Shanghai is prosperous

Chapter 73 3A's medical examination report?

Chapter 73 The medical examination report of the top three?

In the evening, Wang Yiyuan and Kang Ning met in Xujiahui, and Kang Ning proposed to eat Da Niang dumplings together.When Wang Yiyuan comes to Xujiahui, he often passes by this restaurant on Tianyaoqiao Road, and has eaten there many times.

Originally, Wang Yiyuan didn't like noodles very much, but he went in by chance and found that there were not only noodles, but also many other dishes, and even rice bowls.Since then, he likes to eat the beef vermicelli soup here, and it is served with a shrimp dumpling. Not only can he be full, but he can also be satisfied.

The beef vermicelli here is really delicious, the beef is really beefy, and the amount of meat is quite a lot.The thickness of this beef, compared with some fatty beef products such as ramen, is almost at the level of steak, and it has a very good taste. Wang Yiyuan said to Kang Ning while eating, this vermicelli also absorbed the taste of the soup, and the taste is still the same. not bad.

Wang Yiyuan even ate eight shrimp dumplings in a row, and Kang Ning had seen Wang Yiyuan's appetite, so he was not surprised.After dinner, the two held hands, crossed the pedestrian bridge, and went for a walk in Xujiahui Greenland Park.Wang Yiyuan casually asked Kang Ning about the translation at the meeting in the past two days.

Kang Ning was obviously in a good mood. She held Wang Yiyuan's arm and told a lot of interesting things since she was an interpreter along the way.

Wang Yiyuan asked Kang Ning, so your simultaneous interpretation is very difficult in oral English translation, right?
Kang Ning answered Wang Yiyuan with a smile, saying, I used to feel very mysterious about simultaneous interpreting, and felt that it was unattainable.When I finally sat in the simultaneous interpretation room, put on the earphones, looked at the monitor, and faced the microphone, I made my first sound anxiously. At that time, I felt that the simultaneous interpretation was actually not that difficult.

She smiled and said, by the way, what kind of interpretation is the most difficult to talk about?I actually think that in some occasions, consecutive interpreting is just an ordinary speech and translation, which is more difficult than simultaneous interpreting.

How do you say this?Wang Yiyuan didn't understand for a while, and asked, I watched on TV, didn't those translators all look relaxed and smiling?Of course, the Prime Minister's annual government work report may be more difficult.

Kang Ning explained softly, saying that when talking about simultaneous interpretation, although there are a lot of information coming in and out, it is like you are rafting on the river and flowing with the river water. ".When consecutive interpreting encounters this kind of scene, it is like encountering a barrier lake, and everyone is waiting for you to translate. The most troublesome thing is that among these people there are people who are good at English and love to find fault. If it is not handled properly, it will be a catastrophe, and it will make a fool of itself.

Wang Yiyuan became interested, and found an iron leisure bench that happened to be empty, and the two sat together.He still rested his hands on Kang Ning's neck, looked at Kang Ning, and listened to what she said.

Corning said that when he translated a new product launch, the speaker was very happy when he talked about it, and completely forgot about the need for translation.By the time he realized that he had stopped, he had been talking nonstop for ten minutes.All eyes on the scene were focused on me, the translator, to see how I would end up.

Wang Yiyuan asked, what did you do then?Corning said, what else can I do?Fortunately, relying on a piece of paper and a pen, I basically jotted down the main points. When he stopped, he spoke one by one. He talked for a few minutes, and I also talked for a few minutes. The whole scene was finally held. .

Corning went on to say that another important thing is to deal with various accents.Accents that are more difficult in English translation include Australian accents, Scottish accents, and Indian accents that have become popular in the world.

Why do you still hear the color change?I remember that English is also the official language of their Indians.Wang Yiyuan asked Kang Ning.

Yes, because of this, those Indians are basically quite proficient in English, unlike countries where English is the second foreign language, they speak slowly and use basic words, but they speak fast and fluently, and they speak native slang A bunch of them.At this time, it is really what we say in the jargon. People are talking and laughing with their accents unchanged, and the translation is scratching their ears and temples.

Wang Yiyuan couldn't help laughing out loud and said, it's very interesting.Still scratching my head, the translation must have been changed by Monkey King.

Corning also laughed and said, I am happy today, and I will tell you a joke that is widely circulated in the translation industry.In the 50s, translators were scarce and had little experience and level.At the reception of the leader of a friendly country, the leader of our country praised the other party and said, you are the pillar of the country, and you are busy everywhere.The translator couldn't think of the word "pillar" for a while, so he used the word log, and the sentence became like this: You are a log and roll about. It means, you are a big log, rolling around.

Hahaha... Wang Yiyuan couldn't help laughing. After he stopped, he also said, in a client unit I know, there is an employee whose surname is Qian, and the English name he chose for himself is Dollar.In another company, an employee called himself Strong because his name was Strong.Unexpectedly, a newcomer came two days later, and his name was Stronger.You say, is it funny?
Kang Ning was also amused and laughed, and said, yes, I remembered one thing. There was a foreigner in Chenguang who taught us in school, and every class had to be called. There were a few students in the class whose English names used Their real names are Yuanyuan, another Yanyan, and Youyou. I still remember the corners of the teacher’s mouth twitching.

She continued, and once I went to a company as an interpreter, there was a girl named Seven in English in their company. I heard her call that time, and she picked up the phone and said, Eleven, I am from the Shanghai company. Seven... Don't tell me, these two people really match each other. Did they start Seven-Eleven together?
Wang Yiyuan smiled and said, there is a joke that office workers transliterate every day of the week into Chinese, and they become Monday=busy day; Tuesday=seeking death day; Wednesday=undead day; Blessed day; Saturday = free and easy day; Sunday = hurt day.This translation has an artistic conception and a high level.

Having said these jokes, the two stood up and continued to walk forward, walking on the glass trestle bridge without realizing it.Wang Yiyuan and Kang Ning stopped, leaned on the railing, and watched the night scene arm in arm.For a while, both of them fell silent.

Kang Ning raised her head and looked at Wang Yiyuan quietly several times, obviously she wanted to say something, but she opened her lips several times, but she didn't say anything, and she obviously became preoccupied.

Wang Yiyuan looked away, saw Kang Ning's expression, and said, Kang Ning, do you have something else to tell me?

Kang Ning finally made up her mind, but she still vaccinated Wang Yiyuan first, saying that there was something wrong.But first I want to say something up front, when I say it later, don't worry too much, let alone get angry?
Wang Yiyuan said, just right, Kang Ning, I also have something to communicate with you.That's right, as you know, I'm 31 years old this year, and I'm talking to you only for the purpose of getting married.This, I think you should also be able to feel it.However, I still have two concerns, so we might as well exchange some real thoughts with each other.How about we find a teahouse and sit down and talk about it?

Kang Ning nodded, but quickly shook his head and said, right here.You start by talking about your concerns.

Wang Yiyuan thought for a while and said, then I'll talk first?One is that I am a foreigner. According to my understanding, the rate of your local Shanghai girls marrying foreigners is quite small.Even if there is, it is nothing more than a classmate in the university, or a colleague in a unit, or an introduction between relatives, and they are generally the type who know the basics.

Kang Ning was silent for a while, and after a long time, she said, so what is your second worry?
Wang Yiyuan said sincerely, "That's right. I don't have any background, I don't have a high degree of education. I graduated from a teacher's college, barely a college student. Of course, I am mainly a foreigner with little money. I don't know about this." Have you ever thought about how your family might think about it?
Isn't this still a problem?Kang Ning asked Wang Yiyuan a little puzzled.

Wang Yiyuan explained that it was different.In fact, my worry is two sentences, I am a foreigner, and I am a foreigner with no money.To be honest, I don't even know myself very well now, what kind of appearance I will be in Shanghai in the future.I know that you Shanghainese are more realistic. Many girls in Shanghai will only look for local or out-of-town local tyrants. I don't know if I can catch the eyes of your family.

Kang Ning pursed his lips, and pushed up the eyes on the bridge of his nose with one hand, maybe because he felt uncomfortable, so he just took it off and put it in his pocket.She smiled at Wang Yiyuan and said, Actually, I don't wear glasses, and I can basically see clearly in daily life, so there is not much problem.

Kang Ning went on to say, in fact, I have considered your two concerns just now.What you said is right, the little Shanghai girls around me are either going abroad to marry foreigners, or Hong Kong, and there are quite a few in Taiwan. No matter how bad they are, they will find a Shanghai boy.But what does it have to do with me if they want to do this?Now I'm the one looking for someone, okay?

Just as Wang Yiyuan was about to say something, Kang Ning waved his hand and said, I won't talk about your good points here, lest some uncles will be proud.I'm just replying to you, don't have so many worries, I have chosen you now, so naturally there is a reason for my choice.You have to remember that you must always have confidence in yourself. Only in this way can we continue to go on.

Wang Yiyuan nodded vigorously.He asked Kang Ning again, what did you say you wanted to tell me?

That's right, anyway, you have seen my cousin, cousin.Now people in our family have made a request, that is, you have to show them a report of your medical examination first.

Medical report?How to do it like joining a Fortune [-] company?Is it your family's opinion?
Kang Ning nodded, which was considered to be acknowledging Wang Yiyuan's statement.Also, she said, it must be a relatively comprehensive physical examination report issued by a top three hospital in Shanghai.This is also the opinion of my family.

(End of this chapter)

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