I can fish for anything

Chapter 33 Promotion!Mahayana realm!

Chapter 33 Promotion!Mahayana realm!

These impurities and dirty things are all impurities in Jiang Zhihao's body that are excreted through the pores of his body.

Jiang Zhihao jumped into the reservoir and took a bath to clean the impurities on the surface of his body.

In fact, cultivation, on the one hand, is to absorb the spiritual energy between the heaven and the earth.

On the other hand, through spiritual energy, the impurities in the body are forced out of the body.

Afterwards, Jiang Zhihao felt the spiritual energy in his dantian.

Vigorous and pure.

I didn't expect that with the help of this bead, I would reach the Mahayana realm so soon.

Jiang Zhihao was overjoyed, and subconsciously punched a willow tree.

The willow tree shook, the branches trembled, and many willow leaves rustled down.

This is the reason for the release of Reiki.

Once you reach the Mahayana realm, you can release the spiritual energy in your body, which can be used to attack and defend.

However, Jiang Zhihao was only in the early stage of the Mahayana realm, and he was not proficient in releasing spiritual energy, which made the power so small.

If it is at the later stage of the Mahayana realm, coupled with Jiang Zhihao's proficiency in releasing spiritual energy, it will be easy to hurt people from afar.

If you go up the Mahayana realm, you will reach the master realm.

The strength is even more astonishing!

Jiang Zhihao originally wanted to continue his cultivation through beads, but it was getting late and his father was still waiting for him to go home to sleep, so he had to give up.

After driving the sheep home, after dinner, Jiang Zhihao sat on the sofa and watched the evening news with his father.

The host, Chen Jing, was wearing a gray lapel-collared lady's suit with a white shirt inside and short, clean hair. She was really heroic.

She deserves to be one of the audience's favorite hosts. Whether it is hosting serious news or supporting entertainment programs, she can handle emotions and language just right.

At this time, it was the prime time for David TV. The program hosted by Chen Jing could be broadcast in this time slot, and it could be seen from the side that the leaders of the provincial TV station valued her.

This program is called Evening News Thirty, and it mainly broadcasts some major news in the province.

First, he briefly talked about which leader came to inspect a certain listed company, and the chairman of the listed company led people to receive him warmly. Then the camera changed to Chen Jing's rather serious expression.

"At 100:[-] this afternoon, a group of masked robbers broke into a gold store with sharp knives, stabbed three security guards and gold store employees, smashed the counter glass with a hammer, and robbed gold necklaces, agate bracelets, etc. For precious jewellery, the total value of the loss in the gold store is more than [-] million."

"The three robbers are obviously habitual offenders. They have a clear division of labor and are ruthless. The whole process lasted less than a minute. When the police arrived, the three robbers had already fled by car."

"The police have set up roadblocks at important intersections. Inspector Sun, who is in charge of the case, issued a military order. If the case is not solved within seven days, he will resign on the spot."

"The security guards and employees of the gold store who were stabbed by the robbers are out of danger after blood transfusion."

The old man was speechless for a moment: "Why are these people so stupid? They set up Luca and even put it on TV. Isn't this the same as telling the robbers, I'm waiting for you here, don't you come here!"

Jiang Zhihao didn't know whether to laugh or cry, this is indeed the truth, it's like driving a police car to catch a criminal suspect, if you insist on honking the siren, isn't it afraid to scare the criminal suspect?

These truths, even my father is clear, I don't believe those people don't understand.

Jiang Zhihao couldn't figure out why there are still people taking such risks in this society where the law and order are stable.

Don't you know that Skynet is not missing?

You know, Huaguo is a country with the highest detection rate in the world.

The next morning, Jiang Zhihao got up early.

Went for a walk around the orchard.

There are mature fruit trees that have been transplanted, and there are also new seedlings that have just been planted.

The transplanted fruit trees will not bear fruit until next year.

As for the newly planted seedlings, if they want to grow fruit, they have to wait two or three years. For the sweet cannery, the maturity cycle is too long, and the various fruits that the village can provide cannot be supplied at all.

This gave Jiang Zhihao a headache.

But if you buy fruit from other places, the quality of the canned food will be reduced.

For canned sweets, this is tantamount to killing a goose to get its eggs, and Jiang Zhihao is not stupid enough to smash the signboard of canned sweets for the immediate benefit.

"Aunt Wang, weeding!"

"In this field, a lot of dogtail grass grew overnight. These grasses have strong survival ability. I have to get rid of them as soon as possible, otherwise the nutrients in the field will be absorbed by these grasses, and the fruit trees will grow out. The fruit of the fruit, it might be small and bitter!"


Hearing this word, Jiang Zhihao's mind flashed.

If enough nutrients are given to the fruit tree, can the fruit tree grow up and bloom overnight, and even bear fruit?

By practicing the nameless exercises and absorbing the aura of the world, in a short period of time, his own strength has been greatly improved.

If the aura is sent to the fruit tree, what kind of changes will the fruit tree have?

Jiang Zhihao decided to give it a try.

He avoided Aunt Wang and quietly went to the deepest part of the orchard.

Find a fruit seedling, hold it with both hands, and start to circulate the dantian to stimulate aura.

The thickness of this fruit seedling is like a baby's arm, and it can be easily held with one hand.

With the continuous infusion of spiritual energy, the fruit seedlings grew wildly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

It becomes thicker little by little, blooms and disperses overnight, and bears fruit!

When Jiang Zhihao stopped, the trunk of the bead, which had just sprouted, had become as thick as an adult's thigh, and it was full of fruit.

Jiang Zhihao was ecstatic in his heart. It turned out that his guess was correct.

Reiki can stimulate plant growth.

I just don't know what the fruit will taste like.

Jiang Zhihao picked a fruit, and after tasting it, his eyes lit up immediately. It tasted sweet, almost the same taste as a naturally grown fruit.

If the hundred acres of orchards were instilled with spiritual energy, then the Sweet Cannery could be put into production again immediately.

Roughly calculated, it takes 10 minutes to instill spiritual energy into a fruit tree, and there are about 300 fruit seedlings in one hundred acres. After the infusion is completed, it will take 55 minutes, more than [-] hours, or [-] days.

And it can only be completed without eating or drinking, without stopping in the middle.

Jiang Zhihao also didn't want people to discover this secret. If he stayed in the orchard and poured spiritual energy on the fruit trees, he would inevitably be discovered.

But is there any way to quickly complete the infusion of spiritual power to the fruit tree without being discovered by others?

Jiang Zhihao tried, took out the bead from the interspatial ring, looked at the dark bead again, and then buried the bead under a fruit seedling.

Then, an incredible scene appeared again.

Right under Jiang Zhihao's eyes, this young fruit seedling started to grow wildly at an incredible speed, and the trunk became stronger...

The surrounding fruit trees have also changed, growing, sprouting, blooming, and bearing fruit.

And yes, the closer the fruit tree is to the bead, the faster it will grow!
Jiang Zhihao hurriedly dug out the pillar.

As the beads were dug out, the fruit trees stopped growing.

Jiang Zhihao has his worries...

(End of this chapter)

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