Director of the Centre

Chapter 48 The Elders

Chapter 48 The Elders

As soon as the meeting ended, Han Lu began to get busy.

The performance venue on the 26th is at the Hushan Theater.

Hushan Theater was formerly known as the Municipal Movie Theater, where cultural and art groups from Jinsha City, including the mining area, would perform there. In the late 80s, various performances became less and less, and movies began to be shown again.By the 90s, movies couldn't go on anymore.

Later, this place was handed over to the Cultural and Art Center for management, but the property rights belonged to the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission, and the number of employees inside was not in the center.In this way, the staff over there don't quite buy it.

Doesn't the cultural center have [-] performances every year, almost one performance per week?To accomplish this task, you have to go out, go to major units, go to the countryside, and directly deliver spiritual food to the masses.If you sit in the theater and wait, you can't wait.You can never say: "XX unit, our center will stage "General and Prime Minister" at the Hushan Theater on a certain day in a certain month, and you will come and see it." At home, the wife and children are warming up on the kang, playing small mahjong, and eating spicy food Is it too hot? Come and sit here for two hours?

Also because the Hushan Theater has been idle for a long time, the equipment inside is aging.

Since it is going to be restarted, the sanitation must be cleaned, and the equipment needs to be debugged, right?

Lao Wang was ill again, and he didn't know if it was true or not, so Song Tian made a target and said he had something to do and didn't go.As for the other two women in the office, when they arrived at the theater, they just chatted with the two young men over there, and they said they didn't understand electrical equipment, so they left all the work to Han Lu.

Han Lu likes to be active but not quiet, and loves to find trouble. According to the local dialect, it means "Shaking Lingzi", which means like a peacock. He likes to shake the most beautiful feathers on his body for everyone to see. It is a sensationalist, which is relatively negative.

He didn't think so, everyone quit the work, so what about the performance on the 26th?
Someone has to be brave enough to do something, right?
Besides, the sooner I get this done, the sooner I can buy the train ticket to go home, the last thing I delay is my own size.

He checked and debugged the equipment, only to find that it was a mess when it was turned on.

Most of the equipment in the Hushan Theater was purchased more than ten years ago. Everyone knows that electrical equipment has a service life of only ten years.Especially the impact, the effect is extremely poor, worse than the grass team.

After reporting to Yang Guang and Lao Wang, Han Lu found a stereo salesman from outside, tinkered for a long time, changed a few sets of cables, and was barely able to deal with it.

But this time the boom went wrong again.

The so-called boom is actually a machine used to hang the curtain and lights in the theater.

This thing requires a professional electrician to handle, but also more expensive.

Yang Guang had no money, so he borrowed a few electricians from other units and asked Han Lu to lead them to tinker.

Jinsha City at the end of January was already a bit cold, and the theater was empty, but Han Lu led the electrician up and down the ladder, still sweating from the heat.

At seven o'clock in the evening, the boom was finally fixed. After Han Lu reported to Director Yang, he began to test the machine.Have the electrician put the boom in different positions and test the lights in groups.

Song Tian heard that it will be done soon, and finally appeared, bossing around the scene, as if he was the main force for the maintenance of the equipment this time.

Han Lu was covered in dust, his hands were worn out, and he hadn't eaten dinner, so he didn't have any strength left.If you have the surname Song, you just need to pick peaches. I just want to get this place done quickly and leave.

At this time, the boom had another problem, and it got stuck in half, and it would not move no matter how I tried it.

Song Tian began to scold Han Lu and those electricians, saying, what are you doing to eat? You haven’t finished it all afternoon. You just said that it will be done soon. This is too irresponsible. I want to report to the leader. Deduct your wages.

When he said this, Han Lu groaned in his heart.

The electricians were annoyed, they were not from the cultural center, and working here for an afternoon was equivalent to supporting a brother unit, and they didn't get a penny more, so why should they be angry with you.

Immediately, they took off the gloves and threw them, packed up their tools and left.

Song Tian was still talking in the background, what is your attitude, are you doing the job like this?

Han Lu finally couldn't hold it anymore, and yelled at him, "What kind of fart are you, you can't talk, shut your mouth."

He hurriedly caught up with those electricians, bowing and bowing: "Boys, that guy was just crazy, why are you getting angry with him, for my sake, help, help? happy New Year Happy New Year!"

I bought water and cigarettes for everyone out of my own pocket.

In the afternoon, when the electricians were working, Han Lu was always on the sidelines, putting in the same amount of effort.Several electricians liked him very much. Seeing his sincerity, they all said, "Han Lu, if we didn't see your face, we would really go back. Who do we love?"

"That's right, Han Lu is our buddy. When you come out to hang out, loyalty is the most important thing, so help him."

Han Lu wiped the sweat from his forehead: "I thank you all, and I will invite you to eat Malatang after finishing."

After finishing the suspender work with great difficulty, Han Lu had a midnight snack with his fellow electricians, his whole body was already sore and limp, and he wished he could go home immediately, take a shower and sleep, but no, he still had to buy the train ticket for the day after tomorrow!

When he carried the bench to the train station, he was shocked by the huge crowd of people there.

There are so many people, it's even more outrageous than the Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day.The waiting hall could no longer hold the space, and many people simply slept on the floor in the square in front of the station.

Fortunately, the weather in Jinsha City is hot, otherwise it would have froze people to death.

"Hey, Xiaolu, when will you be able to go home!" It was my mother's call, and her voice was full of expectation.

Han Lu smiled and asked, "Mom, do you miss me?"

Old lady: "I really think about it, I just want to ask you when the ticket will be available."

"Anyway, once you arrive, it doesn't matter when you got the ticket."

Old lady: "No, Xiaolu, don't you like to eat bean dregs cake? I want to make time to make it, and you can eat it as soon as you get home."

Bean dregs cake is a special snack in my hometown. It is very common, but it is troublesome to make.First, marinate the leftover bean dregs from making tofu with pepper and salt overnight, then steam the glutinous rice and mash it into a paste, mix it with the seasoned bean dregs, knead it into cakes, and bake them on a charcoal fire.

This stuff has both the mellow aroma of glutinous rice and the refreshingness of bean dregs, coupled with the hotness of the two vitex peppers, it is terribly delicious.

But it can't be kept for a long time. After a long time, one is not fresh, and the other is that the umami flavor of the pepper itself will be lost after drying.

The taste is just right when it is made and eaten now.

"It's great to have bean dregs to eat!" Han Lu cheered, and then said distressedly: "Mom, I really can't give you a confirmation letter. It's very difficult to buy train tickets. I'm queuing at the station now. Line up all night."

Suddenly, my mother whispered from the other end of the phone: "What are you doing, why are you grabbing the phone?"

Then his father Lao Han cursed angrily on the phone: "Han Lu, you son of a bitch, you can't even buy a train ticket. You grew up eating grass? Aren't you a cadre, aren't you an official?"

Han Lu cried: "Dad, I'm just an ordinary worker, and I'm still a career editor. You think highly of me."

Old Han continued to growl; "Back then, you were asked to take the exam with us, but you refused, so go to Jinsha, you bastard!"

Han Lu was a little afraid of his father: "Dad... Hey, this signal... I won't tell you, I'm still waiting in line!"

Hastily hung up the phone.

The long line moved forward at a snail's pace, and more than an hour later, my father called again: "Have you bought it yet?"

Han Lu: "Dad, it's still early, there are at least hundreds of people ahead."

Old Han: "What do you want?"

Han Lu: "I can't knock everyone in front of me away, can I? Dad, don't be in a hurry... Hey, hey... Why is there no sound, this broken signal, let's not talk about it."

Continue to line up, another hour passed, Lao Han still called in.

Han Lu was annoyed: "Dad, don't you go to sleep, don't fight, I will tell you as soon as I buy the ticket, will it work?"

The time passed bit by bit, the sky broke dawn, and I didn't realize that I had lined up all night.

After finally squeezing to the window seat, I asked, but there was no ticket.

Han Lu was so depressed that he couldn't speak anymore, he ate a bowl of tofu nao outside the train station, staring at the distant green hills in a daze.

My father called again, asking when the train was and when I could get home.

Han Lu was tired all night, and he was weak to answer, Dad, don't rush, I didn't buy it.I can understand how you want me to go home for the New Year, but the reality is like this, let me find another way!
Lao Han broke out completely, and said, what can you do, I think you are a useless thing, disobedient and unfilial, and the sky is struck by lightning.

Han Lu stayed up all night, his internal fire was raging, and he couldn't help saying, Dad, what are you talking about, how can it be related to unfilial piety?

Old Han couldn't control that much, he straightened his throat and started cursing "animal", "bastard", "fuck you" and foul language rolled in, and finally even "private child" came out.

Han Lu didn't expect his father to be so angry. When he was in college, one year he didn't go home for the New Year because he had to study for the exam, and his parents didn't say anything!

After making the phone call, he got up and was about to go home. When he stood up, he realized that his feet hurt badly.

It turned out that after standing all night, both of his calves were swollen.

Thinking of his father's incomprehension, Han Lu was so wronged that he burst into tears.

No matter how old you are, no matter how far you go, as long as your parents are there, you will always be a child.

Back at work, it happened to be working time. Yang Guang saw Han Lu's tired face and asked him what was going on.

Han Lu talked about how he went to the train station to queue up all night, and if he didn't have a ticket, he couldn't get a leave of absence.He also said, don't worry, the director, the matter of the Hushan Theater has been settled and will not affect the performance.

Yang Guang looked at Han Lu with admiring eyes, and said, I know about the theater yesterday, and now there are not many young people like you who have suffered so much.

After finishing speaking, he picked up the phone and dialed a number, and talked to the other end about asking for a ticket.

An hour later, someone sent a train ticket from Jinsha to the provincial capital tomorrow morning.

In [-], the real-name system had not yet been implemented for train tickets, and it was quite simple to buy tickets on behalf of others.

Yang Guang threw the ticket to Han Lu: "Xiao Han, I don't have to go to work in the afternoon, I will go home to make up for sleepiness, and I will say hello to your parents."

Han Lu asked suspiciously, Director, you have an acquaintance at the train station, so why didn't you use this connection last time when you went to the provincial capital to make me queue up to grab tickets.

Yang Guang said that his little aunt was just transferred to the station this month to be a moderate leader, didn't she not have this kind of relationship before?
Han Lu, after that, can I ask you to buy bus tickets every Spring Festival travel season? Director, I'll bring you some local products from my hometown.

After all, I happily packed my things and prepared for a long vacation.

Yang Guang: "Just run away, why don't you give me the fare money?"

"Your leader is still so stingy? I'm poor too, so deduct it from next month's salary!" Han Lu smiled and bowed to him: "Thank you, Director, thank you!"

He is really grateful to Yang Guang.

In Han Lu's mind, this is a honest elder who deserves to be respected.

Back in the dormitory, Han Lu called his father and said that he had already bought the ticket, and he must hurry back home in the evening, so don't scold your old man.You call me an illegitimate child, isn't that scolding my mother, isn't that scolding yourself?

Lao Han: "Smelly private child, if you don't show up at [-] o'clock, I will kill you." This old fitter and old worker is so simple, rude and unreasonable.

Han Lu was a little ignorant of him, and promised for a long time before falling on the bed and staring at him in a daze.

He was sleeping soundly when the phone rang. He was so tired that he couldn't open his eyes. He touched the phone: "Dad, are you still calling?"

"What's wrong with our dad?" Zhong Xiaoqin's voice came from the other end.

Han Lu: "I'm sleeping, can you not disturb me?"

"Why sleep? It's already six o'clock now. Get up and watch the fun. Something happened, something big happened?" Zhong Xiaoqin couldn't hide the excitement in her voice: "The [-] people in our center have all made appointments and are ready to kill Hushan Theater, talk to the city leaders. Brother, get up and go with us, we can’t do without you.”

"Ah!" Han Lu instantly sobered up, "I'll come down right away."

(End of this chapter)

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