Father's Land Mother's River

Chapter 18 Preaching and Teaching

Chapter 18 Preaching and Teaching
It has been more than half a month since Liu Xiaonan entered school and resumed classes, and she has gradually adapted to living on campus.At the beginning, I was a little homesick, but Yue Zifan, the head teacher of the resuming class, strictly stipulated that the boarding students were only allowed to go home once a month at the end of the month to get a change of clothes, tuition and food.

Every Sunday, there are only students in the resumption class left in the whole school, and they stay in school for review under the company and supervision of Teacher Yue.

The resumption fee of nine yuan per month, plus food expenses of varying amounts, is a considerable expense for most ordinary rural families.Teacher Yue earnestly hopes that his students can be worthy of the hard-earned hard-earned money of their parents.

Liu Xiaonan was in awe of Teacher Yue.

On the day of enrollment, his father personally sent him to the No. [-] Middle School, and first let him meet Teacher Yue.

Teacher Yue looked him up and down, and said with a serious face: "I warn you in advance, don't think that your father and I are old classmates, I will be tolerant to you, and you can do whatever you want. You will only more stringent requirements."

The father said to Mr. Yue from the side: "I am not at home all the year round, and I am neglectful of discipline. You should be beaten and scolded. You are too much trouble."

Teacher Yue's expression softened a little, and he patted Liu Xiaonan on the shoulder and said, "Your father and I have lost so much in this generation. I just hope you don't disappoint your father's good intentions."

Liu Xiaonan nodded submissively, he felt that Teacher Yue was like a white-haired lion king who could get angry anytime and anywhere.

Mr. Yue is a Chinese teacher. Although his lectures are not lively and interesting, he is also rigorous in his thinking and has a solid foundation of knowledge. He has a calm demeanor and tone of voice.

On the first day of school, a composition was arranged, and all must be handed in the next day.

Writing essays is Liu Xiaonan's forte, but he didn't dare to be careless, and he also wanted to leave a good impression on Mr. Yue, so he put in a lot of effort.

Sure enough, the composition he wrote was commented on by Mr. Yue as a model essay in class, and he was given necessary praise and encouragement, and he was appointed as the representative of the Chinese class.

The following essays also became the objects that the students rushed to read and imitate.Just when Liu Xiaonan was secretly proud, he was called to the office alone by Mr. Yue.

Teacher Yue threw his composition text in front of him and asked angrily, "Why do you want to imitate my handwriting?"

Liu Xiaonan was a little confused, is this a mistake?Is this worth getting mad too?He explained: "I think the teacher's font is elegant and free, and it looks very beautiful."

This is what he said from the bottom of his heart. He felt that his previous fonts were too blunt and his brushwork was tiring, so he intentionally imitated the chalk characters on Teacher Yue's blackboard to make his fonts look more beautiful.

Besides, isn't it normal for students to imitate the teacher's fonts?
"Ridiculous! Childish!" Teacher Yue flipped through his composition text, poking at the latest one with his slender fingers. He imitated the composition written by Teacher Yue's handwriting, spit on his face: "You can compare it yourself. Look, what are you imitating? Nondescript, completely different. Although the handwriting you wrote before is immature, it is strong and upright, and self-contained. Why can't you stick to what is inherent in yourself? "

Liu Xiaonan further argued: "My previous fonts were also imitated from the stone tablet."

Liu Xiaonan described how Mr. Guan guided him, and how he copied the whole process of literacy from the stone tablet.Teacher Yue listened carefully, and nodded for a while: "That's right, no wonder I can vaguely see a kind of ancient beauty in your handwriting."

Liu Xiaonan originally thought that Teacher Yue would let her go.Facing Mr. Yue's rigid lessons alone is really a kind of torment, like sitting on pins and needles.

Unexpectedly, Teacher Yue tore off the composition from the composition text, crumpled it up and threw it into the wastebasket, looked at him word by word and said, "Go back and copy an article again, don't have any traces of it." Imitate my traces, otherwise I will tear them up. You are not mature enough, your mentality is vacillating, and you are not yet able to distinguish what is ugly and what is beautiful. What you think is elegant and free and easy is really a misunderstanding. Let me tell you the truth You, the handwriting is like a person, and there is a kind of sickness in my handwriting."

Liu Xiaonan was shocked that Teacher Yu Yue dared to face her own mental illness, and was shocked that Teacher Yu Yue took a very common imitation consequence so seriously and so intolerable.

He returned to carving on the stone tablet with a knife and axe, and handed over the meticulously rewritten composition to Teacher Yue.

Teacher Yue flipped through his composition, and finally showed a gratified smile on his usually dull and expressionless face, and warned him again: "Being a teacher for a day will benefit you for a lifetime. Remember, you must never imitate it in the future." Anyone's calligraphy style. As you grow older, as your character matures, and as you gain a deeper understanding and perception of aesthetics, your words belong only to you."

Teacher Yue's teaching taught Liu Xiaonan a profound lesson.In his future life, he gradually understood that sticking to himself and not following the trend, despite the difficulties, is the most rare and most outstanding quality and belief that a person should possess.

Teacher Yue was in class that day, and the dean brought two policemen into the classroom.The students watched this scene in horror, not knowing what happened.

The dean explained carefully to Mr. Yue that it is a good thing for comrades at the police station to check the code of conduct and dressing of returning students, and the school and teachers must actively cooperate.

Teacher Yue slammed the textbook in his hand onto the desk, and said nothing with a gloomy face, while the dean stood beside him in a comforting manner.

The two policemen completely ignored Mr. Yue's existence, and walked through the classroom as if there was no one else present, checking whether the male students were wearing bell-bottom pants and whether their hair was longer than an inch; checking whether the female students were wearing brightly colored clothes, whether their hair was permed and their lips were red.

Liu Xiaonan noticed that Teacher Yue was walking up and down the podium anxiously, as if suppressing the anger in his heart.He seemed to see the white hair on Teacher Yue's head standing up one by one, and the muscles on his face were tense, almost reaching the breaking point.He had a premonition that Teacher Yue would not ignore other people's interference with his normal teaching.

Liu Xiaonan heard from her classmates that the police station is cutting bell-bottoms on the street these days.Seeing someone wearing bell-bottom trousers, without further ado, he used scissors to cut from the two trouser legs to the thighs, directly turning them into two pieces of cloth that fluttered in the wind.

Fortunately, their resumption class was not too outrageous. Several boys had a little longer hair and were reminded to cut their hair as soon as possible; a female student was wearing a red top and was ordered to change into plain clothes. Red ones should not be in school. worn inside.

When the dean and the two policemen walked out of the classroom, Teacher Yue followed.After a while, Teacher Yue's angry roar came from outside the classroom: "You know the law and break the law. My students, I will teach them how to behave, and there is no need for you to intervene roughly. They are preparing for exams and are under a lot of pressure. Breaking into the classroom will have a bad psychological impact on the students, and your barbaric behavior is interfering with the normal teaching order."

The students all lay on the windows and looked out, secretly applauding Teacher Yue for protecting the rights and interests of the students.

Liu Xiaonan learned from his father that Mr. Yue didn't want others to spit in front of him, and some students had been scolded by Mr. Yue without knowing it.But I've never seen Teacher Yue jumping into a rage like a white-haired lion king like now.

On Sunday afternoon, Teacher Yue gave them three hours of free time to do laundry, haircut or go out to buy school supplies.Like most of her classmates, Liu Xiaonan seized the time to wash her underwear by the sink outside the dormitory.

The roommates all said that personal hygiene must be improved, and lice must not be born.Once lice travel or visit relatives, all 36 roommates in a dormitory will be exposed, and no one can escape.

There are too many dormitory students and the dormitory is limited, so the school built Datong shop in the dormitory.There are two rows on the opposite side, two floors above and below, and nine students sleep side by side on the first floor.Bring your own wooden box to store clothes and put it on the side of the Datong shop.

The sound of snoring came and went during sleep, or chant or lyrical, like a symphony; smelly feet or farting, 36 people heard each other, like entering abalone, and did not smell the smell for a long time.

The roofs of the sheds are connected, and the mice are scurrying around, so you can peep and feel the style of dormitories with different styles.Next door is the girls' dormitory. Before going to bed, the sound of twittering could be faintly heard from the ceiling. I held my breath and pricked up my ears but couldn't hear it clearly.

The roommates laughed at themselves and said that we are not as good as a mouse.

There are more than [-] dormitories distributed in a large corridor. When getting up in the middle of the night, it happens from time to time to go to the wrong room in a daze.The girls’ dormitory is tightly bolted, so you can’t get in if you walk the wrong way, it’s harmless; the door of the boys’ dormitory is wide open and closed, unimpeded.

One night, Liu Xiaonan, who was sleeping soundly on the upper bunk, touched his face with both hands, and then exclaimed in a low voice: Oh my god, I made a mistake and walked away quickly with chaotic footsteps, and then there was the sound of the door opening next door .

If you go wrong, you go wrong, why not wake people up and keep them from sleeping?

The accommodation conditions are so simple, we can only try to get used to it.Liu Xiaonan didn't wash her clothes at all, she just squatted on the ground and rubbed them carelessly in the washbasin.

A long figure stretched out from behind him, and the students around him looked at him strangely.He turned his head and saw Guan Xiaoyun covering his mouth and suppressing a smile standing behind him.

Liu Xiaonan stood up in surprise, and asked, "Why are you here?"

Guan Xiaoyun said: "I came to the city to buy buttons and spools, and your mother asked me to bring you some pickles."

Students who live on campus rely on saving food expenses to reduce the burden on their families.The school cafeteria only provides one meal of fine grains in Chinese food, and breakfast and dinner are corn porridge and corn bread.The students also only order a vegetarian dish at noon, pickles brought from home for breakfast and dinner, gruel and corn bread.

I have to buy half an extra cornbread for dinner.At nine o'clock in the evening for self-study, they ran back to the dormitory one after another, filled their stomachs with pickles and returned to the classroom to study.Only students from very well-off families can afford to spend [-] cents to buy a deep-fried mahua.

In doing so, the monthly food expenses can be effectively controlled at around ten yuan.

After middle age, Liu Xiaonan often reads for a long time or uses his brain too much, his brain will feel groggy, and sometimes he will have a splitting headache and his temples will throb.Talking about it with my classmates in high school, it turns out that everyone has the same problem, whether it is mild or serious.

The students in the health school concluded that this is the sequelae caused by the intense study in high school and malnutrition.

Liu Xiaonan sent two cans and bottles of pickles back to the dormitory, and saw Guan Xiaoyun squatting on the ground to wash his clothes when he came back.In front of his classmates, he felt embarrassed, blushed slightly and said, "I can wash it myself, you can go about your own business."

"You know how to wash clothes? When did you wash clothes?" Guan Xiaoyun didn't listen to him, and said without raising his head, "You can't get it cleaned by rubbing like that. I'll leave after washing for you."

The students around were secretly winking at Liu Xiaonan and making faces, with ambiguous expressions.Liu Xiaonan couldn't explain it, but she was afraid that the description would get darker, so she just kept silent, squatted beside Guan Xiaoyun, and carefully watched how she washed the clothes.

After washing the clothes, Liu Xiaonan sent Guan Xiaoyun out of school.A classmate behind him boldly asked, "Liu Xiaonan, who is this?"

Liu Xiaonan turned her head and replied ambiguously, "My relatives."

There were boos of disbelief behind him.Liu Xiaonan whispered to Guan Xiaoyun: "Don't come here in the future, this is a school, so as not to let others misunderstand."

"School is great, isn't it? Dodging around will cause others to misunderstand. I just brought you some pickles along the way. What are you afraid of?" Guan Xiaoyun said confidently: "I'm afraid that I will affect your study, so I just don't come here in the future."

"I did not mean that."

"It doesn't matter what you mean, I don't know you yet? That Gu Yu gave you ecstasy soup, and you don't want to talk to me and play with me when she's around. I'm afraid you're also delusional now. I know you have big ambitions." , but I advise you to forget about Gu Yu, you can’t let someone go away, and still linger to distract you from your studies. I’m rustic and stupid, I don’t have as many ghosts as her, I just do what I want to do Whatever you want, just focus on your own thoughts, and you won't cling to others like her."

Liu Xiaonan was completely speechless, he didn't think Guan Xiaoyun was as rustic and silly as she said.

Walking out of the school gate, Guan Xiaoyun took out a tape measure from his pocket, and measured his shoulder width, bust circumference, waist circumference, arm length, and leg length without any explanation, and said while measuring, "I mean what I say. You didn't get into college. I'll make you a new set." clothing."

Liu Xiaonan readily accepted: "It's fine, you can tell me the amount when it's done, and I'll ask my mother to give you the money."

Guan Xiaoyun put away the measuring tape, took out a piece of paper from his bag and took notes on the data, looked up with a smile and said, "It's free, I'm just putting a long line to catch a big fish. When you are admitted to university and stay in the city to work in the future, I'll ask you to give me a copy." A piece of clothing or something, then you still have the nerve to ask me for money?"

Liu Xiaonan had an intuition that maybe she was becoming a fish that the volunteers took the bait from.

A week later, Guan Xiaoyun made a set of blue people's clothes for Liu Xiaonan, and sent them to school on Sunday afternoon.The new clothes fit well and were full of vigor, and I didn't want to take them off after I put them on.

Every Sunday afternoon after that, Liu Xiaonan was always looking forward to and fearing Guan Xiaoyun's arrival.

(End of this chapter)

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