greatly improved .”

"Have I ever disliked your living environment?" There was a hint of surprise in her heart, but Gu Yu didn't show it. She said, "Don't you think you're going in the wrong direction? You should think about it in reverse, how can you get over it?" The threshold of my house."

"The threshold of your family is very high, but it is not unattainable. I will try my best to put my feet on stilts."

"You don't have a hippie smile. Are you not too concerned about your current job? Isn't it worth cherishing a farmer's rotation worker to occupy a position in the Youth League Committee with his own efforts? I know your ambition, and you have achieved a little achievement , with a little fame, I feel that I will definitely become a great writer in the future."

"Absolutely not. It was the textile factory that separated me from the countryside. I cherish every job in the textile factory."

"Well, in the future, you must fully cooperate with my work. I will control Sunday, and no bargaining is allowed."

Every Saturday after that, after get off work, Liu Xiaonan would follow Gu Yu to get together with her friends.Gu Yu used this to push Liu Xiaonan into her circle of friends and let her friends accept Liu Xiaonan.

In order not to embarrass Gu Yu, Liu Xiaonan pays for swimming, karaoke and other recreational activities in restaurants, and it gradually becomes unbearable.

How long can spending money to buy dignity last?How much gold is there?Gu Yu and her friends all have a strong family as their backing. Liu Xiaonan is just an ordinary farmer's son, a stinky farmer's rotation worker, who has worked hard to gain social approval.

Even if you walk into their small circle, the inherent estrangement is still difficult to eliminate.After all, it is something in the bones, and it cannot be changed overnight.

The money left in Liu Xiaonan's hand was originally intended to be used for tuition, miscellaneous expenses and living expenses once she had the opportunity to go to university for further study, so that she would not have to ask her parents for money.Now the amount is constantly decreasing, but there is no source to replenish it at any time, and it will be squandered in a short time.He felt distressed, and he felt more tired than ever.

It is tired, this is certain, there is no feeling deeper and more painful than the feeling of being tired.It is not easy to deal with those friends of Gu Yu, the difference in status and the disparity in status form a huge pressure invisibly, and there is a mountain that can never be overcome between him and them.

But he couldn't back down, and there was no way to back down. For the hard-won love, he had to knock out his teeth and swallow it in his stomach.

It's not like nothing is gained, Gu Yu and her friends are well-informed, and the information they obtain is faster, more accurate and more comprehensive than ordinary people.When they were chatting, Liu Xiaonan could barely speak, but he listened attentively, turning some bits and pieces of information into the nutrition he needed.

More than a month later, while Liu Xiaonan was working, the labor and management section chief called him into his office and handed him a household registration transfer certification form.He was told clearly and unequivocally that the factory's leading group made a collective study and decided to obtain a quota for him to convert from a farmer to a non-farmer through the Municipal Labor Bureau.This is a rare opportunity, so I immediately went back to my hometown in the countryside to go through the registration transfer procedures, and settled in the collective account of the Bincheng Textile Factory, and I will be a full-time employee of the textile factory in the future.

Holding the thin but heavy household registration transfer certificate, Liu Xiaonan was a little dazed, a little frightened, a little unbelievable.Is this the status symbol that many rural youths dream of?

The "bosses" said that only after ten years of hard study and admission to university can they obtain the same living rights as urban people: get rid of poor land, eat commodity food, have a stable job, enjoy welfare, medical care, welfare and housing, and retire Afterlife is guaranteed.
Guan Xiaoyun has a non-agricultural household registration and has unique advantages. Marrying Dong Xiaojun can easily obtain these rights. A large number of rural youths such as Liu Xiaonan and Yu Zhiyong are looking forward to it.

Now that such a fortune has landed on Liu Xiaonan's head, it means that he will completely take off the hat of a stinky farmer rotation worker.He should have been ecstatic, but he felt that this fate-changing form came too late, and it became a burden and a fetter.

Standing in the corridor of the office, Liu Xiaonan tried her best to calm herself down, and rationally analyzed the choices she was about to face, as well as the gains and losses after the choices.

It's hard to make up your mind, especially if it's related to your future and destiny. Once you make up your mind, you will never turn back.He could have discussed it with Gu Yu, but he was afraid that Gu Yu's different perspective would affect his judgment and disrupt his plan, so he knocked on the door of the factory director's office directly.

Unless it is because of work, Liu Xiaonan will not take the initiative to deal with the leadership, and has no substantive contact with the factory manager, because of her personality and identity.But today, he had to confirm a major matter with the factory manager.

The factory director is in his 50s. After graduating from Textile University in his early years, he was assigned to work in a textile factory. He started as a technician and sat in his current position.Although he didn't have much contact with Liu Xiaonan, he still had a certain impression of Liu Xiaonan, so he asked Liu Xiaonan to sit down and talk.

Liu Xiaonan was still standing. He first expressed his gratitude to the factory leaders for their kindness, and then went straight to the topic: "Factory manager, if I have the opportunity to go to university for further study, will the factory let me go? I have always had a wish, I want to go Enter a university and systematically study literature-related knowledge.”

The director of the factory looked at Liu Xiaonan: "Four years in college is not a short time, and what you have learned has nothing to do with production and management. If the factory doesn't let you go, what will happen to you?"

Liu Xiaonan put the registration transfer form on the factory manager's desk, and said decisively: "If this is the case, I'd better be a farmer rotation worker, free to come and go. Let someone else transfer the quota from farmer to non-farmer. Bar."

"It's not so easy to apply for the quota of rural to non-agricultural conversion, and not everyone has such an opportunity. And there is only one time. Giving up may have an immeasurable impact on your future. Have you considered it clearly?"

"I have thought it through. Maybe I will regret it in the future. If I miss the chance to go to college because of this, I will regret it for the rest of my life."

"Are you sure you have a chance at college?"

"I can't be sure. The teachers of the Federation of Literary and Art Circles will actively fight for me, and it also depends on whether I can continue to write influential works."

"Is this your own decision, or is it the result of your discussion with Gu Yu?"

"This is my own decision, Gu Yu doesn't know about it yet."

The factory director pushed the form on the table in front of Liu Xiaonan, with a clear attitude: "Xiao Liu, a man must have a dream that he has been pursuing hard all his life. On this point, I am very optimistic about you and support you."

(End of this chapter)

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