Shanghai is prosperous

Chapter 84 Urban Complex Research

Chapter 84 Urban Complex Research

After finishing the wine in the glass, Wang Yiyuan said, I still have something to write, so I'm leaving, so I won't be with you.After saying hello, he left alone.

Looking at the back of Wang Yiyuan gradually going away, Li Guanglin said, Li, and Lao Xiao, you three are all very proud tonight, why, you still want to turn this big printing factory into an international company?

Xiao Yunhua laughed honestly, what's the matter?You don't believe us?Li Guanglin, keep your dog eyes open. The name of our factory, the real full name, is International Printing Co., Ltd., which is clearly written on the business license.

Wang Liping pushed Li Guanglin a little, and said in a spirited manner, Li Guanglin, remember what you said tonight, you will regret it one day.You really don't see the development trend of our factory?Lao Xiao said that you are a dog eye, I think it is still flattering you, let you talk nonsense about your own wife's factory.

But Lao Xiao, I also want to say something, if this continues, I think we will all have to continue to study.Wang Liping looked at the direction in which Wang Yiyuan was going, and said, Wang Yiyuan, I think his one-and-a-half-year refresher class is very effective.If we don't study anymore, we are afraid that one day we will not be able to keep up with his pace.

Xiao Yunhua nodded and said, Wang Liping, you are right to remind me. In fact, I have already thought this way, but you said that, I have to hurry up. I will call my teachers and classmates in college tomorrow to see if there is any advanced training. Opportunity.But, which major is better to study?
Wang Liping smiled, ha ha.It seems that I have to find my teacher in college.Unexpectedly, we have all graduated for so many years, and we have to take the initiative to ask for fried rice.

Wang Yiyuan's main energy in the past few nights has been devoted to the writing of this article on city brand management.

Considering the city's brand management and the theme of this demonstration meeting, it still needs to be implemented by real estate developers, the development direction and brand positioning of this Nantong project, so Wang Yiyuan, after repeated thinking and comparison, finally The focus of the article is on the urban complex, and it is decided to use the commercial real estate concept of urban complex as the breakthrough and important starting point of the whole article, which plays a role of outline and outline.

Over the past few years, residential real estate has entered a new round of adjustment period, and commercial real estate has gradually become the darling of the market due to its long-term high returns. The impact of real estate macro-control policies such as restrictions on purchases and loans is relatively small.Out of the consideration of seizing opportunities, dispersing risks, and accumulating assets, domestic developers have almost collectively "transformed", more or less, more or less involved in the development of commercial real estate projects.

Among them, Dalian Wanda has done the best. It has developed and completed multiple urban complexes such as Wanda Plazas across the country, leading the trend for a while, and has become a leading enterprise in the domestic commercial real estate industry.

Inspired by Dalian Wanda's commercial real estate development model, various forms of "MALL" began to be rapidly promoted and popularized in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and other places.Up to now, urban complexes, as a brand-new new model of urban development, are in full swing in the majority of first-tier cities, and even spread to third- and fourth-tier cities, counties, and central towns.

Wang Yiyuan believes in the article that the so-called urban complex refers to an intensive complex with various functions such as residence, business, office, travel, shopping, cultural entertainment, social interaction, recreation, etc. neighborhood groups.Such a group basically has all the functions of a modern city, and is also called a "city within a city".

This "city within a city" can also be said to be an inevitable product of urban development.As cities grow, urban centers are evolving from single-core to multi-core.The cohesion of a city, in addition to its attractive cultural connotation, its livable living environment, developed economy, convenient transportation, smooth logistics, and sound financial circulation are all factors that constitute its glory. It is a specific carrier for a city to develop to a certain stage.

Urban complexes have gone through more than half a century of development in some European and American countries with a high level of urbanization.In Wang Yiyuan's article, based on the research and dissection of the Roppongi Comprehensive Project in Tokyo, he believes that a conclusion can be drawn completely, that is, the urban charm, the revival and vitality of the urban center, the urban cultural and commercial center, and the construction of urban leisure places all come from the Integration and innovation of urban resources.

In our country, it is only in the last few years that the urban complex has rapidly developed into a land development model that has been actively adopted from the proposal of the concept, and has continued to heat up.However, as my country's urbanization process continues to accelerate, urban functions are developing towards diversification, and land resources available for construction are becoming increasingly scarce. In order to alleviate this situation, a large number of large-scale urban complexes have begun to be built in various parts of the country.

The article also pointed out that as a bridgehead in commercial real estate, urban complexes have unquestionable social and investment values.The capacity and value that urban complexes can produce through the organic combination of various business forms and functions cannot be measured by the value of ordinary real estate, residences or businesses.

First of all, the compact layout and diversified functional combination of urban complexes can greatly save everyone's work, life and time costs in an effective area in large cities where land resources are shrinking and benefits are prioritized.

Secondly, through the combination of high-end hotels, shopping malls, supermarkets, department stores, catering buildings, pedestrian streets, entertainment theaters and other functions, it can generate extremely high social value, such as employment, taxation, urban prosperity, and improving the quality of life of residents, etc.Finally, the high added value can not only increase the value of its own plot, but also drive the value of the entire surrounding land to increase significantly.

Wang Yiyuan also stated in the article that urban complexes rely on cities and promote the prosperity and development of cities. Urbanization promotes urban complexes to enter a golden period of development.At this stage, we are still in the stage of accelerated urbanization. Factors such as the rapid rise of urban agglomerations and regional economic integration will promote the rapid development of urbanization, and will also push urban complexes into a period of prosperity and development.

The development of urban complexes in recent years has also fully proved that it is correct to settle in China. Urban complexes have become the growth engines and city cards of major cities, and have made great contributions to enhancing urban competitiveness.In a sense, the future competition of urban development in our country is also the development competition of complexes, which will form a city microcosm with multiple functions, the most competitive and anti-risk capabilities.

Wang Yiyuan believes that urbanization and population aggregation have created vast business opportunities for the real estate industry and commerce, and the distribution of population in time and space directly determines the development trend of the industry.China's urbanization process will greatly promote the development of county economy, and county-level cities will take on more functions of gathering population and forming commercial centers.

Although compared with high-level cities, county-level cities have small economic aggregates, small urban populations, and low resident consumption. The total revenue and brand influence of commercial real estate projects are far behind high-level cities, and the space for high profit margins is also limited.

Wang Yiyuan's conclusion is that it is precisely like Nantong City, and even the districts and counties below it, including this kind of national-level economic and technological development, this kind of district and county-level cities, their commercial upgrading needs It is more obvious that the market space is huge and asset appreciation can be expected.In his view, county-level cities are bound to usher in the "spring" of urban complexes.

After clarifying his thinking, Wang Yiyuan calmed down, and his writing seemed to flow like a spring. It took less than two nights to complete the first draft.I deliberately put it aside for a day to calm my mind, and then Wang Yiyuan carefully read it one by one and made the final revision.I didn't email the manuscript to Ren Xueming until I felt quite satisfied.

(End of this chapter)

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