old black is a dog

Chapter 90 The Chance of the Competition

Chapter 90 The Chance of the Competition

Temporary occupancy of magpies' nests and doves is inevitable.

The better Yang Mu performed, the more interested Dong Yi became.

He began to guide Lao Hei to do high-difficulty movements such as jumping with physical obstacles, guiding back flips, jumping with power, and turning back with power.

Dong Yi found that none of these movements hindered the dog.

The most rare thing is that these actions were all completed without any real bites. Even so, Lao Hei's concentration has never been relaxed, and he has not slackened without giving up bites for a long time.

In this respect, its performance is even better than pastoral.

Then try a fancy bite!
Dong Yi started a small fancy selling.

He also found that this aspect has not been difficult for Lao Hei, whether it is single or multiple, and no matter whether it is high throw, butterfly throw, continuous throw, or rebound throw, as long as it is not his own mistakes, Old Hei can promptly, Catch the Frisbee with precision, and the timing of the bite and spit is well-timed.

Damn, this is a dog with a frighteningly high success rate of biting!

Although Dong Yi didn't do particularly difficult movements because he was not familiar with dogs, he had already made up his mind about it.

Bringing such a dog to China to participate in the Frisbee dog competition can easily win the championship!

But Dong Yi's question came: Why hasn't he seen such a powerful Frisbee dog before in domestic competitions?
He couldn't help but asked Mi Li curiously: "This dog is good! Who trained it? It's amazing! Why haven't you seen it participate in competitions?"

Absolutely amazing.

Facing Dong Yi's question, Mi Li didn't know how to answer.

There are too many miraculous things happening to this dog, Lao Hei, and many things are still difficult to explain to people.

Moreover, it is also very capable.

For example now.

Mi Li had no choice but to attribute the magic to Yang Mu: "This dog has received basic training as a frisbee dog, but later it was trained by its owner for fun, and he has never participated in a competition."

She thought to herself, since Yang Mu is still in a deep sleep, no one can find out the truth.

Dong Yi was taken aback again.

Damn, is it possible that there is another self-taught Frisbee dog master in China?
Dog sports such as frisbee dogs and agility dogs have only begun to emerge in China in recent years.

Even Dong Yi himself has only received simple training as a dog trainer and basic training for Frisbee dogs. His subsequent achievements are all taught by himself based on online videos.

In fact, many domestic Frisbee dog trainers grew up in this way.

Such a self-taught master is worth getting to know and communicate with!
Dong Yi said again: "Then can you introduce its owner to me?"

Mi Li chuckled: "Brother Yi, this may be a bit difficult."

She approached Dong Yi, and whispered a few words about Yang Mu's unconsciousness.

Dong Yi was a little confused again.

In astonishment, he said to Mi Li: "Don't leave for a while, and I will discuss something with you after I finish the performance with the idyll."

With so many spectators waiting for Fancy Frisbee Dog to perform, it is really inconvenient for Dong Yi to talk too much to Mi Li now.

Moreover, although Lao Hei's performance just now has opened everyone's eyes and won applause, but the main character who is actually paid to perform has to be Pastoral, otherwise it is difficult to explain to the competition organizer.

After a while of magpie nests and doves, Yang Mu was finally taken out of the arena by Mi Li.

Yang Mu, who finally got over his addiction, felt strange about Dong Yi's attitude, he didn't know what else he wanted to discuss with Mi Li.

He didn't know Dong Yi's dream of world competition.

He also didn't know how eager Dong Yi was to find a good frisbee dog.

But it doesn't matter, anyway, the answer will be revealed in a while, Yang Mu can take the opportunity to watch Muge's performance.

However, he found that the performance of the pastoral songs has become less difficult. Many difficult movements that have been circulated in online videos before did not appear in this performance.

Pastoral is really old!

Yang Mu realized this.

After hastily ending the performance, Dong Yi handed over the scene to the host, and walked towards Mi Li in a hurry.

"Mi Li, let me discuss something with you, can you transfer Lao Hei to me?"

Dong Yi's directness startled Mi Li.

Transfer the old black to you?

How can it be!

Firstly, Mi Li can't be the owner, and secondly, Lao Hei is Mi Li's cash cow for dog training, how could he transfer it?
No matter how high the price is, it is impossible!
However, Mi Li still respects Dong Yi, a master in the field of domestic frisbee dogs, and said with a smile: "Brother Yi, I can't decide this matter."

A look of disappointment appeared on Dong Yi's face.

But he immediately said: "Then can you borrow me to take it to play games? Such a good dog, it's a pity not to play games!"

Mi Li smiled again: "Occasionally it's fine for a day or two, but it's not okay for you to take it with you."

Dong Yi, who was rejected again, was really struggling.

How could he be reconciled to seeing a good frisbee dog at last, but it was not his and he couldn't get it yet?
If it’s easy for him to stay in Huacheng, at worst, he will come to Mi Li to train with Lao Hei, and then find a chance to take him out to participate in competitions. After he becomes famous in China and has achieved results, he can take him abroad to participate in competitions to fulfill himself The world dreamed up.

It's a pity that he is not in Huacheng, he still has his own home and his own job.

Dong Yi was very unwilling, and asked again: "Did he participate in tomorrow's competition?"

"No, we don't know how to play Frisbee, so we didn't sign up for it."

Dong Yi was ecstatic.

"Then you bring it over tomorrow morning, I'll practice with it, and take it to play a game in the afternoon."

For Dong Yi, he would not let Mu Ge participate in this kind of amateur frisbee dog competition, because it would be a bit of a bully.

In fact, in the past few months, even in heavyweight competitions, he seldom brought Muge to participate. He was afraid that Muge could no longer withstand the intensity of the competition and cause injuries.

The hero is late!

This is Dong Yi's helplessness towards Muge.

As for Lao Hei, even if Dong Yi couldn't get it as he wished, he still couldn't hold back his desire to see him.

He was very unwilling to meet such a good dog and take it to play games if he didn't train it well.

As for Lao Hei's failure to sign up, this kind of trivial matter can't trouble him, after all, this is just an amateur-level exhibition competition, and the organizing committee of the competition hopes that he can bring his dog to participate in the competition, so it would be good if he didn't ask the organizing committee for an appearance fee.

Yang Mu was also ecstatic.

He definitely approves of Mi Li's attitude.

No matter how good Dong Yi is, it is impossible to let him leave home, let alone sell himself like a dog?
However, he was happy that his amazing jump finally brought him this rare opportunity.

He originally had the idea of ​​stealing from a famous teacher, but now he has a first-class frisbee dog master in China to practice it, even if it is only for one morning, it is enough to benefit him a lot.

What's more, Dong Yi's proposal also allowed him to realize his dream of frisbee dog competition!
 Thanks to Ning Quququ, Ji Jing, Qinglingpiao, Tail Number 0598, Laolang 6919, Wandering Generals and other book friends for their rewards.

(End of this chapter)

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