Director of the Centre

Chapter 9 Highest Respect

Chapter 9 Highest Respect

Tao Tao did go to the street to eat, and she usually lives in the dormitory of the unit.

One is that there are so many vacant houses in the unit, and others have occupied them, so it’s okay to occupy one by myself; the other is that I don’t get along well with my family, so I want to live in the unit to be quiet, and it’s convenient for me to rehearse and so on.

Seeing Han Lu in the back with his hands on his hips, panting like a cow, Tao Tao couldn't help smiling, feeling unspeakably happy in his heart.

I was in a good mood and hungry, so I found a random shop and ordered a penny of rice noodles. I was told not to have chili peppers, chopped green onions, mutton and lard, but only put some soy sauce.

The boss was very strange. He said that he had opened the store for more than ten years and had never seen such a strange request.

Tao Tao explained that he is engaged in art work, and he needs to protect his throat, and he can't eat spicy food or meat.Don't smoke or drink, or you'll blow your throat.In that case, I would be sorry for the hard work I have put in for so many years, and the most important thing is to be sorry for the audience and fans.

It turned out to be a big star!The boss said with emotion that after gaining experience, this is the way every business has.Little girl, you are so beautiful, but you never thought you would suffer so much.

Tao Tao couldn't help being proud of being complimented by the boss, saying that there is no way to dedicate herself to art.

The boss said, sit down, I'll cook a bowl of rice noodles for you right now, without putting anything away.

Tao Tao said, "Wait a minute, I don't put anything in a bowl of ordinary mutton rice noodles for [-] yuan, shouldn't it be cheaper?"
The boss replied, that is cheap, so, I will charge you six yuan.

Tao Tao quit, and started counting for others, how much rice noodles can be bought for eight yuan, and two or three catties can always be bought.You only have a bowl of mutton rice noodles for two taels, and it’s only a few dollars. Why charge me so much, and there’s no mutton and seasoning in it. That’s not the reason. Four yuan is okay?
The boss suddenly understood, and asked, sister, you come to eat rice noodles, no lamb, green onion, chili, pork, broth, monosodium glutamate, chicken essence, or anything else, why don’t you cook it yourself at home?I understand now, you are here to bury me, right?

Seeing the boss's face change, Tao Tao was taken aback, and hurriedly explained, no, you misunderstood.

Misunderstood fart, Southwest Province is mostly high mountains and big rivers, and the temper of Southwest people is as rough and violent as these mountains and rivers.The business of the boss's shop is extremely poor, and there are not many customers at dinner time, and it is close to the point of closing.Seeing the woman say some inexplicable things, he suddenly became furious. He didn't care whether Tao Tao was a woman or not, so he cursed away: "Misunderstanding, how much of a misunderstanding! If you don't have money, you can burn it. If you don't have money, you can't." Huo Beer, you don’t earn money for ball games, but you also eat rice noodles. You’re so shabby, why are you still trying to reason with me?”

Tao Tao was very angry: "Why are you so rude when you speak, who is poor?"

"Eating a bowl of rice noodles is all about bargaining. Who knows who is poor? You think I am blind. Look at you. The clothes have been washed until they are faded, and there are balls on them. You really lost your ancestors. Go away, don't delay me Do business."

After saying that, he kicked Tao Tao out.

After all, Tao Tao is also a medium-sized wrist, and she is also old. When others see her, they will respectfully call Teacher Tao. Whenever she is treated roughly by someone, her eyes can't help but turn red.

When she graduated from elementary school, she became a committee member and was sent to an art school to study. She ate in the school cafeteria. When she needed to wash clothes and sheets and quilts, there were many laundromats outside the school. They were hand-washed and cost one yuan per piece.

At that time, life in the unit was easy, and every Wei Peisheng would receive a large amount of living expenses.Girls have a small appetite and can't run out of money in their hands, so problems that can be solved with money are nothing to worry about.

After more than ten years, Tao Tao's fingers are not sticky to Yang Chunshui, she can't do laundry and cooking, and she fits well with the rich lady and prime minister's daughter she usually plays.

After graduating, he went back to work in the Sichuan Opera Troupe, and settled his career establishment. His salary was in the early 500s, plus labor insurance and performance subsidies, which amounted to more than 90 yuan a month.This may not seem like much to people more than ten years later, but don't forget, it was the 70s at the time.Pork is only seven yuan a catty, rice is one yuan and three yuan, beef is ten yuan, six and seventy yuan can fill a table.

She has endless money on hand, so she can eat whatever she wants; as long as the clothes in the clothing store are close to her eyes, she doesn't care about the price.New electronic products, that must be pursued.

Youth is beautiful and life is fulfilling.

But things gradually went wrong. Wages did not rise, but prices doubled.A hundred-dollar bill is gone after a stroll on the street.

The worst thing is that she has to give her parents 300 yuan of living expenses every month to repay their kindness in raising them. She raised her younger brother who has no job and wanders outside all day, and life is suddenly embarrassing.

The words of the owner of the rice noodle shop were really insulting. After returning to the dormitory, Tao Tao thought of her poor family situation, of being cruelly abandoned by her ex-boyfriend, and of being in danger of canceling her career at an old age. In my heart, I sang unknowingly: "Eternal oaths become illusions, good marriages turn into evil marriages. Waves and lights are as simple as practice, and they are dedicated to turning into cuckoos. Wrong, wrong, don't complain, back then..."

But suddenly I felt dry and astringent in my throat, and I couldn't sing anymore.

It turned out that when she was fighting with the rice noodle boss just now, she was too emotional, and she didn't care about using her dantian energy, chest pronunciation, etc., so she yelled at the top of her throat.The climate in Jinsha City is dry, and it is the dry season at the end of August, but my throat is a bit congested.

The voice is the life of a drama actor, Tao Tao was horrified, she couldn't care less about being sad, and hurried to the kitchen to see if she could find some fruit.

It turns out that artists all have a set of tricks to protect their voices.First of all, when talking and contacting, try not to use your voice to pronounce, usually don't touch meat, and don't catch cold. In hot weather, you should still wear thick clothes in the morning and evening.Usually once the throat is uncomfortable, you have to eat cold fruits.Cut a piece into your mouth when you sleep at night, and spit it out at dawn.

The kitchen was empty, not to mention fruits, not a single vegetable leaf could be seen.

The discomfort in her throat became more and more obvious, Tao Tao was in a hurry, she went to look through her wallet, and was going to go shopping on the street.

After flipping through it, my heart suddenly felt cold, and there was only a ten-yuan bill left in it.It turned out that my mother called yesterday and said that my younger brother was fooling around outside and got pregnant. Not only did he need to go to the hospital for abortion, but he also had to lose money. The family was in trouble, and she was asked to take responsibility.

There is no way, just pay, the old bottom is all gone.

Jinsha City has a hot climate and is located in a mountain with inconvenient transportation. The price of goods is high, and it is not easy to live in.The price of fruit is astonishingly high. Take mango for example, at 31 catties, it has reached the point where ordinary people can't afford it.

Ten dollars can't buy you anything.

Besides, I have to pay utility bills tomorrow, if I can't even get a few dollars out, I'll be ashamed.

Tao Tao wanted to cry again, but at this moment, there was a loud kick at the door outside.

She opened the door, and saw Han Lu standing outside with his hands behind his back, with a smile on his face: "Sister Tao, I think I should apologize to you."

Tao Tao was very emotional, on the verge of mental collapse, and shouted hysterically: "What door are you kicking, why are you kicking the door? Apology, apology, who wants you to apologize, you get out, get out!"

"Huh, so excited?" Han Lu disagreed: "I think we should talk about it calmly. What happened today is my fault. A man, if you make a mistake, you have to bear the consequences. You have to say sorry and let you accept it." My apologies, this is the principle of being a human being."

"I don't accept it, I don't accept it, and I will never forgive you. Please, I'm in a mess and I have emotional problems. Get out and let me be quiet."

"No, no, I can't go." Seeing her yelling, Han Lu didn't flinch, and suddenly said an unbelievable sentence: "Is it okay to lose money?"

"Pay... money..." Tao Tao looked at Han Lu with a look like she was looking crazy.

"It's decided. I want to compensate you for your spiritual loss. This is the highest respect."

(End of this chapter)

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