Banknote Ability Headteacher

Chapter 64 - The Les Miserables of Liu Jianwen

Chapter 64 – The Les Miserables of Liu Jianwen
Liu Jianwen is a student in Class [-], Grade [-]. This guy is one of the four fat guys in Class [-] that gave Ai Wen a headache—and he is also the fattest one.This little fat man has always adopted an attitude of letting go of himself in managing his body for more than ten years. My father is so fat, why should my mother care about me?
Since entering junior high school, Liu Jianwen felt that his fat was going to lose weight.My homeroom teacher - that guy named Ai Wen, I don't know if his occupation is a monk or a witch doctor, and he takes pleasure in tossing his fat every day.

Is the fat man wrong?In this materialistic and indifferent era, only a fat body can bring warmth to oneself!
After school this afternoon, Liu Jianwen returned home at the same pace as usual.Going home from school is the happiest moment for him -- there is no Aiwen at home, and there is no study at home.At home, only the kind and beautiful mother cooks a table of good dishes waiting for me to go home.

As soon as he entered the house, Liu Jianwen could smell the aroma of food.Mmm, the taste of home!The little fat man was so moved that he was about to cry!But he took a closer look, why are there so many spicy green vegetables on the table?Garlic broccoli and stir-fried lettuce are all ghosts?What about the coke chicken wings, sweet and sour pork ribs, and braised pork?
Liu Jianwen looked at his mother eagerly: "Mom~ Is my dad bankrupt? Has our family been reduced to eating vegetables?"

Liu Jianwen's mother was so angry that she hit the little fat man with a spoon: "Bah, bah, bah! Can you say something auspicious?"

"Then why are there so many vegetarian dishes in our house?" Liu Jianwen pinched his waist and asked.

Mother Liu said earnestly: "This is what your teacher Ai Wen told me and your dad specially. You are so fat at a young age, and you will definitely get fatter in the future. So teacher Ai Wen and your dad had a serious talk about your physical problems .In the future, your breakfast and dinner at home should be mainly green vegetables."

When Liu Jianwen heard the words "Teacher Ai Wen", his head buzzed for a moment--the old thief Ai Wen will never die!Even though school is over, this guy still lingers!
I'm too hard!

Liu Jianwen felt tears welling up in his eyes. Tears of emotion flowed from the corners of his eyes—what the hell!I'm so pissed that Ben is fat!

Mother Liu said softly: "Not only eat more vegetarian dishes, but also control your food intake in the future. In order to prevent you from getting hungry in the middle of the night, you must go to bed before nine o'clock in the evening."

"Is this what Mr. Ai Wen said?" Liu Jianwen was almost trembling with anger--what is this for?Killing is nothing but nodding!The old thief Aiwen is going to kill them all!

The most exasperating thing is that this product actually ransacked the house!He actually bewitched his parents emotionally and rationally, making his parents become the accomplices of the old thief Aiwen!
Mother Liu smiled and said: "Teacher Ai Wen is really serious and responsible, you must respect Teacher Ai Wen in the future"

"Respect him, uncle!" Liu Jianwen shouted in his heart.

You have all been deceived by him!This is a despicable villain, a shameless person!
However, the parents have been confused by the old thief Ai Wen, he Liu Jianwen intends to kill the thief and is powerless to return to heaven!

With tears in his eyes, Liu Jianwen "happily" ate the vegetarian meal carefully prepared by his mother.No matter how delicious the vegetables are, it doesn't taste like meat!He, Liu Jianwen, feels uncomfortable if he doesn't eat meat for a day!
After finishing the dinner in a hurry, Liu Jianwen ran back to the study to do his homework.No matter how uncomfortable the heart is, the homework must be finished.Ivan's bottom line is that no matter how you mess around, you must meet the teacher's requirements-if you can't finish your homework, Ivan has ten thousand ways to let you know how terrifying the maliciousness of the universe is.

Although Liu Jianwen is a little fatter than other students, the small fat does not bring him much sense of security.His armor can't withstand Ivan's real damage!And it's poisonous!The taste of his tea is comparable to Hedinghong!

After finishing his homework, Liu Jianwen secretly turned on his cell phone.When his mother saw that he had finished his homework, she pretended not to see it.

His chubby hands typed quickly and complained about Ai Wen in the class seven. Because of the slow homework, Liu Jianwen found that some comrades in the group had already launched tearful complaints against Ai Wen.

It turns out that the other three fat people also died one after another?It turns out that I am not the only one who is unlucky!

So Liu Jianwen also joined in the chatting against Ai Wen. Anyway, Ai Wen is not in this group, so everyone can complain as much as they want.But is Aiwen really not in the group?who knows.
"Old thief Ivan is not human!"

"How dare a dog with a broken spine bark?"

"I curse him to eat instant noodles without seasoning packets!"

The scolding was almost over, and Liu Jianwen suddenly felt dull—with his strength, Ai Wen couldn't be defeated. The level gap is too big, although it is half a catty, but Ai Wen is half a catty of gold, and he is eight taels of scrap iron!

It's cool to have a good mouth, but once it is discovered, it will be cool. The students in Class [-] seem to be very united, but who knows if there are any spies and eyeliners for Aiwen?The old thief Aiwen has always been cunning, if he really broke into this group, wouldn't he be cool?

Mother Liu is also a strange woman who keeps her word. She confiscated Liu Jianwen's mobile phone at nine o'clock in the evening, and then cut off the main switch at home with a click--all sleep, no one stay up late!

Parents are children's first teachers. How can parents rest in the middle of the night for children to go to bed early?So Ms. Liu simply cut off the electricity and made her mark, so as not to want to play with her mobile phone. The mobile phone is really fun!As long as you start, you can play until midnight!

Liu Jianwen got up early the next morning, and his mother had already prepared breakfast for him.There are quite a lot of breakfast tricks, and there is not much difference from the past.After breakfast, Liu Jianwen habitually reached out to his mother for lunch money.

Mother Liu smiled slightly: "Teacher Ai Wen has already arranged lunch for you, so you can't get a penny from me. Don't worry, the nutrition of lunch is very balanced. I went to that restaurant and there will be Someone will deliver the meals to your school."

Liu Jianwen was stunned—Nani?The food bill is gone?Lunch already arranged?What did you arrange?Why only I don't know?And what about my pocket money?

Liu Jianwen, who has no food expenses, feels like a salted fish without bones, he has lost his soul.
"If you really want to buy something to eat, you can ask Teacher Ai Wen. Dad deposited your pocket money with Teacher Ai Wen." Mother Liu patted her son on the head: "Be careful on the road, and pay attention to your schoolbag when you are in the car." !"

When Liu Jianwen heard that his pocket money was in Ai Wen's hands, he suddenly felt that his life was hopeless.This goddamn old thief is a super pitfall, I don't know how many conditions I have to sign to lose power and humiliate the country if I want some pocket money!
Aiwen old thief!

I, Liu, are at odds with you!

(End of this chapter)

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