folk detective

Chapter 1 The Beauty Anchor Suicides

Chapter 1 The Beauty Anchor Suicides (New book released, please recommend for collection)

The hot summer seems to burn the earth.

Hiding in the room with the air conditioner blowing, Liu Mang still felt a dry heat permeating the air, which could not be dispelled by the air conditioner's cold air.

The sticky and sour smell of sweat on his clothes made him very uncomfortable, as if he hadn't bathed for several days, and the smell was unpleasant.

"Yeah!" The broken wooden door was pushed open, and Liu Mang, who was blowing on the air conditioner with his legs crossed, woke up suddenly like a prey, and looked up at the entrance with sharp eyes.

However, when he saw a white-haired old woman walking with a cane, he was like a deflated ball, completely devoid of passion.

"Grandma, the mineral water is on the left side of the door, and the disposable cup is placed on top of the bucket. If you want to drink water, pour it yourself!" Liu Mang said weakly.

He has not opened for more than half a year.

If it is not opened, it will not be able to uncover the pot.

I can't even pay the rent.

"Young man, I'm not here to ask for water. Is your boss here? I have something to do with him!" Grandma Chen propped up her waist, and Liu Mang saw a pair of cloudy eyes, which were red and swollen unlike ordinary people.

It seems that I often wash my face with tears.

Then, he noticed that Grandma Chen's face was full of heartbreaking grief.

It seemed that a tragic accident had just happened.

"I'm the boss, grandma, what can I do for you?" Seeing this, Liu Mang stood up, walked towards Grandma Chen, and poured her a glass of water herself.

At the same time, he smelled a pungent smell of sour foot sweat.

"Young man, are you really a detective?" Grandma Chen looked at Liu Mang with sad eyes.

Staring at the vicissitudes of life, grief and haggard face, Liu Mang was exaggerated for some reason, and there was an inexplicable heaviness in his heart.

He didn't smile, but took out a business card from the side of the table and handed it to Grandma Chen. Although Grandma Chen's eyes were cloudy and presbyopic, she could read.

Little private detective!
Liu Mang!

Seeing the words of the little private detective, a complicated smile finally appeared on her sad and haggard face.

"Yes, grandma, it's guaranteed to be fake." Liu Mang said.

Grandma Chen gently put the bag in her hand on the table, and after opening it, Liu Mang saw wads of cash.

They are all red grandpa Mao. At first glance, there are ten stacks.

One hundred thousand!

The brand-new Grandpa Mao saw Liu Mang's breathing short of breath and his heart was filled with excitement, but then he calmed down and asked curiously, "Grandma, what do you want me to do?"

Looking for a detective is naturally asking for something.

Grandma Chen's wrinkled lips trembled a few times, as if she had exhausted all her strength, she said sadly: "My granddaughter is dead, commit suicide!"

Liu Mang was startled, his eyes widened subconsciously, and it took five seconds before he came back to his senses.

He finally knew why the old woman was so sad and hopeless.

Wouldn't it be painful for a white-haired person to give a black-haired person?

"I called the police, but the police confirmed that it was a suicide, and they refused to file a case. But I don't believe that Xiao Hong would commit suicide for no reason. She must have lost all hope and committed suicide when she was desperate and desperate."

suicide?Liu Mang had never been involved in a murder case.

For a long time, he has been helping people find cats and dogs, or looking for evidence that the couple cheated on the third and fourth.

As for solving the case...

Liu Mang hesitated. Grandma Chen's request was somewhat beyond his business scope.

"Grandma, I'm just a private detective. If you feel something strange about a murder case, you can call the police and let the police investigate. I'm afraid I can't help you." Liu Mang shook his head and refused.

It's not that he doesn't want to make money to pay the rent.

It's that you can't go against your conscience and even cheat an old grandma.

That's really wolf-hearted, not as good as pigs and dogs.

Liu Mang can't do such immoral things.

"If the police are willing to file a case, I won't come to you. I beg you, please help me!"

Grandma Chen suddenly stood up from the sofa, wanting to kneel in front of Liu Mang, so scared that Liu Mang stretched out her hand to help him up in a panic: "Grandma, you are trying to break me!"

Liu Mang felt that his head was getting bigger, and this old lady was too difficult to deal with.

Really, just kneel down if you disagree!

She is so old, who can stand her kneeling like this.

To shorten the life, short-lived!
"If you don't promise me, I won't get up." Speaking of her granddaughter's suicide, Grandma Chen burst into tears as soon as she said it, crying and sobbing: "I can't help it either! Boy, I beg you, help me!" me!"

I helped the old grandma, but she still didn't want to get up.

Unable to get up, unable to kneel down, so deadlocked, Liu Mang felt very embarrassed.

"Okay, tell me! I think you have nothing to do with the old lady." Gritting her teeth, Liu Mang felt ruthless, and said embarrassingly: "I accepted this order, but I can't guarantee that I can find out the evidence. After all, your granddaughter It was a suicide, there may not necessarily be a murderer."

"Thank you, thank you! Young man, you are a good person, and good people will be rewarded."

Grandma Chen's wrinkled face finally showed a sad and joyful smile: "No matter what the result is, I just want to know what happened to Xiaohong before committing suicide. This money is your reward."

Looking at the hundred thousand brand new Grandpa Mao in front of him, Liu Mang couldn't feel happy at all.


It was as if a big rock was pressing on my heart, and I felt a sense of suffocation that I couldn't breathe.

"Tell me, what's going on with your granddaughter." Liu Mang poured himself a glass of water, and drank a large glass to calm himself down.

"My granddaughter's name is Jiang Yuehong. Three days ago, she committed suicide by jumping off the building. Before jumping off the building, she often talked about liars... liars... liars..."

After listening to the story narrated by Grandma Chen, Liu Mang was at a loss what to do, her forehead was wrinkled. Grandma Chen didn't know anything about her granddaughter's life at all.

"Grandma, do you have no other relatives besides Xiaohong?" Liu Mang asked. This was the first time he had accepted such a big order, so he naturally felt a lot of pressure, and he had to understand many aspects.

Grandma Chen shook her head. Once her granddaughter died, she really became a widowed old man with no relatives.

His son and daughter-in-law were involved in a car accident and died 20 years ago.

All along, she and her granddaughter depended on each other for life, but until three days ago, her granddaughter committed suicide by jumping off a building.This completely frightened Grandma Chen, and suddenly felt that life was hopeless and hopeless.

All hope is lost.

But she couldn't believe how her granddaughter Xiaohong committed suicide by jumping off a building, so she wanted to know what Xiaohong went through before she committed suicide, which made her so desperate and ended her life in an extreme way.

"Does your granddaughter have a boyfriend? What does she do?" Liu Mang took out the notepad she carried with her and kept recording useful information.

Grandma Chen's list, Alexander, gave Liu Mang a sense of suffocation.

He was afraid that after he agreed, if there were no clues to be found, Grandma Chen would be in trouble if she committed suicide in front of him when she got agitated.

After all, he knew that after living to Grandma Chen's age, her granddaughter died without relatives or reason, and became a widowed old man.

What work do you do?This really stumped Grandma Chen. She thought about it for a long time, but she couldn't think of it: "I don't know what it is, but I heard that she has a lot of fans, and every day people give rewards, red envelopes...dressed up every day... ...dressed up..."

"The dress is very revealing, very cute, very trendy, isn't it!" Liu Mang thought of a profession in his mind.


"Yes, yes! I've seen it a few times. She's dressed charmingly, like a bar girl on TV, but Xiaohong always wears this at home, and she doesn't go out..." Grandma Chen recalled.

Liu Mang wrote a sentence on the notepad: Jiang Yuehong, anchor!
"Grandma, what's your last name, can I go and see your granddaughter's room?" Liu Mang stood up, he wanted to know more about Jiang Yuehong's work and her interpersonal relationship.

"My surname is Chen, you can call me Grandma Chen! I'll show you Xiaohong's room right now."

Grandma Chen was leaning on crutches, and Liu Mang helped Grandma Chen stand up: "Grandma Chen, do you live far away?"

"Far away, Dingxi Village in the suburbs, you know!" Grandma Chen replied.

Dingxi Village in the suburbs?Liu Mang was taken aback for a moment, and looked at Grandma Chen with unbelievable eyes, "Dingxi Village is more than 20 kilometers away from my place. How did you find my place, Grandma Chen?"

"I've been looking for it for a few days, and along the way, none of the detectives are willing to help me. Young man, you are really a good person! Good people will be rewarded!" Grandma Chen said sadly.

"I have a car, take my car and go!"

Liu Mang glanced at Grandma Chen's shoes, they were so dilapidated that he could see his feet, he suddenly had a feeling of unbearable feeling in his mind.

too pitiful.


He will feel sad when he sees it.

After helping Grandma Chen into the car, Liu Mang took out her mobile phone and called Lin Yu.Lin Yu is a criminal police officer who specializes in solving crimes. He and Liu Mannai are classmates in primary school and high school.

But all along, Liu Mang never asked Lin Yu for help, but today, because of Grandma Chen's affairs, he could only make an exception and ask Lin Yu first.

"Liu Mang, what did you ask Jiang Yuehong to do with this case?" Lin Yu on the other end of the phone was a little surprised, and asked strangely, "Is it possible that you don't have money to pay the rent, and you use Grandma Chen's money to fool her without conscience?" ? I can warn you, if you dare to lie, see if I don't catch you!"

"You're so excited! You!" Liu Mang couldn't stand Lin Yu's force and asked: "Grandma Chen is about to kneel down to me, what do you think I can do? Do you think I'm really cheating people for 10 yuan?" What? Stop talking nonsense, tell me, what's going on with Jiang Yuehong!"

"Judging from the evidence we have so far, he committed suicide." Lin Yu was straightforward and did not go around with Liu Mang, "So you quickly reject Grandma Chen, saying that she committed suicide. There is video surveillance, and there is no murderer..."

"I see!" Liu Mang hung up the phone and drove directly to Grandma Chen's home in Dingxi Village.

The resettlement house with two bedrooms and one living room lived on the third floor. Liu Mang helped Grandma Chen and walked for 5 minutes before reaching the third floor.The room is very warmly furnished, not like a poor family, but there is a lingering faint smell of traditional Chinese medicine.

Upon entering, Liu Mang found a table in the hall, on which was a posthumous photo of a young, beautiful and sexy girl, and several plates of fruit.

"Young man, this is Xiaohong's room." After bringing Liu Mang to Jiang Yuehong's room, Grandma Chen didn't dare to stay in it. She was afraid of seeing things and thinking about others, and the more she thought about it, the more sad she became, so she sat on the sofa in the hall.

In the pink master bedroom, there are a bunch of fluffy dolls and seductive sexy underwear on the bed.Liu Mang's eyes fell on the Apple device. He could tell that Jiang Yuehong wasn't rich, but at least he lived a not-so-shabby life. He should be a successful internet celebrity and sexy anchor.

The mobile phone is Apple's, the tablet is also Apple, and the desktop computer is also Apple... The whole set of equipment is all Apple.

Not only that, the room is full of luxury brand products, dolls, underwear, bags...all of them are brands.

Very luxurious!Very trendy!Very hypocritical!
Liu Mang instantly had a certain understanding of Jiang Yuehong's character and quality of life.

However, Liu Mang's eyes did not stare at these things, but fell on a dirty shopping paper bag in the corner.

"Internet celebrity plastic surgery hospital, your beautiful butler!"


When he saw the advertising slogan on the paper bag, he suddenly laughed, and took out a stack of consumption slips from it.

After carefully checking the bills, Liu Mang was certain that Jiang Yuehong had undergone breast augmentation at an institution called Wanghong Plastic Surgery Hospital, but Grandma Chen didn't know about it, and the breast augmentation failed.

Moreover, he went out from the crack in the drawer and found a photo, which was an intimate photo of Jiang Yuehong and a handsome man.

"Grandma Chen, do you know this person?" Liu Mang took the photo and went to the hall to ask Grandma Chen. Hong's first love, but they broke up later, when they fell in love, they came to the house several times."

"Then do you know his address?" Liu Mang asked, as long as he found Zhang Dawei, he could at least learn about Jiang Yuehong's network of contacts from Zhang Dawei.

Otherwise, there is no way to start.

"I don't know!" Grandma Chen shook her head and said, "But I heard from Xiaohong that Zhang Dawei came from Xiaohong's fan at the beginning. Isn't there such a thing as WeChat and QQ now? You can open Xiaohong's phone , See if you can still contact him."

 The new book is released, please give me a recommendation!


(End of this chapter)

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