Chapter 66 My [-]

At the beginning of the new year in [-], Liu Xiaonan's life seemed to have entered a stage of rapid development.

First, "Teacher" won the best debut award of the year selected by the Municipal Federation of Literary and Art Circles, and then "Congjun Ji" won the best novella award of the year in the province.At the same time, the novella "Father's Land, Mother's River" was published in the first issue of the New Year's Magazine, and caused a lot of praise and sensation.

Liu Xiaonan participated in several award presentation seminars in a row.In such a cultural atmosphere, his horizons were broadened, his knowledge broadened, and his goals in life were clear and clear.

If it was said that Gu Yu's halo was still shrouded in the past, Liu Xiaonan's reputation was somewhat compromised.The reputation and achievements he has obtained now are completely a manifestation of his personal ability, the result of his personal efforts, and cannot be linked to anyone.

The textile factory also gave Liu Xiaonan a certain amount of material rewards, and several party and government leaders discussed one by one that Liu Xiaonan could not be left to work in the grassroots team.

He went out to attend meetings to study, and all he met were people from the cultural circles and the press.Knowing that he is engaged in the simplest and most tiring shift work in a textile factory, it will have a negative social impact on the textile factory: the textile factory does not pay attention to cultural construction, does not pay attention to the cultivation of young people, and has a tendency to discriminate against farmers for rotating workers.

Liu Xiaonan was working, and Zhang Shiyao informed him to go to the workshop director's office.When he saw the workshop director, the workshop director enthusiastically informed him that the factory directly transferred him to work in the Youth League Committee, and now he will report to the Youth League Committee immediately.

We can no longer live up to the kindness of our leaders.Liu Xiaonan didn't change her clothes, she was still wearing work clothes, a work cap, and a white apron. After shaking hands with the workshop director and saying goodbye, she went to the factory to meet Gu Yu alone.

Liu Xiaonan walked slowly on the boulevard in the factory area, he was naturally proud of the spring equinox, but he urgently needed to calm down.Entering the factory department as a farmer's rotation worker, I dare not say that there will be no one before or after, at least at present, it is unique.

If you write this news to your father, your father will definitely feel proud, and it will definitely become the capital for your father to show off in front of his co-workers; if your mother knows about it, she will definitely not worry that her son will not be able to marry a wife.

If he looked at this matter rationally and objectively, he was unwilling to get too close to Gu Yu.Gu Yu will pull him to another direction, which will deviate from the track of his life.If you don't follow in her footsteps and you can't qualify for love, which is more important than love and life choices?

With such an ambivalence that he couldn't make a choice, he walked into the field building and walked towards Gu Yu's office.

The door of Gu Yu's office is half open, and she is immersed in her desk work.Liu Xiaonan knocked on the door, Gu Yu raised her head and called out to come in without any emotion.

Liu Xiaonan walked in, stood in front of Gu Yu, pretended to be modest and cautious, lowered his posture and said: "Dear comrade leader, the workshop director asked me to report to you, please give instructions to the leader."

Gu Yu stood up and shook hands with Liu Xiaonan, with a smile in his eyes, pinched his fingertips into the flesh on the back of Liu Xiaonan's hand, and said routinely: "There is no dear here, the leader is the leader. You are welcome to work in the Youth League Committee, please sit down."

Liu Xiaonan sat on the chair opposite Gu Yu.The other staff members of the Youth League Committee had heard the news, and several young girls and young men gathered at the door of Gu Yu's office, wanting to find out.Gu Yu called everyone to come in and meet new colleagues.

In front of all the staff of the Youth League Committee, Gu Yu arranged work for Liu Xiaonan: "Your new job is to be in charge of publicity. You can't just bury your head in writing your novels, but also write press releases for newspapers to improve the reputation of our factory. It is necessary to go deep among the young workers on the front line frequently, grasp the ideological trends of young workers, and discover the good people and good deeds among them. Do you have any specific questions personally?"

"There must be no problem at work." Liu Xiaonan's attitude was very correct: "Can I ask a question about myself?"

Gu Yu looked at Liu Xiaonan vigilantly: "If it has nothing to do with work, then don't ask."

"It's quite a relationship." Liu Xiaonan was serious at first, and then said with a certain eagerness as if there was no one else around: "Is it possible to have a relationship in the office?"

The love affair between him and Gu Yu has entered into a stage of steady love, and seeing each other every day is like three autumns.Now that we are working together, we don't need to think about it day and night. We know that we can't spend time together in the office, but we have to show our attitude.

The girls and boys suppressed their laughter and leaned forward and back together.

"No." Gu Yu responded sternly, his teeth itching with hatred, and it became more and more difficult to control: "Resolutely put an end to all things that have nothing to do with work. You go back to the workshop now, say goodbye to the workshop leaders and workers, and then move to the workshop. Go to the new dormitory, come to work on time tomorrow morning, don't be late."

Liu Xiaonan sighed, "I made a wrong step. I shouldn't have come to the textile factory in the first place. What Guan Xiaoyun said is absolutely right. If I fall under your hands, I will be completely finished."

There was excitement watching, a young man hurriedly closed the door.

"It's too late for you to regret it now." Gu Yu sat down.She figured out one thing, and she couldn't be tough with Liu Xiaonan. She said, "If you regret it, you can resign and go back to the countryside now. No one is stopping you. Do you want me to go through the formalities for you?"

Some people were eyeing him, and he showed indifference when he first came to report, which could reduce the hostility.Therefore, Gu Yu is very happy to cooperate with Liu Xiaonan.

Liu Xiaonan said: "Don't bother, at worst, I will be bullied by you for the rest of my life."

Under Gu Yu's glaring gaze, amidst the laughter of the girls and boys, Liu Xiaonan proudly came out of the factory and returned to the workshop, explaining the specific situation to the workshop director.The workshop director asked him before he left, if there was anything he needed the workshop to help solve, both public and private.

Liu Xiaonan hesitated for a moment, he wanted to do something for Wu Yanli, but he was too embarrassed to ask.Another thought, why not take this opportunity to test your status and the weight of your words?

He briefly told about his secret love with Wu Yanli, hoping to solve some practical difficulties for the person he loved, and transfer her to Changbai shift on the basis of not violating the principle.It's purely a personal matter, please let the director handle it according to his discretion, there is no need to force it.

After hearing this, the workshop director was very moved. It is not difficult to mobilize a person's work. What is rare is the painstaking efforts.He told Liu Xiaonan that he would do it after a while, so that no one else would think about it, and his wish would definitely be fulfilled.

The simple ones cannot be simpler, and they are very thoughtful. This is the difference in difficulty brought about by different identities.I dare not imagine, let alone go too far, if I made this request half a year ago, what attitude would the workshop director treat me with?
Perhaps, the life path that Gu Yu designed for herself is also correct.

Liu Xiaonan returned to the work section and said goodbye to the workers.Wang Aiqing told him that he would go to her house at night and celebrate him with wine.Wang Aiqing was finally ranked at the beginning of the year and allocated two tile-roofed houses.Although the house is not big, it finally has its own nest, and it is done at the same time as cooking the bottom of the pot and seeing Liu Xiaonan off.

Early the next morning, Liu Xiaonan came to work at the Youth League Committee with dark circles under her eyes and yawning.There was a desk that belonged to him in the office. He sat on the chair and had nothing to do for a while, and then fell asleep on the desk. Other people's walking and talking didn't affect his sound sleep.

After finishing her own business, Gu Yu came to see Liu Xiaonan's work status on the first day, but she saw the scene she least wanted to see: Liu Xiaonan fell asleep on the table during working hours, without any regard for her own image and impact.

None of the other people in the office reminded him, and they were happy to watch the joke.

Gu Yu restrained her anger, pushed Liu Xiaonan, and found an excuse for him: "Wake up, did you write overnight again?"

Liu Xiaonan raised her head, rubbed her eyes and complained, "I request to be transferred back to the original team and change to the original dormitory, I can't take it anymore."

Yesterday afternoon, the dormitory administrator changed rooms for Liu Xiaonan and moved to a dormitory in Changbai class on the fifth floor.In a room of the same size, there are only five people living there, and there are no bunk beds, so it should be very quiet.

It's just that there are pots and pans in the room, which looks a bit messy, and the other four beds are surrounded by thick curtains, which is puzzling.The dormitory administrator said that the other four are college students, and you will have a common language when you live together.

The factory still attaches great importance to college students.Without thinking too much, Liu Xiaonan brought her luggage, made the bed and went to Wang Aiqing's house.

Wang Aiqing set up two tables of banquets at home, and the supervisor of the section and the workers in the same team were there.Wang Aiqing quietly told Liu Xiaonan that she had specially invited Wu Yanli, but Wu Yanli said she had something to do at home and didn't come.

Liu Xiaonan felt a little uncomfortable in her heart, what can I do if I feel uncomfortable?Everything can't be restarted, and it can't go back.

Although Guan Xiaoyun kept exposing all kinds of "bad deeds" of him and Gu Yu in the countryside, which made everyone laugh; although everyone drank to their heart's content and sincerely wished him farther and farther, his heart was never really happy .

Even if there are dimly lit places in the world, I only feel sad for one person in my heart.

Drank until late before returning to the dormitory to meet new roommates.There were not only the four college students in the dormitory, but also four women who came in and out, washing and cleaning.

It turned out that the four of them were college students admitted from rural areas. They had worked in factories for many years and were all married. They had no houses, so they had to live in dormitories.Inside the curtains on the bed, there are "comfortable nests" separated by a layer of cloth.

The four were sorted by age, so Liu Xiaonan was naturally ranked as the fifth child, and they called him "the fifth child".They all come from the countryside, there is no sense of alienation and strangeness, and the common topics resonate naturally.

The "boss" is in his thirties, and his daughter-in-law is a college classmate, and they are assigned to the textile factory together.After three years of marriage, the thought of having a child is overwhelming, and she complains the most.

The "boss" complained that after ten years of studying hard, he was very happy to have the right to live on an equal footing with urban residents, but in the end a bigger problem lay before him.Young people in the city can live with their parents when they get married, but these "urban people" who have been admitted from the countryside still have nothing.

If you are not married, you will never be eligible for housing; if you are married, you can only squeeze into a single bed in the dormitory.Divide the house in equal parts, and wait until the end of time.

"Second" complains, so what if he gets a house?Haven't you heard that there is such a saying that the working class "stands upright", and cadres live among the masses.It means that most ordinary workers live on the top and bottom floors, and good floors like two, three and four are allocated to cadres.For those like us, it is considered a high incense to be allocated tile-roofed houses.

The "old three" encouraged Liu Xiaonan, can't you write novels, write our situation into your novels, and arouse great attention from the society.

"Fourth" is timid, whoever made us powerless, let's resign ourselves to fate.

From them, Liu Xiaonan saw the situation she was about to face.Thinking about it again, I am still a farmer, and I am not qualified to enjoy their distress and predicament.

The four brothers had fun while suffering, but it brought Liu Xiaonan great trouble.

"Tell me clearly, what exactly happened?" Gu Yu thought, Liu Xiaonan would never be so stupid. She dozed off the first day she sat in the office and let others catch her pigtails. There must be another reason.

Liu Xiaonan glanced at his new colleagues who were waiting to watch the excitement, and said eloquently: "The four brothers in the same dormitory, sleeping in a red silk tent, don't care about the feelings of a bachelor at all. I can see everything from the bed. After turning off the lights, I Only when I dared to take off my clothes, I always felt that a woman was watching me, and I was also spying on other people’s privacy. I have a rich imagination, and any noise would remind me of pictures that are not suitable for children. I don’t have the strength to sit still. "

"Okay, stop talking." Gu Yu interrupted Liu Xiaonan's complaining, and amidst the laughter, she even blushed slightly.

This brat, since he was a child, knew to study the male and female dragonflies, and it was really hard for him to live with married people.She said: "Get over it first, I will contact the dormitory administrator to see if I can change the dormitory for you."

Gu Yu came forward in person, and the effect was naturally extraordinary.The dormitory administrator said that a utility room in the attic has been vacated. If you don’t feel lonely, you can move there.

What Liu Xiaonan needed was quietness, and Gu Yu made the decision for Liu Xiaonan and agreed to the dormitory administrator's arrangement.When Liu Xiaonan returned to the dormitory after get off work, the utility room in the attic had already been tidied up.The room is not big, with a bed, a table, a chair, and two wardrobes, there is not much space left.

Liu Xiaonan was very satisfied, at least he could read and write quietly, so he moved to the attic that night.

In her subsequent work, Liu Xiaonan didn't like sitting in the office, reading newspapers and chatting, and often went to get off work groups at the grassroots level, and gained a deeper understanding of the housing conditions of young people.

The textile factory originally had three dormitory buildings for single workers, and the other two were allocated as housing for married young workers.Those with longer working years can get a dormitory of less than [-] square meters, which is not bad; two families with shorter working years live in one room, with a thin cardboard wall in between, and a narrow space of seven to eight square meters. Double bed, there is not much room to turn around.

The many inconveniences in life can only be ignored, and this is equivalent to allocating housing.

The "boss" and "second child" squeezed into the single dormitory precisely because they didn't want to lose their right to welfare housing allocation.A house, whether in the countryside or in the city, is always the top priority.

Liu Xiaonan owns an attic all by himself. Thanks to his novel award and Gu Yu's invisibility ability, he feels a little uneasy, but he enjoys this special treatment as a matter of course.

(End of this chapter)

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