come teacher

Chapter 14 Drowning

Chapter 14 Drowning
Ma Zhifeng turned his head and shouted: "Ma Zhidong, jump into the river quickly and bring back the hat to me."

"Brother Feng, I'm still a little hungry, and I didn't bring my swimming trunks..." Ma Zhidong said with a bitter face, "You don't want me to jump right away, do you?"

"Yes, just jump directly." Ma Zhifeng looked at the hat slowly flowing down, and Wei Xiuqin, who was sad beside him, and became anxious.

Ma Zhidong exclaimed, "But I'm still wearing clothes."

"Ma Zhidong, what do you mean? You want to take off your clothes?" Ma Zhifeng gave Ma Zhidong an angry look.

"But if I jump into the river with my clothes on, my clothes will get wet."

Ma Zhifeng stood up and cursed: "The sun is so strong now, you will dry out in the sun. Get down quickly, or I will kick you."

Seeing Ma Zhifeng's fierce face, Ma Zhidong had no choice but to reluctantly put half a piece of bread in his hand on the grass, and jumped into the river with a "plop".

Ma Zhidong's swimming skills were not bad, and it didn't take long before he swam to the hat.

He threw himself forward, and with a stretch of his right hand he caught the hat.

"Ma Zhidong, you are amazing." Seeing this, Wei Xiuqin jumped up happily.

Ma Zhifeng shouted: "Zhidong, throw your hat to the bank." He felt a little regretful, because he knew that he would have jumped into the river to get the hat.

Ma Zhidong nodded and flicked his hat vigorously, and the hat flew towards the shore.

Although the river was several meters away from the shore, Ma Zhidong threw his hat to the shore with all his strength.

"Wow." Other students applauded and praised Ma Zhidong.

Just when Ma Zhidong was feeling proud, he suddenly felt his leg cramp.

"Help..." When Ma Zhidong opened his mouth to call out, the river water poured into his mouth.

Slowly, Ma Zhidong sank.

Some students discovered Ma Zhidong's situation and shouted: "It's not good, Ma Zhidong is drowning."

"Drowning? Impossible, his water quality is pretty good."

While talking, Ma Zhifeng raised his head to look over, and found that a hand was moving feebly in the river.

For just a moment, there was only flowing water in the river, and nothing was seen.

Zhu Chengsheng over there found out that something had happened, and his face turned pale with fright.

His water skills are mediocre, the half-star river is more than two meters deep, it's okay to let him swim below for a while, but if you let him go down to save people, he will definitely be beaten by meat buns and never return.

While the students were screaming, Ma Zhifeng plunged into the river, and the water splashed, making everyone hopeful.

Ma Zhifeng was like an ant on a hot pot, he was the one who told Ma Zhidong to go down to the river to get his hat.

If something happened to Ma Zhidong, he would never forgive himself in his life.

Ma Zhifeng swam desperately to the place where Ma Zhidong sank just now, his speed was quite fast, and he dived immediately when he swam there.

But Ma Zhifeng searched around for a long time, but he couldn't find Ma Zhidong.

When Ma Zhifeng surfaced again, Wei Xiuqin shouted, "Ma Zhifeng, haven't you found Ma Zhidong?"

At this time, Wei Xiuqin also felt guilty. If Ma Zhidong hadn't helped her get the hat from the river, such a thing would not have happened.

"Where did he go?" Ma Zhifeng wiped the water off his face and cried out in frustration.

He had learned swimming life-saving knowledge in physical education class before, if he didn't find Ma Zhidong quickly, he might really die.

Ma Zhifeng's eyes were red with anxiety. Although he was in the water, his forehead was still sweating desperately.

"Water flowing down, could it be downstream?" Zhu Chengsheng called.

They didn't have mobile phones on them, so they ran to the town to call for someone to come over, it must be too late.

After hearing this, Ma Zhifeng dived directly without saying a word.

One minute passed, and Ma Zhifeng hadn't come up yet.

Wei Xiuqin panicked, and turned to ask Zhu Chengsheng: "Squad leader, why hasn't Ma Zhifeng surfaced yet? Will something happen to him?"

"I don't know either." Zhu Chengsheng panicked.

He took the lead in organizing this event. If two people died, how would he explain to the school and parents?

"Just now Ma Zhifeng floated up very quickly, this time he hasn't come up for so long, I'm afraid something really happened to him." A student behind said worriedly.

While everyone was discussing, the surface of the river far away shook, and Ma Zhifeng showed his head.

"Ma Zhifeng, have you found Ma Zhidong?" Wei Xiuqin screamed.

Ma Zhifeng shook his head, staring at the river downstream.

Wei Xiuqin saw that Ma Zhifeng looked very tired, and said worriedly: "If you are tired, come up quickly."

After finishing speaking, Wei Xiuqin asked the other boys: "Can you swim? Go down and find Ma Zhidong."

"Our water skills are not good." Zhu Chengsheng shook his head.

Wei Xiuqin didn't dare to talk about this topic anymore, if the water quality is not good, it may implicate other people in time.

Ma Zhifeng dived again regardless of Wei Xiuqin's call. Seeing that something was wrong, Zhu Chengsheng asked the two boys to ride bicycles back to the town to call for someone.

Ma Zhifeng surfaced again and again, and he swam farther and farther.

"He, will something happen to him?" Wei Xiuqin stared at Ma Zhifeng and asked Zhu Chengsheng.

"I don't know." Zhu Chengsheng shook his head.

At this time, they can only wait.Either wait for Ma Zhifeng's side, or wait for someone from the town to come.

But, can Ma Zhidong wait?

Just when everyone was so anxious that they didn't know what to do, Ma Zhifeng came up.

He came up this time differently from the one just now, and he also pulled a person.

"Ah, that's Ma Zhidong." The students cheered.


"Ma Zhifeng is great."

Ma Zhifeng swam towards the shore holding Ma Zhidong's arm. Ma Zhidong's face was pale, his eyes were closed, and he didn't know what was going on.

When Ma Zhifeng and the others returned to the shore, Zhu Chengsheng and the others hurriedly pulled Ma Zhidong up.

Wei Xiuqin looked at Ma Zhidong who was motionless, and asked fearfully, "Ma Zhifeng, will Ma Zhidong die?"

"I'll press the water out of his stomach first." Ma Zhifeng put Ma Zhidong down on the grass and pressed his stomach hard.

Moments later, Ma Zhidong spat out water.

Seeing that Ma Zhidong was still awake, Ma Zhifeng shouted anxiously: "Ma Zhidong, wake up quickly, I won't order you to do anything in the future, wake up quickly."

Ma Zhifeng rushed forward and performed artificial respiration on Ma Zhidong.

"They..." Some girls were a little surprised when they saw the two boys talking to each other.

"This is artificial respiration to save Ma Zhidong." Wei Xiuqin hastily explained to everyone after hearing about this rescue method.

Not long after, Ma Zhidong opened his eyes and looked at Ma Zhifeng in front of him in horror. "Feng, brother Feng, you actually kissed me?"

"Where did you think? I'm doing artificial respiration." Ma Zhifeng saw that Ma Zhidong woke up, and his heart fell to the ground.

"This is my first kiss." Ma Zhidong screamed in pain.

"Me too." Ma Zhifeng looked frustrated.

He was very tired from tossing in Banxinghe just now.Now that Ma Zhidong woke up, he relaxed and couldn't stand still, and fell directly to the grass.

"Hahaha!" Wei Xiuqin and the others burst out laughing.

(End of this chapter)

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