Chapter 62
Liu Xiaonan was pushing a one-wheeled trolley, and Gu Yu sat on the trolley facing him, saying hello to everyone he met along the way.

Today is the last day of the National Day holiday. Early in the morning, the two of them went to the river to collect all the crab pots, and kept all the crabs they caught for Gu Yu to take home.Liu Xiaonan gave the crab cage to the fourth brother, and caught some crabs and shrimps in his spare time, which can satisfy his cravings and sell some pocket money.

After breakfast, Liu Xiaonan asked her parents if there was any work to do.Jiang Changling loves her son: "I don't have any work. I'll prepare my things in the morning and return to Bincheng in the afternoon. Work hard, and you don't have to worry about the little work at home."

But Liu Zhixin said to Liu Xiaonan: "Do you feel embarrassed when you go home and leave without doing some work? Well, go to the mountain to produce sweet potatoes, count as much as you can, and just do what you want."

While Liu Xiaonan pumped up the trolley and was preparing to hammer the scythe, Gu Yu asked Jiang Changling to find her some work clothes, and she wanted to go up the mountain with her.Jiang Changling was reluctant to let Gu Yu go up the mountain. Gu Yu implied that she might become her daughter-in-law in the future, and she had to experience rural labor in advance.

Gu Yu put on Jiang Changling's old clothes and wore a blue scarf around her head. She felt that the clothes were too bulky and didn't fit well, so she went to look in the mirror.Under the photo, she bent over with a smile, she was just a rural daughter-in-law without looking at her face.

Jiang Changling also felt it was wrong, wouldn't this belittle the image of the future daughter-in-law?Just ask Gu Yu to change into her own clothes and go up the mountain to have a look.

Gu Yu didn't change, and insisted on wearing this outfit to go out to meet people.Yesterday afternoon, she went to grandma's house with Liu Xiaonan, and saw uncle's certificate of third-class meritorious service in studying culture in the photo frame of grandma's house, and saw the autographs of the commander-in-chief and political commissar of the four fields at that time.

Of course, she looked at the photos of her aunt when she was young for a long time, thinking of the war scenes described by Liu Xiaonan in "Congjun Ji", the passion of heroism and passion of romance stirred in her heart at the same time.

Grandma took her hand and kept saying she looked like her, very much like my aunt when she was young.She is not the same as her aunt when she was young. The reason why grandma is so sure is that she must have remembered a certain temperament of her aunt back then, and now she sees the shadow of her when she was young.

Gu Yu felt admiration spontaneously in her heart. In that cruel environment at that time, would she become a big aunt?Will Liu Xiaonan become an uncle?
Even now, the newly sprouted relationship is still facing a severe test. Does it have the determination and courage of the uncle and aunt?
Therefore, being a peasant woman is the first step in my heart, not just showing off to others.She was awe-inspiring, and walked out of the house as if rushing to the execution ground, walked to the street, and stood in front of Liu Xiaonan.

Gu Yu forced herself to hold back her laughter, and secretly prepared her hands. If Liu Xiaonan dared to laugh at her, she would give him a slap in the face.

However, Liu Xiaonan was too mean, not only didn't smile, but looked her up and down seriously and critically, which made her feel terrified.Afterwards, he found a wicker basket for her to hold on his arm, and he muttered, "I can get sweet potatoes and chase rabbits when I go up the mountain, this time it looks like it."

If there were no outsiders present, Gu Yu would really put the wicker basket on Liu Xiaonan's head.

Liu Xiaonan pressed down on the handlebar of the trolley and asked Gu Yu to sit on the trolley.Gu Yu was very nervous at first, fearing that Liu Xiaonan would not be able to support the cart, so she would pin her to the ground, holding the side of the cart tightly with both hands.

Liu Xiaonan told her to relax and stop swaying left and right.After walking steadily for a while, she was able to fully adapt to this unique means of transportation, and enjoy the treatment of a special car leisurely.

When crossing the back street and going straight to the back hillside, I met Dong Xiaojun and Guan Xiaoyun head-on.Seeing Gu Yu dressed as a peasant woman sitting on the trolley, Guan Xiaoyun lay on Dong Xiaojun's body and laughed endlessly; Dong Xiaojun couldn't help but kept laughing.

Liu Xiaonan sternly reprimanded: "It doesn't matter whether it's big or small, be serious. Have you ever seen a rural old man pushing an old lady to work in the mountains?"

Gu Yu simply buried his head on the wicker basket.

Dong Xiaojun and Guan Xiaoyun followed the trolley from left to right.Guan Xiaoyun stopped laughing and asked Gu Yu, "Hey, should I call you sister-in-law?"

Gu Yu raised her head and said, "Whatever you want. As I said, we will become good sisters."

Guan Xiaoyun said: "Impossible, sister-in-law and sister-in-law are natural enemies."

Gu Yu said: "Guan Xiaoyun, you are really boring. From childhood to now, you have a narrow mind."

Guan Xiaoyun patted the wicker basket on Gu Yu's arm, and asked Dong Xiaojun, "Put a pumpkin in this basket, what do you think it looks like?"

Dong Xiaojun didn't dare to answer directly, humming the soundtrack from the movie "Landmine Warfare".Gu Yu buried her head on the wicker basket again, and Liu Xiaonan couldn't help laughing when she thought of the picture of that devil stealing landmines.

Guan Xiaoyun explained why she thought of pumpkins.Several pumpkins were planted in the yard of her house, and the pumpkin vines climbed to the apricot tree and produced several pumpkins.On the first day when he came home, Dong Xiaojun was surprised when he saw it. It turned out that pumpkins grow on trees.

Yesterday, she took Dong Xiaojun to familiarize himself with the rural environment and crops, and did a little farm work in the vegetable garden, so don't make any more jokes.

Today, Dong Xiaojun wanted to do some real farm work before leaving, so Guan Xiaoyun took him to find Liu Xiaonan, and they ran into each other head-on.Just in time, let him go to the mountains to produce sweet potatoes, let him wave his head, and experience going to the countryside.

Dong Xiaojun said: "The countryside is really nice, the environment is good, the air is good, the vegetables and food are fresh, I like it very much."

Guan Xiaoyun said: "You only live here for a few days, and you eat, drink, and have fun, so you naturally feel that everything is strange. Let you do farm work for a year, and you won't talk like this. Right, Gu Yu?"

Gu Yu said: "This is Aiwujiwu. Only when the person you love lives here will you feel that everything here is beautiful. Isn't it right, Xiao Dong?"

Dong Xiaojun kept nodding: "If it wasn't for Guan Xiaoyun, I wouldn't care about the existence of Liuzi Street."

Guan Xiaoyun said: "The two of you have developed very fast. When you came back, you were still enemies in the car, and you sang "The Match of the Immortals" in the blink of an eye. Gu Yu, I really admire you. Dominating Liu Xiaonan."

Gu Yu said: "Guan Xiaoyun, pay attention to your words. It's not bullying, it's liking, or bad hobbies? Ask Xiaonan, did he like me when he was young? What did he do to me?"

Liu Xiaonan, who had been silent all this time, said, "Gu Yu, believe it or not, I pushed you into the ditch."

Deliberately bumping the handlebar of the trolley a few times, Gu Yu kept screaming in fright.

When they came to their own sweet potato field on the hillside, Guan Xiaoyun wielded a sickle to peel off the seedlings of sweet potatoes, Liu Xiaonan taught Dong Xiaojun how to use a picket, and Gu Yu, wearing string gloves, was responsible for loading the planed sweet potatoes onto the cart.

Dong Xiaojun is a fast learner and has strength.Liu Xiaonan handed the hoe to him: "Xiaoyun's house doesn't grow sweet potatoes, so I'll take whatever you dig out."

Liu Xiaonan sat on the ridge of the terraced field, happily watching the three people talking and laughing while working.He habitually tore off a grass stalk and chewed it gently in his mouth. The taste of the grass juice was bitter at first and then sweet, which gave him a special feeling.He looked at the village under the hillside, his bewildered eyes gradually diverged and became confused.

Gu Yu is wearing her mother's clothes, but she will not and cannot experience her mother's hardships and sufferings.

My mother was once so young, and she also paid for love.In order to guard a big river, the mother gave up the opportunity to end the separation between the two places, and guarded a home for her father alone for 30 years.

But my father seemed dissatisfied with this, and often got angry at my mother for no reason.He was unfair for his mother, but he didn't dare to confront his father face to face, and secretly encouraged his mother to resist his father's arbitrariness and tyranny.

The mother only said one sentence calmly: "Your father risked his life in the mine to support our big family. If you go home and get angry, you can relax. If you don't have the same knowledge as him, it will be over."

Youth is fleeting, and parents are getting old.Father often counts the days according to the year, how long will it be before retirement, and mother can relax after retirement.My mother responded, I am not afraid of being tired, you should be less angry and let me live a quiet life for a few days, which is the greatest comfort to me.

Strange to say, since he started working, his father's temper has improved a lot.His mother said to him, your father seems to be a different person.This time when Gu Yu walked into the house, his father even lowered his stance, cooking three meals a day and cooking delicious food himself, and stopped nagging him about rural topics.

His father suddenly didn't look like his father, and there was a burst of sadness in his heart, he didn't want this to happen.

This morning, when Gu Yu and Gu Yu came back from harvesting the crab cages, they saw their father pulling weeds in the vegetable field, so they went to his father and wanted to have a few words with him alone.His father seemed to have something to say to him, he straightened up and rubbed the dirt and grass leaves on his hands, he didn't move and didn't mean to go home.

He waited for his father to speak first.

My father said: "I have always been worried, afraid that you will follow the old path of your teacher Yue. Write positive things if you want to write, and don't always think about exposing and criticizing. There are many unfair and unfair things in this world, and it is not your turn. Take care of it, you can't do it either. Your mother and I don't want you to become famous or get rich, we just want you to be safe."

"I'll take that as a warning. But times are different," he said.

My father said: "No matter what era, we are willing to listen to good words instead of ironic ones. As ordinary people, we should be content if we can settle down and live. Don't be a bird of the head."

In the past, he would have ridiculed his father for being timid and cautious.Now that he gradually understood his father, he replied seriously: "I remember, don't worry."

The number of books on agricultural science and technology in the hands of my father is still increasing, and it seems that he is really planning to return to the countryside after retirement to show his talents.What my father is proud of is that many old farmers now ask him for advice, and he feels that his life has additional value.

However, can the land really change people's living conditions?

Uncle and Liu Erya get up early and stay late every day, saving money on food and expenses, so far they haven't been able to save enough money to build a new house; the fourth brother is in his thirties, still a boy, and I'm afraid he still has that little widow in his heart; Liu Qishun is only 22 years old. I'm going to be a father, and I'm doing odd jobs everywhere, with a slightly hunched back and an old face, like I'm in my 30s.
Generations of people have sweated and worked hard on the land, but they have achieved very little.What kind of force is it that keeps people firmly tied to the land?
Liu Xiaonan was immersed in meditation and questions.Seeing him sitting still, Guan Xiaoyun said to Gu Yu, "Look at your Xiaonan, there is a grass in his mouth, and he doesn't move when he sits down. Are you really treating the three of us like long-term workers?"

Gu Yu glanced at Liu Xiaonan and said, "Don't disturb him, his way of thinking is different from ours. Maybe this state is the moment when he is most relaxed and active."

Gu Yu saw a trace of worry in Liu Xiaonan's eyes, the worry that people in love should not have.He has burdened himself with too many things, and he has always been careful to love himself, and he has not completely let go of language and intimacy.

She thought it was her love that gave him a sense of heaviness and oppression. She could understand his state of mind, and she could only give him a warmer embrace and more fiery passion to dissolve his overthinking.Unexpectedly, he still had a family responsibility on his shoulders.

Last night, Liu Zhitai and Liu Erya had a little quarrel over the little girl Liu Erya brought.Liu Erya spoiled that little girl too much, and Liu Zhitai, as a stepfather, didn't care too much about it, so that the little girl repeatedly threatened to find her real father in order to satisfy her excessive demands.

Liu Erya often used this as an introduction, complaining that Liu Zhitai was too incompetent to build a new house.When the conditions at home are better, the little girl will not be so noisy.

The sound of quarreling spread to the room, and Liu Xiaonan jumped to the ground after listening for a while, but his parents couldn't stop him.He pushed open the door of his uncle's house, and said to Liu Erya under pressure, "Liu Erya, don't run on my uncle. You don't know how my uncle got here all these years. Don't destroy you in my heart." When I was a teenager, I said that as long as I have the ability, I will help my uncle marry a wife. Now that my uncle has a wife, my words are still valid, and I will help my uncle build a new house.”

Liu Erya said: "Women love to chatter, I was just chattering with your uncle."

Liu Xiaonan said: "No matter how much you nag, you can't hurt people's self-esteem."

For some unknown reason, both Liu Erya and her girl were afraid of Liu Xiaonan, and they stopped when Liu Xiaonan appeared.Liu Xiaonan turned and left, walked out of the house and stood on the dark street, the expression on his face could not be seen clearly in the darkness, only his heavy breathing could be heard.

She didn't know how to comfort him, so she just stood beside him silently.

He said with guilt: "Liu Erya and uncle have feelings. The root of the conflict lies in poverty. People are poor and short-sighted. I haven't bought you anything since we met. You may laugh at me for being stingy and not willing to spend money." Qian is like a miser. You say that money is a bastard, but I am a bastard who lets money lead you by the nose. You have seen the current situation at home, how can I stand by? Sorry, Gu Yu, I made you feel wronged Well, I can't give you too much for now, I must first fulfill my promise."

She hugged him tightly.It wasn't until this moment that she fully believed what Guan Deyu had said. From childhood to old age, she was a man who promised so much.

There has never been a shortage of promising young men around her. Which one can regard a little girl's words as a lifelong dream and pursue it hard?Who can remember the promises made in their teens and take a responsibility on their shoulders?
She has been looking for an answer, what kind of man is a successful man?Now the answer is clear, no matter rich or poor, high or low, a man who is responsible and responsible can be called a successful man.

Gu Yu walked up to Liu Xiaonan and sat down, gently holding his hand.Liu Xiaonan turned her head to look at her, and smiled knowingly.

The warm autumn sun reflected two young and unrestrained faces.

(End of this chapter)

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