Director of the Centre

Chapter 87 The Treasure of the Town Store

Chapter 87 The Treasure of the Town Store ([-])

In recent years, the social atmosphere has been bad, and no matter the big or small things, the local people have to set up wine and collect gift money from people.

Not to mention weddings and funerals, buying a house and building a house, birthday banquets, and school entrance banquets are routine items, and even buying a car requires a lot of customers.

As the office assistant of the unit, whenever there is such an activity, Han Lu probably can't get away.

Just last month, he received three big red "reminders", which included all his salary for that month.It's really bitter gourd soaked in coptis, it's miserable.

The most fucked up guy is a well-known guy in the unit.

The guy built a three-story building in his hometown, and invited guests once for each floor, and invited Han Lu to eat three times, and there was no place to reason.

This time Chang Yuehua set up wine, and Han Lu also prepared a red envelope.But she insisted on not accepting it, saying that today is a big day, and if everyone can come to cheer, it is to give the eldest sister face, and if she charges money, won't that spoil the atmosphere?
Han Lu and the others were delighted, and suddenly felt that this eldest sister could be called a clean stream in the world of mortals.

After the banquet, when Chang Yuehua invited several guests from the cultural center to the store for tea alone, only then did Han Lu and others understand his intention.

Chang Yuehua had already invited a photographer to come over, set up curtains in the store, set up spotlights, and took everyone to take ID photos one by one.

Han Lu was puzzled: "Sister, what are you doing?"

Chang Yuehua said, eldest sister, I run a matchmaking company, so everyone cheers and puts the information on me, just to make a show.Don't worry, if you have a good partner, you must take care of your colleagues first.

It turned out that the colleagues she invited to have a drink today were all single men and women, obviously they came prepared.

Han Lu muttered: "It turns out that you didn't accept the gift for a purpose! If you hit us in the cold, I think it's better to forget about it. I really don't have that kind of thought."

"Forget it. Wouldn't it be a good thing for someone to introduce someone to you? Chang Yuehua, shoot me and shoot me." The one who spoke was the actor who had been divorced four times, had an affair, and finally had his family broken up for the fifth time.

This guy is really out of the world.

Han Lu was still refusing to say, "Eldest sister, I have nothing, and my material life is very poor, so no one would think highly of me if I put it up."Don't worry about me, it's a waste of resources.I'm not a big beauty like Tao Tao, you'd better ask her to register with you, and think of it as helping her solve a big problem.

Chang Yuehua said sternly, otherwise, in fact, in the marriage market, men are more sought-after than women.Good-looking women are common, but suitable men are rare.

The colleague who has been divorced five times is proud: "Men are valuable."

"Han Lu is, but you are not." Chang Yuehua was not afraid of offending anyone, so he answered him and explained to Han Lu: "Like you, Xiao Han, you are handsome, you are a public institution, and you are a cadre. He's also tall. When he was in college, he was booked by his classmates long ago. Even if he didn't fall in love in college, he went to work, and he was able to escape the claws of the aunts in the unit, so he was booked early."

Han Lu: "Didn't I escape your clutches? Sister Chang, I have lived my life in a mess, so I won't harm other people's daughters. I have no intention of starting a family for the time being."

Seeing his firm attitude, Chang Yuehua had no choice but to say: "Why don't you take a picture and register with me as a prestige, to show that I also have high-quality excellent men here."

"Registration is fine, but don't ask me to go on a blind date."

Chang Yuehua said: "If I don't force you, I'll just hang up your information. Don't worry, with your conditions, I'm the only one here. It's the treasure of the store, so how can you sell it so easily."

Han Lu smiled and said, "That's right, you can let me stay for a long time."

Chang Yuehua: "If someone really likes you, you really can't escape it, Han Lu, you still have to help me socialize, what's the relationship between us!"

Han Lu perfunctory: "Let's talk, let's talk."

After taking the photos, Chang Yuehua made a file and recorded everyone's information on it.Han Lu, the treasure of this town store, is naturally on the last page. The letter: Han Lu, deputy department-level cadre of the career editor, graduated from XX University of Finance and Economics with a bachelor's degree, 1.8 meters ten in height, 130 in weight, and a former member of the university student union and a party member with political outlook , only son, owns a house in his hometown, has a monthly income of [-], is upright and healthy...

Han Lu suddenly felt a little ashamed and said, Miss Chang, you are not being objective.When will I earn [-] a month, isn't that a lie?
Ms. Chang said, you are an office assistant now, and when you become the director, then the deputy director and director of the center, won't your income go up?As for other personal conditions, isn't it true?

Han Lu was speechless and said, that would overdraw my future income!What deputy director, director, you think highly of me.I don't have so many thoughts about the future, I just want to eat three meals a day, have a peaceful mind, watch the flowers bloom and fall, and sit and watch the clouds and clouds.

He thought he was just making up the number of people, but unexpectedly, our eldest sister Chang ran to the office anxiously in a few days.Seeing no one around, he grabbed Han Lu's hand and said, "Assistant Han, help me out here. I have a problem here, and you have to help me solve it."

Han Lu: "What's the matter, what happened to you?"

Chang Yuehua said that a customer came to the shop recently, the girl is already 28, she is very picky, she doesn't like anyone.I don't know how many times I have quarreled with my family because of my personal marriage.This time, I was probably forced to come here for a scene.

She couldn't even look down on the profile of men in the store.

So what to do?

The role of the treasure of the town store is to take it out when encountering tricky and bad-tempered people who are not good at dealing with customers.

Seeing Han Lu's photo, the girl agreed.It can be seen that the family is not single, but wants to find someone who is good and handsome.

Han Lu: "Since you have even spoken out the words of Jiang Hu's emergency, okay, let's make an appointment!"

Seeing that he agreed, Chang Yuehua hurriedly took out the photo of that girl from her bag, a very pretty girl.

Han Lu was a little moved. During the Chinese New Year, he was scolded by his father every day, scolding him for being incapable of finding a girlfriend, which made him a little bit broken.

Both parents are old, so I have to give the two elders an explanation.

It's time to start a family yourself.

Soon, the two met.

When Han Lu saw the person, he was immediately dissatisfied.

The girl is indeed the same as in the photo, and her facial features are not bad.But the skin is really bad, a little dark, and a little rough.The point is, the woman is really too thin, shriveled like a reed stick.In contrast, Comrade Xiao Han looks uneven.

Han Lu does not judge people by their appearance, marriage is not a child's play, it is related to the health of the next generation.The so-called mother is strong and the son is fat, the mother is in good health, and the baby will grow well.Taking a ten thousand step back, he would rather find a chubby and round woman.

Since it's here, let's settle down, and the scene should be perfunctory.Maybe the girl can chat with him, and we will become soul mates!
They went to the water bar to drink and chat.

During this conversation, Han Lu found that this woman was a little abnormal.

When men and women meet for the first time, it's just to exchange personal information, what do you do, and who is in your family.How do you usually live and what are your hobbies?

The girl said that she doesn't have any hobbies, but likes to meditate and practice Qi.

Then he told Han Lu enthusiastically how to cultivate, how to seize the fortune of heaven and earth, and how to change his fate against the sky.

"Surprised girl baby", "cutting the red dragon", "drinking jade liquid" for two full hours, Han Lu couldn't understand a word she said.

In the end, Han Lu couldn't bear it any longer. He pretended to answer the phone, stood up and said, "I'm sorry, there is something to do at work. A colleague is sick and hospitalized. I want to visit on behalf of the office."

The girl said: "People eat five grains and suffer from all kinds of diseases. They still have to cultivate their innate qi and not be contaminated by mundane qi."

Han Lu: "Master's words are reasonable, I will definitely remind my colleagues to be pure-hearted and ascetic."

(End of this chapter)

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