Shanghai is prosperous

Chapter 9 Aura 1 Now

Chapter 9 A flash of light

Wang Yiyuan sat in the conference room for a while, after thinking about it, he decided to call Xiao Xiaoxiao first.As soon as the phone was connected, Xiao Xiaoxiao's voice came from there, hello, please wait a moment, I will call you later.Wang Yiyuan knew that Xiao Xiaoxiao might not be able to answer the phone right now.

After more than half an hour, the phone rang. Wang Yiyuan picked it up and saw that it was Xiao Xiaoxiao.

Xiao Xiaoxiao said that she was in a meeting just now.The company has been preliminarily settled, and I will visit your factory next week.For details, you have to ask Sister Sun.

Wang Yiyuan expressed his thanks. By the way, the Mid-Autumn Festival will be in a few days. Do you have any arrangements?

Xiao Xiaoxiao deliberately whispered, such important news, you just pass it with two mooncakes.She lowered her voice and said, you have to be prepared, at present, you are only a candidate manufacturer.Don't say this. I said it.

After hanging up the phone, Wang Yiyuan didn't call Sun Wen immediately.He thought to himself that they talked about this matter right after their company meeting, for fear of causing unnecessary misunderstandings and even resentment from Sun Wen, thinking that Sun Wen might call him.But after waiting until after get off work, Sun Wen didn't call.

Wang Yiyuan went to the financial office of the company to get 3 yuan worth of Smart consumer cards, including [-] denominations, [-] denominations, [-] denominations, [-] denominations, and [-] denominations. A thick stack.Later, because he was busy delivering the goods, he let go of the phone call.

After nine o'clock in the evening, Wang Yiyuan finally looked forward to Sun Wen's call amidst growing anxiety.But just after saying a few words, Sun Wen immediately asked, Wang Yiyuan, tell me, do you really consider me a friend?Wang Yiyuan was inexplicably questioned and didn't know what happened.

After receiving repeated assurances from Wang Yiyuan, Sun Wen said leisurely and seriously, "I'm a friend, you must behave well this time, and don't let me down."I will visit your company next Monday.You must be fully prepared, and Xiaoxiao will contact you for details.

After hanging up the phone and still holding the phone, Wang Yiyuan felt that the hustle and bustle outside the dormitory window suddenly became very quiet, and he could even hear his own heartbeat.

Wang Yiyuan didn't feel the joy of winning a big prize in the sky, but just thought, how to do a good job in this inspection of the National Hosiery Industry, and make it as perfect as possible.

About half an hour later, Wang Yiyuan was thinking over and over again about the reception of the national hosiery inspection, when Xie Dong called.

It was only then that Wang Yiyuan found out that in order to help Wang Yiyuan win the business, Sun Wen had already quietly infiltrated their company, intentionally or unintentionally doing a lot of foreshadowing work in front of relevant leaders and colleagues.

At the procurement week meeting this morning, Li Deyuan, deputy general manager of National Hosiery Company, finally agreed to use Taihu Company as an alternative, thus completing the preconditions for Taiwan-Shanghai business to enter the supplier sequence of National Hosiery.

After the meeting, Sun Wen went through the work of the production manager of their company again, and the two made a report to Mr. Li together.The manager of the production department focused on analyzing the packaging distribution, quality requirements, and demand nodes of new products next year.

He believes that next year National Hosiery Company will produce many new varieties and quantities, and the time will be very tight. It is necessary to find a strong professional packaging printing factory as a new supplier.

Mr. Li agreed with this, and agreed to Sun Wen's request to go to the Taihu company for inspection next week.Out of caution, Sun Wen went to see Xie Dong again at night, and once again learned and confirmed the strength of the Taihu company and Wang Yiyuan's personal situation, so Xie Dong called Wang Yiyuan.

Brother, I believe in you.Xie Dong finally said, you just need to remember that in fact, the conditions are similar and there are so many competitors, why Sun Wen and her company want to cooperate with your Taiwan-Shanghai company, you have to know.Not much to say, think about it carefully, and go to sleep when you understand it.

Putting down the phone, Wang Yiyuan thought for a long time, but he still couldn't understand the specific meaning of Xie Dong's last words.He also didn't understand how Sun Wen could help him so hard.

Wang Yiyuan himself does not believe how much friendship he has with Sun Wen, but when it comes to interests, in fact, in Wang Yiyuan and Sun Wen's communication, it is often an equal friendship, more like a gentleman's friendship, I haven't given any valuable gifts, let alone money exchanges, just going out for fun, and sometimes Sun Wen even proposed the AA system several times.

After thinking for a long time, Wang Yiyuan didn't come up with a reason.He secretly thought that since he couldn't figure it out, he didn't want to.It's better to seize this rare opportunity first.

He took the paper and pen, and wrote down the procedures and precautions for receiving the inspection of the National Hosiery Industry that he could think of, one by one, and planned to discuss it with the company tomorrow, and then communicate with Xiao Xiaoxiao.

With the increase of contacts, Wang Yiyuan, Xie Dong's family, Sun Wen's family, Xiao Xiaoxiao, etc. gradually became acquainted, and the interaction gradually increased. Later, they not only climbed Sheshan, but also went to Dongping Forest Park in Chongming. The farthest time , and went to Qiandao Lake in Hangzhou for two days together last month.But they didn't talk much about the printing business with each other, and Wang Yiyuan didn't seem very urgent.He felt that everything would work out in the end.

Among them, because Wang Yiyuan and Xiao Xiaoxiao were close in age and both were single, they naturally chatted more and walked relatively closer.Unexpectedly, it caused Xie Dong, Sun Wen and others to boo from time to time, together, together.

But Wang Yiyuan already knew from Xie Dong that Xiao Xiaoxiao’s family background is relatively good, and her father has a fairly large business in the local area. Sooner or later, she will have to go back to her hometown to inherit the family business, and her parents will not agree to her looking for a partner from other places.So Wang Yiyuan didn't care about these booing, and didn't have any special reaction.

But Xiao Xiaoxiao is different. On the one hand, she has grown up under the high care of her parents since she was a child. She has never had the experience and experience of dating in a serious way. Every time I was blushed and annoyed.

So she blamed Wang Yiyuan for all the booing, thinking it was all Wang Yiyuan's fault, and had the urge to strangle Wang Yiyuan several times.

This kind of petty fight between men and women has added a lot of fun and topics to everyone's journey virtually.

In the communication with Xiao Xiaoxiao, Wang Yiyuan also got a lot of news about the procurement of the National Hosiery Industry.The suppliers of National Hosiery are evaluated every two years, and this year coincides with a new term. Generally speaking, Sun Wen, the manager of the purchasing department, and the manager of the production department are responsible for the inspection of suppliers in the early stage and issue corresponding reports. Of course, among them, Sun Wen opinions account for the majority.

Based on the investigation report, National Hosiery Co., Ltd. combined with the supplier’s quotation and the actual commitment in terms of business technology, etc., finally selected two suppliers for each category, one of which was the main supplier and the other was a backup. The results will be announced at the supplier conference at the end of the month.

The next day, after the morning meeting of the business department, Wang Yiyuan went to Manager Ding's office and made a special report on the situation of the National Hosiery Industry.

Manager Ding had read the reception report of Wang Yiyuan's inspection of the National Hosiery Industry, but did not express his opinion directly.He said, the matter is of great importance, and the vice president of the other party is coming, so I need to report to President Xiao first.He asked Wang Yiyuan to wait in his office for a while.Then manager Ding went to the general manager's office, and after a while he accompanied Mr. Xiao and came back.

Manager Ding said to Wang Yiyuan, good news.This time Mr. Xiao decided to personally receive the inspection of the National Hosiery Industry.Mr. Xiao is very satisfied with Wang Yiyuan's recent work. He said to Wang Yiyuan, work hard, and you must succeed this time.

Of course Wang Yiyuan was very happy, the boss was in trouble, the boss was in trouble, and if the boss stepped forward, everything would not be difficult.

He faxed the company's reception arrangement after discussion and modification to Xiao Xiaoxiao, and Xiao Xiaoxiao called back after a while, and generally agreed with the arrangement of the Taihu company, but made a modification to the arrangement of the reception vehicles, which was originally arranged by the Taihu company. For the Buick business car, the people from the National Hosiery Industry Co., Ltd. will drive it by themselves, instead of picking it up from the Taiwan-Shanghai company.

Since noon, Wang Yiyuan has been busy writing the company report plan.Among them, although there are many materials, such as company profile, product introduction, performance display, etc., the company has ready-made copywriting, but he still read them one by one, and made some appropriate modifications according to the current situation. Together with the design department, some on-site photos were refurbished and supplemented, and some text descriptions were updated.

However, Wang Yiyuan was not very satisfied with the final data. He felt that although this report was usable, it was very popular. Compared with other companies, there was nothing new and special about it, and it did not reflect the Taiwan-Shanghai company. features.

It's just that Wang Yiyuan didn't have any other better thoughts and ideas all of a sudden.

It was very late at night, and Wang Yiyuan went back to the dormitory.Until he lay on the bed, he was still thinking about the report plan in his head, and there were signs of insomnia before he knew it.There was no other way, so he had no choice but to get up, randomly found a book, and was going to look through it to pass the difficult time.

Because I had something on my mind, I couldn't concentrate well when I read the book. I turned a few pages, and finally I didn't know what was written in the book, and I didn't read anything.

He put down the book helplessly, and flipped through the margins of the book in a bored way, hoping to cool down his restless mind with the cool breeze brought by turning the pages.

Staring blankly at the pages of the book, Wang Yiyuan suddenly had an idea, PPT, why not make the company profile and product introduction into PPTs one by one, which is concise and intuitive, and has pictures and content , Will the effect and persuasiveness be better?
(End of this chapter)

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