Chapter 65
Among so many onlookers, the happiest one is naturally Wang Zi's mother, because she witnessed her prince learn to jump in sports, and also learned to jump against moving obstacles.

This is a skill that makes Wang Zi's mother very excited.

The prince's mother likes to see the prince jumping high and high. As early as the first time she saw the rice grain, the prince's mother let the prince show off his jumping ability in front of the rice grain.

But now she realizes that it's called making a fool of yourself.

Wang Zi's mother immediately had the urge to reward Mi Li again, but she held back because she only gave Mi Li a reward of 1 yuan yesterday.

The next thing that made her even happier came.

Mi Li actually wants to teach her how to find it herself.

Retrieval is a useful skill and game in everyday human-dog interactions.

For example, if the Frisbee dog bites the Frisbee and brings it back, it is a kind of retrieval. It is also like saying that when the owner returns home, the dog immediately picks up the slippers. This is also a kind of retrieval, and the owner takes the dog outdoors. The process of playing with it and throwing tennis balls, throwing toys, and letting it come back is also a kind of finding...

There are too many such examples.

With such a practical skill, Mi Li naturally had to teach Wang Zi's mother the essentials, so as to be worthy of her reward.

The most important problem is that Mi Li found that although the prince has already started training in the game of retrieval, the process of the game is still not standardized. She needs to take this opportunity to standardize these actions, and teach the standardized gameplay to the prince's mother by the way. .

Dog retrieval training is not so easy to train.

Once the training is not standardized, the dog will be easily trained badly, and it will be difficult to change it in the future.

Also, even if the dog is taught, if the dog owner does not understand the essentials, the dog that has been taught can easily develop bad habits again.

"When carrying out retrieval training, the first point is to let the dog obey the command and act." Mi Li began to talk about the first point.

She held the prince's collar tightly with one hand, and gave the prince an order he was already familiar with: "Be sure."

Then she tossed a tennis ball with the other hand.

As soon as the tennis ball flew, the prince rushed forward, trying to catch it, but was immediately restrained by the collar.

Mi Li emphasized the "fix" command again, and the prince finally settled down, but his eyes were still fixed on the tennis ball not far away, wanting to run out and bite it back.

"Go." Mi Li gave another order before letting go.

The prince rushed out immediately, and ran back quickly with a tennis ball in his mouth.

"Let go." Mi Li issued another command.

But the prince didn't let go, and wanted to play a game of tug-of-war with Mi Li.

"See, the prince has just started playing the hunting game now, but there are still many problems. One is that he has not responded to the correct command, and the other is that he does not let go after biting it back. In this case, play this game with it in the early stage. When it comes to dogs, be sure to prepare dog treats for rewards, and when it bites the ball back, use the treats to induce it to form the correct conditioned response to the command."

Because Wang Zi's mother is a very proud and big client, and Mi Li is also very generous, she also revealed some tips in training to Wang Zi's mother.

According to the practice in the industry, dog handlers generally do not tell clients the details of these trainings, and only inform clients of the points of attention and essentials after the dogs are trained.

After speaking, Mi Li took out a dog snack from the kit.

"Put it on." She gave the command again, and waved the snack in front of the prince's eyes.

Enticed by the snacks, the prince immediately put down the tennis ball from his mouth.

Mi Li took out another tennis ball: "The second thing to pay attention to is that when training the dog to retrieve the game, try to avoid using only one prop for training, otherwise it is easy to develop the bad habit of the dog recognizing props. .”

What Mi Li said is the most common mistake in the recovery training.

For example, some dog owners train their dogs to play Frisbee by themselves, and only use one Frisbee at the beginning. As a result, after a long time, the dog is only interested in the Frisbee that they often play, and has no response to other Frisbee at all.

This is the easiest mistake to make in retrieval training.

Once the dog develops a bad habit of recognizing props, it is a bit difficult for the owner to correct it, and it is impossible to even think about asking the dog to help pick up slippers and keys.

Listening to Mi Li's explanation, Yang Mu's face became hot hot hot hot.

He originally thought that as long as he worked hard enough on his self-taught road, he would be able to learn the most professional knowledge from the Internet and become the best dog trainer.

It is only now that I realize that the knowledge on the Internet may not be comprehensive, and even if it is comprehensive, I may not be able to find it in the first place.

Oh, slap, slap, I got slapped in the face!

Just when Yang Mu felt ashamed, the man was still lying beside him, yelling.

Ever since the prince started playing tennis, the man couldn't hold back and wanted to rush out to play together, but as soon as it moved, Yang Mu slapped it with a paw, coercing it to lie down obediently.

Therefore, the man felt very wronged, and kept yelling in a low voice.

Yang Mu patted its paw again.

What's it called? Didn't you see that Grandpa was slapped in the face?
What's the hurry, it will be your turn in a while.

In dog training, "steadiness" is a particularly important content, which is specially used to grind the dog's patience, and men are being honed right now.

Mi Li was still training the prince with a few tennis balls, repeating the commands and actions again and again, and gradually made the prince form a correct conditioned reflex to the command.

Half an hour later, Mi Li put away the tennis balls and told Wang Zi's mother the last essential point: "When training a dog to play the game of retrieval, you must know the principle of letting go when it is good, and stop when it is having the most fun. Otherwise it will lose interest in the game very quickly."

Mi Li taught her so patiently, which made Wang Zi's mother have the urge to reward her again.

"No, no, I didn't teach the prince any new skills today, I just consolidated what I taught before." Mi Li hurriedly stopped her.

Money is a good thing, but no matter how generous Wang Zi's mother is, Mi Li feels that she can't accept it today, otherwise she will be too greedy.

Regarding Mi Li's move, Yang Mu praised her again.

A gentleman loves money, and he gets it in a proper way, and Yang Mu also appreciates this truth.

Finally it was the man's turn to play the game of retrieval.

Two dogs are being trained together, and Mi Li will naturally not do that kind of thing.

But Yang Mu was thinking, Mi Li's training today made him feel unprofessional, so how can he become truly professional?
This is a difficult problem.

Learn relevant knowledge more refined and detailed from the Internet?
Yang Mu feels that this is not enough. It is best to find a famous dog trainer to learn, so that he can learn more details.

But the problem came again.

Where can I find famous teachers?
(End of this chapter)

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