Shanghai is prosperous

Chapter 76 Defense and Siege

Chapter 76 Defense and Siege

Wang Yiyuan hurriedly said, Lao Ren, and Lao Du, don't have too much hope, let me get in touch with these materials before we talk.To be honest, I feel a little rushed to put the duck on the shelves, and I really don't have much confidence in my heart now.

Ren Xueming smiled and said that there have been studies abroad, saying that if a person wants to become an expert in a certain field, as long as he continues to study effectively in this area for more than [-] hours, it will basically work.Even the ugly duckling will turn into a beautiful whooper swan, so, Xiao Wang, we believe in you.

Du Jianfeng also encouraged Wang Yiyuan, saying, how can anyone be born with it?If there is, it may only be God and his old man.Bring out your enthusiasm for that agricultural product brand and try to finish the first draft within half a month, then we can discuss it together.

Wang Yiyuan had no choice but to agree first.He joked that the fundamental reason why the ugly duckling can turn into a swan is that it was hatched from a swan egg and had this gene in it.Look, is there a swan like me?

On the Longwu Line bus going back to Wujing in the evening, Wang Liping smiled and said to Wang Yiyuan, "Old Wang, you were right. In the afternoon, there were many phone calls asking for grapes. They were all from one of our industrial districts." The factory and even the landlord called.I did the math, and there was probably another three thousand catties.Also, I wrote down our own list of gifts, why don't you take a look first?
Let's watch it with Lao Xiao when we have dinner.Wang Yiyuan asked Wang Liping, in this way, there might not be many boxes left for the batch of grapes in the warehouse, right?

Yes, congratulations, you are finally going to be completely liberated.Wang Liping replied with a smile, also, the income from the grapes this time, in my opinion, should not go to the factory's account, it will all be counted as your personal income, and it can also be regarded as our compensation for your self-punishment last time. We can't just let good people And honest people suffer.

As soon as Wang Yiyuan heard this, he immediately said, this is not necessary.Let’s count them together in the factory’s income.But Wang Liping still refused to agree. She said, "Old Wang, don't insist on it. In this way, this account will be suspended first, and we will make a decision when we hold a shareholders' meeting at the end of the year. Hear the opinions of the big guys. What do you think?"Wang Yiyuan didn't say anything about it.

The next day, Wang Liping searched for information on the Internet and called to make an appointment. Wang Yiyuan finally decided to put the physical examination in the physical examination center of the Sixth People's Hospital, and texted Kang Ning the specific time of his physical examination.

To Wang Yiyuan's surprise, when Wang Yiyuan arrived at the physical examination center of the hospital on Thursday, Kang Ning had been sitting there early in the morning on a bench waiting for Wang Yiyuan.

As soon as Wang Yiyuan saw Kang Ning, he pointed at her and joked, "Why, you don't believe me, and you still come to supervise the scene?"

Kang Ning walked over with a smile, held Wang Yiyuan's arm with both hands, looked into Wang Yiyuan's eyes, and said softly, I was afraid that some people would feel uncomfortable if they had thoughts in their hearts, which would affect the effect of the examination, so I came here to accompany him. It can be regarded as lightening his psychological burden a little bit.

The doctors in the physical examination center are more attentive and enthusiastic, and the doctors here are also very patient, and they can explain or chat with you when you have questions, which makes people feel very kind and easy-going.But there are a lot of people who come for the physical examination, and the waiting time for many items is relatively long.

After a series of inspections, it was noon.Because there is a whole blood biochemical test in the physical examination this time, which involves blood drawing and fasting examination, so now Wang Yiyuan has not even had breakfast, and the physical examination report will not come out until the afternoon, so the two decided to go first. Go out and find somewhere to eat.

While eating, Wang Liping called and said that the grape had already placed an order, or that it was supplied by one of the suppliers selected last time, and the operation method was still the same as last time.Wang Yiyuan specifically instructed that the key is to choose the quality. You must make it clear to the supplier that the grapes with poor quality or appearance will be picked out when we pack them and returned directly.

Wang Liping also talked about the gifts given by customers in her factory.Wang Yiyuan said on the phone, when it comes to gift giving, I will deliver the units and individuals that I ticked off yesterday, and you will send all the others to the customers in person.By the way, you still need to get in touch with my master, Du Yule, especially Zhou Wanqiu, a bitter woman, and make arrangements with them to pack grapes together on Saturday the day after tomorrow.

Wang Liping said with a smile on the phone, Lao Wang, I think we have all become professional households selling grapes.Kang Ning heard Wang Yiyuan talk about buying grapes, and he also found it quite amusing, saying, since someone has such a good thing, why doesn't he show it and share it with us?
Wang Yiyuan reacted immediately, and his mind moved.He took out his mobile phone and called Wang Liping again, saying, if you call the supplier, just tell me that I want [-] kilograms of the best grapes from Malu, individually packaged, for my special purpose.After making the phone call, he said to Kang Ning, hey, what kind of world is this, to be forced to go for a medical examination, and to give gifts to others?

Corning smiled and said, eat your meal quickly.With so many delicious dishes, can't you stop your stinky mouth?But you did a good job in this matter, and I want to reward you.

As soon as Wang Yiyuan heard Kang Ning's words, he immediately got excited and said, how to reward?

Kang Ning kicked Wang Yiyuan lightly under the table, and said with a smile, uncle, don't always be such a nympho.Look at you, your saliva will be left on the table.Let me tell you clearly now, my reward is to temporarily cancel tonight's English class to see someone's performance.

After one o'clock in the afternoon, the physical examination report was printed out. Wang Yiyuan took it from the doctor's hand and took a look. He saw that almost all the items on the physical examination form were checked, and the final conclusion of the examination was good.After discovering that his body was in good condition and "no problem", Wang Yiyuan suddenly felt a sense of relaxation from the inside out, just like when the final exam results came out during his study period, he suddenly found himself performing supernormally.

But after looking carefully, Wang Yiyuan found that there was still an item of examination that the doctor did not tick, and there were two lines of small characters at the end of this line, saying that the lymph nodes were slightly inflamed. It is recommended to go to the pharmacy to buy some medicine. Minor ailments may worsen if left unattended.

Wang Yiyuan couldn't help being amused, and casually said to Kang Ning, don't general hospitals always prescribe medicines regardless of major or minor illnesses?Could it be that the doctors here don't get a commission?
Kang Ning was very satisfied with the results of Wang Yiyuan's examination. She laughed at Wang Yiyuan, saying that if you are sick, go to the doctor, and if you are not sick, you will have a physical examination.Therefore, the physical examination itself is really not a big deal. Checking one's body every year is just for the sake of yourself and the peace of mind of your family members.

Wang Yiyuan just laughed out loud and didn't speak or make a sound.Kang Ning continued to tease Wang Yiyuan, saying that some people did it, but they seemed to feel how disrespectful they were to themselves, and wished they would walk away, treating our good intentions as wolves and complaining.

One couldn't help it, and with a "puchi", Wang Yiyuan couldn't help laughing.He laughed at himself and said, didn't I be obedient in the end and bowed down under your pomegranate flower skirt?You are still amazing.

Don't be sloppy, don't think I can't see it.Kang Ning raised the physical examination report in Yang's hand, and said with disdain.

Wang Yiyuan pretended to be strange and asked, so what's wrong with you?Didn't the doctor say it was OK just now?

Indeed, Kang Ning said with a smile, the general physical examination only includes blood pressure and blood sugar, blood routine, biochemistry, liver and gallbladder B-ultrasound, and at most, urology B-ultrasound, chest X-ray, and tumors.And look at your inspection items, such as internal medicine, surgery, ophthalmology, otolaryngology, stomatology, blood lipids, trace elements, blood type, look at this list, there are dozens of items in a mess, what do you mean? Isn’t it right? We have an opinion?
Wang Yiyuan pretended to laugh silly.He turned to Kang Ning and said with pride, "Then, what kind of weird requests and tests you have next, tell them all together now, and Uncle Ben will come to cover it up with all his troops."

Kang Ning laughed loudly, she twisted Wang Yiyuan's waist vigorously, and then pretended to kick Wang Yiyuan a few times, saying, I will make you embarrassed.

Kang Ning said with a serious smile, but uncle, you are doing it the wrong way, we are the defenders of the city, and you are the attackers of the city. You are really a big governor of Hong Kong.However, I want to vaccinate you. The test has just begun. Don’t be complacent. You should be mentally prepared for the long march. There is still a long way to go. Take your time.

(End of this chapter)

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