Chapter 56

Fan Feilin immediately became interested. She took the test paper, sat on the bed, and looked at the questions seriously.

Fan Qiang smiled smugly, waiting for his sister to make a fool of himself.

Lin Feifan hoped that Fan Feilin could do it, and wanted to see if Fan Qiang would really call his younger sister sister.

"You can use a pen to draw pictures on draft paper to construct physical scenarios, so that you can easily find ideas for solving problems." Lin Feifei reminded.

Fan Feilin pursed her lips, frowned slightly, and looked at the test paper without blinking.

Pretty girls look better when they are serious!
Lin Feifan took this opportunity to admire the beauty in front of him unscrupulously, and sighed in his heart.

About 2 minutes later, Fan Feilin put down the test paper, looked up at Lin Feifan, and asked tentatively, "Is the answer 320 meters?"

"..." Lin Feifei shrank his shoulders, dumbfounded.

Fan Qiang bared his teeth and put his head in his hands.

"Have I miscalculated?" said Fan Feilin.

Lin Feifan looked at Fan Qiang and shouted loudly: "Fan Qiang, hurry up and call sister!"


After Fan Feilin came back from the vegetable market, she started cooking dinner before four o'clock in the afternoon because her brother asked her to cook earlier.

When it was close to five o'clock, Fan Feilin cooked all the meals.

First, she waited at the door. After not seeing her brother come back for a long time, Fan Feilin closed the door and walked towards Lingnan High School.

After walking, she arrived at the campus of Lingnan High School. After asking the school teacher, she found her brother's room.

The motorcycle stopped at the door of the room, and no one answered the door. Fan Feilin began to think that her brother was not in the room.

But he heard the sound of someone talking in the room, and continued to knock on the door, but no one answered.

Fan Feilin thought that her brother locked a girlfriend inside.

The door finally opened, and I saw my brother and Lin Feifan inside, both of them looked flustered.

Are they both...

How disgusting!

Immediately, Fan Feilin was furious.


The three of them left the room and went back to have dinner.

Fan Qiang got on the motorcycle, while Lin Feifan and Fan Feilin stood beside him without moving.

There are three people in a car, who sits in the middle?
Lin Feifei thought that women should be given priority, so he waited for Fan Feilin to get in the car first.

Fan Feilin thought that it would be very crowded for three people to sit in a car. If she sat in the middle, it would be okay for her brother to sit in front.

But sitting in the back was Lin Feifan, whom he had known for less than two days, and being squeezed behind by a relatively unfamiliar boy, that kind of feeling shouldn't be very good.

"Go ahead, I'll go back," Fan Feilin said.

Fan Qiang turned his head and patted the stool, and said, "If you have a car, you would rather walk back, are you stupid? Come up quickly, finish your meal early so that Lin Feifan can go back earlier."

Lin Feifei realized that Fan Feilin was unwilling to go back together, so he said: "You two go home first, I will run over."


Fan Qiang stepped on the gas pedal and shouted: "Hey! Are you two stupid? Don't you look down on me, Chunlan Leopard? Four people can fit in this car!"

Fan Feilin bit her lip, looked very shy, and said to Lin Feifan: "You go first."

"Uh, good!" Lin Feifei stepped onto the motorcycle.

Then, Fan Feilin sat on it carefully.

Fan Qiang started the motorcycle, and Lin Feifei was next to Fan Qiang.

Fan Feilin sat back as far as possible, grabbed the metal frame behind with both hands, and leaned back slightly.

Although there is a slight distance between the upper bodies of the two, it is inevitable that the lower limbs touch each other.

Lin Feifan was so nervous that he didn't dare to breathe, his ears were hot, and his forehead was sweating, as if there was a fire burning behind him.

After leaving the school gate and turning right, it was a straight road. Fan Qiang tightened the accelerator, and the motorcycle was speeding forward.

"Brother, ride slowly." Fan Feilin held onto the metal frame tightly for fear of falling off.

Fan Qiang said loudly: "Don't worry, it's okay, my skills are now advanced, I will take you for a ride."

"Really slow down, it's quite dangerous." Lin Feifei knew that Fan Feilin sat back on purpose, and he was worried about her safety.

"It's okay, it's so cool..." Fan Qiang hadn't finished speaking when a dog rushed out from the side of the road ahead, making him tremble in fright.


Brake hard.


Fan Feilin let out an exclamation, and leaned forward suddenly. She let go of the metal frame with both hands, and hugged Lin Feifan tightly.

The various performances of Chunlan Leopard were quite good. Before hitting the dog, the motorcycle stopped steadily.

A strange feeling came from his back, Lin Feifei didn't dare to move, as if he jumped into a rabbit in his heart.

Fan Feilin, who had her eyes tightly closed, slowly opened them. Only then did she realize that she was holding Lin Feifan tightly, and she let go of her hands immediately, and leaned back to grab the metal frame again.

Neither of them complained to Fan Qiang, but Fan Qiang even said sorry.

Finally at the door of the house, the three got out of the car.

Lin Feifan tugged at the clothes on his chest and wiped his forehead.

I'm sweating all over my body.

I don't know if Fan Feilin was smoked by the smell of sweat just now.

In that case, the impression would be too bad.

Lin Feifei secretly looked at Fan Feilin, and fell in love with her even more.


Braised pork in brown sauce, spicy tofu, fried fish with chilli, shredded green pepper with poached egg, braised eggplant in oil, and a bowl of tomato and egg soup.

Five dishes and one soup were served on the table, and the dishes were served with special care, and the dishes looked very good.

The three of them had just picked up their chopsticks and were about to eat when a person suddenly broke into the restaurant.

"Wow, it's a coincidence that you came earlier, just in time for dinner." A short and fat young man came in.

He has long hair, a tight T-shirt that can't cover his round belly, wears a golden watch, and holds a bunch of keys.

"Wei Yong, why are you here?" Lin Feifan was rather surprised.

The person who came was Wang Weiyong, an elementary school classmate with Lin Feifei, who went to study in the county when he was in junior high school, a member of the Jinghu Group, the son of Jinghu contractor Wang Yuezhi, and an employee of the state-owned winery in Linjiang County.

"Fan Fei, why are you here?" Wang Weiyong was astonished, with a trace of guard.

"Oh, Fan Qiang and I are alumni." Lin Feifei said.

Wang Weiyong sat down on the empty seat, immediately relaxed his vigilance, and said, "Uh, my family and Feilin's family are neighbors."

Lin Feifei looked at Fan Feilin with a dazed expression.

Fan Feilin picked up the chopsticks, with a blank expression on her face, picked up a piece of eggplant, and tasted it carefully.

This is the first time she cooks this stewed eggplant.

She frowned, feeling like she had put too much salt.

Fan Qiang gave Wang Weiyong his rice and chopsticks, and said, "I haven't touched my chopsticks yet, this bowl of rice is for you." Then he got up and went to the kitchen.

Wang Weiyong picked up the chopsticks, picked up a piece of meat and ate it, claiming that it was delicious.

Lin Feifan was stunned, he was still wondering what Wang Weiyong said about the neighbor.

"Hurry up and eat." Fan Feilin looked at Lin Feifan with tender eyes.

"Oh, good!" Lin Feifei put a mouthful of rice into his mouth.

At this time Fan Qiang came over and explained: "Weiyong's family lives with my family in the county, and the two houses are next door."

It turned out to be the case.

Lin Feifei heaved a sigh of relief, glanced at Wang Weiyong, and suddenly felt a little disgusted with this old classmate.

"Wei Yong, are you here to sell wine in Lingnan Town again today?" Fan Qiang asked.

"I'm here today to play in my... my dad's... lake, and I'll come and see you... you two." Wang Weiyong was full of food, and his words were slurred.

(End of this chapter)

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