Director of the Centre

Chapter 54 Happy New Year's Eve

Chapter 54 Happy New Year's Eve

There was no WeChat in those days, and the old people in the center didn’t know how to use QQ. Han Lu had no choice but to call Lao Xin and the others one by one. He said that the performance during the Chinese New Year had been agreed, and they would start on the second day of the new year and get round-trip tickets for the other party’s performance. The company is responsible.He will transfer the money to my account when the time comes, and I will give it to you all after the show is over.

In addition, the repertoire of this performance has already been set, "Missing the Sky", you are ready for these few days, enter the role in advance, and warm up.

When they heard about the performance of this play, everyone was excited and asked if they would play the whole show.Han Lu replied, nonsense, he must act from beginning to end.Losing the space and cutting means losing the street pavilion, empty city strategy, and killing Ma Su, and it would not be perfect if it is missing.

The old artists were very excited, and said with emotion that after so many years, they finally finished a play with all their needs.Even if they don't give money, they still act, the key is to enjoy it.

Han Lu rolled his eyes and said, I should have said it earlier, it made me haggle with him for a long time.

Someone asked how the roles should be assigned.Han Lu replied, I don't understand, you decide for yourself.

Later, it is said that two old men quarreled over the role of Ma Su and became enemies.In the end, the others got annoyed, saying that it was not an option for the two bosses to fight like this, and wouldn't it affect everyone's rehearsal, so they decided to make a fist.The winner plays Ma Di, and the loser plays Wang Ping.

Han Lu said that he couldn't understand, what is there for Ma Su to act, how embarrassing it is to be beheaded on the stage!
Another old man called Han Lu at four o'clock in the morning. He cried and choked up and said, "Xiao Han, look how my tears are moving. I have been thinking about Zhuge Liang all night."

Han Lu was furious: "Master, I still have to cry to squeeze the train at dawn. Master, just let me go!"

Thanks to director Yang Guang, to CCTV, to MTV, and to all the Vs, Han Lu took the express home this time, so he didn't have to suffer on the green train like he did when he came to Jinsha to report.

But it was still crowded, the compartment was full of people, the luggage racks and aisles were so full of luggage that the dining car couldn't get through.According to Han Lu's observation, it seems that there are more people buying standing tickets than sitting tickets. Some people have been standing for a day and a night, and they really can't bear it. Stare at the past.It was a cold day, and it was so hot that people were sweating all over.

The car was full of stench.

"Wow!" Someone vomited all over the side of Han Road.

Everyone was too crowded to move, and there was no way to clean.

Comrade Xiao Han had no choice, so he covered the vomit with the newspaper in his hand, and made a blind eye, and there was no cliff in front of him when he closed his eyes.

Another woman with a baby was standing beside him, keeping her limbs stiff for almost four hours.

Han Lu couldn't bear it, and said, "Sister, why don't you sit in my seat?"

The eldest sister felt embarrassed and said, everyone is long-distance, how can I ask you to give up your seat.Han Lu said, it's not about giving up, or else, let's take turns to rest.

It's not easy being out and about, especially if you have kids with you.

The eldest sister is probably too tired, and considering the child, she will not refuse.Along the way, she kept taking out snacks for Han Lu to eat.

When he arrived in the provincial capital, Han Lu weighed himself in front of the pharmacy on the street, and miraculously found that he had gained two catties.

The weather was cloudy, and the provincial capital was terribly cold. In the evening, there was snow in the sky.

Stayed in a small hotel in the provincial capital for one night, and squeezed the bus for another day the next day. When I returned home at night, the sky and the earth had become white. The heavy snow in [-] was rare in a century, and Han Lu felt his whole body was stiff. up.

Since I can remember, there has been no snow in Southwest Province, but this year is weird, and the temperature has passed the freezing point.This made it difficult for Han Lu who came back from Jinsha, where the sun is shining and the average temperature is 25 degrees.

It’s the New Year’s Eve at this time, and the sound of firecrackers is everywhere, and a firework rises in the night sky from time to time, which has a strong New Year’s flavor.

Han Lu's home is located in the urban-rural fringe on the edge of the county seat, and it is a small farmyard.

When he was a child, there were rice fields here, and he often followed his friends to catch grasshoppers and crucian carp in the paddy fields.Today, farmland is replaced by high-rise buildings, and the villages in my hometown are surrounded by buildings.It's hard to say whether it's good or bad. In the era of rapid development, childhood memories will soon be erased.

The snow on the ground has accumulated to a thickness of one centimeter. After walking for a while on the thin snow, I saw yellow incandescent lights.Home, a warm home.

The courtyard door of the house was open, and there was a thin figure standing there, it was my mother.

The father's roar came from inside: "Look, you will go to the door every 10 minutes to see if that bastard has come back, and you will be frozen to death. If you should come back, you must come back. If you don't come back, you won't be able to come even if you wait until the end of time. It's annoying. Are you still eating New Year's Eve dinner?"

Mother: "It's a New Year's Eve dinner if Xiaolu doesn't come back."

Father continued to yell: "Why, the earth won't turn without someone?"

Han Lu hurried up and grabbed his mother's hand: "Mom, are you cold?"

The mother was startled by the son who jumped out suddenly, and then her face was full of joy: "Why did you come back, it's dark today, be hungry, eat, eat."

After taking the bag from Han Lu, he asked again, "Are you cold?"

Han Lu: "It's cold, it froze me to death. Mom, why are you so thin, your hands are full of bones."

Old lady: "This man's body is not all bones except meat, mom is trying to lose weight!"

Han Lu felt inconceivable: "Mom, you are already thin, so why lose weight? You are so old."

Han Lu's father continued to scold inside: "You can't lose weight when you are old. The police in the Pacific Ocean are too lenient? You can't go into the house to say anything. Are you very hot? Just stand outside all night. Hurry up!" Come in and kowtow to the ancestors."

Han Lu and his mother hurried into the main room. There was a charcoal fire inside, and the steam and the smell of food were blowing across their faces.

According to local customs, the New Year's Eve dinner is first kowtowed to the ancestor's tablet and incense.

So, the family of three kowtowed three times in front of Han Lu's grandparents tablet, and then made a wish.

Han Lu: "Grandpa and grandma, please bless our family to make a fortune."

As a disciple from a poor family, he grew up poor and felt that money is really good, and that money brings happiness.

Han Lu's father began to scold again: "You just know that you want money, are you a debt collector? You don't even know how to make a wish to your ancestors, you idiot!"

After scolding, he straightened his throat and shouted: "Father, mother, if you have spirits in the sky, you will bless our family of three in good health and safety. It doesn't matter whether money is money or not. As long as the person is good, he can drink rice soup every day. If you agree, on Ching Ming Festival, I will kowtow to you two elders and burn ten catties of paper money for you. Otherwise, I will not honor you at all."

The old man bargained with his ancestors.

Han Lu was speechless for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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