I have a book to sell a house

Chapter 7 Report: Compliments for the first meeting

Chapter 7 Report: Compliments for the first meeting
The SMS prompts the bank card to arrive at 5000 yuan.

The balance is 5001.89 yuan.

Dad is coming for real?

Duan Xiaoming immediately bought toilet paper online, which is usually consumed a lot, and clicked to pay.

The credit card reminder from my father "please contact the card issuing bank", and the savings card reminder from my father is "card invalid".

So in Duan Xiaoming's cognition, on the two things that make people feel powerless, "it's going to rain" and "the customer is going to leave", one more thing is added-"Dad will cut off the monthly payment".

He quickly sent a message to his father.

"I suggest you go buy some superglue!"

The bus wobbled.

Duan Zhonghua's message didn't arrive until the bus had passed two stops.

"speak English."

"Your crumbling business credit needs it."

Duan Zhonghua sat on the high-speed rail and looked at the message sent by his son, shaking his head.

This kid doesn't understand my good intentions!

"We didn't agree on the credit card and bank card. It's not a breach of contract. Remember, you only have three months this time, and I won't make concessions like the previous three times."

Duan Xiaoming looked at the message his father replied, and let out a sigh of relief.

Instead of replying, he stared out the window, his thoughts racing.

If after three months there is still scum on the ground and cannot stand up, will Dad really cut off my food and grass?

Cutting off my food and grass is tantamount to cutting off the future of those 27 children. Dad, he has the heart?
It's really not good to chew on a father, but if chewing on a father can help those who have no father to eat but are really in trouble, it will be of great merit.

Rubbing the real cowhide house sales book, he suddenly thought of it.

Now that I have this treasure book, why am I still so worried?
Although I was forced to work in real estate by my father with a monthly sponsorship of 3 yuan, but I really did not work hard to become a scumbag!

After getting off the bus, Duan Xiaoming walked back to his house on the outskirts of the city.

A villa that does not belong to itself.

Because the name of the father is written on the real estate certificate.

Life is not perfect without a mortgage!
Even the little sister in personnel affairs will give you the look of "go there and play by yourself" during the interview.

Throughout the afternoon, Duan Xiaoming stayed in the room on the second floor to read the house sales book.

He is not a person who loves to learn. It is really that the things in this book are full of wit and fun at the same time.

There are a large number of practical case analysis, and each case will solve one or two pain points and difficulties in selling houses.

For example, the example of Pan Jinlian being an excellent time manager made him feel both interesting and memorable.

For example, a good product should explain what is good, and don't make jokes that yogurt is mistaken for bad milk.

Moreover, many sales skills and sales rules are summarized and listed in the whole book.

Duan Xiaoming quickly flipped through the pages.

At night, he started to brush again.

Huh?When did I, Duan Xiaoming, read a reference book like playing a game or watching a movie for a second brush?

Don't think so much, hurry up and do a second brush!
Just treat it as a stunning girlfriend, look at it more, touch it more.

Hahaha, with the book in hand from now on, destroying the crown is like destroying a puppy!
From then on, others laughed at me for being too crazy, and I laughed at others for not being able to see through. With the book of house sales in hand, I made a lot of money day and night!
The time soon came to the next day. He went to the hospital for a physical examination early in the morning. At two o'clock in the afternoon, he took the physical examination report to report to Xiaoqiang Real Estate.

Personnel took him to Wu Bo, the sales director, and walked away.

There are two sales executives in the team, and Wu Bo is one of them. He is not short, about 1.7 meters tall, and very strong.

Wu Bo narrowed his eyes, looked at Duan Xiaoming, and then gave him three paper documents.

"This is a sales pitch, you memorize it as soon as possible!"

After finishing talking, ignore him and go to work on your own.

Duan Xiaoming remembers that there are special "skills" for memorizing speeches in the book, such as "one-sentence memory method", "alchemy memory method", "director memory method" and so on.

Others have to report tomorrow, and he is a newcomer.

He sat in the negotiating area, sketching on the rhetoric according to the book, and the time passed bit by bit.

Memorizing things is really a boring thing.

Why don't I look through other things on the book.

"Hmm - yes, this one is good!"

Duan Xiaoming stared at one of the pages in the house sales book.

The top of the page reads: "Relationship maintenance: 1. Three concentric circles of praise."

Below are a few paragraphs written in block letters.

"Praise seems to be the simplest thing, but in fact, praise is a very learned thing."

"Praise is like a target. There are three concentric circles on the target. The outermost circle is to praise the 'appearance', the second layer is to praise the 'achievement and character', and the center circle is to praise the 'potential' (even I didn't realize it) potential)".

"General real estate consultants can only hit the outermost circle of 'appearance', such as complimenting customers 'this pendant of yours is very beautiful'. It is very difficult to enter the second circle. As for the middlemost bullseye, it requires personal Observation ability and knowledge reserve.”

Seeing this, a big arrow suddenly inserted in. At the end of the arrow is a long line with a paragraph at the end of the line.

This text looks like it belongs to Brother Gou, it looks like a dog's paw has scratched it.

"My humble opinion is that we need to add another circle, and add a ring of relatives and friends on the outermost periphery. In many cases, it is not a person who buys a house, and his relatives and friends are also very important. Therefore, use the theory of these three concentric circles to praise each other's relatives and friends. , is also very good - how can I be so good!"

This dog brother is really shameless.

There are also many actual combat cases below. Duan Xiaoming saw today from yesterday, and every time he watched it, his perception was different.

This is really a treasure book, just praise this thing, learn it, not only for selling houses, but also for worrying about getting along with people?

Even if he's a scumbag and gets eliminated again, at least he won't be in a situation like Wanzhong's when he hears that he's been fired and he's all overjoyed, right?

Suddenly he was slapped on the back, startled him, and turned his head to look.

Huya girl Lu Feifei.

"You are so--beautiful, and a girl suddenly appeared from behind, really--so happy!"

Duan Xiaoming was going to say, you are really scary for making such a fuss, but when he opened his mouth, he remembered the three concentric circles of praise in the book, and immediately changed his words to praise.

"Cut! Poor mouth."

Lu Feifei didn't look happy because Duan Xiaoming said she was beautiful, she pulled the stool away, sat down, and didn't intend to leave.

"I heard that you had a verbal interview yesterday, and you were very good!"

Duan Xiaoming looked at Lu Feifei, but what he was thinking in his mind was: "Well, this Lu Feifei's beauty is above average, and she has a pair of cute canine teeth. She must have a deep understanding of her appearance, so the compliment just now If it doesn't work, I have to try again."

"Why are you in a daze, are you stupid?"

"No, I was thinking, why are there so many seniors in the sales department, and you came to care about me, remembering that I met you yesterday morning, and you also took good care of me. You said that in today's society, you are good-looking, kind-hearted, and have a good personality. Where can I find such a kind girl—that's not right, you don't need to look for it, you just sit by my side."

Learn and use it flexibly, praise character and use it immediately.

After hearing what Duan Xiaoming said, Lu Feifei was obviously much happier.

"I didn't expect you to speak quite nicely. If you are so eloquent, why didn't you have any achievements before?"

Heartbroken, Feifei!

"I mentioned this question during the interview yesterday. Most of the time, I have to burn the boat to save my life."

Lu Feifei looked at the few papers of speech on the coffee table.

"You really know how to speak, how do you recite the words?"

"If you can become the top seller if you can recite the words well, then invite a group of elementary and middle school students with super memory to sell the house. To be honest, I still remember it. You asked very well just now. The reason why I have no performance is because I am stupid. Unlike you, Miss Feifei, you are good-looking, kind and considerate. The key is that you are still so strong at work. You can work in Xiaoqiang for so long. You are a hero among women. I can’t compare to you as a man. I'll stay away!"

Duan Xiaoming spoke earnestly, as if he really wanted to ask her to leave.

Lu Feifei smiled so that her canine teeth gleamed under the light. She had seen people who praised others, but she had never seen someone who spoke so "real".

Duan Xiaoming thought to himself, you really think you are kind. The first time I met Chen Yue, I teased me at the front desk for being a scum. short.

In fact, Lu Feifei and Chen Yue are not short. The recruitment requirements of Xiaoqiang Real Estate are that men should be no less than 1.7 meters and women no less than 1.6 meters.

It's just that Duan Xiaoming is a little taller.

"You are a real person. Sometimes—how can you call me sister? Auntie, we only call you sister. At my age, you can at most call me young lady, you know?"

"No, no, I call you sister because you are as beautiful as my sister when you were young, and you feel like a spring breeze like my sister. The most important thing is that you are as good as my sister. My sister is now a real estate company. Sales Manager!"

Lu Feifei didn't believe it: "I'm on the verge of being eliminated, so stop flattering me."

Duan Xiaoming: "If a man and a woman don't know each other, how dare I smack your ass—how many years have you been in real estate?"

Lu Feifei didn't mind Duan Xiaoming teasing herself, and replied, "Four years."

"That's it. My sister only became the deputy manager after five years, and the manager after six years. You still have to work hard for two more years!"

In fact, where Duan Xiaoming has a sister, he is an only child.

The case of my sister is completely a case written in the house sales book, and he just learned it and used it flexibly.

Lu Feifei was very happy to be praised by him.

The two chatted for a few more words, and Lu Feifei went to work, leaving him sitting there alone.

That's right, the magical skill of flirting with girls!

He closed the book and cast a malicious look at the other staff in the sales department.

A cleaning lady in front is carefully wiping the table.

"Hello, big sister, I'm new here, my name is Duan Xiaoming."

"Good good."

"Sister, how old is your child?"

"Seventeen years old, almost out of high school."

"Oh, then your child will definitely be admitted to a good university. You see that you work so hard, your child must have inherited your excellent qualities!"

"Haha, my son yells that he doesn't want to study all day long. He only knows how to play games. It would be nice to get a high school diploma!"

Duan Xiaoming's brain started working quickly.

"It's a pity, big sister, you are so serious about things, your children have not inherited it."

After chatting with the cleaning aunt for a few words, he ran to the water bar and sat down again.

"Hello, ladies, let me introduce myself. I am Duan Xiaoming, a new real estate consultant. Hello!"

Real estate consultant is a special name for real estate salesperson.

The two younger sisters of the customer service at the water bar answered professionally with a smile: "Hello."

"Need something to drink?"

Duan Xiaoming: "Have a glass of warm water, thank you."

One of them poured him a cup of warm water, and thoughtfully told him to pay attention to whether it would be hot.

"Hey, quit your job!"

The two customer service girls looked at each other, feeling that this person was inexplicable.

"Don't understand what I mean? Let me tell you the truth. With your conditions and service, you should be a flight attendant on the plane!"

Duan Xiaoming did not simply praise the appearance, but applied the first and second rings in the concentric circle of praise.

The two customer service girls were amused by him and giggled.

Just as Duan Xiaoming was teasing his sister at the bar with his newly learned praise skills, a handsome guy in the uniform of a real estate consultant not far from him picked up his mobile phone to make a call.

"Hey, Director Wu, does the new guy have a brain problem? I saw that after molesting Lu Feifei, he molested Auntie Cleaning, and now he actually persuades the customer service at the water bar to resign. I seriously doubt that this person is on the other side. He wasn't fired because of his performance, but because he molested a female colleague, he must be a pervert, you have to take care of it!"

"Okay, you can't catch up with Lu Feifei, what are you doing on the head of the new employee!"

"Brother Wu, don't say I didn't tell you, he's going to flirt with Sister Yanjiao now, and Sister Yanjiao can't stop laughing!"

"I'll be right there!"

Wu Bo's indifferent and slightly angry voice came from the phone.


Dare to flirt with my goddess on the first day of work!
 The update is not very powerful. I sent an explanation before and explained it. After thinking about it, I deleted it.

  The editor greatly encouraged me to update the book "The Years When the House Was Hard to Guard" with all my strength.

  The book is on hold.

  In order to be worthy of everyone's investment, I will try my best to update "Those Years When Houses Are Hard to Guard", and at the same time take the time to revise the manuscript and update it here.

  It will be signed, thank you for your support!

(End of this chapter)

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