come teacher

Chapter 1 Regret

Chapter 1 Regret
Lingshui High School.

The sky was clear and bright, cloudless.

An eight-meter-long banner hangs on the school gate, which reads "Warmly celebrate the [-]th anniversary of Lingshui High School".

Although it was only after eight o'clock in the morning, the leaders of the County Education Bureau and Lingshui Town had already arrived at the school.

More than 2000 teachers and students of Lingshui Middle School gathered in the sports field, with tables and chairs arranged on the rostrum above, and a row of colorful flowers in front of it.

Vice-principal Li Kuailai, who had just won the title of Provincial Excellent Teacher, walked to the alumni registration office and picked up the 2004 junior high school alumni list.

I found that in that year (2005) he had just graduated and took over the second grade (4) of those students who came back to participate in the school celebration activities.

"School Li, you are still very good. You can find problems as soon as you come. The students from Class 2004 of the 4 Junior High School rarely come back." A young and beautiful female teacher who was in charge of the reception hurriedly stood up and smiled at Li Kuailai.The white blouse was tied into the black skirt, making her look slim.

Li Kuailai, the vice principal, is young and promising. He was only 38 years old this year and was rated as an outstanding teacher in the province.

I heard that after the old principal retires next year, he will be able to become the principal and become a deputy department-level cadre in Hengjiang County.

"It seems that they don't want to come back and take a look." Li Kuailai muttered to himself.

Chen Xueling, the study committee member who ranked first in grades in class 4 of the second year of junior high school, dropped out of school in the third year of junior high school because her family was poor, and went to the provincial capital to work to earn money for her three younger siblings.

Later, she married a man who worked in a factory and his family was in other provinces. Now that the job is not good enough, she returns to her husband's family to farm in the countryside and takes care of four young children at home.

Zhu Chengsheng, the squad leader at the time, had average grades and was admitted to a junior college after finishing high school in Lingshui Middle School.

After graduating, he was a little brainy, eager for success and bent on taking shortcuts to make a fortune, and became the head of a pyramid scheme in a certain city. He is still in prison and has not yet come out.

Ma Zhifeng, the number one bully in his class, had poor grades and poor discipline when he was studying, and loved to fight. He often played with the gangsters in the town and became a real gangster after graduating from the third year of junior high school.

He was arrested in the anti-crime campaign last year and sentenced to 15 years in prison, which is about the same time as he has been working since graduating from university.

Yang Huawei, the second bully in the class, has a bad temper and is prone to conflicts with others. After graduating from the third year of junior high, he inherited his father's business and sold pork in the town.

The year before last, I had a dispute with the boss while drinking and making trouble in the restaurant. In anger, I beat the boss, and he disappeared...

and also……

Li Kuailai thinks back on his 15 years of teaching career, except for taking over the class of the second grade ([-]) of junior high school, the following classes are excellent.

Many of the outstanding students he has taught have graduated from college and are at home in their jobs.

No, there are many outstanding alumni who came to participate in the school celebration this time, and they also donated a lot of property to support the school's [-]th anniversary celebration.

If there is a regret, it is the special class of the second grade ([-]), which was recognized as a poor class at the time. Most of the students did not perform well in their studies, and they had no intention of going to school, and even fewer were admitted to high school.

When Li Kuailai was young, he thought about his teaching performance and wanted to improve himself. He kept up with the pace of the school and looked at the grades. As a result, he didn't pay much attention to the students with poor grades, and those students "give up" themselves.

Does everything depend on grades?Li Kuailai asked himself.

360 lines, every line is the champion.Don't those students with poor grades have no shining point?
Thinking about the situation of those unsatisfactory students, Li Kuailai felt that his education was not perfect. If he could dig it back then, he could...

Now he has made some achievements in education, but also lost a lot.

At the dinner, some of Li Kuailai's former students came to toast him one after another.

Looking at these successful students, Li Kuailai felt as if his heart was blocked by something.

He loosened the tie on his white shirt, which was bought for him by his wife, He Xiaolei, who is the attending physician at the Lingshui Town Health Center, for 888 yuan.

Married for eight years, He Xiaolei, who is three years older than him, is a virtuous and virtuous He Xiaolei who takes care of him like a sister and gives birth to a smart and sensible son who is in the second grade this year.

"Come on, drink." Li Kuailai stood up and drank with the former students with the wine glass.

Slowly, he felt that there were more and more students in front of him, as if Ma Zhifeng and the others were also...

When he woke up, Li Kuailai found that he had returned to August 2005, 8.

This day is the time for him to register at Lingshui High School after graduating from a normal undergraduate course.

Is rebirth?Still dreaming?He couldn't figure it out himself.

After getting off the train at Lingshui Town Station, Li Kuailai picked up his simple luggage and walked to the school——Lingshui High School.

It is one kilometer from the station to Lingshui High School, not far away.

Lingshui High School is not in the town, but on the edge of the town.On both sides of the road are green sugarcane fields, which reminded Li Kuailai of many past events.

When we arrived at the school gate, the gate was locked, and the small door on the side was open.

When Li Kuailai was about to walk in, a 60-year-old man of medium build and wearing security uniform walked out of the school police room.

"Which class are you in? Why are you bringing your luggage to school now?" Campus policeman Hanbo stared at Li Kuailai vigilantly.

The school leaders have confessed that during the school holidays, outsiders are not allowed to enter without permission, especially students are not allowed to enter the school casually.

"Han Bo, my name is Li Kuailai, and I am a teacher who has just been assigned to Lingshui Middle School." Li Kuailai felt amiable when he saw Han Bo's black face.

It is said that when Han Bo was young, he wandered in Lingshui Town, but after he got married and had children, he stopped wandering outside.

Seeing that he had some prestige in the town, the school hired him to be a school police officer.

"Hmph, do you think you want to lie to me because I don't have enough books? Let me tell you, no way, I'm smart." Hanbo gave Li a quick look.

"I see your face is familiar. Are you a senior high school student who came to make up classes during the holidays? Didn't you just have a holiday in your senior high school? Students will go back to school on the 29th to register. They can't go back to school in advance, let alone live in school in advance. If there is a safety issue, who is responsible?" Hanbo glanced at the luggage in Li Kuailai's hand again.

"No, Hanbo, I'm really a teacher who just came to report. Look, I still have a report notice?"

Li Kuailai took out his work assignment report notice from his backpack.

Hanbo looked angry: "Did you do it on purpose? Just now I clearly said that I haven't read many books, what notice did you show me? Also, you said that you are a teacher who just came to report, how do you know my name?" Name? Do you think I'm a fool?"

Li Kuailai was stunned for a moment, he forgot that he was coming back, and now it was the first time he met Hanbo.

When Han Bo saw Li Kuailai standing there in a daze, unable to speak, he looked proud: "How is it? Did I see through you? Have you finally shown your dog's tail?"

"Han Bo, it's a fox's tail, not a dog's tail." Li Kuailai kindly reminded Han Bo.

"I'm seriously warning you for the last time. I don't read many books. I haven't seen a fox. I've only seen a dog. Get out of here."

Humber was so angry that he picked up the rubber baton on his waist and pointed at Li to come quickly, as if he would be rude if he didn't go out.

At this time, a short male teacher drove a 125C two-wheeled motorcycle Suzuki King back to school.

Because Han Bo and Li Kuailai blocked the side door, the male teacher honked the car horn in a hurry: "Get out of the way quickly, my new luxury car is here."

Han Bo glared at the male teacher: "Wu Dapeng, won't you brake for a while?"

Seeing what Han Bo said, Wu Dapeng wanted to stop the motorcycle with his hands and feet.

But it was a new car, he didn't have a good grasp of it, and in a hurry, he accidentally twisted the accelerator, and the Suzuki king rushed towards Li Kuailai and the others like a chicken blood.

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(End of this chapter)

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