old black is a dog

Chapter 1 Blackie is a Dog

Chapter 1 Blackie is a Dog

Hei is really a dog.

The story about Lao Hei has to be told when he was only three months old.

At that time, Lao Hei was just a cute little boy who had just been weaned not long ago. He just barked a few times at a young man who looked a little naughty, and licked his fingers. The young man was forced to be taken away from the pet shop.

That was Lao Hei's first time riding in a car.

The Erbi youth directly placed the cage where it was held in the co-pilot's seat.

For Lao Hei, who had no name at that time, the world outside the pet shop was novel, and Lao Hei was a little excited. He curiously looked at the outside world through the cage and the car window.

It was taken directly back to the new home of the Erbi youth.

Opposite the home of Erbi Youth, there lived a big sister from Northeast China.

The eldest sister of Dongbei happened to go out, and when she saw Lao Hei, she exclaimed: "Wow, this dog looks like Lao Hei, what breed is it?"

Erbi youth: "This is Bianmu."

At that time, Lao Hei didn't know that the scientific name of Border Collie was Border Collie, which was its breed to distinguish it from other breeds of dogs.

Old Hei is not actually black.

For most border collies, their coat color is generally half white and half black, which looks beautiful and agile.

The same is true for Lao Hei, but its coat color is a little special.

On its body, looking down from the top, you can only see a pinch of white on the four paws, the tip of the tail, near the mouth, and above the nose, and the other parts are swarthy.

As for its other white, it is all hidden in the belly and lower neck.

But this lady from the Northeast is standing and watching, so it looks really dark.

This Northeast lady also has a two-year-old daughter.

The little girl is very cute and cute, but she is a bit late in learning to speak.

As soon as the little girl saw Lao Hei, her love began to overflow.

She squatted down, gently stroking Lao Hei's head with her little hand, and raised her head to ask the excrement shovel officer: "Shu Shu, the dog is so cute, what's its name?"

The Erbi youth seemed to like the little girl a little bit, and said kindly, "I haven't named her yet, why don't I call him Cupid?"



Multi-syllable English names are indeed a mouthful for children over two years old.

"Not nice!"

Because of a small language barrier, the name was immediately rejected by the little girl.

The little girl remembered what her mother said: This dog has grown old and black!
The little girl ignored the wishes of the shit shovel officer and started to shout: "Old Hei, Old Hei, you are so cute."

Old black!Hei immediately fell in love with the name when he heard it.

For puppies over three months old, they were also more sensitive to simpler monosyllabic or disyllabic syllables.

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo..." Old Hei immediately stuck out his tongue and licked the little girl's hand a few times.

This is the puppy's way of showing friendliness to humans.

The little girl giggled immediately: "Shu Shu, it licked me... ah, a lot of saliva."

The little girl quickly wiped her hands a few times, then stretched out her hand to touch Lao Hei, and shouted as she touched, "Old Hei, Lao Hei, you are so cute."

Old black!

Even though he was still young, Lao Hei still firmly remembered these two words, and his little tail wagged even more happily.

This is the origin of the old black name.

In fact, Erbi youth still tried to call it Cupid, but Old Hei didn't respond to that name at all.

There's no other way, the Erbi youth had no choice but to recognize the name Lao Hei.

Not long after arriving at the home of the Erbi youth, Lao Hei made a great contribution. He helped the Erbi youth find a girlfriend, and also gave him an extra mistress.

However, when he was young, what Lao Hei liked most was the little girl next door.

Because it found that after the second-hand youth had a girlfriend, he only knew how to show affection to his girlfriend all day long, and ignored him.

Moreover, it feels that its mistress doesn't seem to be very kind to it.

On the contrary, the little girl next door, she would often bring some delicious food to visit it, and would take it out for a walk from time to time, and show off to other children: "Look, the dog is so cute, its name is Blackie! "

What a kind little girl, Lao Hei soon became good friends with her.

As time goes by, Lao Hei gradually grows up, from only being able to "woo woo woo", to learning "kuai kuai kuai", and then learning to "bark woof".

Old Hei could barely be considered an adult, and only half a year had passed.

Here comes something that makes Lao Hei happy.

The second forced young man broke up with his girlfriend!
Well done!
Lao Hei instinctively felt that the woman didn't really like him and the second-hand youth.

Dogs are very sensitive, and Lao Hei believes in his own judgment.

Now it's all right, the love is gone, the young man should treat me better!

However, it didn't. The second forced young man fell into sadness, and his mood has been sluggish.

Stupid as hell!

This is a favorite catchphrase of the second-hand youths who scold Lao Hei, and Lao Hei has also learned it.

But seeing the sad look of the second young man, Old Hei still couldn't help running over to comfort him.

Old Hei's consolation had an effect, and the young man quickly cheered up again.Moreover, he is indeed much better to Lao Hei.

But he is getting older.

It may be that he was bored at home alone, and the young man even took the initiative to talk to Lao Hei.

Say something silly!
"Old Hei, why can't you speak? It would be great if you could speak."

"Old Hei, you are so pitiful. You are still a virgin. Like me, you are also single."

"Old Hei, you are so stupid, you can't even pick up girls, is it because you are too ugly?"


Stupid as hell!

He even thought that dogs couldn't understand human words!
You know, an adult border shepherd has an IQ equivalent to that of an eight or nine-year-old child.

After breaking up with love, the second-handed youth has indeed changed a lot.

Not only did he start chatting with Lao Hei, but he also took time to take Lao Hei to receive special training.

Soon, Lao Hei learned all the skills.

Sitting, standing, walking, walking, lying down, and stopping are all natural.

Other professional skills, such as finding, playing dead, standing and walking, jumping, crawling, catching a Frisbee, etc., can also be easily completed by Lao Hei.

Now it's all right, the Erbi youth prefers to play with it.

Not only playing at home, but also taking it out from time to time to show off its skills to others.

Soon, it became a dog star in the community and made some dog friends.

Only then did it know that the Erbi youth also had a name called shit shovel officer.

Shovel shit for dogs, ha, that's a very apt name!

In short, since the second forced youth broke up in love, Lao Hei has lived a happy life.

Whether it's eating, drinking or having fun, the Erbi youth have never treated it badly.

The happy time flies by quickly.

In the blink of an eye, another year has passed.

Calculated, Old Hei should be almost two years old. At this time, he has grown into a very handsome adult border collie.

It's a pity that Lao Hei is still single, and he hasn't tasted the taste of a dog girl yet.

That must have been intentional by the second-handed youth!

He must be jealous that I have a girlfriend, but he doesn't, so he didn't find me on purpose!
Hmph, hateful single dog!

But generally speaking, apart from that little regret, Lao Hei felt that he was living a happy life.

It hopes that such happy days will continue forever.

(End of this chapter)

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