Whirlwind Tai Chi Li Erhai

Chapter 10 On the first day of work, I sat on the bench

Chapter 10 Sitting on the bench on the first day of work

Originally, I wanted to go to my alma mater to have a look. By the way, I recalled the youthful but impressive high school life, but I was disturbed by a few hairy children, and I lost my mood.Li Erhai walked back slowly.

Looking at the houses with uneven heights on the street, Li Erhai felt that it was very similar to life.You see, we are all born unequal.Some people were born in the root of Huangcheng, some landed in Dashangou;Just like Xie Chuang and himself, one is in the sky and the other is on the ground.Didn't he just want to make a fool of me today?Don't you just want me to know that he is taller than me?

Li Erhai has a bit of low self-esteem, a kind of low self-esteem that comes from the depths of the mountains.

But in Li Erhai's blood, there is another kind of innate stubbornness, a kind of passionate blood rushing out of the mountains and flying high into the sky.

Li Erhai snorted inwardly: Even if I live in the gutter, I still have the right to look up at the starry sky.

Thinking of this, Li Erhai felt a little relieved, fuck him, what a big deal, the boat will go straight when it arrives at Wantou, and sing a folk song when it arrives at Yishan.

Thinking of the amazing changes in the past two days, Li Erhai couldn't figure it out, but he can be sure that he got lucky.

There seemed to be a familiar figure in front of me, and then disappeared.

Li Erhai was sure that it was Wang Yan.

I looked around, but couldn't find it.I wiped my eyes and looked again, but I still couldn't see it.

Li Erhai's heart is in a mess. The first love in junior high school had a strong impact on him. He met Wang Yan many times in his dreams.But when it comes to reality, the harm that was not accepted at the beginning may not be thrown away until death.

People, many times, are just a monster so strange that even they can't understand it.

An obviously happy day, among the township cadres, would be regarded as a day when a young man soars into the sky.

Li Erhai thought it was not a good sign.

Secretly made a resolution, restrained his personality, tucked his tail to be a man, and not impulsive when things happen.

I am just a kid from the countryside, and I will go back to Qingfeng at worst.

I looked at the time on my phone, and it was two o'clock in a while, and it was time to go to work.

Li Erhai cleared his mind, strode away and walked towards the county committee compound.

When I arrived at the office, I saw four people who were already full.Director Chen Bing, Deputy Director Lin Juan.There were two other people. When they came at noon, they didn't know where they had gone, and they had never seen each other.Only my own position is empty.

Although he was not late yet, Li Erhai felt that he was late, his face flushed, and he quietly sat down at his desk.

In fact, I haven't assigned any work, and there are only a few things left by my predecessor on the table.Li Erhai felt that he couldn't just act like an idiot here, so he pretended to pack up his things, wouldn't that mean he was busy!

Anyone who has worked as a secretary knows that this person who always sticks to the leader's side in the eyes of outsiders is extremely glamorous. In fact, no one knows their suffering.The leader said that the materials should be prepared immediately and completed on time.No matter how good your work is, if you are approached to complete a draft, but you cannot be found, your impression in the mind of the leader will plummet.

Therefore, under normal circumstances, secretaries go to work early and leave work late, and sit around and work overtime when they have nothing to do.

Just when Li Erhai was at a loss, he heard Chen Bing say: "The four of us will go to the big conference room right away, and we will record Secretary Ji's speech throughout today."

What Li Erhai heard clearly was "the four of us", isn't it obvious that he doesn't have himself?
Sure enough, Chen Bing led the three out without calling Li Erhai.Chen Bing didn't even look at Li Erhai directly.

I felt a burning sensation on my face, shame, a feeling of being abandoned.

In any unit, the feeling of being isolated is not good.

In the empty office, Li Erhai was the only one left.

The work has not been assigned yet, and I was thrown down again and left alone.Li Erhai was a little helpless, but there was nothing he could do.

I simply lay down on the table and scribbled on the paper with a pen.After scribbling without thinking for a while, Li Erhai accidentally took a look. Isn't what he drew the first form of "Whirlwind Tai Chi"?

I was startled, did I really have extraordinary abilities?Do you really remember everything?I can draw anything, I can't believe it.

In this first form, sometimes it is a light wind and light fist, and sometimes it is a violent storm.Li Erhai suddenly felt that this boxing style is a kind of life, doesn't it imply his current working status?As a newcomer, a junior should be light-hearted, what can't be balanced?
Immediately, the chest became more open, and the whole body stretched out.

He got up, looked around the office carefully, and familiarized himself with the environment.

Go back to the desk, turn on the computer, search for some secretarial content, and file while studying.

Li Erhai didn't study secretarial at university, and he didn't know anything about the secretarial profession, but by accident, he couldn't help but went to the county party committee office.

Li Erhai's greatest strength is his photographic memory. His brain is not a personal brain. It seems that there are chips installed in it, which can be copied, copied, and stored forever.

Unexpectedly, looking at it, Li Erhai was really moved by this secretary profession. He hungrily browsed through various cases, decomposed and merged, everything was so natural, everything was so logical.

When Li Erhai was immersed in this kind of self-feeling, a person rushed in from outside the door, it was Chen Bing.He still didn't look at Li Erhai when he came in, he just rummaged through his desk and file cabinet anxiously.

He kept talking to himself: "Obviously I gave it to the secretary, why didn't it exist?"

In the end, I really couldn’t find it, so I bit the bullet and asked Li Erhai: “Have you seen a copy of Wending County’s agricultural development and tourism plan?”

Li Erhai shook his head.

Chen Bing seemed to be going crazy, and beads of sweat kept dripping from his head.

Li Erhai felt sorry for him, and asked sympathetically, "Do you need help?"

Chen Bing said disdainfully: "Help? How can you help me when you just came?"

Li Erhai didn't care about it, and said calmly: "I can let you get the manuscript title you just mentioned within 10 minutes."

Without even thinking about it, Chen Bing barked his nose: "Are you a man of God?"

Li Erhai ignored him, and sat in front of the computer, typing on the keyboard.

When reading the secretary's materials just now, Li Erhai inadvertently turned to the content about Wending County's agriculture and tourism. In addition, he learned a kind of programming from a senior in college. With a good outline, enter relevant materials, and a manuscript can be generated immediately.

But this kind of manuscript can only be used in emergencies. Normally, it is more flesh and blood to catch the knife in person.

Chen Bing could no longer find the manuscript, and Secretary Ji would use this article in a while, so now he can only be a dead horse as a living horse doctor.Reluctantly, I went to Li Erhai's computer to have a look. After looking at it for a long time, I couldn't understand the messy things on his computer, and I felt a little uneasy.

I thought to myself: This guy is either an idiot or a lunatic.

He was more worried about himself. If he couldn't pass this test today, Secretary Ji might put him in the cold palace. After all, this mistake was a bit big.

After about eight or nine minutes, Li Erhai stretched his waist and said slowly, "It's done."

Chen Bing raised his head in disbelief and looked again, the printer creaked, wasn't it just a ten-page report?
I can't wait to take it over and have a look. Good guy, the center is prominent, the thinking is clear, well-founded, and more importantly, there are dry goods. It has a far-sighted vision for the transformation of agriculture in Wending County and the development of tourism boutiques, and it is very feasible.

Chen Bing hugged Li Erhai immediately, and said excitedly: "You saved my brother today, thank you."

After finishing speaking, he took the manuscript and ran to the venue.He left Li Erhai alone in the office again.

While running, Chen Bing thought to himself: This Li Erhai is indeed a character, he must find a way to get rid of him, otherwise, he will not be able to stay in the county committee office.

When Ji Zhu got the manuscript, he was a little confused, because according to the procedure, the manuscript should be put in front of him long before the meeting. Not only did he arrive late today, but also the style of this manuscript is very different from before, although some places It's obviously a little tender, but looking at the whole article, it's more classy, ​​more soulful, and more convincing, and it's a work that can be a rookie.

Ji Zhu made up his mind, and when the meeting was over, he would ask who wrote this manuscript.Don't you need a full-time secretary?It seemed that there was finally a suitable candidate.

(End of this chapter)

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