Shanghai is prosperous

Chapter 2 Who will be wonderful tomorrow?

Chapter 2 Who will be wonderful tomorrow? (preface)
Many years have passed, and I still clearly remember the scene of living in Chengzhong Village, Xingzhan Road, Qibao Town when I first came to Shanghai.

A person carries a bag, which is said to be luggage, but in fact it is just a few simple changes of clothes.I left my hometown and relatives, and came here to live in the corner of the second floor of a small farmyard, on a wooden bed in the square inch of the rented house.

Alone, helpless, looking for work everywhere, my future and my heart are ignorant and confused.

We are all people who keep running back and forth, from starting to stopping, in the end, we are all just to find the self you want in your mind.

At each stage of life, there are not many opportunities to actively choose.

I have had this experience at least three times, traveling alone.The first time was graduating from Loudi Teachers College, from my hometown in Hunan to Huzhou, Zhejiang.The second time was for livelihood, from Huzhou to Ningbo.The reason why I moved to Shanghai this time is that there are many last resorts and helplessness.

Time flies and does not stay.Like a cigarette, looking at the past in a dream.

Stop for a short time, turn your head once in a while, recall and stare at the distance you have walked, or staggered, or walked forward, and suddenly you will find that those various pasts are not the same as your own life. The karma in the story?

Sometimes I often ask myself, am I just trying to find the real me I want?

I think, I may be a sentimental person.Some thoughts took off and fell in a single thought, one after another.

Everyone may have a dark time, and everyone will walk in the dark.When people are alive, there are always many difficulties.Big or small, long or short.

Those dark emptiness, pouring down, always make us burst into tears at a certain moment.Tears dripped into ice, freezing our eyes.

In the darkest and worst time of life, we have encountered many painful times, and our hearts are full of holes, as if we have exhausted all our strength.

Whose youth has never been confused?The days are getting longer and the shadows are getting thinner.People are not old, but their eyeballs are already filled with pale yellow, and some people even turned their youthful hair gray overnight.

Life is a stage that never ends, bearing the vicissitudes and joys of life, as well as loneliness.

Ye Weiyang.Standing in the middle of the darkness, but you can no longer see the way you came.

Lonely alone swarms up.Yes, it is really difficult to protect yourself sometimes, very difficult.

But the days still have to go on day by day.

Always be alone and go through some difficult days.

Whether you live, or not, joy, or lingering, the days are all there, and time flows forward slowly like a river.

The days are every day, not only through the bright days, but also through the dark nights.

It's just that some people stayed in the darkness and never stood up again; while some people survived to the sun and became legends.

But even a person who has been surrounded by suffering all his life will definitely have moments when he is favored by joy, even if it is only for a moment.

These moments of joy, like warm hands, will flicker over our whole being.

If you have been ignorantly in the middle of darkness, for no other reason, you must have lost yourself.

Life sometimes just keeps climbing out of a pit with great difficulty, and before you can take a breath, you jump into another pit.

And some of these pits existed in situ, some were set up by others, and some were dug by themselves.

If your strength cannot support your self-esteem, you must tear off the so-called strong disguise you think, and ask for help when it is time to ask.

There are also many times when we may accidentally become our own prisoners, but we must not let it lock our hearts.

Sometimes you might as well change the way, go straight or turn a corner, as long as you don't give up, don't give up, the self you want must still be there.

What is deeper than darkness?Sitting alone at the threshold of the night, one layer of thick darkness is quietly disappearing.

Only my black eyes, which I can't hide, don't sink in the dark night, I use them to find the light.

What we need is not necessarily comfort, but to find the true self we want in the next dawn after going through the long night.

The true self that you want to be is the light you have been looking for.In fact, our whole life is to discover and seek our own light, and follow our own light.

Lift up the light that is only one star, and then lift it up again, pass through the night, offset the surrounding darkness, let the heart stop, and finally live as you desire.Our lives and lives have become more profound since then.

Buddha said, in darkness, you have to live as your own light.

There are always some times that you will find that it has been deeply engraved in your memory after the past.

Maybe many years later, at a certain night under the lamp, you will suddenly remember that some people have gone by boat in the river of time and disappeared.In your heart, there is a warmth that has crossed the river of time and will never fade away.

The light looked at me, it was burning itself.

The sky is full of prosperity, whose splendor will belong to tomorrow?
Everything in the past is a prologue.I seemed to see that the light in the room I rented was still on, but I didn't know who was still living there.

(End of this chapter)

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