Father's Land Mother's River

Chapter 36 Revealing one hand

Chapter 36

At 11:30 in the middle of the night, the aunt who managed the dormitory rang the big copper bell in her hand in the corridor on time.

People in the dormitory woke up one after another, everyone yawned and sighed.Liu Xiaonan lay dazed and didn't move. Yu Zhiyong raised his legs and kicked up the bed a few times before he sat up.

At seven o'clock in the evening, people in the dormitory go to bed at the same time.Liu Xiaonan was so excited that she tossed and turned and couldn't fall asleep.

He kept reminiscing about the process and content of the conversation with Teacher Zhao Guangzhi; he couldn't figure out why the female college student Xiaoyue suddenly turned his back on him; he imagined how to release the ecstasy after the novel was published, and who to share his feelings with. Happy; what should I write in my next novel, and where can I find material
The door of the editorial department is open, as long as excellent works can be written.

He knew that he was on the night shift tonight and had to get a good night's sleep.He forced himself to forget everything during the day, and emptied his brain. Just as he fell asleep in a daze, the sound of the copper bell ruthlessly woke him up.

After washing their faces and regaining consciousness, Liu Xiaonan and Yu Zhiyong and Guan Xiaoyun entered the workshop on time to take over at their posts.The constant temperature and humidity in the workshop makes people drowsy, and the roar of machinery is just a lullaby.

Don't say that rural people endure hardships and stand hard work, but they don't know that urban people suffer from another kind of hardship.Going against the biological clock and getting up to work in the middle of the night, those old textile workers have been working in shifts for decades, isn't it another kind of inhuman suffering?No wonder young people cannot be recruited in the city.

The shuttle bank was full, and Liu Xiaonan stood and lay on the handlebars of the cart to close her eyes for a while.The consciousness is clear, but the body is not controlled, the joints are weak and the spirit is tired.

How happy it would be if I could lie on the bed and have a good sleep at this moment—happiness is sometimes as simple as that.

Xiaolu jumped to his side again, and a concerned question sounded in his ears: "It's the first time to work the night shift, isn't it quite used to it?"

Liu Xiaonan raised her head and nodded towards those deep pool-like eyes.

Wu Yanli took out two pieces of candy from her apron pocket, handed them to Liu Xiaonan, and whispered into his ear, "Peppermints, you will wake up better if you hold them in your mouth."

Liu Xiaonan shook her head, ran into the nearby bathroom, rinsed her head with cold water by the sink for a while, her hair was wet, and her face was dripping with water, and she came back.Wu Yanli smiled and walked away.

After finally making it to the break, Liu Xiaonan stopped eating and sat on the weft bag against the wall to take a nap as soon as possible.

Wang Ping picked up an empty spool and wanted to beat Liu Xiaonan, but Wu Yanli whispered, "Why did you provoke him? It's his first night shift and he's not used to it. We've all gone through this stage, so let him squint for a while."

Wang Ping pointed at Wu Yanli with the handle of a spoon and joked, "I think you want to follow the old path of our team leader. Is this the way to go?"

Wang Aiqing didn't want to listen anymore, and turned around to ask: "What's wrong with me? You all think that my life is difficult, but in fact, you will never experience my happiness. The more you temper your relationship, the stronger it will be."

Wang Ping curled her lips and thought to herself, slapping her swollen face to pretend to be a fat person, whoever suffers will know.

While talking, Zhang Shiyao came over, looked at the four blackboards plastered with cement side by side on one wall, and said to Dong Xiaojun: "It's time for the blackboard newspaper in our workshop to change its content, and it won't last more than a month." Still an old face."

"I'm so worried about running the blackboard newspaper." Dong Xiaojun stood up and said, "I've been thinking about it all afternoon today before I wrote something about farmers' job rotation. We welcome farmers brothers and sisters to join our industry. I'll change right away."

Dong Xiaojun stood on the stool and wiped the blackboard clean, made a horizontal grid, picked up the chalk and wrote the five characters "fresh blood" in the middle of the top.The following content is only half written, Yu Zhiyong and Guan Xiaoyun came back from dinner.Yu Zhiyong brought back four steamed buns for Liu Xiaonan, so what if he didn't eat.

Guan Xiaoyun glanced at the blackboard newspaper, and whispered to the two people: "Only these two brushes still write blackboard newspapers."

Yu Zhiyong said to Liu Xiaonan: "I remember when you were in high school, you were the one who sponsored the blackboard newspaper in our class. Go up and show your hand and win some face for us."

Liu Xiaonan ate the steamed stuffed bun and said, "What are you showing, don't let people get off the stage."

Guan Xiaoyun said: "You are always stretched, boring."

What the three of them said was overheard by Wang Ping, and she said to Zhang Shiyao, "Mr. Duan, the three of them seemed to dislike the blackboard newspaper written by Xiao Dong, so they were muttering."

Zhang Shiyao said to the three people: "Whoever has a special skill will give full play to it, and the section will give full support."

Dong Xiaojun also said: "Whoever knows how to run a blackboard newspaper, I will assemble the weft for him."

Yu Zhiyong forced Liu Xiaonan to stand up, and Guan Xiaoyun also pushed him from behind.

Liu Xiaonan gave Yu Zhiyong a blank look and said, "You wipe the blackboard clean." He found a rag and went into the bathroom.

Guan Xiaoyun said: "Lazy donkeys and lazy horses poop a lot."

This big rural dialect made everyone amused.

Liu Xiaonan didn't go to the toilet. He soaked the rag and came back. He stood on the stool and checked the distance with his eyes. He rolled a corner of the wet rag into a ball and wrote a wet word.Pick up a piece of red chalk and trace along the watermark in one stroke, and it becomes a hollow calligraphy.Fill the hollow with green chalk to highlight the three-dimensional effect.

In the same way, he wrote the seven headlines "Youth Blooms on the Machine" on the blackboard.

Dong Xiaojun asked Guan Xiaoyun in surprise: "What did Xiaonan do in your village before?"

Guan Xiaoyun said: "He is a farmer. He loves reading and writing. During the Chinese New Year, he wrote the Spring Festival couplets in our village."

Dong Xiaojun said in admiration, "It's so powerful."

But Guan Xiaoyun said: "He is only so capable."

Zhang Shiyao and Wang Aiqing nodded to each other, and Wu Yanli hugged Wang Ping's shoulders, her eyes sparkling.

As long as he wants to do a good job, Liu Xiaonan must concentrate on it.He couldn't hear other people's comments, and only poured his true feelings into the following content.

It is commendable that the hard work of generations of textile workers has brought about a colorful world. He feels lucky and proud to be part of such a collective.

There is no need to make a draft in advance, and it is enough to write out one's true feelings in a flowing manner, so that the color and passion of youth can burst out on a small blackboard.There is no need to draw horizontal lines, as early as when he was in high school, he had developed the ability to visually measure horizontal and vertical.

The green light came on, the loom started to run again, and the figures of the locomotive workers walked gracefully on the fixed route.

Liu Xiaonan glanced back, and Dong Xiaojun was really putting on the weft for him, leaving only Zhang Shiyao watching the blackboard newspaper, his sunken eyes full of encouragement and admiration.

After writing the content, Liu Xiaonan jumped off the stool and took a few steps back to check the overall effect.The blackboard newspaper is divided into four sections, the fonts are slightly changed, not monotonous or repetitive, and the use of colors is reasonable and pleasing to the eye.

He himself was very satisfied, and looked to Zhang Shiyao for advice, Zhang Shiyao nodded in satisfaction.

Liu Xiaonan stood on the stool again and made the final touches.

Wang Aiqing came to Zhang Shiyao's side and shook her head regretfully.Zhang Shiyao told her that I have something to tell you, but I couldn't make a sound with my mouth open, and I couldn't hear clearly unless I spoke to my ears.Wang Aiqing judged it from the shape of her mouth, and followed Zhang Shiyao to the section office.

After sitting down face to face, Zhang Shiyao said to Wang Aiqing: "Today my mother attended the funeral of her master's husband. Her master's son was worried that the old lady would be too lonely, so he planned to take the old lady away. Her master lives in Dongshan Old Town. In the dormitory area, there are two small tile-roofed houses. The old lady may rent them out as soon as she leaves. If you don’t dislike someone who just died and are willing to rent them out, I will ask my mother to say hello to her master in advance. You are also close to the factory when you go to work. It saves your husband from going back and forth, and both of you are tired."

Wang Aiqing said: "There is no house where no one can die. I don't dislike the old man's natural death. Thank you for your trouble."

Zhang Shiyao said: "I owed you in my previous life, and I have to pay it back in this life."

Wang Aiqing smiled: "I have done everything, don't complain. I have an idea and I want to tell you about it. After two days of observation, the three rural youths in our group have performed very well. If the workshop needs training As for the car operator, I suggest giving priority to the three of them. The car operator is always a skilled worker. After learning it, he will become the backbone of production. After five years, the contract expires, and the factory may continue to keep them. It is difficult to say that such a highly skilled worker. gone."

Zhang Shiyao said: "You have special feelings for rural people, why don't I? If there is a chance, I will consider your suggestion."

Wang Aiqing said: "It can't be said that it is a special emotion. I hope I can have a companion. I use laughter and posturing to cover up the embarrassment of life. Others look at me with unreasonable eyes. This feeling is too lonely and uncomfortable. Now, tell me, if Liu Xiaonan is so talented, would any girl from the city fall in love with him?"

"No." Zhang Shiyao said: "The little girl nowadays is not as stupid as you. Besides, being able to write blackboard newspapers is not a talent, and it can't solve practical problems. You are destined to be alone."

Wang Aiqing sighed and lay down on the table: "It's nothing to be lonely, I just hope to have a stable home."

Liu Xiaonan added lace to the edge of the blackboard, and drew a few stick figures on the left and right bottom corners.He had an art class in elementary school, and he was more interested in it. In high school, he ran a blackboard newspaper and practiced for a while, so he basically read it.

On the left side is a row of extended looms that are gradually blurred and shrinking, and on the right side is a female turner who is connecting the ends of the loom. There are no close-ups of the facial features, but he knows who it is.

The unique blackboard report was completed, and Liu Xiaonan returned to her post.Dong Xiaojun put his ears together and said, "If I had your two moves, I would have chased Wu Yanli. Without you, I still have some hope. If you compare, it will be completely useless."

After two days of contact, Liu Xiaonan has a good impression of Dong Xiaojun, he is cheerful, optimistic and honest, and has no prejudice against rural people.He said sincerely: "Don't be discouraged, I can teach you."

Dong Xiaojun glanced at Wu Yanli and said, "Forget it, I'm short on the one hand, mainly because my family lives in a tile-roofed house, and the living conditions can't meet other people's requirements. Is Guan Xiaoyun really a non-agricultural household registration?"

Liu Xiaonan said: "When recruiting workers, a lady from the labor management department of the factory said that she understood the policy in this regard. As long as she officially gets married, Guan Xiaoyun's household registration can be changed to an urban household registration. She also said that in Guan Xiaoyun's situation, It can solve the marriage problem of older youths in the factory.”

"You and Guan Xiaoyun are from the same village, so you two should be a couple?"

"We are good friends. We grew up together, like brothers and sisters. The two elders wanted to match us together, but we both felt that it was not suitable. Xiaoyun is a rare good girl, and I don't want to drag her life prospects down. Besides , We are too familiar with each other, but we have lost the passion to get along with each other."

Liu Xiaonan wished she could slap her, isn't she too despicable?So eager to sell Guan Xiaoyun?Can you feel at ease like this?
The red card was erected, and there was a loom malfunction, so Dong Xiaojun rushed to repair it.

Liu Xiaonan put her head down and pretended to be lame, deeply blaming herself for her clumsy hypocrisy just now.I hope that Guan Xiaoyun will find happiness when he settles down in Bincheng, but there is clearly hidden selfishness in pushing six-two-five, cleanly and no longer taking responsibility.Is this what Yu Zhiyong said by unscrupulous means?How did it become like this?
Every time they met at the meeting point, Wu Yanli would stop to help Liu Xiaonan load a few shuttles.The calm face is like a lotus leaf just emerging from the water.

Liu Xiaonan had no choice but to lean closer to her ear and say, "Your work is quite tiring, I can do it myself, so I won't be sleepy anymore."

Wu Yanli smiled, and asked Liu Xiaonan's ear, "Do you often run blackboard newspapers in the countryside?"

Liu Xiaonan also smiled: "There are no blackboard newspapers in the countryside."

"Your handwriting is so beautiful."

"It's nothing, there are many people who can write a good handwriting."

After walking around the machine, Wu Yanli whispered into Liu Xiaonan's ear mysteriously when they met again, "Did you know? The lover of the team leader, Sister Wang, is also from the countryside."

The four eyes met, and the pure eyes became brighter and deeper.Liu Xiaonan just nodded silently, already collecting this bit of starlight irresistibly in her heart.

(End of this chapter)

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