old black is a dog

Chapter 68 Don't Take the Unusual Path

Chapter 68 Don't Take the Unusual Path

How high can a dog jump?Can Gouji really jump over the wall?
According to records, the world record for the high jump created by a dog is 68 inches (about 1.7272 meters), which was created in October 2006 by a dog named Cinderella in the National Finals of the Dog High Jump Challenge. .

Of course, this height refers to the height of the pole.

In the Frisbee Dog World Series, the most famous champion dog has jumped from the flat ground to a catch height of more than 2.6 meters many times in the competition.

If you use the power to jump, the dog can jump to a higher height.

In the training of police dogs and military dogs, most dogs can easily climb over vertical obstacle walls over 4 meters.

Therefore, Gouji can really jump over the wall.

But why can Gouji jump over the wall?

It turns out that a high-energy compound called adenosine triphosphate (ATP) is stored in animal cells, which mainly comes from the three major nutrients in food: sugar, fat and protein.

In normal times, except for a part of ATP to maintain body temperature and daily activities, the rest is stored in cells in the form of chemical energy for emergency use.

When needed, ATP can be converted into adenosine diphosphate (ADP for short), releasing a huge amount of energy.At this time, chemical energy is converted into mechanical energy (muscle contraction), light energy (such as fireflies), electrical energy (such as electric eels and various bioelectricity), sound energy (such as insects, birdsong) and so on.

The conversion ability of this kind of mechanical energy of the dog is particularly strong.

When it is in distress, under the instructions of the brain, ATP is quickly converted and decomposed into ADP, releasing huge energy.When the dog's muscles receive the energy provided by ADP, they will produce extraordinary explosive power, which will make the muscles contract violently, promote the movement of bones and joints, and the dog can "jump over the wall".

What Yang Mu has to do now is to exercise the ability to convert ATP into mechanical energy.

That is the ability to jump.

Jumping is really important for a frisbee dog.

In a distance race, no matter how good a dog handler is, he cannot guarantee that every Frisbee he throws will be smooth and stable. The success rate of biting the plate can also get bonus points for biting the plate with the limbs off the ground.

In the freestyle competition, jumping and jumping with force are necessary abilities. The higher the jump, the more difficult movements you can make, and the higher the equal score.

For his frisbee dog and agility dog ​​dream, Yang Mu went all out.

Jumping training is not only a technical job, but also a hard job.

The reason why it is called technical work is that practicing how to jump high is one aspect, and how to land smoothly is another aspect.

Like human movement, jumping actually has a great impact on a dog's bones.

If the landing is not good, it is easy to cause fractures and joint wear, and if you exercise too much, it is easy to cause permanent damage to the bones, so Yang Mu can only try, increasing the difficulty little by little, and increasing the amount little by little.

Soon, another spectacle appeared in the Lijing Garden Community: Lao Hei was not taking the usual path.

Yang Mu is indeed taking an unusual path.

Walking on the road, as long as he sees a chair by the side of the road, he will suddenly jump up from one end of the chair, use his strength on the chair, and then jump down from the other end, drawing a beautiful "M" in the air type.

If this chair had a backrest, the landing point he jumped on was probably not the stool surface, but the back of the chair, and then landed smoothly with the rebound of the chair back.

At this time, his trajectory draws a slanted inverted "V"-shaped broken line.

If he suddenly sees a wall while walking, he will immediately rush to the wall.

After going up the wall, sometimes there is a 180-degree return in the air, and sometimes it will rush to the wall one or two meters high, and then a 360-degree backflip will land smoothly.

As for the guardrails, green belts, pool walls, etc. in the community, they were either regarded as hurdle obstacles by him, or became his parkour routes.

That's right, he's like a parkour-loving dog now.

For his unconventional way, Mi Li thought that he had a rabies attack at first, but then he gradually realized that he was practicing, and gradually got used to it.

As for other people passing by in the community, when they see Lao Hei, they will definitely follow him at a distance to watch him parkour.

In a sense, Yang Mu's parkour is much more exciting than human parkour, because a dog's jumping ability, flexibility, balance ability and other aspects are beyond normal humans.

For this point, Yang Mu himself has a personal experience.

For example, when he was a human, he would not dare to jump up a step more than one meter high, but now as a dog, he can easily jump up it.

It's also like front flips, back flips, mid-air twists, twists and other difficult movements. When he was a human, he might not be able to do it even after being trained by a professional gymnastics coach. But now that he has become a dog, he can't do it. It can be easily done after some practice.

He found that no matter what kind of posture a dog jumps in the air, it will have an instinct to make its limbs touch the ground through various twists and turns.

In this regard, dogs and cats are the same.

A lot of this practice is fruitful.

At least, after more than a week of practice, the one-meter-high obstacle is no longer an obstacle for him. If he is on the grass, he can still jump without worrying about the damage to his bones. get higher.

And when he was practicing Frisbee with Mi Li and Old Wutou on the grass, he could easily jump up and bite the Frisbee to a height of more than two meters without using any strength.

Yang Mu believes that as long as he is given a little more time, the [-]-meter aerial catch height will not be a difficult problem for him.

What makes him regret is that whether it is the old Wutou or the rice grains, they only know how to throw the Frisbee far or high, let themselves chase, jump, and bite, and they don't know how to use their bodies as a pawn for themselves. Obstacles, when using force points to play fancy Frisbee.

Regarding this, Yang Mu could only be anxious.

It seems that if he wants to participate in the frisbee dog and agility dog ​​competitions, he has to wait for another opportunity, or create an opportunity himself.

In the process of his unconventional path, the man's training has finally made some progress.

At the very least, it is more disciplined to follow Yang Mu now. It dare not tear up the house at Yang Mu's house, and it will not pull the dog leash when going out.

For some ordinary commands of sitting, standing and walking, it has gradually formed a conditioned reflex and began to listen to the commands.

The biggest progress is reflected in the travel with Li Changjiang.

Even without Yang Mu, it no longer dragged Li Changjiang away.

Li Changjiang is very satisfied with this progress.

But he also has dissatisfaction, that is, when the man returns home, he still tears up the house whenever he has the opportunity. As long as he is out of Li Changjiang's sight, he may tear anything he can see.

In this regard, Li Changjiang once asked Mi Li to go to his house to help with training, but Mi Li refused. Her reason was to take the prince to the competition first.

That's right, the all-breed competition is coming soon, and there are only ten days left.

(End of this chapter)

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