Father's Land Mother's River

Chapter 39 Autumn Tour

Chapter 39 Autumn Tour
After the night shift, Liu Xiaonan's legs felt weak and her body was weak, as if her muscles and bones had been taken away, she went back to the dormitory in a daze and fell asleep.The others were not much better. They slept until twelve o'clock at noon, and reluctantly got up and ate lunch.

I went out for a stroll in the afternoon, went back to bed early in the evening, and was very clear-headed and full of energy when I was on the second night shift.Liu Xiaonan no longer dared to underestimate the mental and physical torture of night shifts, and no longer dared to get excited while working night shifts.

Liu Xiaonan worked on her work nervously and orderly, and used the rest of her energy to secretly admire the jumping figure of a deer.The full and unassuming youthful vitality made him happy physically and mentally.In contrast, he felt that he was lifeless, and he never let go of his mentality.

Wu Yanli's slender and dexterous hands slid between the latitude and longitude lines, her eyes followed her movements, her hands followed her heart, and the pure white cloth flowed like a waterfall under her hands.Walking past Liu Xiaonan, concern and inquiry flowed in clear eyes.

Liu Xiaonan deliberately opened her eyes wide, and bounced her legs up a few times, indicating that she was energetic.She smiled and floated past him with a ray of breeze.

Dong Xiaojun came over to Liu Xiaonan after inspecting his loom, and said to Liu Xiaonan: "Many people in other teams asked me who wrote the blackboard newspaper, and they were shocked by this. How did you practice such a thing?" good handwriting?"

Liu Xiaonan said to Dong Xiaojun: "It was taught to me by Guan Xiaoyun's grandfather. When I have time, I will tell you the story of her grandfather."

"What other hobbies do you have?"

"Swimming and fishing."

"Great, I also like swimming and fishing, but I don't have a partner. Let's go fishing tomorrow after the rest?"

"Well, I haven't fished in the sea yet, it must be interesting."

"Of course, I have all the hooks and lines ready-made, and I am familiar with the fishing spots."

We discussed some details with each other. The difference between fishing in the river and in the sea is only limited to the bait, and the methods are similar.

After Dong Xiaojun went to make inspections, Wu Yanli came over and asked Liu Xiaonan, "What are you two talking about, it's so lively?"

Liu Xiaonan said, "Tomorrow we will rest and we will go fishing."

After walking around the machine, Wu Yanli whispered into Liu Xiaonan's ear when they met again, "I'll go too. I haven't fished before. Can you teach me how to fish?"

Liu Xiaonan approached Wu Yanli's ear and said, "Speak to Dong Xiaojun."

Wu Yanli's warm breath lingered in Liu Xiaonan's ear: "I'm going with you, not him, there's no need to ask his permission. You won't take me?"

Liu Xiaonan had no reason to be unwilling, she just said: "We plan to play for a day, you have to be prepared."

During the break, Dong Xiaojun and Liu Xiaonan discussed fishing skills.Dong Xiaojun said that he has one of the best fishing spots in Laohutan, where he can catch yellow croaker, black croaker, and squid. If he is lucky, he can catch Spanish mackerel. The big ones weigh one or two catties.

Guan Xiaoyun on the side pursed his lips in disdain, is that also called Big Fish?Dong Xiaojun asked, how big is big?Guan Xiaoyun made a gesture to measure the length and thickness, and it was considered big if it weighed more than 30 catties.Dong Xiaojun looked at Liu Xiaonan suspiciously.

Liu Xiaonan briefly described how he caught big silver carp at the confluence of rivers and seas.Dong Xiaojun said: "You are so good at water, I will take you to touch the sea in summer, and you can get some sea cucumbers, sea urchins and abalones."

Guan Xiaoyun volunteered: "I'll go with you."

Dong Xiaojun asked: "Are you going fishing with us, or are you going to touch the sea with us?"

Guan Xiaoyun said: "I will follow. Don't look down on people, I can swim too."

Dong Xiaojun turned his surprised eyes to Liu Xiaonan again, Liu Xiaonan nodded with a smile.Dong Xiaojun couldn't help but look at Guan Xiaoyun differently. There are not many girls who can swim, no wonder the figure is not inferior to the girls in the city.

Seeing the three people talking so lively, Wang Ping couldn't sit still, she stood up and suggested, "The weather is fine these days, why not organize an autumn outing, voluntarily participate, and share the expenses equally."

Wu Yanli took the opportunity to say, "I will participate."

Yu Zhiyong said: "I'm not interested in fishing, but I'm willing to serve everyone."

Wang Aiqing couldn't help sighing: "It's nice to be young! If I didn't have to accompany my son, I would join in the fun with you."

Wang Ping said: "He is only ten or eight years older than us, don't make yourself old-fashioned, take your son to play with him."

Wang Aiqing said: "Our family of three only get together once a shift, so we won't mix with you young people anymore."

After agreeing on the time and the items to be prepared, the remaining four hours of working time became relaxed and full of expectations, as if the time had been shortened.

The skylight on the roof of the factory building is gradually showing light, and the extravagant hope of taking a good rest after the night shift is about to become a reality. This kind of personal experience is refreshing.After going through the most difficult sleepy and exhausting stage at four or five o'clock, my mental and physical fitness gradually returned to normal.

Wu Yanli couldn't figure out what kind of tool a four-toothed iron rake was. She asked Liu Xiaonan, "Is the iron rake specially used for fishing?"

Liu Xiaonan told her, "It's a tool for digging and tidying up the vegetable garden."

Wu Yanli didn't feel embarrassed at all, and then asked: "Drawing a big fish weighing more than 30 kilograms in the river must be fun, right?"

Liu Xiaonan said: "It's not fun, it's like wrestling with an opponent of comparable strength, and the spirit is high."

Wu Yanli kept asking questions that children in the countryside could understand, and Liu Xiaonan explained patiently, feeling tired and happy.

After the second night shift, I slept continuously during the day and night, and felt refreshed the next morning.The six people met at the gate of the factory hospital. Dong Xiaojun carried a guitar on his back, and Wang Ping brought a point-and-shoot camera. After arriving together, they took the bus to Tiger Beach together.

After getting off the car, Dong Xiaojun and Liu Xiaonan went to buy bait, and the other four went to buy film and lunch food.

The autumn wind is slightly cool, the sky is blue and deep, and the sea is vast and boundless; the green waves hit the dark black reefs, the waves splash and the seagulls compete for joy, and the white figures fluctuate up and down, as if they want to touch the wings of the seagulls.

Six young people walked on the mountain road around the cliffs around the bay, admiring the autumn colors of the mountains and looking at the infinitely stretching sea level, their hearts were open and clear.

Because it was not Sunday and there were few tourists, I finally met a couple of young people who could take pictures. I asked them for help and took a group photo with the sea as the background.

Dong Xiaojun is in the middle in the front row, with a guitar on his shoulder like playing the piano, Guan Xiaoyun and Wu Yanli are accompanying him; in the back row, Wang Ping is in the middle, dressed in a beige trench coat, and Liu Xiaonan is embracing with Yu Zhiyong.

This four-inch color photo taken with a point-and-shoot camera is hard to compare with a camera with aperture and focal length, but it records a period of youthful blending regardless of urban and rural areas, bringing them unforgettable, beautiful or painful moments in their lives. different memories.

Turning around the corner of the mountain, there is a small fishing port in front of it, with more than a dozen wooden fishing boats moored.As if just returned from the sea, the deck is full of cockles the size of a child's fist, and the fishermen are unloading the boat.

A breakwater made of huge stones stretches across the entrance of the fishing port. The flat breakwater is what Dong Xiaojun said is the best fishing spot.With the leeward wind and abundant sunshine, the fishing port is calm and the waves are calm, and the sea is boundless and calm. It is indeed a good place for fishing.

Yu Zhiyong held a camera and took the three girls around to take pictures. Dong Xiaojun and Liu Xiaonan were standing on the embankment and throwing hooks to fish.

Casting fishing in the sea is exactly the same as Liu Xiaonan's method of fishing old turtles for Gu Yu, except that the fishing line is longer and the lead sinker is heavier.Swing the fishing line above the head with one hand, and use the inertia to throw the lead pendant.

The lead pendant dragged the fishing line to draw an arc, flew tens of meters away, and sank to the bottom of the sea with a string of five or six hooks.

Dong Xiaojun tends to throw his hooks in the fishing port, where food is abundant, there is no undercurrent, and the fish gather but are not big.

Liu Xiaonan prefers to cast the hook to the open sea. The water is deep, the current is fast, the sea is open, and the waves are endless, so there is plenty of room for play and imagination.

What he wants to pursue is not the quantity, but the strength of the big fish's struggle and the feeling of surprise.

I bought two kinds of baits, sea maggots and small live shrimps. Sea maggots are suitable for fishing bottom fish, and live shrimps are suitable for fishing upper-middle fish.Liu Xiaonan imagined the state of the fishing line after the lead pendant sank to the bottom of the sea, and hung sea maggots on the three hooks near one end of the lead pendant, and used live shrimp as bait on the three hooks above.

His three fishing lines were thrown into the sea and there was no movement. Dong Xiaojun was already in the fishing port and had already caught several half-tangled yellow croakers and black fish.He is not in a hurry, he has plenty of patience.

When the sea tide was high, the school of fish became active. Liu Xiaonan caught several Spanish mackerel one after another. Although the size was considered too big, it only weighed about two pounds. This novelty still made him very excited.

The fishing line is very long, and it takes a relatively long time to feel the reverse pull of the fish. Before the fish comes out of the water, surprises and expectations are all on the fishing line in hand.

The Spanish mackerel bit the hook fiercely, and the fishing line was straightened and popped out of the water.Quickly reeling in the line with both hands, the Spanish Spanish mackerel jumped and struggled on the water surface, its black back and white belly turned over constantly.

Even when pulled to the shore, the mackerel is still jumping and jumping, its smooth body is not easy to catch, and one has to be careful of the upper and lower rows of sharp teeth in the fish's mouth.

Liu Xiaonan kept throwing and closing the hook, feeling the strength and excitement of the Spanish mackerel biting the hook fiercely, feeling the strength and vigorous heartbeat bestowed by the sea.

Liu Xiaonan looked back to find Wu Yanli, he wanted her to feel the joy of nature.However, the four of them were taking pictures in the distance, and their cheerful laughter echoed in the mountains and forests, as if they forgot to learn fishing from him.

He secretly shook his head with some regret. The source of happiness for girls and boys is, after all, different.

Dong Xiaojun came over to admire Liu Xiaonan's catch, and greatly appreciated Liu Xiaonan's fishing skills.The two exchanged their fishing experience on the spot, from the fishing method in the river to the fishing method in the sea, so Liu Xiaonan learned that tides also have a certain impact on sea fishing.

Sure enough, as the tide stabilized, the school of fish disappeared without a trace, and the fishing line thrown by Liu Xiaonan floated on the sea surface, motionless.However, Dong Xiaojun still catches continuously in the fishing port. The fish schools in the port do not move with the tide, and the location of their activities is relatively fixed, so they are not affected much.

Just at this time, Wu Yanli and Guan Xiaoyun came, and the two looked at the quite rich harvest in the net bag. Guan Xiaoyun directly snatched the fishing line from Dong Xiaojun, and Wu Yanli complained why Liu Xiaonan didn't call her.

Liu Xiaonan looked at the motionless fishing line, feeling so anxious, let's take a bite of the hook to save face, why not sacrifice one of you to fulfill the happiness of others?
Seeing Guan Xiaoyun on the other side, yelling and dragging a black fish, he yelled to the sea: "Fish, fish, catch the bait quickly, if there is no big one, the small one will be caught."

This is a nursery rhyme he often chanted when he was fishing in the river when he was a child. It was a self-consolation when there were no fish biting the bait, thinking that sometimes fish would actually bite the bait.Now facing the sea seems to be useless, the fishing line has been stiff and silent on the sea.

Wu Yanli squatted down and laughed non-stop: "The spell you recited doesn't work either."

Liu Xiaonan was also very helpless.Yu Zhiyong yelled that when they went back for lunch, there were no fish biting the hook. He put on new baits, let go of all the fishing lines, threw them into the sea vigorously, and waited quietly to cast a long line to catch big fish.

(End of this chapter)

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