Chapter 51

Because the business of the pet shop started to get busy, Mi Li decided to adjust her working hours.

For the prince's training, Lao Hei's translation is needed to achieve the best results, so Mi Li decided to set the training time in the morning, noon and evening, and go to the store to help in the rest of the time.

After hastily cooking a nutritious meal for Lao Hei and the prince, and getting some food for himself, Mi Li immediately threw himself into the prince's training.

The prince's socialization problem is difficult to solve for a while, but the basic training cannot be stopped.

For a dog that wants to participate in an all-breed competition, it is not enough to learn the standard stance, follow, and stop. Basic training also includes sitting, lying, barking, quiet, standing, coming, leaning, etc.

As for other advanced training content, Mi Li has not considered so much yet.

Now what Mi Li needs to train is the sitting of the prince, and the next step is to lie down.

The training of these two movements can be completed in the living room at home without going outdoors.

Relatively speaking, "sit" is a more difficult content to train than "follow" and "stop".

The reason is very simple, the training of "following" and "stopping" can also be carried out with the help of the traction rope, but the training of "sit" can not be done by the traction rope.

Therefore, the training of "sit" can only be carried out through passwords and gestures. Before the dog understands the meaning of passwords and gestures, it is a very difficult thing.

According to the usual dog training methods, there are two training methods for "sit".

One is called natural capture.

The so-called natural capture method is that the dog trainer holds snacks in his hand to form a certain temptation for the dog, let the dog walk around, and at the same time issue a "sit" command from his mouth, once the dog sits down inadvertently during the walk , give the snack reward immediately.

Over time, the dog will understand the meaning of the command "sit" and make correct movements.

This is a training method that requires patience.

The other is called the butt pressing method.

The method is very simple, that is, the dog trainer gives the "sit" command from his mouth, and presses the dog's buttocks down with his hands at the same time, helping him to sit in a sitting posture. After repeating it many times, the dog will gradually understand the meaning of the "sit" command. mean.

After it has formed the correct conditioned reflex, it can be rewarded with snacks, and gestures can also be gradually added at the same time.

This is also a very boring process, and it is often not completed in a day or two.

But now this training is no longer difficult for Mi Li.

As soon as Mi Li issued the password, Old Hei barked, attracting the prince's idea, and then he sat down by himself.

After the prince was stunned for a moment, he also sat down obediently.

Is this what translation and demonstration do?Don't take it too easy!

Mi Li was so shocked that she showed her small canine teeth again.

Fortunately, she has gradually gotten used to and accepted the magic of Lao Hei, and she is no longer surprised by it. She was overjoyed and took the time to train instead.

After several repetitions, the prince began to form a conditioned reflex to the command "sit", and it could make correct movements without Lao Hei's translation and demonstration.

That's a little too fast!

Mi Li was still a little surprised.

But this is a good thing, Mi Li simply continued to work hard and started the "lying" training again.

The result is still the same.

Just over an hour after lunch, Mi Li actually trained the prince with the two commands of "sit" and "lying", which was unbelievably fast.

Next, it only needs to be consolidated and trained every day, and the prince will be able to master it proficiently.

Mi Li decided to end the noon training and was going to take the prince to the pet shop. As for whether Lao Hei would go or not, it was up to him.

But to Mi Li's surprise, when she was about to take the prince out, Lao Hei pulled the prince's leash from her hand.

"You won't let me take the prince away?" Mi Li thought that Hei wanted to keep the prince to play with him at home.

If you don’t take it, don’t take it, anyway, taking the prince to the store won’t do much for training.

Mi Li simply went out alone.

The reason why Yang Mu kept the prince was of course on purpose.

He wants to start social training for the prince.

The socialization training method of dogs is actually very simple, that is, let it get in touch with people and dogs more, and get used to peaceful coexistence with all kinds of people and dogs.

Although the prince had already missed the best period of social training, Yang Mu felt that this should not be difficult for him.

He went out with the prince.

In the community, there is a large lawn sandwiched between buildings.

Usually at this time, the old people in the community will come out of the building, take a walk around the lawn, or sit together in groups of three or four, chatting and playing cards and the like.

In addition, there are some old people with children, nannies or full-time mothers who will push and bring those children who have not yet entered kindergarten to play here.

This is a popular place, Yang Mu's goal is here.

On the way to the lawn, Yang Mu began to review the prince's "follow" and "stop" movements.

He now knows more and more how to use his coercion.

He found that as long as he released his coercion for a while, and then retracted it, the prince knew to focus on following his instructions, and he didn't need to exert it all the time.

Next, people passing by in the community noticed a strange phenomenon.

A handsome border collie with a cool-cut schnauzer trotted on the sidewalk in the community for a few steps, but suddenly stopped abruptly, stood still handsomely, and then moved forward Walk……


What's happening here?
If it's just an occasional walk and stop, it's not surprising.

But the key point is that the two dogs walk and stop very rhythmically, and they are also synchronized.

What's even more strange is that there is obviously no one around the two dogs to follow and issue instructions.

This is too weird!

What's happening here?
Those who had nothing to do began to follow curiously, wanting to see what happened.

Slowly, the people who followed saw the doorway, and the handsome border collie was leading the way. Would he let out a deep bark from his mouth, and then the two dogs changed their movements immediately.

Damn, this is too amazing!

Is that border collie walking the dog?But it is obviously a dog itself!
Slowly, Yang Mu and Wang Zi followed up with several spectators.

Yang Mu ignored them, but continued to stay with the prince and walked towards the lawn.

I am an amazing dog and you need to get used to my amazingness!
Thinking of this in his heart, Yang Mu felt a little complacent.

it is necessary.

Since he wants to make money through the dog's ability, training the dog will become a regular thing, and he will gradually get used to the various miraculous things he is about to show after seeing more.

This principle is the same as his subverting the cognition of rice grains.

The big lawn is coming soon.

(End of this chapter)

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