Director of the Centre

Chapter 72 I want to go ashore

Chapter 72 I want to go ashore
Yang Guang also became excited, and asked: "Really, is this news true?"

The actor nodded: "It's true."

It turned out that, as Yang Guang said just now, the country implemented the economic stimulus plan, and there was more money in the market, and prices began to rise.However, should everyone's wages be raised?

The actor also said that a relative of his works at the water plant in Hexi District. There has been news that the salary will be raised, and the unit is making a report. It is probably true.Director, I dare to guarantee it with my personality, if I have personality.

The actor is 43 years old this year and has a lot of emotions. He has been divorced four times and is now cheating. His personality is indeed remarkable.Of course, his artistic attainments are good, and he doesn't care about things like personality.

Then, several employees from the center came to ask about the salary increase.

Everyone has an excited face, whispering and muttering when they meet each other.

People in the center are confused.

Han Lu hurriedly called Qin Wenxue from the Social Security Bureau to verify the matter. Just last month, the Personnel Bureau and the Labor Bureau merged into the Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, and Comrade Qin was promoted to be section chief.

Qin Wenxue replied that there was such a thing, and when Han Lu asked how much everyone's wages would increase in the future, he said impatiently, "I don't know how much it will increase, you have to ask the big boss."Anyway, the approved salary can exceed 1000 yuan per month!
"1000 yuan?" Han Lu took a deep breath, feeling like being hit by happiness, and couldn't help calling out, "The one next door to Ma La."

Of course, one thousand fast is just Lao Qin's speculation, and the city hasn't issued a policy yet.

Han Lu was not at ease, so he suggested to Yang Guang, Director, when I was talking with Lao Qin just now, I heard from him that all units are looking for them to ask how to check the salary.From my point of view, the current world is full of crying children who have milk, so you have to report the situation to your superiors anyway.Otherwise, everyone simply registers the expected salary amount and fights for it.You see, our center is a unit that may be abolished at any time. If grandma doesn't love her uncle and doesn't love her, she doesn't make trouble. I'm afraid that the salary increase will fall behind other units.

Yang Guang said, it makes sense. Aren't you familiar with Director Zhou and Section Chief Qin of the Bureau of Human Resources and Social Security, or you can do this.As for me, I will go to the Culture and Tourism Bureau, or directly to the Propaganda Department, and we will split up.

Han Ludao, that's right, that's how it should be. I'll go down and find everyone to register now.

The so-called registration is to make a form, fill in the length of service and title of all employees, and the expected salary amount, and then sign it.

Finally, let the center issue an application and send it to the Human Resources and Social Security Bureau.

When it comes to how much money you want a month, everyone is excited.Lao Liu said three thousand, Chang Yuehua reported two thousand six, Shi Hongjun asked for two thousand four, and Han Lu thought that he had only been a full-time employee for two months. He was just an office assistant and had not yet set an administrative level, so he wrote a Chiba.In his opinion, [-] thousand is enough to feed himself well and live a nourishing life.

Zhong Xiaoqin looked at Han Lu affectionately: "Brother Lu, you decide."

Han Lu was too lazy to talk nonsense with her, so he just filled in two thousand three.

In general, the average number in the Central Newspaper is around [-], which is not excessive.

But Zhao Yi went out of line and directly reported six thousand, which caused a sensation.

Han Lu was annoyed: "Don't you think it's ridiculous, Old Zhao?"

Zhao Yi: "I call it taking advantage of the muddy water to rake shrimp, just report a number, what if it happens?"

Everyone laughed and said, Zhao Yi, if you won the jackpot, wouldn't that be higher than Director Yang's salary?

"What if it's really taller than Director Yang?" Zhao Yi said seriously.


Seeing the application sent by Han Lu, Qin Wenxue, the new head of the salary section of the Bureau of Human Resources and Social Security, couldn't help laughing and shaking his head; "You guys are really naive, the local government will set a unified standard for the salary of financial support personnel, and it's not up to you to decide. "

Han Lu smiled and said, "We're just trying, even if we can't make it, we have a lot of meat on our body, it's not bad to come and see you as an old friend, you have to treat me to lunch later."

Qin Wenxue's son is recovering well, and Han Lu has been very grateful for his help in this matter.

At noon, the two went to the restaurant next to the Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, ordered a few side dishes, and chatted while eating.

Prices have soared recently, and the prices of vegetables in restaurants have doubled.In the past, a piece of fried shredded pork was 12 yuan, but now it is [-] yuan.

Lao Qin lamented that unscrupulous businessmen are always one step ahead of prices, and roughly talked about the city's wage adjustment policy.

In fact, the level of salaries of permanent staff depends on local finances, not only from province to city, but also from city to city.

Jinsha City's economy is good. After all, it is an industrially developed area with guaranteed tax revenue.

In this salary adjustment, all financial support personnel will probably take a base figure, about 2000. This is the basic salary, and other benefits will be calculated separately.Anyway, in a unit like the Cultural and Art Center, it is still possible to see more than [-] ordinary workers a month.Don't write applications anymore, what are you fussing about?

Han Lu was very happy when he got the letter.Said, more than 2000 is not bad, not only can eat enough, but also eat well.

Qin Wenxue snorted: "You are worthless, and you are so happy with just over 2000 yuan. Now you can eat enough for one person and the whole family is not hungry. It is more happy. But people can't be young forever. There are always married people with wives, children, parents and father-in-law When your mother-in-law needs to support her, then you will know that the money is not enough. Also, do you have a house?"

Han Lu: "Old Qin, you really spoil the scenery."

Qin Wenxue: "By the way, I went to the provincial capital to study last week and heard some news. Do you know how much the annual income of civil servants and public servants in Jianyang City is? They just raised their wages and took the lead in the province. The standard has been drawn up, and our city must also implement it.”

Han Lu said, "Jianyang, is that Jianyang mutton, what is their salary?"
Lao Qin said that the basic salary of civil servants and public servants is not high, about [-] yuan, but the various benefits, such as target awards, performance, and five insurances and one housing fund, add up to a lot.Calculated, the annual income is [-] to [-], and the country is really rich.

Our Jinsha City is originally a large industrial area. Regardless of its small size, its GDP ranks third in the province, only behind the provincial capital and Mianyang City.

"You can take so much!" Han Lu exclaimed.

From this point of view, Zhao Yihou's salary of [-] is not too much.

Seeing him so excited, Qin Wenxue poured cold water on his head: "This is a civil servant and a public servant, what does it have to do with your institution? What's more, your cultural center may change to a company at some point."

Han Lu: "I took this year's public exam. I feel that I did well in the exam. I think I can go ashore successfully. However, I can't open the score checking website. Old Qin, can you help me?"

Qin Wenxue was also very happy to see that he was full of confidence, so he said yes, Xiao Han, and I will check it for you.But you don’t have to worry. Based on your exam results last year, it’s reasonable to pass the public exam written exam.Instead of worrying about checking the score, you might as well think about the next interview.

Han Lu laughed and said, "I'm full of righteousness, with two red faces, three words and four clapping, five senses are clean, and I'm afraid of interviews?"

Qin Wenxue: "I think you're up and down."

Han Lu was a little timid, and scratched his head: "Don't say it, I'm a little nervous for some reason."

(End of this chapter)

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