20 years of teaching

Chapter 48 You go and pick it up for me

Chapter 48 You go and pick it up for me

Yesterday, when the five-guarantee households were taken to the village committee by Yao Baohua, Principal Shi discussed with Yao Baohua and wanted to move Dong Qiulian's family to the village committee building.

But Yao Baohua not only did not agree, but also scolded Shi Yuming as a wolf-hearted dog, even driving away orphans and widows,
Dong Qiulian lived in Jinghu Junior High School with her two daughters for more than two months. The eldest daughter Li Minyao is in the second grade of junior high school, and the youngest daughter Li Mintong is in elementary school.

In the twelfth lunar month of last year, her husband committed suicide at a young age...

Dong Qiulian's natal family is from other provinces. It is not known how she married a local. Her husband has no brothers, but an older sister who is very old and has poor financial conditions. There are three generations of a family living in three adobe houses. I can't accommodate the three of their mothers.

Let Dong Qiulian and her daughter continue to live in the student dormitory. It will delay the start of school on time and they have to move out. Principal Shi personally urged Dong Qiulian several times.

Dong Qiulian wanted to go back to her natal family, but she didn't dare to go there for the time being because the child's education had not been settled.

Every time Principal Shi reminded her, Dong Qiulian only knew to cry, crying like rain.

The two daughters also cried together. The scene was so miserable that Principal Shi felt that he had become a bully who oppressed the people.

After much deliberation, Shi Yuming decided to temporarily house Dong Qiulian's family of three in the room next to Lin Feifan.


After locking the door, Lin Feifan and Fan Qiang were about to leave for Lingnan High School.

At this time Yao Baohua rushed into the campus and ran towards Lin Feifan.

Principal Shi and Dong Qiulian came over with a square table. Seeing Yao Baohua's angry look, Principal Shi hurriedly put down the table and asked, "Director Yao, what's the matter?"

With one hand on his hip, Yao Baohua pointed to Lin Feifan's room and said angrily, "Whose room is this?"

Principal Shi said in confusion, "This is our teacher Lin's room, what's wrong?"

Yao Baohua looked at Lin Feifan viciously: "Lin Feifan, right? The quality of teachers is really low, littering everywhere, you can throw it in your dilapidated school, why are you throwing it at our side? Look at our side , jealous? You must have done it on purpose!"

It turned out that just now Yao Baohua was looking at the scenery outside the window intoxicated in the office building of the village committee, admiring the courtyard built according to his requirements...

Yao Baohua bought a house in Lingnan Town, just opposite to Lingnan High School, four three-story buildings, but rented it out to someone else to open a restaurant, the rent was considerable, and his family could not live there.

There is also a building in the Yaowu group in my hometown, but now it is flooded and I cannot live in it.

Even before the flood, Yao Baohua, his wife and children rarely lived in Yaowu, because Yao Baohua's wife could not handle the relationship well with his parents.

When we lived together, there was a small quarrel every three days, a big quarrel every five or seven days, and a fight once every ten and a half months.

Therefore, Yao Baohua has always taken the Jinghu Village Committee as his home. When the building was not built before, the conditions were very difficult. Yao Baohua suffered a lot. The family squeezed into one house, and it often leaked rainwater.

Every time it rains heavily, pots and pans are used...

Yao Baohua used the Jinghu contract fees collected for many years to build the village committee building, plant flowers and grass, plant trees and build roads, making the village committee look like a big villa in a big garden.

It was built with care, and naturally cherished it very much. Yao Baohua took the village committee as his home, and his family lived in a whole floor house, living a fairy life.

Yao Baohua likes to hang out in the big yard when he has nothing to do, or enjoy the scenery below from the window upstairs.

The office conditions of all other village committees in the county cannot be compared with this one.

Director Yao's office is much more luxurious than that of a mayor.

The living facilities here are all available, and living in it is more comfortable than a rich man's house.

Yao Baohua was enjoying his happy life when he suddenly heard a "bang". He saw the Jianli Vase on the road and felt extremely dazzling, so he ran downstairs in a hurry.

After searching carefully, he found another Jianli Aquarius in the flower bed by the wall.

After counting twice from south to north, Yao Baohua came to Jinghu Junior High School angrily after realizing which room the Jianli Aquarius was thrown from.

He wanted to see who had the guts to throw rubbish into the compound of the Jinghu Village Committee!

Fan Qiang started the motorcycle and signaled Lin Feifan to get on the car quickly. He wanted to leave this place of right and wrong as soon as possible.

Lin Feifan turned the key counterclockwise, and the motorcycle turned off. He felt that he couldn't just walk away at this time.

Fan Qiang stuck out his tongue and shook his head at Lin Feifei, he was worried that Lin Feifan would confess him.

"Shouldn't it be Teacher Lin?" Shi Xiao said to Yao Baohua with a big smile on his face, he wanted to save Lin Feifan from the siege.

Yao Baohua put his hands on his hips, spit flying all over the place: "I saw that it was thrown from his room, and one of the bottles was under his window, isn't he a ghost?"

Fan Qiang punched the fuel tank of the motorcycle with his fist, wishing he could slap Yao Baohua across the face.

He doesn't want to be a ghost.

"I lost it, and you are yelling here, what do you want?" Lin Feifei said coldly.

Principal Shi was taken aback, and looked at Lin Feifan with complaining eyes.

This behavior should not be done!

You shouldn't lose it, you shouldn't admit it, Yao Baohua is not easy to mess with.

Principal Shi thought in his heart that the best way would be to beat him to death and refuse to admit it.

Fan Qiang also widened his eyes in shock, Lin Feifei is good enough buddies!
Dong Qiulian looked anxious on the side. As a villager in the Jinghu group, she knew Yao Baohua's personality.

She hadn't found anyone who dared to fight Director Yao.

Two girls stood in the corridor of the dormitory, watching the scene nervously. These were Dong Qiulian's two daughters.

The older girl whispered something to the little girl, and the little girl ran to the school gate.

"Go and pick it up for me!" Yao Baohua was so angry that he almost jumped up.

Yesterday he saw this young man surnamed Lin from the upstairs, he was very powerful, he expected it must be not simple, but he did not expect to be so arrogant, dare to talk back to Director Yao, he is not at all like the honest Lin Youde.

After hearing Yao Baohua's request, Lin Feifei didn't know how to answer for a moment.

It shouldn't be too much for Yao Baohua to ask to pick it up.

If you litter, you should pick it up and admit your mistake sincerely, otherwise it is uncivilized and impolite.

A teacher's job is to educate and educate people, so how can he be called a low-quality teacher?
But if you pick it up, it would be too embarrassing!
At this time, Dong Qiulian poured a glass of water from a glass, held it with both hands, handed it to Yao Baohua respectfully, and said flatteringly, "Director Yao, drink some water first to calm down."

Yao Baohua was used to being bullied and bullied. He didn't pay attention to a widow at all. He took the cup and slammed it on the ground.

With a "bang", the glass shattered, and the ground was covered with broken glass.

Dong Qiulian suddenly panicked, she bent down, ready to pick up the glass pieces on the ground.

The big girl quickly pulled her mother aside to stop her groveling behavior.

(End of this chapter)

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