Chapter 89

The current Li Erhai is a horseshoe disease.

The smooth sailing days passed quickly. After acting as the county magistrate, three months passed in the blink of an eye.

In a few days, the county will hold two sessions.

On this day, the county received a notice that Feng Yuqin, director of the Policy Research Office of the Provincial Party Committee, would come to investigate.

As soon as Zhao Kai heard it, he immediately remembered that Director Feng had come to speak for Li Erhai back then, which meant that Director Feng valued him very much.

Therefore, the county handed over the reception task to Li Erhai.

For Feng Yuqin, Li Erhai has deep feelings.At the beginning, I was just an ordinary student in the provincial training class, and my grades were just a little bit outstanding, but this talented director immediately took a fancy to me, and regarded himself as a treasure, protecting him everywhere.

Li Erhai also visited Director Feng several times in the provincial capital, and felt that Director Feng was very kind and treated him like a family member.

Li Erhai had a feeling in his heart that most of the people he met were good and noble people, and his luck was really good.

This time Director Feng came to Chongqing to investigate, mainly to investigate Wending, because the development of Wending in the past few years is remarkable. Climbing from the most backward position in the whole province to the middle reaches is what people often say Let's overtake.

Such a development is meaningful and necessary for research and promotion.

The research team consisted of five people, the team leader Feng Yuqin, and the deputy team leader Wei Zhi.This Wei Zhi originally worked in Chongqing, and was transferred to the Political Research Office of the Provincial Party Committee last year.

In order to express his heart, Li Erhai took people to wait at the border of Wending County.

When I received it, it was almost twelve noon.

When Feng Yuqin saw Li Erhai and the others come so far to pick him up, he severely criticized him on the spot. She said: "Li acting as the county magistrate is a bit too much. This kind of pick-up and see-off doesn't comply with the relevant regulations. I hope it won't happen again in the future."

Seeing Director Feng's serious face, Li Erhai knew that he had done something wrong, so he hurriedly made a self-criticism and said, "Director Feng, the criticism is right. From now on, we must not engage in such nonsensical things, and accept the criticism."

Seeing how serious he was, Feng Yuqin calmed down and said, "Let's go, how many of us do you want to starve to death?"

Li Erhai got into Feng Yuqin's car and headed for Zuixianlou.

Because the lunch was not arranged in the canteen of the county compound, he was afraid that Feng Yuqin would criticize him again. In the car, Li Erhai began to explain. A few ordinary local specialties."

Feng Yuqin didn't object anymore, she said, "As long as it's not too much."

The boss of Zuixianlou heard that a provincial leader came over for dinner today, so he didn't dare to be negligent, and went to the back kitchen to supervise the battle in person, not daring to make any mistakes.

When they arrived at the restaurant, Feng Yuqin saw that it was indeed not a luxurious and high-end place, so he walked in with his feet bluntly.

Because I called in advance to say hello, the food has already been served, and the table will start as soon as people arrive.

Wen Ding was accompanied by Renren University Director Liu Shuyong, Deputy Secretary Tian Zuosheng, Deputy County Magistrate Hu Yuanliu and Wang Dongsheng.

Zhao Kai, a senior county official, went to the city for a meeting and had already called Feng Yuqin to ask for leave.

After everyone was seated, Li Erhai extended welcome on behalf of Wen Ding. He said: "Entrusted by Secretary Zhao, on behalf of the Wending County Party Committee and County Government, I warmly welcome the arrival of the provincial research team. Dine."

According to regulations, the working meal is four dishes and one soup.Li Erhai greeted Zuixianlou, and there were only four dishes and one soup, but the portions could be bigger.

Everyone saw that it really was four dishes and one soup.

Because it was noon on a weekday, no wine was taken.

Everyone starts to eat.

After eating a few chopsticks, several members of the research team, including Feng Yuqin, felt that something was wrong. This restaurant is very ordinary, but why is this dish so delicious?

At the beginning, I still couldn't let it go, and as we ate, everyone started to gobble it up, and there was no serious eating.

The four big basins were quickly wiped out by everyone, but everyone still had something to say.

At this moment, the owner of Zuixianlou came in with a large bowl of vegetables, and he said as he walked: "Old rules, the county magistrate Li is eating at my house, and I want to give away an ancestral special dish made by myself. Today is the secret wild boar dish." Pork head."

It is not against the rules to deliver food, so there are still four dishes and one soup on the table.

This Feng Yuqin never liked to eat pork head meat, so she said: "You guys eat it."

The boss of Zuixianlou didn't leave. Seeing that she didn't eat, he said: "Leader, you can try a small piece, don't worry, it's fat but not greasy, and it tastes fragrant."

Seeing the enthusiasm of the boss, Feng Yuqin was too embarrassed to refuse, so she took a small piece and slowly put it into her mouth.After chewing for a while, a seductive fragrance rushed to the billions of taste buds on the tip of her tongue, making her unable to stop.

"Well, it's delicious, boss, this dish is perfect."

Seeing her saying this, the boss seemed to have received the highest reward, and said with a smile on his face, "If it tastes good, you can eat more. If it's not enough, I'll add more."

A large pot will see the bottom in a few minutes.

This meal was delicious.Even Wei Zhi, who has worked in Chongqing for many years, has never tasted such delicious food as Zuixianlou. While picking his teeth, he said: "Mayor Li, I have been working in Chongqing for so long, so why don't I know about your food?" Does Wending have such a delicious restaurant? Think about it, it’s really a big loss.”

A member of the research team also said with a smile: "If you want to know that there is such a delicacy, you have come here to investigate."

Feng Yuqin was also wondering that this seemingly ordinary restaurant has excellent dishes, no wonder it is full of customers.

Seeing that the provincial leaders had a good time eating, Wen Ding's companions felt relieved. Everyone, including Wang Dongsheng, felt that Li Erhai was doing things smoothly. This guy has two talents.

A group of people left Zuixian Tower contentedly and headed for the county compound.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, Zhao Kai had already rushed back from the city, so he came forward and organized relevant personnel to have a discussion with comrades in the province in the conference room.

He first welcomed the research team on behalf of Wending County, and then introduced Wending's development process in recent years to the research team in detail. There are achievements, sweat, development, and twists and turns.

He emphasized that the reason for such achievements is that there is a united Wending team and a group of progressive Wending people.

Finally, he said: "In the past few years, we have caught up with the opportunities for development and caught the express train of development. But opportunities do not come by waiting, let alone falling from the sky, they are fought for. To say such an opportunity , then I have to mention one person, Li Erhai."

"Thinking of the old No. [-] factory back then, it was really a mess. It not only dragged down the county's finances, but also suffered from workers' petitions. It can be said that at that time, I, the county magistrate, was a firefighting captain, and it was miserable."

"It was later decided that the old second factory would either have to liquidate its mines, or it would be a big change in the leadership of the factory."

"When we were looking for a new factory director, everyone was stunned, and there was no suitable candidate. The situation at that time, of course, was based on seniority. We searched all qualified people in the county, but we couldn't find a suitable candidate."

"Later, when I got angry, I patted the table, and the ballpoint pen in my hand fell out, and it just landed at the feet of Li Erhai who was taking notes. When he picked it up and gave it to me, my eyes lit up. It doesn’t take much effort to come here, the person in front of you can use it.”

"In terms of qualifications, Li Erhai is definitely not enough, but in terms of courage, he is the most suitable. Therefore, at the time, I tried my best to propose Li Erhai. The solution is to have a low-ranking and high-ranking job."

"What people didn't expect, but what made me very proud, is that this time the general election was successful. This Li Erhai is nothing but a blockbuster."

"The reason why I say so much is because I feel that I want to thank Li Erhai on behalf of the people of Wending, because he played a vital role in this process."

"I want to say that there is a reason for every success!"

There was warm applause at the venue.

This applause is an affirmation of Li Erhai's years of work, and it is a certificate full of honors.

Liu Shuyong, director of the National People's Congress, said: "It is no exaggeration to say that Comrade Li Erhai is a banner of our Wending. I watched him grow up. He works steadily, has goals, has methods, and the key is to have achievements."

Seeing this situation, Li Erhai turned the research meeting into a praise meeting for himself, which was a bit out of tune.

He quickly stood up and said, "Leaders, thank you for your recognition of me. But now the province is here to investigate the recent road to success in Wending. What we want to investigate is the whole, not me. I can't Go off topic, don’t go off track.”

Everyone gave Li Erhai affirmative glances, only Wang Dongsheng was upset and thought to himself: "It sounds nice, but you, Li Erhai, are actually very crazy, but it's just a few times of shit luck, what's the big deal."

Feng Yuqin also spoke at the end. She said: "According to the arrangement of the provincial party committee and the provincial government, three research teams went down to counties and districts to conduct research. The focus is on sorting out the experience of fast-growing regions and finding out the rules so that other regions will avoid detours in the future and make use of their strengths and avoid their weaknesses."

"Since it is a survey, we need to get first-hand information, no matter good or bad, we should know all about it. Only in this way can our materials be convincing and the results of the survey useful."

"You just talked about Li Erhai's situation, which is also the scope of our research. Philosophy says that the times create heroes, but heroes also have a great influence on the direction of the times."

"At least one thing, since Li Erhai was appointed as the director of the second factory when he was in danger, the factory has undergone earth-shaking changes. This is obvious to all, is it true?"

"A good leader can lead everyone to the bright road. On the contrary, if there are raging soldiers, there will be raging nests. Isn't the development of the old second factory in the past ten years a reflection of this?"

"We are not emphasizing individual heroism here, but without heroes, the goal may not necessarily be achieved."

"My opinion is to do a solid research here for a few days, without setting a set goal, being impartial, summarizing all kinds of factors, and submitting the answer sheet to the province with a scientific and rigorous report."

(End of this chapter)

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