Shanghai is prosperous

Chapter 98 Electronic Commerce

Chapter 98 Electronic Commerce
At 01:30 in the afternoon, the lecture continued.The theme this time is the strategic transformation of printing companies in the Internet era.The guest speaker is the secretary-general of the Printing Industry Association, surnamed Liu, who is the person in charge of a large printing company in Beijing.

More people came to listen to the report than in the morning, and the seats originally arranged in the conference room were far from meeting the needs. Although the organizer temporarily added a lot of seats, people kept pouring in. In the end, even the aisle and The steps, whether sitting or standing, were crowded with people.

After the host's brief opening remarks, Mr. Liu began his speech.He said that at present, my country's printing industry is in the process of optimizing and adjusting the industrial structure, reshuffle and development coexist, and the stock of industrial development is constantly optimized.Especially in the context of the Internet, printing e-commerce companies are constantly emerging, operating models are constantly being updated, and the division of labor has been greatly adjusted.

He said that transformation and upgrading is the only way for every traditional industry, and the printing industry will not be spared for any reason. The saying "If you want to get rich, do printing" many years ago has basically disappeared now.

Mr. Liu also cited an example.For example, in the book publishing industry in the printing industry, except for textbooks, almost every book publisher is almost, and Amazon is miserable.Amazon is often full of [-]% off, and the book is cheaper than paper.In addition, for example, the popularity of Kindle e-books among young people has undoubtedly made the book industry worse. Now, except for high-end book printing companies, the others are actually only earning some hard-earned money.

Most of the audience here are in the printing industry. For Mr. Liu's statement of earning hard-earned money and earning hard-earned money, he empathizes with and looks helpless, and there are boos expressing understanding from time to time.

Mr. Liu said that the transformation of printing enterprises is necessary.Traditional printing business channels and methods are no longer sufficient to meet the existing market demand, and its production process and execution details have lost their advantages in terms of efficiency, talent demand and application.Faced with the consumption habits and working styles of the post-[-]s market, the printing industry will undergo earth-shaking changes in terms of marketing methods, internal production and human resources. Facing the advent of the industry revolution, it is necessary for printing companies to take the initiative to change of.

He said bluntly, what’s more, some people optimistically believe that the difficulties of the printing industry are temporary, and believe that the industry’s difficulties are caused by the global economic downturn. state.That can only be said to be a fool's dream.

Reminiscent of the development of his factory business, Wang Yiyuan also deeply felt that apart from some factors of luck, the difficulty of carrying out the factory business is actually much more difficult than before. The key point is that the price and profit of printed matter are For example, making egg cakes is being thinned layer by layer, and thinned again.

Mr. Liu talked about Haier again. Zhang Ruimin once revealed the biggest pain of Haier's transformation.Zhang Ruimin once said that enterprise transformation is like changing engines in the air.We are airplanes flying in the air, and now we have to change engines, but it is impossible to change four engines at once.Our current approach is to replace one first, keep the other three flying, and then replace the other after the replacement.The challenge with this is that you can't land hard or you'll just drop it with a bang, you can slow down, but not to a speed where you can't fly, and at the same time, you have to change the engine in a hurry.

Wang Yiyuan thought at the time that this is actually the biggest pain for all traditional enterprises.The traditional business and production methods of the printing industry can no longer meet the current market requirements, and the transformation of the industry cannot wait.The transformation of the industry is like changing the engine. How to make the printing enterprise "replace the engine in flight" is a physical and technical work. If you are not careful, you will "crash and die".

Next, Mr. Liu also made some explanatory explanations on the common paths of enterprise transformation and upgrading, some successful cases of transformation and upgrading in the printing industry, and the current situation and difficulties of transformation and upgrading.He said that the so-called "poorness leads to change, change leads to success, and generality leads to long-term", more and more printing companies have begun to try new models and new paths.

Mr. Liu still took the Beijing area as an example, and introduced the transformation attempts made by printing companies in the form of easy-to-understand PPTs, which can be roughly divided into the following types.One is to build an Internet platform.There are several common ways for printing companies to build Internet platforms, including self-built platforms, third-party comprehensive e-commerce platforms and joining professional e-commerce platforms.

He said, for example, updating his company website, clarifying the ordering process for customers on the website, building a brand new online ordering module, adopting a registered membership system, and so on.In addition, there are also companies that have registered stores in Alibaba and Taobao, thus greatly broadening their business sources.Mr. Liu gave an example, saying that on Alibaba, one of the stores received an order from an African student studying abroad to print a batch of textbooks for a certain African country, and the amount of a single order reached 50 yuan.

Including Wang Yiyuan, many people at the scene expressed surprise and amazement.Wang Yiyuan was also secretly thinking, just on Alibaba, just clicking with the mouse, can it really undertake such a large business?
Mr. Liu said that in addition, there are many printing companies registered to join the printing e-commerce platforms and online shopping malls such as "Happy Printing" and "I want to print" to carry out online orders, automatic quotations, online tracking of production progress, online settlement, etc. New business model.

He said that since the Internet platform has broken through geographical limitations, the increase in business volume has also made combined printing possible, which has greatly reduced printing costs and opened up a new way for printing companies to recover their profits.

Mr. Liu asked everyone on the spot that almost every entrepreneur has the ideal and desire to make the company bigger and stronger, but why are the results different?

The meeting room was silent, everyone looked at Mr. Liu, waiting for him to continue talking.

Mr. Liu himself replied that there are two main reasons. One is that each enterprise has its own special development history and difficulties. Only by objectively understanding its own shortcomings can we find a breakthrough in transformation and upgrading.In today's printing industry, whether the "sunset industry" in the industry's mouth will completely subvert itself in the process of transformation and upgrading depends on the choice of each printing company.The second point is that some entrepreneurs have been working in the printing industry for many years and are used to traditional business methods. Now, the general environment has undergone fundamental changes. It is necessary for business owners to keep pace with the times and change their thinking in order to do a good job in transformation and upgrading.

He said that whether an enterprise can achieve in-depth development depends on whether it can meet market demand and maximize benefits. Enterprises with conservative traditions and poor quality will definitely withdraw from the market.With the acceleration of the survival of the fittest, a group of enterprises may fall down, but a group of enterprises may develop faster, and the connotation of enterprise quality will be improved.All this depends on whether the bosses of printing companies can deny the current situation and transform and upgrade the company as soon as possible.

Mr. Liu said, after talking about the difficulties of so many traditional printing companies, do you think that in this Internet era, it seems that our printing industry only has difficulties?
There were bursts of good-natured laughter from the audience, and some people still didn't forget to tease a few words, saying, this is not the case now, we can't do it anymore.

Mr. Liu smiled and continued. In fact, the Internet has also brought us opportunities.Now is the most difficult time to improve the traditional printing industry, but it is also the most favorable time.In this environment, how to transform from the quantitative economy that wins by quantity and quantity in the past to cultural creativity and technology economy, and how to recreate the new advantages of the printing industry is worthy of our serious thinking and exploration.

He concluded that seizing these opportunities under the new situation and changing thinking is an opportunity for enterprises.If you don't change your mind, you won't see the opportunity in front of you.Just like the famous Mr. Zhang Ruimin said: "Suicide is reborn, suicide is eliminated."

He said that every time the economy hits the bottom, some small and medium-sized enterprises with real strength, wisdom and courage will discover new growth space. Evolution into a "new type of enterprise".

After listening to the lecture report, Wang Yiyuan was still unsatisfied.He went to Mr. Song from Heidelberg to think about whether these speakers would have the opportunity to ask for advice in person at night.

Mr. Song smiled and said, Xiao Wang, if you just want to take a photo or something, then there must be no problem.After these guests gave their speeches, they didn't even eat dinner, and they had to rush to Hangzhou to attend the meeting there tomorrow, so you'd better wait for the next opportunity.

Wang Yiyuan had no choice but to give up.On the bus back to Wujing in the evening, he explained to Wang Liping that Wang Liping, you have to call them in advance for the business department dinner tomorrow. The topic is to discuss this e-commerce. What should our factory do?He turned his head, looked at Xiao Yunhua, and said, "Old Xiao, you also come to this dinner together."

(End of this chapter)

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