20 years of teaching

Chapter 50 Boxing Match

Chapter 50 Boxing Match
The tallest and strongest of the six had a beard and a finger-length scar on the left side of his cheek.

The scar protruded outward again, soy black, obviously different from the surrounding skin color, like a centipede, it looked very scary.

Scar ran and scolded: "You still say that he is good at martial arts, Gao is a fucking Scar, he ran away before hitting him."

The puckered lips are much better today, not so swollen, he said: "Boss, he must be playing the same routine as last time, let's not fall for his tricks, the six of us will deal with him together."

"I still need your help? A weak teacher, I will beat him ten times. You stand aside later, just look at it." Scar pushed up his sleeves while running, revealing his well-developed deltoid muscles. The tattoo is a gruesome image of a skull.

Lin Feifan ran into the fir forest and stopped running.

He strolled leisurely, looking back constantly.

After just running for a while, with a time of 100 seconds in the 11-meter race, he left the six guys far away.

When they arrived at Luanfengang, Lin Feifan was very confident that ten people would be fine, and he could accompany them here.

Don't worry about being beaten by them at all.

This place is so familiar, since I was a child, I have come to kowtow to my grandparents and uncles' graves several times a year.

When I was a child, I often accompanied my friends to gather firewood in Luan Graves.

I am familiar with every tree, and I know where it is dense and where it is sparse.

They even know which village group belongs to which grave, and even know exactly which family it belongs to.

The people buried in the grave knew a lot about how they died.

In such a place, fighting with me, courting death?

The tenth chapter of "Sun Tzu's Art of War", "Terrain", mainly discusses the six lands and six defeats. Terrain is an important auxiliary force for using troops, and obtaining geographical advantage is a prerequisite for victory.

I have read "Sun Tzu's Art of War" given by my physical education teacher seven or eight times.

Arriving at an open area in the middle of the mass grave, Lin Feifan stopped.

Scar, Shutou, Diarrhea and other six people also happened to catch up.

"You are Lin Feifan?" Scar put his hands on his hips, with an arrogant expression on his face.

Lin Feifan wrapped his arms around his chest and said calmly, "You are Scar?"

"Presumptuous, how dare you call our boss by his nickname!" The one with the long hair last time had his cut cut short.

Lin Feifei sneered, spit on the ground, and said coldly, "Have you shaved your head? The son of a bitch will learn his lesson!"

The smell of gunpowder suddenly became stronger. Except for Scar, the other five people were cursing and eager to try it together.

Scarping raised his hand, stretched out his palm and pressed down a few times.

The five of them fell silent immediately, looking at Scar.

Scar took two steps forward and said, "Don't be frightened. Today we will fight one-on-one, and we won't fight one more. However, we have to agree before that if anyone is injured, he must not report it to the police station. hurt."

Standing in the state of life and death, you think you are unlucky if you are injured or disabled?
Lin Feifan nodded and said, "Is it better than boxing or Sanda?"

There was a strange smile on the corner of Scar's mouth, and he replied, "What do you think?"

Scar once went to a martial arts school to study martial arts for three years, and even participated in a municipal boxing competition during the martial arts school.

After graduating, Scar made a list of all the people in Linjiang County who were famous for their fights, and came to them one by one.

He has beaten people to pieces all the way, and has never been defeated.

"Then let's compete in boxing." Lin Feifei didn't want to get his clothes dirty as he was going to Lingnan Town later, and had dinner with Fan Feilin in the evening.

If it is a Sanda, you can use your feet, the soles of the shoes are dirty, if you are kicked by the opponent a few times, your muscles will be fine, but your clothes will be dirty.

"Yes!" Scar, who had won prizes in municipal boxing competitions, was delighted.

The other five grinned until the flesh on their faces twitched, but they didn't say how hard Scar's punch was.

They want to wait for Scar to get all the shit out of each other, and then tell each other that boxing with their Scar brother is undoubtedly the same as a Tyson match.

Scar has made too many enemies. Someone once attacked Scar with a knife, leaving a hideous scar on Scar's face, but made Scar even more fearful and gained a reputation of not being afraid of death.

From then on, he was happy for others to call him Scar.

Scar felt that the scar on his face was a business card.

Scar is obsessed with fighting, and often finds his subordinates to learn martial arts.

But none of the people below were his opponents. During the fight, the subordinates were afraid of Scar, so they didn't dare to fight with Scar with all their strength.

Scar felt very unsatisfactory, and he missed the years of looking for people to single out in the past few years.

Yesterday I heard that Lin Feitou was good at fighting, and asked him to fight one-on-one.

Scar's heart was itching, so he came here today to compete with Lin Feifei.

It is a very happy thing to be able to meet your opponent in the high place.

So Scar came to Jinghu Village to find Lin Feifan today, not to vent his anger, but to compete in martial arts.

The two took a stance, and Scar jumped around looking for an opportunity to strike.

Suddenly Scar hit him with a straight right fist, Lin Feifan leaned back and escaped smoothly.

Before Lin Feifan could stand still, a straight left punch came towards him, and Lin Feifan had to block it with his forearm.

"Ouch!" Lin Feifei cried out in pain.

In this boxing match, the two sides didn't wear gloves. It seems that the opponent must never be able to fight, not anywhere.

It hurts!

"Boss, beat him to death!" He howled hoarsely, clapping his hands and jumping.

"Fight with our boss, you surnamed Lin, you are looking for death!" Diarrhea also screamed strangely from the side.

Straight punches, swing punches, uppercuts, jabs, vibration punches, scars attack continuously, each move is more ruthless than the last.

Lin Feifan adopts a defensive strategy, only defending but not attacking.

Scar never hit Lin Feifan again.

Lin Feifan realized that the opponent's skills were indeed extraordinary, so he quickly looked for an opportunity to fight and ended the battle as quickly as possible.

Fighting for a long time is too exhausting.

Even if he wins the fight later, if the five people next to him fight together, they may not even have the strength to escape.

Scar tried his best to attack but failed, and began to get angry.

Slowly, his boxing skills were out of routine, and he swung at Lin Feifan indiscriminately, and his footwork was also messed up.

Scar had already forgotten to defend. It had been more than ten minutes since the fight started, and Lin Feifan hadn't attacked once.

Scar thought that Lin Feifan would not attack at all.

When the opportunity came, the other party's mind was confused, so he could attack.

Lin Feifan found the neutral position and hit Scar's forehead and nose with straight right and left fists.

When the second punch passed, Lin Feifei remembered that he was not wearing boxing gloves, so he withdrew half of his strength...

Scar's eyes were glowing, his mind was buzzing, he leaned back, and fell to the ground with a thud, straight.

I rely on!So careless?And regained some strength.

Lin Feifan shook his hands, shook his head, and looked at Scar lying on the ground with contempt, feeling that he had really looked up to him before.

Seeing Scar lying on the ground straight, motionless, with blood still flowing from his nostrils, the bald head cried out, "Boss was beaten to death by him!"

It was only then that Bumphead came to his senses, let out a roar, and swung his fists at Lin Feifan.

The other four followed behind, screaming and killing Lin Feifan together.

(End of this chapter)

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