Shanghai is prosperous

Chapter 6 The Salesman's Dilemma

Chapter 6 The Salesman's Dilemma
Now that I have decided to be a salesman, after understanding the company's products, the business itself and the industry, the first thing I face is to find customers.But how to find target customers who are interested and even able to place an order depends on personal luck, and it is up to Wang Yiyuan to explore alone.As the saying goes, the master leads the door, and the practice lies with the individual.

At the beginning, Taihu Company did not provide any ready-made customer resources to Wang Yiyuan, but arranged Wang Yiyuan to be responsible for the company's new business development in Jinshan, Fengxian, Songjiang and other areas in the order of first come, first served.

These places seem to have a very large business area, but it seems that they have drawn a very large cake, but Wang Yiyuan has no way to start from where to start.

Like most salesmen, Wang Yiyuan decided to search the Internet, telephone yellow pages, and various advertisements in newspapers and magazines to find target customers first.

But after a period of time, Wang Yiyuan quickly found to his annoyance that it was difficult to gain the trust of customers by making phone calls and making rash visits, and the results were not very satisfactory.

Often during telemarketing, after making calls for a day, most of the calls were either unreachable or empty, and Wang Yiyuan was hit first.When you call, don’t say that it’s hard to find someone who is actually in charge of the other party. That is, even if someone from the customer unit answers the phone, they keep saying that you don’t need it before listening to the introduction. When they hear that you are going to visit, they will push the unit Very busy, the person in charge is not here, or is on a business trip, politely ask you to fax the documents or put the documents in the guard room, but most people hang up the phone without saying a few words.

Even so, after a few days of phone calls, there are a few customers who are willing to accept visits, but because these customers are scattered, the efficiency is not high. Basically, I can only visit a few in a day, and an average of 3 is not bad. .

In this way, the blow came again, and I ran to the customer with confidence again and again, and walked out again and again dejected.In the end, some clients of Wang Yiyuan were not even happy to enter the door, so they returned.After going back and forth like this several times, Wang Yiyuan didn't have much confidence in himself.

Many nights, Wang Yiyuan returned to the dormitory very late, physically and mentally exhausted, and immediately lay on the bed, staring helplessly at the dark ceiling.He didn't know when he would have his real day of success, and he didn't know whether he could survive that day.

Sometimes even the simple work of washing and brushing, he doesn't have the strength to move his hands and feet, and he doesn't even have the mood to eat dinner.Sometimes even when he was barely eating, he couldn't detect how much flavor was in it, and he couldn't swallow it.

The target market is at a loss, at a loss, and can't find the feeling. It is a vicious circle, which makes Wang Yiyuan's morale very low.

This experience of fumbling and wandering forward made Wang Yiyuan, a leader who had never had any sales experience, go through a rather long period of cluelessness, confusion and pain in the history of his life.

Especially in the first month or so, this period of time that had to be done but was extremely difficult, running around, having no direction, full of setbacks and even hurt self-esteem, made Wang Yiyuan doubt whether he was really suitable for doing business.

He even thought in frustration many times, whether it was right or wrong for him to come to Shanghai recklessly this time, abandon the production management work he was familiar with, and focus on doing business in a whimsical way, and he didn't know whether he would be able to do business in the end. How miserable is it.

Could it be that I really chose the wrong direction?He asked himself countless times in his heart.

The junction of Wuzhai Road and Laoqinghu Road is an intersection where the letter T is slightly protruding.Where the head sticks out is a driver training school.There is a small courtyard beside the school gate.The front and rear of the yard and the south wing are two-story buildings, which have been converted into separate dormitories for renting out.The north wing room is a flat floor, and the whole room has been transformed into a large billiard room with five billiard tables.

The owner of this courtyard is not often here. The daily care and management is an old man in his 60s. His old couple also opened a simple small shop selling tobacco, alcohol and beverages at the gate of the courtyard.

Once Wang Yiyuan bought a drink here by chance, and he was from Hunan from his accent.Sure enough, when we talked, I was from Jin City, Hunan Province. When fellow villagers meet fellow villagers, they naturally have a natural intimacy.After getting acquainted with him, Wang Yiyuan called him Lao Liu.

Lao Liu is over 60 years old, small in stature, but very capable, and knows a few real kung fu skills. It is said that in real fights, three or four adults can't get close to him.Old Liu is upright and righteous. He has told Wang Yiyuan more than once that if he really encounters someone bullying him in Shanghai, he can call him.

In his free time, Lao Liu is either planting flowers and raising grass in the yard, or playing fists and clubs in the yard.

And the section of road in front of the gate of this small courtyard is the only way between Wang Yiyuan's factory and the dormitory.Generally, if there is nothing particularly urgent, Wang Yiyuan will stop here for a while every time he returns to the dormitory after get off work, chatting with Lao Liu.Because he was busy looking for business, Wang Yiyuan didn't come here for a while.

Just met that day, Lao Liu and the old lady brought water and were watering the flowers.As soon as Lao Liu saw Wang Yiyuan, he said casually, oh, Xiao Wang, why have you lost so much weight?The old lady also said, yes, it's just getting hot, why are you so dark.

Wang Yiyuan said, now I am starting to learn to do business.I've been running outside for the past few days, it's windy, rainy and sunny, there's nothing I can do.Aunt Liu said, you child, you have to take care of your body.Take your time, there is no rush.But Lao Liu said that this is also impossible.What else can I do?You can't do business without running.

Lao Liu put down the bucket, took a bottle of mineral water from a small shop, handed it to Wang Yiyuan, and then said, Xiao Wang, this is in Shanghai, there is no way to do it unless you work hard.You see, we are all old men and women, don't we still have to work part-time.

Wang Yiyuan said that it is not difficult to work part-time, but it is still too difficult to achieve some results.It's been almost half a month, and I still haven't achieved any results in terms of business. I just took a few small orders. It's difficult to do business.

Wang Yiyuan took the water ladle from his aunt, and carefully poured water into the flowerpots one by one slowly.

They don't have many flowers and plants, a few pots of orchids, pots of green radish, and a few pots of rhododendrons in full bloom.Rhododendrons are generally called azaleas in Wang Yiyuan's old home, and they are everywhere in the mountains and plains at this time of spring.Wang Yiyuan picked off a few petals, washed them in clear water, put them in his mouth and chewed them, saying, um, it still smells like childhood.

Lao Liu said, Xiao Wang, no matter how difficult it is now, we must continue to do it.Bite the bullet and do it down, maybe there will be a chance.There are also many business people living here, and they all have the same beginning. Everything is difficult at the beginning.If you keep at it, it might just start.

Wang Yiyuan thought for a while, and said slowly, there is no problem in persevering, the problem is that I don't know how long it will last, as it is now, I don't know if I can persist.

But Wang Yiyuan had no way out, and he had no way or reason to persuade himself to give up the path he had chosen. No matter how difficult it was, he had no choice but to make up his mind to continue walking forward.At this time, the weather gradually became hotter.

Every morning, Wang Yiyuan fetched buckets of cold water from the well in the yard downstairs, wiped it from head to toe, refreshed himself, bought breakfast at the corner of the street, and then rode to the company by bicycle.

It was the master Du Yule who gave Wang Yiyuan an idea to sweep the streets and buildings.Of course, this does not mean that Wang Yiyuan should really go to clean buildings and roads, but a professional term in business, which means that when looking for customers, if sometimes he cannot find a fixed target, he will use a street or an industrial area as the main target. Limit, visit one by one or visit a certain office building floor by floor, door to door, this is street sweeping and building sweeping.

Du Yule helped Wang Yiyuan analyze the state of business development during this period of time. She believes that the most important thing for Wang Yiyuan now is to boost his mentality, improve his ability to suffer setbacks, and improve his business development skills.Sweeping streets and buildings is an effective and excellent method, and it can also have a more intuitive understanding of the printing market, so as to use resources efficiently and rationally.

Wang Yiyuan also bought a lot of books on marketing and marketing during this period, and urged himself to read them for a while before going to bed every night.One night, Wang Yiyuan was reading a book by marketing guru Kotler.This guru has greatly expanded the traditional definition of marketing. He believes that marketing is the science and art of discovering, maintaining and cultivating profitable customers.

Seeing this, Wang Yiyuan slowly closed the pages of the book. He kept thinking, when will he be able to master this science and enter the palace of art?Combining theory with practice, theory guides practice, and deepens understanding in practice.

Wang Yiyuan understands the meaning of these sentences, and understands them all, but the reality is, why does he feel that the time he has been in is getting longer and longer, but it seems that he is getting farther and farther away from this palace?
(End of this chapter)

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