20 years of teaching

Chapter 76 Is This Your Girlfriend?

Chapter 76 Is This Your Girlfriend?
At the other end of the classroom, two class teachers who were idle were whispering, their attention was all on Liu Huihui.

Liu Huihui is wearing a waist-tight pale pink T-shirt today, paired with tight white slacks.

The proper tightness of the clothes perfectly presents Liu Huihui's slender figure, slender and plump at the same time, delicate and sexy.

An eighteen girl is a flower, every man misses her!

When such a charming girl appears in front of his eyes, some unreasonable thoughts will inevitably appear in the man's spiritual world.

The two homeroom teachers, one named Yang Qingyuan and the other named Li Dongfeng, have been working for more than ten years and are married and have children.

The two were whispering and commenting on Liu Huihui's figure. From time to time, one of them leaned into the other's ear and whispered something in a low voice, and then the other's smiling eyes narrowed.

The other party stared at Liu Huihui's body without blinking, and laughed so hard that his shoulders shook.


Wang Shusheng always tries his best to chat with the new students to judge their potential.

But don't expect to get the slightest benefit when dividing classes, and Wang Shusheng himself doesn't know this.

Yang Qingyuan, Li Dongfeng and Wang Shusheng have been the head teachers of the same grade for many years, sending off students one after another.

Wang Shusheng couldn't have imagined the level of detail that the two of them did to prepare the class for the first year of junior high school...

As early as when the students were in the sixth grade, Yang Qingyuan and Li Dongfeng liked to go to the elementary schools in the area to learn about the learning situation of the outstanding children in the class with the head teachers of the sixth grade, so as to make choices when changing children.

They will specifically aim at a certain top student who performed abnormally in the exam, and transfer them into their own class in different ways.

All the exams in the world, since ancient times, cannot prevent cheating.

In the primary school graduation exam, there are even teachers who allow students to cheat, just to get a good ranking in the county's teaching quality evaluation...

Yang Qingyuan and Li Dongfeng are very clear about which students' grades are false...

In order to get more comprehensive information about the students, the two of them would secretly invite the class teacher of the primary school graduating class to dinner.

So Wang Shusheng wanted to get some benefits from exchanging children, but he had no way.

Wang Shusheng was often tricked. In the mid-term exam two or three months later, the grades of those who were transferred out were often much higher than those who were transferred in.

Wang Shusheng didn't know the reason, and always blamed himself, thinking that his management ability was worse than the other two.

Everyone has tried their best, but unfortunately in the end, they still fail completely in the high school entrance examination competition, and they are the last one every year...

The registration and payment work has been completed. Liu Lili happily took the receipt and read every word on it over and over again.

Seeing that Lin Feifan and Liu Huihui were very affectionate, Wang Shusheng asked with a smile, "Lin Feifan, is this your girlfriend?"

Liu Huihui's eyes lit up immediately, she was as shy as a flower, and looked at Lin Feifan affectionately.

Lin Feifei kept blinking his eyes, hesitantly, he knew what kind of answer Liu Huihui wanted.

But the answer to the question can't be said nonsense, it has to be realistically told.

Before Lin Feifan could answer, Li Mintong said first, "Yes, yes, my sister even kissed Teacher Lin just now."

"..." Lin Feifei was sweating in embarrassment, unable to explain.

The answer is yes, but really not.

The answer is no, but she was indeed kissed just now.

Liu Huihui's face was blushing, she didn't know if it was because she was shy or happy.

"Brother Fanfan, let's go back." Liu Huihui said.

The smiles on the faces of Yang Qingyuan and Li Dongfeng over there suddenly disappeared, and Liu Huihui's "Brother Fanfan" made them both tremble in their hearts.

This sweet and glutinous cry really makes people feel ecstatic.

It's hateful that it's not me, but the new teacher.

Brat, what a blessing!To have such a beautiful girl as a girlfriend.

The key is that the girlfriend's figure is so good that it makes people think about it and lose their soul.

Thinking about their wives, Yang Qingyuan and Li Dongfeng's hearts felt as if ice water had been poured on them.

People are more mad than people.

They are all women, why is there such a big difference?

The two couldn't help but focus on the new young teacher at the school.

So strong, a real man!

Not only is he strong, but he is also handsome. It is hard to find another handsome man in the world.

Yang Qingyuan and Li Dongfeng looked at each other, and then thought about their appearance.

Alas, there is no way, the difference between men is even bigger!

If you can't find a beautiful wife, you can't blame others, you can only blame yourself.

When going out, Lin Feifan nodded his greetings to Yang Qingyuan and Li Dongfeng.

It's only been two days since I've been here, and I don't know many teachers at the school. I bumped into them, and I don't know how to address them, so I just nodded and smiled politely.

Yang Qingyuan and Li Dongfeng also responded with a nod and a smile. The school has not had a new teacher for many years, and everyone has heavy teaching tasks.

If teachers are assigned, the workload can be reduced to a certain extent. For example, no one is willing to take physical education classes.

I heard that the new teacher took all the physical education classes.

Haha, don't worry about taking PE class this semester.

Yang Qingyuan and Li Dongfeng still welcome Lin Feifan's arrival.

Liu Huihui also greeted the two with a smile.

Elegant and unconventional, like a blooming magnolia.

This smiling face is alluring!
How did such a beautiful girl come to such a poor country?

Yang Qingyuan shuddered for a moment, and was so flustered that he didn't dare to laugh anymore, and froze in place.

On the contrary, Li Dongfeng was very calm, and said with a smile: "Since she is the daughter-in-law of Jinghu Junior High School, I will come to play often in the future."

"Yeah, thank you teacher." Liu Huihui nodded fiercely.

Lin Feifan froze for a moment, opened his mouth slightly, and wanted to speak, but he didn't.

I really can't explain it on the spot, otherwise Huihui will lose face too much.

It's better to keep silent. If others ask again in the future, I will explain when Huihui is not present.

Lin Feifei walked out quickly, followed by a big girl and two little girls.

Before he had gone far, Wang Shusheng caught up.

Wang Shusheng pulled Lin Feifan aside and asked in a low voice, "Do you want to put Liu Lili in my class?"

Lin Feifei didn't understand the process of class placement in the first year of junior high school, and he didn't understand what Wang Shusheng meant for a while, so he was stunned for a long time.

Wang Shusheng thought that Lin Feifan had greeted the other homeroom teachers, so he couldn't help being disappointed, and said, "Forget it, you must have a better choice."

"A better choice?" Lin Feifan was even more confused.

Wang Shusheng said: "You haven't decided who class to put Liu Lili in?"

Lin Feifan asked suspiciously, "Can this be up to me? The class placement is decided by the school, right?"

Wang Shusheng thought to himself that the newly assigned teacher really doesn't understand why, and sees the world too simply.

He smiled mysteriously and said, "As long as you are willing to put Liu Lili in my class, I promise it will be fine."

The head teacher took the initiative to ask for a child, which means that the head teacher likes the child.

Teacher Wang lives next door, and distant relatives are not as good as close neighbors. He should take special care of Lily.

After thinking for a while, Lin Feifei smiled and said, "Since Mr. Wang thinks highly of Liu Lili so much, that's great! Let's put it in your class, and hope that Mr. Wang will discipline her strictly. This child is quick-witted and should be able to pass the exam. Good results."

"Okay! That's the deal." Wang Shusheng walked into the classroom immediately, he didn't want the other two class teachers to know about it.

Seeing Wang Shusheng entering the classroom, Liu Huihui moved closer to Lin Feifan and said, "Brother Feifan, does the teacher need anything from you?"

Lin Feifan said: "He wanted to put Lily in his class, and I agreed."

Liu Huihui said happily: "That's great! I guess the three of them are the homeroom teachers of the first year of junior high school. I'm going to ask you if I can put Lily in his class."

"Do you know Mr. Wang?" Lin Feifan asked in surprise.

(End of this chapter)

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