I have a book to sell a house

Chapter 43 The Truth: Seed Breaking

Chapter 43 The Truth: Seed Breaking

There are more funny jokes and jokes in Brother Gou’s belly than bad water in his stomach. The dream that Duan Xiaoming narrated sounds interesting to ordinary people, but to Brother Gou’s ears, it’s like a scumbag. Bragging about being billed again - awesome!
He opened his mouth and said, "I can't think of the humorous meme being played very well, but can you talk about your practical dreams, such as wanting to be the top salesman or how much money you can make."

The left corner of Duan Xiaoming's mouth tilted upwards: "Selling the crown? Didn't you and my dad send me to Xiaoqiang Real Estate for this reason?"

Speaking of this, I just remembered that my father has lost his memory.

His expression was momentarily gloomy, but he immediately adjusted to a sunny face.

He, who was leaning on the sofa, leaned forward a little and said, "As for making money, hehe, the tiger's child will hunt after all. I believe I can earn a lot, yes!"

He uses a confident tone to hide his inner vulnerability.

Brother Gou didn't want to expose him either.

He smiled and changed into a teasing tone. Only in this way can he match Duan Xiaoming's tone to appear harmonious, and it seems that he has not seen through his pretending to be strong.

"You only hope that Europe will be unified, and the structure is not enough. You have to restore the Soviet Union, so that the national football ranking can be raised by more than ten places. If you can make the Korean Peninsula and Southeast Asia belong to our country, then the ranking will be more like launching a rocket. , Bass, mist, non-stop rising."

Duan Xiaoming didn't answer him.

Telling the same joke again made him feel like when a girl invited me to watch a movie in college, and then invited me to watch the same movie again the next day.

In the middle of the night, people don't want to play games?
Dorms are closed!

So he rejected the girl's request, and replied: "Can you please be a little innovative?"

He didn't want to take the fault of Brother Gou for plagiarizing himself, so he asked, "Where's your third story?"

Brother Gou stood up.

"The lethality of this story is great, I'm afraid you won't be able to bear it."

Duan Xiaoming thought, what else could be more lethal than his father losing his memory?
"I don't think there is anything I can't bear anymore. You can say it boldly."

Brother Gou came out from behind the desk.

"This story is a bit long. I'll pour a glass of water and tell you slowly."

Brother Gou also poured a glass of water for Duan Xiaoming, and put it on the tea table in front of the sofa, and then he sat on the single chair opposite the sofa, facing Duan Xiaoming.

"Once upon a time, there was a little boy who spent a happy childhood carefree. Although his family was not rich in his childhood, his parents were loving and cared for him."

"But the good times didn't last long. The boy's mother was seriously ill when he was in elementary school. To be cured of this disease, he needs to go abroad, and the treatment cost is very high."

"In order to heal the boy's mother, the boy's grandparents sold all their property, and the boy's grandparents picked up trash—"

Duan Xiaoming interrupted Brother Gou.

"The boy you're talking about is me, why tell this story?"

Brother Gou picked up the glass to take a sip of water, then put the glass down gently.

Clear water rippling in the glass.

"Because of this story, there have been new developments recently."

After speaking, Brother Gou looked at Duan Xiaoming.

Duan Xiaoming met the eyes of Brother Gou, and finally did not propose to terminate the story.

"The boy's father was originally a member of the system. Because his wife was sick, he resigned and tried every means to make money. But the disease waits for no one. He collected money while treating the disease. In the end, the disease deteriorated to the point of irreversibility."

"The boy's mother knew that she might not have much time left in this world, so she began to take the child to travel around the motherland, teaching the child to be kind, brave and responsible."

Duan Xiaoming spoke again: "Can you tell me something I don't know?"

Brother Gou picked up his cup and took a sip of water.

After a few seconds, he said: "Causal connection, always make it clear."

"The boy's mother took the boy to participate in public welfare activities in Yunnan, Guizhou, Sichuan, Shaanxi, Gansu and other places, and also taught him to earn money in the future and learn to help others."

"Later, the boy grew up. He remembered his mother's teachings, enthusiastically participated in public welfare activities, and sponsored poor students. However, the money for these good deeds was not earned by himself, but by his father."

"Originally, there is nothing wrong with giving the father's money to the son. After all, the boy was just a child at that time."

"Later, the boy was admitted to university."

"The boy's father thought that the boy was a high-achieving student and would understand a lot of truths, at least the truth that everything is hard work, but the boy didn't. He spent money like running water, wasted his time, and spent the entire four years of college in play."

"The boy's father is very worried about whether the boy will become more dependent on himself when he enters society."

"In fact, it is true."

"After entering the society, the boy—no, he grew up and should be called a man. This man didn't even have the ability to support himself. The man's father was very worried. He tried different ways to change his son, but found that he had no ability to support himself. It doesn't matter about making progress, after many attempts, the man's father finally made a decision."

"Acting, pretending that I was stabbed by gangsters, unconscious, and then after a year, my career plummeted, so as to warn my children, 'If you want to live well, you must rely on your own efforts'."

"But in the process of acting, the man's father was found to have a brain tumor. After an operation, the man's father lost his memory!"

Brother Gou's statement was flat.

Having said that, he picked up his glass again and took a sip of water.

"Finished? When did your ability to tell stories regress?"

Duan Xiaoming endured it for so long, only to find that the stories Gouge told were not pleasant at all, and he knew all of them.

"No, it's not over yet."

Brother Gou put down the cup.

The water in the glass began to ripple slightly again.

"In fact, the man's father did not lose his memory, his brain tumor and surgery were acted out."

"In order to act realistically, the man's father reluctantly cut a gash on his head and sewed seven or eight stitches. After all, general anesthesia is no joke."

"I can only lament that this performance team is too good to hide from me. Moreover, I only found out about this news this morning—"

Duan Xiaoming didn't want to hear any more.

He raised his hand to signal Brother Gou to stop talking.

He took a deep breath, then exhaled heavily.

"You mean my dad didn't lose his memory?"


"It's good if you don't have amnesia! It's good if you don't have amnesia!"

After finishing speaking, Duan Xiaoming was like a frozen photo.

Brother Gou looked at the young man in front of him seriously, and he saw happiness, doubts, happiness, sadness, happiness, anger, grievance, and then happiness again, then thinking, and finally relaxation from the other person's face.

This process takes about 1 minute.

For nearly a minute, Brother Gou didn't say anything, nor did he move half a step.

He looked at Duan Xiaoming quietly.

"What is my father's purpose in doing this?"

"In order to let my children understand a truth, that is - having a rich father is not necessarily a good thing, it is a good thing to have a sensible son who understands that no matter how much other people's money is, it is better to be self-reliant!"

Duan Xiaoming was indignant and puzzled. After all, he couldn't control his decibels, and asked loudly: "Then why did you tell me again? You continue to act! It will be fine until the day I understand it?"

Brother Gou sighed: "I didn't want to tell you, it was your father who couldn't bear the pain in your heart and struggled with it all day and night, and asked me to tell you."

Brother Gou stood up, put his hands in his trouser pockets, and said, "He said, 'Life is short, if you don't know something, don't be sensible. Anyway, the money father and son can't use up in a few lifetimes. I believe that I have amnesia, and when I go back, I feel like I lost my father, just like when my mother passed away, crying all night after night, I can't bear it, the cut on his head is really not anesthesia!"

Duan Xiaoming sat very upright, leaning forward, with his arms on his lap, holding the teacup in both hands.

He felt his heart ache, as if a seed was breaking out of his heart.

"Dad—I'm sorry!"

(End of this chapter)

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