20 years of teaching

Chapter 6 Is it love at first sight?

Chapter 6 Is it love at first sight?
Lin Feifan watched the girl to the side sofa without blinking.

The girl picked up a piece of watermelon, saw Lin Feifei staring at her intently, smiled and nodded to Lin Feifei, then covered her mouth and laughed tremblingly.

A girl with a good body looks better when she trembles...

Lin Feifan puffed his mouth, took a big mouthful of watermelon and didn't swallow it, and remained motionless.

Fan Qiang also looked at the girl, wondering why she smiled so presumptuously today.

Usually when classmates and friends come over, she doesn't even look at them.

Being cold and serious is her essence.

Could it be because Lin Feifei is handsome?

Thinking of this, Fan Qiang couldn't help but feel a little tight in his chest.

Why are you so selfless?Seeing a handsome man, he lost his usual style in the past.

Fan Qiang glanced at Lin Feifan, relieved immediately, and laughed too, motioning Lin Feifan to touch his nose.

Lin Feifan hurriedly touched his nose, and there was a black watermelon seed on the tip of his nose...

It's too bad for the image!
Lin Feifan wiped off the juice from his lips in a panic, took off the pulp and seeds in his mouth, and smiled self-deprecatingly at the girl.

Then he lowered his head and ate the remaining watermelon in small bites, and frequently looked up secretly.

She is eating watermelon gracefully, big and square, with long eyelashes, full of autumn water.

Who is this girl?

It must be Fan Qiang's girlfriend.

Looking at Fan Qiang's black face covered with watermelon juice, and then at the beautiful girl, Lin Feifei felt that the taste of watermelon was sour, and he was full of jealousy.

After eating a piece of watermelon, the girl took out a few books from a bag she carried with her, handed them to Fan Qiang and said, "I bought this for you, hurry up and read it, the exam will be in October, and we will compare our scores."

Fan Qiang took the book, threw it on the table, and continued to feast.

The girl picked up the bag, smiled gently at Lin Feifei, got up and walked to the back room.

Lin Feifan was flattered and grinned happily, then sat upright and looked at the girl's back.

Her long hair reaches her waist, and she has a graceful figure.

Pink sandals, flesh-colored socks, fair calves, a beautiful waist-to-hip ratio...

Friend's wife, don't deceive.

While Lin Feifei was jealous, he couldn't help feeling a little guilty.

It wasn't until the girl disappeared from his eyes that Lin Feifei came back to his senses.

There were still two pieces of watermelon left on the table. He quickly picked up one and took a big bite, but he couldn't taste any sweetness in his mouth.

"Why do you drag me to take the exam by yourself?" Fan Qiang put down a piece of watermelon rind, burped, wiped his mouth, and complained.

"What test?" Lin Feifei asked.

Fan Qiang slapped the book on the coffee table: "Adult college entrance examination, college upgrade. I finally got out of the cell, and if you want to drag me in again, wouldn't it be my life?"

"Your girlfriend is also doing it for your own good." Lin Feifei said sourly.

"What are you talking about! She is my sister." Fan Qiang stared.

"Your sister?!" Lin Feifei was so surprised that he wanted to shout out, but he pretended to be calm.

"Yes." Fan Qiang was triumphant.

"Your sister looks pretty good!"

"It's just that he looks good?" Fan Qiang was extremely shocked, thinking that this poor and handsome boy had too high a vision.

How many people lost their composure when they saw their sister for the first time, but this guy gave such a lukewarm evaluation.

"Really your sister? Just graduated this year?" Lin Feifei suddenly felt something was wrong.

How could there be such a big difference in the looks of the siblings?
Fan Qiang rolled his eyes at Lin Feifei, and said, "Is my sister still fake? My sister is one year younger than me. She has been working for two years. She graduated from a middle school and works in Lingnan Town Central Primary School. She passed the self-study exam this year I got my graduation certificate, and I am overwhelmed, and I want to go to college again.”

"Which university are you going to apply for?" Lin Feifei asked with concern.

Fan Qiang replied: "Jianghuai Normal University."

"Where's your sister?" This is what Lin Feifei really cares about.

"My dad asked us both to apply for the same university, so that we can take care of each other." Fan Qiang flipped through the book with a sad face, shook his head and sighed.

"How to report this? I don't quite understand." Lin Feifan picked up a book and flipped through it.

"You want to sign up too?"

"Well... I have this idea."

"Okay, let's go together at that time, but the adult college entrance examination will not be registered until mid-September. Uh, here is the application guide." Fan Qiang opened the drawer of the TV cabinet and took out a copy of the adult college entrance examination application guide.

Lin Feifan flipped through the application guide, but hesitated, frowning and lost in thought.

When I was studying at the teacher’s college, the counselor encouraged everyone to take the self-study exam. When the time comes, when you get the college diploma, you will take all the single-subject certificates of the undergraduate self-study exam to apply for the undergraduate diploma.

This can greatly shorten the time to get a bachelor's degree.

When some people graduated from a normal college, they got more than a dozen undergraduate self-examination single-subject pass certificates. After three years, they got both the junior college diploma and the undergraduate diploma.

Self-study exams are a common practice in the class I attend, and everyone compares the exams to see who can pass the most subjects at one time.

So, after three years, while studying specialist courses, I bit the bullet and insisted on taking the undergraduate self-study exam.

After staying up for countless nights and sacrificing countless weekends, only "General Logic" and "Physical Education Measurement" were left unfinished.

I can't go to apply for the postgraduate course majoring in physics education now, that's too bad.

Take a postgraduate entrance examination?If you are not prepared, you will not pass the exam.Not at all.

However, if he could go to Jianghuai Normal University with sister Fan, maybe he could make up for the regret of not having a relationship in the teacher's college.

There were only nine girls in the class when I was studying at the Teachers College, and within three months of the start of school, six girls were divided up by their fellow villagers in the upper grades.

The seniors in the upper grades have experience, and if they don't grab the girls of the same grade, they aim at the girls who come to study in the hometown of the lower grades.

Everyone basically returns to work in the place where their household registration is located, and finds a girlfriend from the same hometown, who is easy to get along with, safe and secure, and the success rate is almost [-]%.

The remaining three girls in the class were really ugly, but in the end they were digested by the boys in the class.

Girls majoring in teachers, no matter how unattractive they are, are treasures...

At that time, in addition to dealing with the required courses every day, I was also busy studying self-examination courses.

A little spare time, either on the basketball court or in the gym.

Either learn music from a fellow from the music department, or learn Sanda from a teacher from the physical education department.

After three years in the teacher's college, I was too busy to find the girl I liked.

When I first entered the teacher's college, I never thought about finding a girlfriend. Maybe it was because I was relatively young at that time and didn't understand many things...

When I was in the third grade, some thoughts became stronger...

There were many girls who took the initiative to throw hydrangeas.

It's really strange, beautiful or not, no matter how you look at it, it doesn't catch the eye. I always feel that there is a lack of indescribable feeling, and I can't force myself to accept it.

Regret, great regret!

In the three years of living in the teacher's college, he has never been in love.

Now that I am 21 this year, I have never held hands with a girl.

Maybe it's not fate yet.

Others always praise him as handsome, but in fact he is suffering in his heart!

I always feel that handsome should be synonymous with romantic and suave, not to mention being proud in love, at least you should have a girlfriend, right?

But now he is still an ignorant virgin and a bachelor.

oh!Instead, she often holds hands with her neighbor's sister Liu Huihui.

But that was holding the right hand with the left hand, and there was no feeling of heartbeat.

I have always treated Huihui as my own sister, and my relationship with her is not as close as usual, so it shouldn't be considered a relationship, right?
Today, when I saw Sister Fan, my heart was beating so hard that I had never felt such a wonderful feeling before.

Is it love at first sight?

While thinking wildly, while checking the application guide, Lin Feifei suddenly discovered the major of education.

In addition to English and politics, the test subjects also include pedagogy and psychology.

I was very interested in psychology when I was studying at Teachers College.

The psychology teacher at that time was a male teacher in his 40s. I felt that he was very different. He was mysterious and mysterious when he lectured, and his walking posture was different from other teachers.

Thinking that he is a psychology teacher, everyone feels normal.

I heard that people who are engaged in education and teaching management must understand pedagogy. Maybe they can get a part-time job in the school in the future and use the professional knowledge of pedagogy.

Having a professional background in education will definitely be of great help to you in education.

"Can I take the cross-professional exam?" Lin Feifan asked.

"It's ok, you can cross whatever you want, as long as your test score can reach the threshold." Fan Qiang's tone of encouragement, he wished Lin Feifan could take the test together with more companions.

"Then I'll apply for the major of education." Lin Feifei closed the application guide and was in high spirits.

"Fan Qiang, come and help with the food." Mother Fan's voice came from outside the door.

(End of this chapter)

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