Father's Land Mother's River

Chapter 50 The "Lover" of First Love

Chapter 50 The "Lover" of First Love

After Liu Xiaonan finished writing the last word, it was more than two o'clock in the middle of the night.He sat quietly on the stairs on the top floor of the dormitory building, immersed in the war situation he described, unable to extricate himself for a long time.

During the Spring Festival, he basically completed the overall idea of ​​the novel "Congjun Ji".The stories told by my aunt are quite detailed and rich, almost no need for him to fabricate and add, but the few battles my uncle participated in are still blank.The eldest aunt only knew the background and direction at that time, and the specific details of the battle were rotten in the belly of the uncle.

This is not a problem for him. The war-themed novels he has read since childhood have played a vital role and can be used for reference.Based on such a grand historical background and environment, he puts little people in it and fills in the blanks with his own imagination.

For more than a month, he used all available time to write the stories that were repeatedly brewing in his heart along the footprints of his heart.He wrote smoothly and progressed very quickly. He felt that those vivid characters in the flames of war were pushing him forward.

The biggest disadvantage of living in a dormitory is that you don’t have free time and you can’t completely control yourself.The rest day is the most abundant time. At ten o'clock in the evening, the lights are still turned off on time and everyone goes to sleep. They are tired from playing all day.But at this time, it was precisely the moment when Liu Xiaonan's mind was most active, the minority obeyed the majority, he could only keep his eyes open in the dark, remembering some details that were too late to write in his mind.

Later, Liu Xiaonan found a place on the top floor of the dormitory.There are several utility rooms on the top floor, usually no one goes up there, and there is a fifteen-watt incandescent lamp at the stairway.During the day shift or rest, after dinner, he would climb to the top floor with the manuscript, sit on the stairs, put the manuscript paper on his knees, and write under the dim light, quietly and freely.

The first draft of the novel with almost [-] to [-] words was finally finished, Liu Xiaonan was proud, happy and happy, he didn't dare to imagine that he could write such a long novel.Quietly went back to the dormitory to lie down, still in high excitement, it took a long time before I slowly fell asleep.

When I woke up, it was already past nine o'clock in the morning of the next day.Today is the day off, everyone went out to play, only Liu Xiaonan was still lying on the bed in the dormitory.He reviewed the draft of the novel from beginning to end in his mind, and suddenly there was an indescribable panic in his heart.

In the war-themed novels I have read before, the heroes in them are all positive and impeccable.However, the motivation and purpose of the hero in my novel to join the army are not so pure. He embarked on the road of revolution for a woman; , Will it be a big taboo?

Liu Xiaonan once read a reportage about Sholokhov.Sholokhov finished writing "The Quiet River Don", because the book described and criticized some practices in the background of that era, and the publication and distribution did not go smoothly.Later, after talking with the Supreme Commander, it was finally released by the Supreme Commander in person.

Liu Xiaonan felt uneasy, and it would be difficult to make further revisions without eliminating her worries.

Teacher Yue Zifan repeatedly emphasized the need to have the spirit of criticism and the courage to criticize. He did have it, but he was sentenced to life imprisonment and exiled to a deserted place in the Northwest for labor reform. His body and spirit were severely damaged.

In the afternoon, Liu Xiaonan took the bus to the editorial department. He wanted to have a detailed talk with Mr. Zhao Guangzhi in order to determine a clear direction.He got off the car at Zhongshan Square and walked up Baiyunshan Road, thinking about what he wanted to ask Teacher Zhao for and the answer he wanted to get.

Maybe it was a mental effect, maybe it was a sixth sense, but after getting out of the car, Liu Xiaonan felt that someone was following her.After walking slowly for a while, he suddenly turned his head, which really frightened him: Wu Yanli followed a dozen steps away with a smile and no words.

Liu Xiaonan was stunned, and Wu Yanli came closer and said excitedly: "What are you thinking about with your head down? I saw you as soon as you got in the car. You kept saying that you were busy. I wanted to see that you were busy." What, I didn't say hello to you. Where are you going?"

Liu Xiaonan pretended to be happy and said, "I'm looking for my lover."

"Ah?!" Wu Yanli exclaimed, her faint smile instantly froze on her cheeks, a shadow cast over her pure eyes, her eyelashes drooped and her voice trembled slightly: "Do you have a lover?"

"It's already there." Liu Xiaonan said carelessly, "Would you like to go and have a look with me?"

Wu Yanli shook her head lightly, bit her lip, turned and walked back.Liu Xiaonan went up to grab her hand, and still said relaxedly: "It's only a few steps away, it won't hurt to go and have a look."

Liu Xiaonan forcibly pulled Wu Yanli up the hill, and when he reached the gate of the editorial department, he let go of her hand, pointed to the wooden sign hanging by the gate of the editorial department and said, "Look, this is my lover's house." , Literature is my first love.”

Wu Yanli's emotions are like a roller coaster, ups and downs, happy and sad, because her face is shy because she has exposed her thoughts, and now she is full of admiration.

The editorial office is such a sacred and solemn place, she never thought of being able to walk in.She wanted to stay outside and wait for Liu Xiaonan, but Liu Xiaonan seemed to be very familiar with this place, so she must let her see his "lover"'s house, say hello to the doorman, and then lead her into the place where she can only look at it from a distance. the gate.

Ordinary people pass by here every day, and at most they will take a look inside out of curiosity. For them, this place is a strange and useless place.Wu Yanli knew that she also belonged to this kind of people, and now she felt different from them, because the person who led her in was different.

Walking into the editorial department, Liu Xiaonan shook hands with every editor, and the editors also greeted him warmly.He introduced her to an editor surnamed Zhao, who he said was a master in the factory.

Editor Zhao also shook hands with her enthusiastically, let her sit on the bench, gave her a new publication, and asked her to read the new novel written by her apprentice first.

Only when you walk in, you will know how different the people here are from the people outside. They are ordinary and knowledgeable.The editorial department is not much different from the factory library or the factory office, but the indescribable atmosphere makes people admire.

Wu Yanli sat quietly on the bench, not looking sideways, the pure eyes sparkling with water.She glanced at the title of Liu Xiaonan's new novel: "Wang Aiqing's Love", and she could probably guess the content, but she couldn't read a word, and her attention was all focused on him.

Liu Xiaonan sat in front of the desk with her back to her, talking softly with Editor Zhao opposite, and she couldn't understand most of the topics they talked about.This didn't affect her mood at all, it was enough for her to only pay attention to him.

Waves of pride surged in her heart, and only she knew that the farmer rotation worker who wove her was not only good at running blackboard newspapers, but also had an even more outstanding side.

It's not that she doesn't know that he writes novels, but she has never been able to see how he is different.Listening to him chatting with the editor at this time, she understood him a little bit. Under the appearance of few words, there was a colorful and little-known spiritual world hidden.

Can you walk in and see the scenery inside?
The formal conversation between Liu Xiaonan and Editor Zhao was over. Before leaving, Editor Zhao said jokingly, holding Liu Xiaonan's hand: "It seems that you haven't had a vigorous love affair. Otherwise, "Wang Aiqing's Love" will write more emotional and charming."

Wu Yanli stood beside Liu Xiaonan, she felt Editor Zhao's eyes looking at her suggestively, and her heart jumped.Can I become another Wang Aiqing?
Walking out of the editorial office, Liu Xiaonan looked relaxed and walked lightly, her heart was as clear as a bright moon in the sky.He talked to Mr. Zhao about his scruples in detail and candidly, about the ins and outs of the novel and the overall idea, as well as his doubts about the positioning of the characters and some details.

He has been observing Teacher Zhao's serious expression, wondering how Teacher Zhao will judge his understanding of the characters in the war.

After hearing this, Teacher Zhao sighed softly: "Now is the era of ideological liberation. Our generation's ideological imprisonment is fine. Where do you have so many worries? Here is a suggestion for you, don't read any books for the time being, and get rid of other people's thoughts. Your influence. You only need to observe life and understand life with your heart, let go of your hands and feet, and write the true feelings that belong to you in your heart."

Liu Xiaonan realized something. What Teacher Zhao said, and when the class resumed, Teacher Yue Zifan forbade him to imitate other people's calligraphy, the starting point was to let him stick to his distinctive personality.If you follow the trend, you will never be able to be yourself.

As soon as the topic changed, Mr. Zhao gave an affirmative answer: "If your first two novels are still outside the gate of literature, wandering without a trace, this one will have a foot into the gate of literature. You stand From a brand-new angle, I have written two flesh-and-blood characters in the environment of war. Although I haven’t seen your novel manuscript, I can already see them standing alive from your narration. In front of me. Don’t be influenced by any trend of thought, write it according to your original intention, write the original ecology of war, and I will check it for you.”

The final result of the discussion is to focus on love and describe war from another aspect.Being ruthless is not necessarily a real hero. You cannot follow the fixed old routine, but you must have the spirit of bold innovation.

All the taboos were removed, and Liu Xiaonan made it clear which way she wanted to go.If literature is his first love, then this lover has opened the closed door and warm embrace for him.

This beloved "lover" will become an important part of his life, and nothing can replace it.

Liu Xiaonan glanced back at the editorial department, and asked Wu Yanli with a smile, "What do you think of my lover's house?"

Wu Yanli said in shame, "I'm a little out of breath."

Liu Xiaonan said: "It's the first time I came to the editorial department, and I feel the same way. The road is made by people, and it's much better now."

Wu Yanli said, "You are really amazing."

Liu Xiaonan said: "I'm just a beginner, nothing special. What did you plan to do? Now that I have time, I can go with you."

Wu Yanli shook her head lightly and said: "I had nothing to do in the afternoon, I just wanted to stroll around, and I happened to meet you. I don't want to stroll now, I go home and read your novels, and read Wang Aiqing's story. In fact, we all I don’t know what Miss Wang was thinking at the time.”

Liu Xiaonan said: "Most people are paying attention to Wang Aiqing, and think it's great that she didn't abandon her husband in the countryside. In fact, the life pressure and psychological pressure of the rural elder brother are greater than anyone else, but he is shrouded in Wang Aiqing's house. Under the halo, no one pays attention to him."

Liu Xiaonan's words seemed to arouse Wu Yanli's thoughts, and she was silent for a while.

Walking along the downhill road for a while, Liu Xiaonan saw young people coming and going wearing trench coats, and Wu Yanli was only wearing an ordinary coat. She had an idea and said to Wu Yanli: "I want to relax too, let's go shopping. I want to Buy a windbreaker for my sister, her figure is about the same as yours, can you help me choose?"

Liu Xiaonan seldom goes shopping. Since Yue Xuelian pointed out that he is not good at using clothes to express the external characteristics and personalities of characters, he has deliberately strengthened his observations in this regard. Shopping is also a learning process.

Wu Yanli took him downstairs and upstairs, and asked him what price to buy, the ordinary ones were 30 yuan, and the better ones were 60 yuan.Liu Xiaonan had just received more than 70 yuan in manuscript fees, and he said that he would buy better ones.

Wu Yanli chose a beige trench coat, and Liu Xiaonan asked her to try it on. Although she didn't know how to match clothes, she found it beautiful and elegant at first glance.

After billing and paying, Wu Yanli wanted to take off the trench coat and ask the salesperson to fold it up. Liu Xiaonan said, "I bought it for you. It's good to wear directly on your body. You don't need to fold it."

Wu Yanli opened her eyes wide and was stunned for a moment, but she still wanted to take off her windbreaker: "Why are you lying to me?"

Liu Xiaonan took Wu Yanli out without any excuse, and said when she reached the street, "I didn't buy you a windbreaker because you knitted a scarf for me. .I didn't lie to you, I can only treat you as a master and as a younger sister."

Wu Yanli still hadn't recovered from the shock, she stared directly at Liu Xiaonan with her clear eyes.She had a lot to say, but none of it came out.

Liu Xiaonan smiled and said, "The editor, Mr. Zhao, asked me to talk about a vigorous love. Falling in love is harmful to others. We can’t be Wang Aiqing and her husband. Their combination is caused by special circumstances. They have no choice. The ups and downs of it are beyond our understanding and tolerance. When I can Only when I have the right to live in this city will I seriously go into a relationship."

At this time, it was time to get off work, and there were gradually more men and women on the pedestrian street, enjoying the prosperity of the city and the sweet joy of youth in pairs.

Liu Xiaonan and Wu Yanli were sandwiched in the colorful crowd, one was rustic and the other was plain, seeming so out of place with the surrounding environment.

Walking out of the pedestrian street and standing in an empty square, Wu Yanli looked at the tall buildings in the distance and said, "I'm only 20 years old, and I don't believe how far there is between the city and the countryside."

(End of this chapter)

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