Banknote Ability Headteacher

Chapter 6 - The start of school is just an excuse for decoration

Chapter 6 - The start of school is just an excuse for decoration
Ai Wen's car is a 15 BYD F0, which is a means of transportation that he bought with the rest of his scholarship and living expenses after graduating from university.Because it was a second-hand product bought from someone else, the starting price was less than [-] yuan.

After driving the car for three years, it can be regarded as having feelings, and Ai Wen has no plans to change the car for a while.In terms of urban transportation, F0 is really a good choice-even if you drive a sports car during the morning and evening rush hours, you can't pick up the speed.

The task of visiting ten homes every day is easy and easy, but difficult.Some parents immediately turned into chatterboxes when they saw the teacher coming, chatting with Aiwen was like a chatter.

"My child is doing very well in elementary school!"

"My children have been in Mathematical Olympiad classes since they were young!"

"My baby has learned piano since he was a child."

In the eyes of all parents, their children must be the best.Aiwen is also happy to listen to the parents talking about this, because he can learn a lot of information through communication.

But what made him most uncomfortable was the request from the parents to treat him to dinner—he absolutely couldn't go!After all, I have to visit ten restaurants a day. If I really sit at the table, I don’t necessarily have to drink until long.

After visiting and brushing their faces, most of the parents have a good impression of Aiwen in their hearts-this is a very reliable young man, who is very serious in speaking and doing things.It shouldn't be too bad for my own children to have such a head teacher.

Aiwen stayed in each house for about 40 minutes, and he could basically judge the family situation and personality of the students for such a long time.When he visits his home, he will take a look at the child's bedroom by the way, and he can get a lot of useful information through the arrangement of items in the bedroom and the decorations on display.

For example, a child with a guitar in the bedroom must have musical expertise;
For example, children who don't even fold the quilt will definitely be lazy in labor;
For example, a child with a star poster hanging on the wall must be a groupie;
During home visits, he will also chat with his children, and getting acquainted with them in advance will also be of great benefit to his future work.Chatting with Aiwen can also fully understand the students' hobbies and logical ability.You can tell in a few words whether your chat is organized or not.

Generally speaking, the home visit was relatively successful, and he did not return empty-handed—many parents enthusiastically stuffed this and that into Aiwen’s hands. What kind of red wine, tea, cigarettes, etc., were so enthusiastic that Aiwen couldn’t help it. Sorry to say no.In a humane society like China, if you really don't accept anything, it will seem unreasonable.

In the end, the back seat of Aiwen's small F0 was full of various "souvenir products". Looking at these special products, Aiwen had the urge to surrender.These things must not be kept by myself, and they should be distributed to colleagues when the time comes.Interpersonal relationships become closer through reciprocal courtesies again and again.The old saying does not lie, it is not surprising that many people are polite!
After the home visit, Aiwen carefully sorted out his home visit notes, and then turned on the computer to create an electronic student growth file for each student.There is detailed information about each student in the file, which allows Ai Wen to have a preliminary understanding of them.

Among the 42 students, he initially selected ten candidates for acting class cadres.The selection of class cadres is skillful-selecting all students with good academic performance will make the class cadres out of touch with ordinary students, and the class cadres must have extraordinary personality charm to impress the students.

The ten potential students he selected may not have the best grades, but their ability and character must be passable.Ai Wen doesn't want bureaucracy to prevail in his class. Class cadres serve the people, not ride on the people's heads to do their best.

These ten people are his preliminary investigation objects. If there are other good seedlings, he will not hesitate to promote them and give him a chance to participate in class management.Moreover, class cadres will definitely be rotated, and it is impossible to have an "iron rice bowl" for three years.

After the student information was almost processed, Aiwen returned to school to start the next step.The new semester is about to begin, and the class layout and sanitary cleaning require the class teacher to be busy.Many teachers like to ask students to clean up the class after they come to school, but when they participated in the study, an old aunt told Ai Wen: The head teacher should better decorate the classroom before the students start school, so that the students will be clean when they enter the classroom. Create a sense of belonging.

Ai Wen will definitely accept the old teacher's teachings. He found the logistics director and asked for the class key, and then opened the lock to enter the class.The classroom is still in the state of the high school entrance examination room, with white paper on the walls and a thick layer of dust on the table.He saw the messy classroom and understood what the old aunt said--students walked into the new campus full of longing, and when they entered the class, what they saw was that they would definitely be disappointed.

Counting the days, there is only one week left before the students return to school.During this period of time, many things can be done, such as re-scraping and painting the classroom.Ai Wen doesn't know how to do decoration, but don't forget that there are several masters in his family!
He called Master Zheng, who was doing the renovation, and asked, "Master Zheng, how much is it for shaving Dabai?"

"If labor and materials are not included, the starting price is 25 per square meter. Which house in your house needs simple decoration?" Master Zheng asked.

Ai Wen smiled and said: "I want to re-groom the class, do you know a reliable scratcher?"

"How big is the classroom? How many days will it be completed?" Master Zheng asked.

"Is it best to finish the one hundred square meter classroom in three days?" Ai Wen asked.

Master Zheng packed the ticket and said: "Small idea! The classroom with a hundred square meters will cost more than 5000 yuan in total."

"Success! Then I will trouble you to find someone." Aiwen begged.

"Don't worry, little boss! The person my old Zheng is looking for must be reliable!" Master Zheng laughed.

Master Zheng and Lao Ai have known each other for many years, and the cooperation has always been very pleasant.The person Lao Zheng is looking for should be reliable.

In addition to re-shaving the class, Ai Wen also planned to add some green plants to beautify the classroom.Green symbolizes hope, green symbolizes growth, green symbolizes tolerance and forgiveness?Forget this!

To re-scratch the class, you need to report to the school. Although you are the head teacher of the seventh class of the first grade, the project renovation in the school is public property.

Except for the yellowing of the walls, the classrooms are pretty good: the desks, chairs and benches were all newly replaced last year; the blackboard and the multi-functional teaching all-in-one machine are also new within two years.As for the slogans on the wall, they should be torn up and thrown away--too low!

Can't we throw more money in class culture construction?Can you find out about the online celebrity classroom?Learning should also pay attention to a sentiment!

(End of this chapter)

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